If video games and mental illness is the cause of mass shootings, why don’t other first world...

You brought this on yourself, and by the way, the data in this article is from 2015. Many more mass killings in other developed nations have since occurred. We see where you're going with this: America is evil and racist, right? Not right. Further, you want to believe people who kill dozens of their fellow human beings without mercy or hesitation are mentally healthy? All so you can push a narrative of anti-truth, anti-America, anti-whatever skin color? That key? The one called racism you assumed would open any door in the joint? Doesn't work in any lock, now does it? And last but not least, would you allow your offspring, at a young, impressionable age, to play first person shooters which graphically depict mass shootings?

Mass Murders Do Happen in Other Countries
Lol no one said mass murders don’t happen elsewhere. It’s that it happens here the most among developed nations. Why can’t you people grasp any kind of nuance?
I think it makes life exciting. It’s like a roulette wheel. When will the reaper land on your number? Car accident? Tornado?Combat? Heart attack? Plane crash? Mass shooting? Round and round she goes...where she stops...nobody knows. Life was even more dangerous in the Old West.
Right I’m sure your dumbass would still think that if you found yourself actually in one.
Concealed carry. I’m shooting back.
And yet this shit never actually seems to be a deterrent in a mass shooting.
I don't give a shit. You can die in a mass shooting if you don't want to arm yourself. That's on you, Mr. The-2nd-Means-Militia untrustworthy ass clown.

...countries have our gun death statistics? I mean sure it’s reasonable to assume a mass shooter is mentally ill, but in terms of an actual diagnosis, the statistics don’t support it. It also doesn’t explain how the US leads the developed world in mass shootings specifically.

Also, video games? Lol what I find funny about this bullshit claim is that must really confuse many Trump supporters. On the one hand, they love violent video games but on the other they know they must buy into whatever bullshit Trump says.
No one said they cause mass shootings. They are PART of the gun culture, just like the violent movies produced by the Hollywood hypocrites who make their fortune making these movies while declaring they are anti-gun.

But thank you for proving 1) this issue is too complex for you to comprehend, & 2) Democrats reject any solutions / ideas that aren't gun confiscation / outlawing gun ownership and / or repeal of the 2nd Amendment.
Lol and yet your dumbass still can’t explain why the US leads in mass shootings to other developed nations.
Because, fuck you. That's why.

We're not giving them up, I don't care how many people die. ARM YOURSELVES OR FUCK OFF!!!

We don't want to hear another goddamn word out of your untrustworthy pie holes. You are the people who said the 2nd Amendment was about something OTHER than its pain text. And made us fight you to the SCOTUS to stop you.


Derp, derp, derp!
What? Which part is bullshit? Just be an adult and explain it lol

There is 1 study that said we are #1 on earth in mass shootings. The person who did the study refuses to share his data set.

Watch the video.
I question that, but what is clear that we lead developed nations in it. That is undeniable.

We have a myriad of issues that are strictly American. These shootings seem to have increased since the late 1990s. In my opinion, the disintegration of the family unit is a big part of it. Something like 90% of these shooters don’t have a father in the home. Of course not everyone without a dad at home goes on shooting sprees, but boys who are mentally ill and don’t have a male role model that teaches them how to be a productive member of society and reaffirms their value as human beings, there can be issues.

The fact that we abort about a million babies every year also shows what value our society truly has on life.

I also think media coverage and social media aggravates it, like in New Zealand, with the guy live webcaming his shooting spree in the mosque. That was an Aussie. Australia has very strict gun laws, but it happened. Again, it’s a complex issue.

Seems like it's only a complex issue for those who genuinely care about preventing further mass shootings or getting to the bottom of their true cause. For radical leftists and most of the Democratic Party, this past weekend's pair of shootings meant nothing more than a catalyst for one, a renewed attack on Second Amendment rights, and two, ammunition for use against our POTUS. Wouldn't it be one hell of a thing if a political faction put either or both of these shooters up to carrying out their crimes? What would that say about America and our ability to at least co-exist with our government?
What we have here is a GOP stressed out America. Adding a ridiculous propaganda machine and the fact we are the only rich country without a mental health system and in fact they say 26% of our country is mentally ill. So why don't we have five week vacations like everybody else does Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end it illegal immigration. Thank you scumbag GOP and the silly dupes.....

