If Ukraine loses the war and Russia occupies Ukraine, the US and Europe may not have a choice, but to go to war

There is no such thing as a NATO budget - what on earth are you taking about?
First you babble about EU needing to spend more money on Ukraine - and now you switch to the defense budgets of individual countries. :uhoh3:
NATO needs money to operate. you can call it anything you want. all member nations have to contribute. I did not mention EU spending money on ukraine. I said EU countries have to contribute more to NATO. President Trump was right when he told the Germans , you make billions of dollars worth of business with Russia and but don't contribute much to NATO and yet if your security is threaten you expect us to protect you.
I repeat it again, slowly for you. Ukraine, not becoming a NATO member, was not because of the policy of Ukrainian government (with some exceptions).

It was mainly because of position of some European NATO members 'not to provoke Russia '.
There is no need for you "to slowly" put up another narrative of yours since your initial narrative/statement was:
Basically, Ukraine was never poised to become a NATO member in reality, despite Russian propaganda.

It's written in Ukraine's constitution, Ukraine made the first step already in 1994, (thus violating the Almaty treaty) and not a single NATO member ever rejected Ukraine from becoming a NATO member.
Otherwise please state a source for that claim.

As I stated before: again very slowly for you - the process towards a full NATO membership was slowed down due to the issue of Ukrainian Nazi units - murdering and killing Russians in Donbas (thus rejecting an independent Donbas and Luhansk region) and hence Putin occupying Crimea. Therefore the MinskI and MinskII treaties - if those treaties had been observed by Ukraine and Russia the NATO membership would have been theoretically most likely already established by 2020.

However (that is what this whole ridiculous war is about) Russia would never just sit down and wait for that to happen - but (just as it did happen) Russia would keep tensions running in Ukraine - knowing that NATO statutes won't allow for a new member that is in a conflict or war. In a further step Russia would try to topple the Ukrainian government via invading Ukraine. Because RUSSIA WILL NEVER ALLOW FOR AN UKRAINE being a NATO member.
NATO needs money to operate. you can call it anything you want. all member nations have to contribute. I did not mention EU spending money on ukraine. I said EU countries have to contribute more to NATO. President Trump was right when he told the Germans , you make billions of dollars worth of business with Russia and but don't contribute much to NATO and yet if your security is threaten you expect us to protect you.
Germany amongst the majority of the European countries is not interested in a war - or to conquer someone. Russia and especially Russia under Putin was absolutely no threat to Europe. Especially the German government had made sure of that via in-cooperating Russia's economy with Germany and Europe - Just as China needs the US market and vice versa.

The only one's in constant need for money (for military purposes) are the USA. So they (the human scumbag) thought he could pull of a fast one with NATO members - to relief the USA of it's monetary obligations towards controlling the world - via NATO supplementing the jack-pot.

Due to NATO's (foremost the USA, UK and Poland) agenda to lay their hands onto Ukraine - Putin in the end, had to choose between an independent but economically weak Russia, or a rich one under the control of the USA and the EU. Putin obviously chose the first option.
Russians must punish those who call for the killing of russians and will do so, russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said, commenting on the words of Mikhail Podolyak, advisor to the Ukrainian presidential office.
Podolyak stated that Kiev's plan calls for the maximum brutal advance of troops with "the maximum killing of russians".
Russians must punish those who call for the killing of russians and will do so, ...

Russian: Kill the Russian Putin and his criminal Russian gang. This is the very best what you are able to do for Russia. Much better: Bring all this war criminals to the international court. Then your start into a new age of history could be done without violence and bloodshed.
Germany amongst the majority of the European countries is not interested in a war - or to conquer someone. Russia and especially Russia under Putin was absolutely no threat to Europe. Especially the German government had made sure of that via in-cooperating Russia's economy with Germany and Europe ...

... and suddenly Russia - without any reason to have to do so - attacked Europe in the Ukraine and ignored not only the will and the endeavours of us Germans but also the will of everyone else in the whole world to live in peace. An u-n-b-e-l-i-e-v-a-b-l-e Russian effrontery and provocation for the whole world community. Even representatives of many African states tried to convince you to stop this nonsense war which you are doing - but "you" listen to no one any longer. Only a military defeat seems to be able to stop you - but on the other side you are a nuclear power. How to call this situation? Dance of the dragon? So the question is who will be the reborn Siegfried who took a bath in the blood of the dragon and will wipe out the Russian federation because you are a danger for the survival of all mankind.

