If Ukraine loses the war and Russia occupies Ukraine, the US and Europe may not have a choice, but to go to war

First sentence is Gobbledygook

Then activate your translator before this word will explode in a deadly joke, full-time Russian superidiot. I would hate it very much to have to kill all Russians because of Putins jokes ... ah sorry: nukes. And I would not be shy to take this responsibility in the eyes of god - even if this would be the worst crime which had happened since the world is populated with a fake-intellligent species. But if all Russians have to die to give the rest of all mankind a possibility to survive then I will do so. I suggest to you: Kill Putin and his criminal gang on your own. That's the very best for everyone in the whole world.

PS: Which color and/or which flowers do you prefer on your graves? Perhaps we will have time for a very little rest of dignity and honor after we will have assisted your suicide.
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I know it is scary, but that may be the only choice left. Putin is not going to stop at Ukraine, if he occupies the country.
Fuck that!

Why in the world would Americans fight for a nation in which it has no interests, is on the other side of the world, and is full of Nazis?

I bet you still think this war was entirely unprovoked.

Everything you know you get from state run media so naturally, you’re always wrong.
That's exactly what I think too. The superliar Donald Trump is a high traitor.

About that.

Clearly, President Trump was using "REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY" to force the deadbeat nations to start paying what they had agreed to pay.
And many US-Americans are Nazis. Ask Disney. So what do you like to ask, superidiot? Do you need us to solve your Nazi-problem?

The Maidan events of 2013–2014 served as a catalyst for an explosion of the deep societal rifts that had been growing over years. They resulted in fierce confrontation in Donbas, the country’s industrial region located on the border with Russia. It was caused by the reaction to Euromaidan, which, according to a poll of December 2013, 81 per cent of population in Donbas did not support, and the violent counter-reaction by the government in Kyiv to the nascent revolt.

Donbas separatists had already installed an own council in end of November 2013. And Uki Nazi units had already engaged Donbas "opposition" in November-December 2013, referred to as (ATO).

Meanwhile, Russian-backed Viktor Yanukovych was facing mounting pressure as the President of Ukraine for failing to sign the Ukraine-EU agreement in November 2013. The autonomous Crimean parliament supported Yanukovych while the rest of the country opposed him. At least 50 protesters were shot dead by the police in Kyiv. Ukraine was on the verge of a civil war.

On 22 February 2014, Yanukovych fled for the safety of Putin’s Russia. On the pretext of rescuing his ally, Putin ordered Russian Special Forces into Crimea on 27th February .

Putin occupied Crimea on 27th February 2014. And Uki Nazi units had already engaged Donbas "opposition" in November-December 2013, referred to as (ATO), The intensive fighting then broke out in end of March, beginning of April 2014. And only then the MSM started to come in and started propagating that the Donbas war got started in April 2014.

Also your deflection from Ukraine desperately trying to join NATO since 1994 - doesn't add any credit to your claim in regards to that being supposedly Russian propaganda.
Our senseless conversation has become tiresome. I don't need your excursions into parallel reality.

"You" - the USA - gave a damned big part of Europe to your ally Stalin. And "you" - also the USA - was two times in war with Germany - and the worst enemy Germany ever had in history - although Germany never had done in history anything bad to the USA. And "you" - including your allies - made an unbelievable amount of war crimes and wiped out many German nations (tribes) as for example the Prussians, the Silesians, the Bohemians and others. And you personally are a damned coward when you don't like to see an uncomfortable truth.

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"You" - the USA - gave a damned big part of Europe to your ally Stalin. And "you" - also the USA - was two times in war with Germany - and the worst enemy Germany ever had in history - although Germany never had done in history anything bad to the USA. And "you" - including your allies - made an unbelievable amount of war crimes and wiped out many German nations (tribes) as for example the Prussians, the Silesians, the Bohemians and others. And you personally are a damned coward when you don't like to see an uncomfortable truth.

It’s the height of hypocrisy for Americans to criticize other nations for aggression and war crimes. We don’t have clean hands.

I know it is scary, but that may be the only choice left. Putin is not going to stop at Ukraine, if he occupies the country.
Fuck that, that's literally the end of the world. We all die.
It’s the height of hypocrisy for Americans to criticize other nations for aggression and war crimes. We don’t have clean hands.