Better children go hungry and die from treatable illnesses, and the mentally ill run amuck killing themselves and others than have these services that more advanced countries use to help their citizens. We have the frightening word socialism working against us, so we remain a second rate country. Notice maga doesn't include any actual helping anyone. Just a buzzword that titillates the ignorant and easily swayed.
...countries have our gun death statistics? I mean sure it’s reasonable to assume a mass shooter is mentally ill, but in terms of an actual diagnosis, the statistics don’t support it. It also doesn’t explain how the US leads the developed world in mass shootings specifically.

Also, video games? Lol what I find funny about this bullshit claim is that must really confuse many Trump supporters. On the one hand, they love violent video games but on the other they know they must buy into whatever bullshit Trump says.
No one said they cause mass shootings. They are PART of the gun culture, just like the violent movies produced by the Hollywood hypocrites who make their fortune making these movies while declaring they are anti-gun.

But thank you for proving 1) this issue is too complex for you to comprehend, & 2) Democrats reject any solutions / ideas that aren't gun confiscation / outlawing gun ownership and / or repeal of the 2nd Amendment.

That is the point, and I find it fascinating to watch people argue that information transmitted in entertainment has absolutely no effect on behavior while using a entertainment forum splashing information that is proven to effect behavior on every screen.
What? Which part is bullshit? Just be an adult and explain it lol

There is 1 study that said we are #1 on earth in mass shootings. The person who did the study refuses to share his data set.

Watch the video.
I question that, but what is clear that we lead developed nations in it. That is undeniable.

We have a myriad of issues that are strictly American. These shootings seem to have increased since the late 1990s. In my opinion, the disintegration of the family unit is a big part of it. Something like 90% of these shooters don’t have a father in the home. Of course not everyone without a dad at home goes on shooting sprees, but boys who are mentally ill and don’t have a male role model that teaches them how to be a productive member of society and reaffirms their value as human beings, there can be issues.

The fact that we abort about a million babies every year also shows what value our society truly has on life.

I also think media coverage and social media aggravates it, like in New Zealand, with the guy live webcaming his shooting spree in the mosque. That was an Aussie. Australia has very strict gun laws, but it happened. Again, it’s a complex issue.

Seems like it's only a complex issue for those who genuinely care about preventing further mass shootings or getting to the bottom of their true cause. For radical leftists and most of the Democratic Party, this past weekend's pair of shootings meant nothing more than a catalyst for one, a renewed attack on Second Amendment rights, and two, ammunition for use against our POTUS. Wouldn't it be one hell of a thing if a political faction put either or both of these shooters up to carrying out their crimes? What would that say about America and our ability to at least co-exist with our government?
What we have here is a GOP stressed out America. Adding a ridiculous propaganda machine and the fact we are the only rich country without a mental health system and in fact they say 26% of our country is mentally ill. So why don't we have five week vacations like everybody else does Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end it illegal immigration. Thank you scumbag GOP and the silly dupes.....

Yes, those poor useless democrats who can't do anything because a Republican might look sideways at them, yet you keep voting for them, despite knowing they'll never give you what you want.
If video games and mental illness is the cause of mass shootings, why don’t other first world...

Cause they dont have our Democrat party.
Bottom line, because freedom, that's why. Freedom is messy, chaotic and dangerous. It requires maturity and rationality to be maintained and it can easily be abused.

It's also preferable to the alternatives.

When you trade freedom for security, you ultimately end up with neither, because those to whom you trade your freedom abuse the tools you gave them. It may take a while for the citizens to realize they've been duped, but government NEVER gives back freedom after it is taken, it only takes more.
...countries have our gun death statistics? I mean sure it’s reasonable to assume a mass shooter is mentally ill, but in terms of an actual diagnosis, the statistics don’t support it. It also doesn’t explain how the US leads the developed world in mass shootings specifically.

Also, video games? Lol what I find funny about this bullshit claim is that must really confuse many Trump supporters. On the one hand, they love violent video games but on the other they know they must buy into whatever bullshit Trump says.