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I know it is scary, but that may be the only choice left. Putin is not going to stop at Ukraine, if he occupies the country.

Specifically please, what strategic interest do we have in Ukraine? None.

What is our exit strategy?

Zelinsky loves for you to believe that if we don't pour billions more into his corrupt coffers, the world will end. It won't, and no one will notice that Ukraine is AGAIN part of Russia.
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Putin's revelation shows that Zelensky was willing to end the war and sign a peace deal with Russia back in March 2022. But the US sent its asset Boris Johnson to Kiev and killed the deal because this war was never about Ukraine,
it was about US/NATO using Ukraine as a weapon against Russia. US/NATO want to destroy Russia. They want to regime change Putin and destroy Russia. And after Russia, they will go to China. They want to get rid of both Russia and China—their two main rivals.
This is their ultimate goal. They want to dominate everyone and enslave the entire planet. But thank God, both Russia and China are well able to defend themselves.
France admitted that NATO will help Kyiv with troops due to the failure of the offensive NATO could send troops to Ukraine if Kyiv fails its offensive.
This opinion was expressed by the French politician, former MEP Florian Filippo.
And what is their plan now? World War III? Bring in NATO troops? Nuclear weapon? "- wrote Florian Filippo on his Twitter. He also noted that this offensive had been expected for months, but now the Ukrainian army is failing.
NATO needs money to operate. you can call it anything you want. all member nations have to contribute. I did not mention EU spending money on ukraine. I said EU countries have to contribute more to NATO. President Trump was right when he told the Germans , you make billions of dollars worth of business with Russia and but don't contribute much to NATO and yet if your security is threaten you expect us to protect you.
Trump wanted to destroy NATO for his daddy Poootin.
It's written in Ukraine's constitution, Ukraine made the first step already in 1994, (thus violating the Almaty treaty) and not a single NATO member ever rejected Ukraine from becoming a NATO member.
Otherwise please state a source for that claim
No, they didn't reject openly. But there were long talks and claims that Ukraine should do this or that to get even the MAP, to say nothing about full membership.

Jesus, Almaty treaty? And what specifically Ukraine violated?

As I stated before: again very slowly for you - the process towards a full NATO membership was slowed down due to the issue of Ukrainian Nazi units - murdering and killing Russians in Donbas (thus rejecting an independent Donbas and Luhansk region) and hence Putin occupying Crimea
Hence? You need to revise your theory. At first, there was Crimean annexation, and then the war in Donbas happened.

Therefore the MinskI and MinskII treaties - if those treaties had been observed by Ukraine and Russia the NATO membership would have been theoretically most likely already established by 2020
Yeah, very funny. The Minsk Accords were interpreted by Moscow and their stooges in such a way, that Ukraine would stay in a grey zone for eternity. By 2020. What a joke.
NATO needs money to operate. you can call it anything you want. all member nations have to contribute. I did not mention EU spending money on ukraine. I said EU countries have to contribute more to NATO. President Trump was right when he told the Germans , you make billions of dollars worth of business with Russia and but don't contribute much to NATO and yet if your security is threaten you expect us to protect you.
Of course NATO has a budget, and it's called the "NATO budget". For 2023 it will be about $400 million for the civilian component and $2 Billion for the military.

All NATO member states pay a share based on a formula- the US pays about 22%.

This is different than member states' defense budgets, which are what US Presidents have been criticizing NATO members over since the end of the Cold War- e.g. The 2% of GDP target. That isn't NATO spending- it's country-by-country defense spending. The US spends more than 2%, yes- but we have other commitments that are not NATO orientated- Pacific rim, etc.

"The civil budget provides funds for personnel, operating costs, and programme expenditures of NATO’s Headquarters and its International Staff. The military budget covers the operating costs of NATO Command Structure headquarters, missions, and operations around the world. NATO’s third principal common funded element is the NATO Security Investment Programme (NSIP), which covers major construction and command and control system investments. The 2023 ceiling for the NSIP is €1 billion, representing a 26.6% increase over 2022."


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