Nevertheless your dirty hands are relativelly - you are a very powerful nation - only half as dirty as the hands of others. But this not justifies any form of arrogance or an allknowing or allmighty attitude. You never lost a war. But one day you will either stop to do war at all or you will make the experience to lose a war which you normally inevitably had to win. War is uncalculable. Blindness deadly.
Nevertheless your dirty hands are relativelly - you are a very powerful nation - only half as dirty as the hands of others. But this not justifies any form of arrogance or an allknowing or allmighty attitude. You never lost a war. But one day you will either stop to do war at all or you will make the experience to lose a war which you normally inevitably had to win. War is uncalculable. Blindness deadly.
I will argue our hands are much dirty than any other nation. No nation since WWII has caused more death and destruction, more coups, or more assassinations of foreign leaders. We have hundreds of military bases all over the world while our southern border is open and millions of Americans live in or near poverty. Trillions spent on war and other shit that enriches a select few.
"You" - the USA - gave a damned big part of Europe to your ally Stalin. And "you" - also the USA - was two times in war with Germany - and the worst enemy Germany ever had in history - although Germany never had done in history anything bad to the USA. And "you" - including your allies - made an unbelievable amount of war crimes and wiped out many German nations (tribes) as for example the Prussians, the Silesians, the Bohemians and others. And you personally are a damned coward when you don't like to see an uncomfortable truth.

Sad, but not surprising is your ignorance about WW II.
I will argue our hands are much dirty than any other nation. No nation since WWII has caused more death and destruction, more coups, or more assassinations of foreign leaders. We have hundreds of military bases all over the world while our southern border is open and millions of Americans live in or near poverty. Trillions spent on war and other shit that enriches a select few.

If you say so. Alternative?
Sad, but not surprising is your ignorance about WW II.

Which World War II? ... one moment. ... Do you speak about the World War part II in the first halfth of the 20th century where you had been an ally of the mass-murderer Stalin and where you had helped the Soviets to conquer more than 50% of the world while you founded Trizonesia and called it Germany?

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Which World War II? ... one moment. ... Do you speak about the World War part II in the first halfth of the 20th century where you had been an ally of the mass-murderer Stalin and where you had helped the Soviets to conquer more than 50% of the world while you founded Trizonesia and called it Germany?

That's just loony.

"In July of 1945, the “Big Three” met again at the Potsdam Conference. At Yalta, the Allies had agreed to a broad framework that included the demilitarization, democratization and denazification of Germany. With the war officially over, it was time to initiate a “nuts and bolts” action plan for an Allied occupation of Germany."

"Instead of administering and policing Germany side by side, as the Allies did in postwar Austria, the decision was made at Potsdam to divide Germany into four distinct occupation zones, one for each Allied nation (including France). The British were assigned the northwest quadrant, the French the southwest, and the Americans the southeast. Since the Soviet army already occupied much of eastern Germany, the Soviet Union was put in charge of the northeast quadrant, which included the capital Berlin."

"Berlin itself was also subdivided into four quadrants, with the British, French, Soviets and Americans each policing a different zone of the capital, which was fully surrounded by Soviet-occupied territory."

To say I am very familiar with WW-II, especially the European theater is a bit of an understatement.

These are from my Ol' Man to my Mom, 1944

The Third Army, 90th Div. was General Paton's Army when they disengaged one battle and turned to help 101st Airborne surrounded in Bastogne by Nazis during the Battle of the Bulge.




Why don't you check for your self? Chechnya wasn't about NATO - check it out yourself

The Russian-Chechnya war began in December 11, 1994 - you moron
In 1999, Yeltsin’s government ordered a second invasion of Chechnya after Russian authorities asserted that bombings in Moscow and other cities were linked to Chechen militants.

Putin became president in 2000 - and increased Russian military actions in Chechnya after terrorist bombings in Russian cities continued.

And this thread is about Ukraine.

It was a rhetorical question. I just wanted your take since you seem to think Putin only goes to war when he thinks Russia is under threat.

Putin was prime minister in 1999. Yeltsin was still technically the president but he had more or less abdicated authority and disappeared by the time the second chechen war began and resigned soon after. Putin was fully in charge of that war, which was mostly his idea to begin with. When he finally became president he even gave a speech about how he was going to reunite Russia again. You don't do that without occupation or setting up puppet governments in all your neighbors.