“If video games and mental illness is the cause of mass shootings, why don’t other first world...”
That’s what ignorant fools say....Sane people know that it is politically FORCED multiculturalism that causes mass shootings.
...countries have our gun death statistics? I mean sure it’s reasonable to assume a mass shooter is mentally ill, but in terms of an actual diagnosis, the statistics don’t support it. It also doesn’t explain how the US leads the developed world in mass shootings specifically.

Also, video games? Lol what I find funny about this bullshit claim is that must really confuse many Trump supporters. On the one hand, they love violent video games but on the other they know they must buy into whatever bullshit Trump says.
No one said they cause mass shootings. They are PART of the gun culture, just like the violent movies produced by the Hollywood hypocrites who make their fortune making these movies while declaring they are anti-gun.

But thank you for proving 1) this issue is too complex for you to comprehend, & 2) Democrats reject any solutions / ideas that aren't gun confiscation / outlawing gun ownership and / or repeal of the 2nd Amendment.
Lol and yet your dumbass still can’t explain why the US leads in mass shootings to other developed nations.

Um he just explained it to you
There is 1 study that said we are #1 on earth in mass shootings. The person who did the study refuses to share his data set.

Watch the video.
I question that, but what is clear that we lead developed nations in it. That is undeniable.

We have a myriad of issues that are strictly American. These shootings seem to have increased since the late 1990s. In my opinion, the disintegration of the family unit is a big part of it. Something like 90% of these shooters don’t have a father in the home. Of course not everyone without a dad at home goes on shooting sprees, but boys who are mentally ill and don’t have a male role model that teaches them how to be a productive member of society and reaffirms their value as human beings, there can be issues.

The fact that we abort about a million babies every year also shows what value our society truly has on life.

I also think media coverage and social media aggravates it, like in New Zealand, with the guy live webcaming his shooting spree in the mosque. That was an Aussie. Australia has very strict gun laws, but it happened. Again, it’s a complex issue.

Seems like it's only a complex issue for those who genuinely care about preventing further mass shootings or getting to the bottom of their true cause. For radical leftists and most of the Democratic Party, this past weekend's pair of shootings meant nothing more than a catalyst for one, a renewed attack on Second Amendment rights, and two, ammunition for use against our POTUS. Wouldn't it be one hell of a thing if a political faction put either or both of these shooters up to carrying out their crimes? What would that say about America and our ability to at least co-exist with our government?
What we have here is a GOP stressed out America. Adding a ridiculous propaganda machine and the fact we are the only rich country without a mental health system and in fact they say 26% of our country is mentally ill. So why don't we have five week vacations like everybody else does Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end it illegal immigration. Thank you scumbag GOP and the silly dupes.....

Yes, those poor useless democrats who can't do anything because a Republican might look sideways at them, yet you keep voting for them, despite knowing they'll never give you what you want.
at least they are not a total disaster give away to the rich and screw everyone else, brainwashed functional moron. Only propaganda and ignoramuses like you make this GOP mess possible... Next time the nuclear option. This is totally ridiculous. Obama was afraid of being seen as an arrogant uppity black guy.... Next time an arrogant uppity white person....
...countries have our gun death statistics? I mean sure it’s reasonable to assume a mass shooter is mentally ill, but in terms of an actual diagnosis, the statistics don’t support it. It also doesn’t explain how the US leads the developed world in mass shootings specifically.

Also, video games? Lol what I find funny about this bullshit claim is that must really confuse many Trump supporters. On the one hand, they love violent video games but on the other they know they must buy into whatever bullshit Trump says.
No one said they cause mass shootings. They are PART of the gun culture, just like the violent movies produced by the Hollywood hypocrites who make their fortune making these movies while declaring they are anti-gun.

But thank you for proving 1) this issue is too complex for you to comprehend, & 2) Democrats reject any solutions / ideas that aren't gun confiscation / outlawing gun ownership and / or repeal of the 2nd Amendment.
Lol and yet your dumbass still can’t explain why the US leads in mass shootings to other developed nations.

Um he just explained it to you
The problem is the GOP has cut taxes on the rich so many times that we have a flat tax system that doesn't allow for investment in a good mental health system, 5 week vacations, good infrastructure, cheap college and the training, so after 35 years of GOP rule oh, we have the worst upward mobility and inequality ever and anywhere in the modern world by far. Experts say we have 26% mental illness and the worst stress anywhere and half the guns in the world, including military style that seems to drive people insane. Great job GOP, America is a disaster. Not to mention the never ending War on Drugs where we now have 85,000 people die in a year from overdoses and a fake crisis at the border since every country south of us is a War on Drugs gangland s*******....
The problem is the GOP has cut taxes on the rich so many times that we have a flat tax system that doesn't allow for investment in a good mental health system, 5 week vacations, good infrastructure, cheap college and the training, so after 35 years of GOP rule oh, we have the worst upward mobility and inequality ever and anywhere in the modern world by far.
You think the shootings in El Paso or Dayton had something to do with investments and tax cuts that contributed to the strongest economyin decades, lowest unemployment in decades / ever, & most # of Americans working ever...?!

:wtf:?! :lmao:BWUHAHAHAHAHA!
The problem is the GOP has cut taxes on the rich so many times that we have a flat tax system that doesn't allow for investment in a good mental health system, 5 week vacations, good infrastructure, cheap college and the training, so after 35 years of GOP rule oh, we have the worst upward mobility and inequality ever and anywhere in the modern world by far.
You think the shootings in El Paso or Dayton had something to do with investments and tax cuts that contributed to the strongest economyin decades, lowest unemployment in decades / ever, & most # of Americans working ever...?!

:wtf:?! :lmao:BWUHAHAHAHAHA!
No matter how many $8 jobs there are, brainwashed functional moron...
I question that, but what is clear that we lead developed nations in it. That is undeniable.

We have a myriad of issues that are strictly American. These shootings seem to have increased since the late 1990s. In my opinion, the disintegration of the family unit is a big part of it. Something like 90% of these shooters don’t have a father in the home. Of course not everyone without a dad at home goes on shooting sprees, but boys who are mentally ill and don’t have a male role model that teaches them how to be a productive member of society and reaffirms their value as human beings, there can be issues.

The fact that we abort about a million babies every year also shows what value our society truly has on life.

I also think media coverage and social media aggravates it, like in New Zealand, with the guy live webcaming his shooting spree in the mosque. That was an Aussie. Australia has very strict gun laws, but it happened. Again, it’s a complex issue.

Seems like it's only a complex issue for those who genuinely care about preventing further mass shootings or getting to the bottom of their true cause. For radical leftists and most of the Democratic Party, this past weekend's pair of shootings meant nothing more than a catalyst for one, a renewed attack on Second Amendment rights, and two, ammunition for use against our POTUS. Wouldn't it be one hell of a thing if a political faction put either or both of these shooters up to carrying out their crimes? What would that say about America and our ability to at least co-exist with our government?
What we have here is a GOP stressed out America. Adding a ridiculous propaganda machine and the fact we are the only rich country without a mental health system and in fact they say 26% of our country is mentally ill. So why don't we have five week vacations like everybody else does Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end it illegal immigration. Thank you scumbag GOP and the silly dupes.....

Yes, those poor useless democrats who can't do anything because a Republican might look sideways at them, yet you keep voting for them, despite knowing they'll never give you what you want.
at least they are not a total disaster give away to the rich and screw everyone else, brainwashed functional moron. Only propaganda and ignoramuses like you make this GOP mess possible... Next time the nuclear option. This is totally ridiculous. Obama was afraid of being seen as an arrogant uppity black guy.... Next time an arrogant uppity white person....
Yet the poor dears are just SOOO scared of Republicans that for 30 years they just couldn't do anything at all. And you, like an ignorant boob, keep voting for them. Wake up, wise up and realize you're being duped. You're the worst kind of propaganda believer, the one that knows he's being lied to but won't let go of it.
The problem is the GOP has cut taxes on the rich so many times that we have a flat tax system that doesn't allow for investment in a good mental health system, 5 week vacations, good infrastructure, cheap college and the training, so after 35 years of GOP rule oh, we have the worst upward mobility and inequality ever and anywhere in the modern world by far.
You think the shootings in El Paso or Dayton had something to do with investments and tax cuts that contributed to the strongest economyin decades, lowest unemployment in decades / ever, & most # of Americans working ever...?!