Georgia, Chechnya was practice for his eventual invasion of Ukraine, and if all went well then Maldova would have been next, as leaked by one of his generals. Is Maldova a threat to Russia? This is all going according to Putin's plan.
That's just loony.
No it factually isn't.

Fact is that absolutely no one - including the German population had the slightest idea in 1939 - about the genocide the Nazi's are going to commit.
The entire European-German-Russian issue was a territorial issue, nothing else - with a reborn and strong Germany demanding back it's lost territory.

Fact is also that none of the democratic countries was bothered about Stalin having attacked Finland, the Baltic states and even Poland - getting their former share back.
That millions of Ukrainians had been killed by the Soviets also bothered none in those Western countries - neither millions of Soviets being killed and imprisoned before 1941.

When Germany attacked Poland it was all about the English implemented doctrine of the 19th century - that also resulted in WW1 - that England and another European continental country need to be stronger then any other single European continental country.

Just as they stood by and watched the Soviets occupying all the other countries incl. Poland they could just as well have stood by and let Germany get their share.

But as history taught - England and France declared war onto Germany in 1939 and not the other way around. Democratic forces in the USA immediately went on to support England and France with everything they needed to keep the war going on. This naturally resulted in Germany due to tactical reasons and being aware of political/military interference by France and England towards Norway (The French and British went there first - not the Germans) Denmark, Holland and Belgium to in-cooperate those countries in their battle-plans - thus attacking and occupying them first.

From 1939 - 1941 the western democracies did absolutely nothing about the Soviet-Union. The moment Germany attacked Russia they all supported a repressive and dictatorial Soviet-Union - clearly hoping that the Soviets will be able to stop German expansion and even drive them back. Even then in 1941 absolutely nothing was known or had even started in regards to Nazi committed genocide. It was clearly and only about territorial issues and the political issue of "democratic alliance" together with a Communist Dictatorship contra the Fascist and Nazi alliance.

This whole "defeating Nazis to save the Jews/and others" came only in as an added political slogan from 1944 onward. To mascaraed the actual reason for war - namely a territorial dispute between democratic counties contra non democratic countries. And exactly the same propaganda applies towards the now Ukraine conflict/war.

In May 1945 the "democratic alliance" wasn't willing to spend any $ and own blood to liberate any Soviet occupied country - not even the cause of WW2 - Poland or Czechoslovakia, they simply left everything to a dictatorial and repressive Stalin. Realizing in 1948 that Stalin would not cave in to (democratic $$ and influence) the allies decided to reform a new Germany so as to have a future strong economic ally and buffer-zone to the Soviets. Stalin then created East-Germany for the exact same reasons.

Both sides the USA and the Soviets made sure that the respective governments in 1949 of West and East Germany could be controlled and instructed by them. Basically even after reunification in 1990- till today. The conservative German parties CDU/CSU/FDP were and still are controlled and influenced by the USA. The Social democrats tried to stay kind of neutral but were still subjected to both US or Soviet influence. The communist party or now called PDS/Linke - well obvious, and since the dissolution of the Soviet-Union they run their own pathetic show. Lefty&Libs aka Greens - totally rejected the USA and NATO. But in view of democracy (which is essential for them in order to keep and gain influence) they are now all out for war actions in regards to promoting democracy.

Now since around 2010 a new party has come up the AfD - since last week the 2nd strongest party in Germany. Very similar to the US MAGA and Republican party - more or less the same slogans, paroles and mindset. They clearly reject US influence - and see more commonalities with Russia.
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Defense Ministers of NATO countries

1. Austria, Claudia Tanner, lawyer.
2. Belgium, Ludivine Dedonder, radio and sports journalist.
3. Norway, Ine Sereide, flower merchant, lawyer, broadcaster.
4. Spain, Margarita Robles, lawyer.
5. Canada, Anita Anand, art historian, lawyer.
6. Netherlands, Kajsa Ollongren, historian. Openly lesbian.
7. Macedonia, Slavyanka Petrovska, lawyer. Officially sees a psychologist.
8. Czech Republic, Jana Cernochova, completed a course in banking at the University of Prague.
9. Switzerland, Viola Amerd, lawyer.

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