:wtf:?! :lmao:BWUHAHAHAHAHA!
A democrat congressman could put a gun in his face, and he'd still try to blame Republicans for it.
We have a myriad of issues that are strictly American. These shootings seem to have increased since the late 1990s. In my opinion, the disintegration of the family unit is a big part of it. Something like 90% of these shooters don’t have a father in the home. Of course not everyone without a dad at home goes on shooting sprees, but boys who are mentally ill and don’t have a male role model that teaches them how to be a productive member of society and reaffirms their value as human beings, there can be issues.

The fact that we abort about a million babies every year also shows what value our society truly has on life.

I also think media coverage and social media aggravates it, like in New Zealand, with the guy live webcaming his shooting spree in the mosque. That was an Aussie. Australia has very strict gun laws, but it happened. Again, it’s a complex issue.

Seems like it's only a complex issue for those who genuinely care about preventing further mass shootings or getting to the bottom of their true cause. For radical leftists and most of the Democratic Party, this past weekend's pair of shootings meant nothing more than a catalyst for one, a renewed attack on Second Amendment rights, and two, ammunition for use against our POTUS. Wouldn't it be one hell of a thing if a political faction put either or both of these shooters up to carrying out their crimes? What would that say about America and our ability to at least co-exist with our government?
What we have here is a GOP stressed out America. Adding a ridiculous propaganda machine and the fact we are the only rich country without a mental health system and in fact they say 26% of our country is mentally ill. So why don't we have five week vacations like everybody else does Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end it illegal immigration. Thank you scumbag GOP and the silly dupes.....

Yes, those poor useless democrats who can't do anything because a Republican might look sideways at them, yet you keep voting for them, despite knowing they'll never give you what you want.
at least they are not a total disaster give away to the rich and screw everyone else, brainwashed functional moron. Only propaganda and ignoramuses like you make this GOP mess possible... Next time the nuclear option. This is totally ridiculous. Obama was afraid of being seen as an arrogant uppity black guy.... Next time an arrogant uppity white person....
Yet the poor dears are just SOOO scared of Republicans that for 30 years they just couldn't do anything at all. And you, like an ignorant boob, keep voting for them. Wake up, wise up and realize you're being duped. You're the worst kind of propaganda believer, the one that knows he's being lied to but won't let go of it.
actually, brainwashed functional moron, it's not as exciting as all that. They have only had 60 votes in the Senate 4 35 days and they passed the greatest social reform in 50 years at least. time for the nuclear option. At least then you would know what the Democrats want to do for a change...
Seems like it's only a complex issue for those who genuinely care about preventing further mass shootings or getting to the bottom of their true cause. For radical leftists and most of the Democratic Party, this past weekend's pair of shootings meant nothing more than a catalyst for one, a renewed attack on Second Amendment rights, and two, ammunition for use against our POTUS. Wouldn't it be one hell of a thing if a political faction put either or both of these shooters up to carrying out their crimes? What would that say about America and our ability to at least co-exist with our government?
What we have here is a GOP stressed out America. Adding a ridiculous propaganda machine and the fact we are the only rich country without a mental health system and in fact they say 26% of our country is mentally ill. So why don't we have five week vacations like everybody else does Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end it illegal immigration. Thank you scumbag GOP and the silly dupes.....

Yes, those poor useless democrats who can't do anything because a Republican might look sideways at them, yet you keep voting for them, despite knowing they'll never give you what you want.
at least they are not a total disaster give away to the rich and screw everyone else, brainwashed functional moron. Only propaganda and ignoramuses like you make this GOP mess possible... Next time the nuclear option. This is totally ridiculous. Obama was afraid of being seen as an arrogant uppity black guy.... Next time an arrogant uppity white person....
Yet the poor dears are just SOOO scared of Republicans that for 30 years they just couldn't do anything at all. And you, like an ignorant boob, keep voting for them. Wake up, wise up and realize you're being duped. You're the worst kind of propaganda believer, the one that knows he's being lied to but won't let go of it.
actually, brainwashed functional moron, it's not as exciting as all that. They have only had 60 votes in the Senate 4 35 days and they passed the greatest social reform in 50 years at least. time for the nuclear option. At least then you would know what the Democrats want to do for a change...
The Republicans have not had that level of control either, and yet they continue squashing the poor helpless, weak propaganda machine democrats like so many bugs. Yup, just give us more power, more power, more power. We'll give you what you want then. And you, like an idiot, believe it. Massive mini-dupe, for sure.

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