If we allow Democrats to get away with massive voter fraud as they did this year...

This should clear it up for ya.....if not you just don't care....

Election Integrity Project

So where is your evidence that five counties had more voters then who are registered?

San Diego County was found to have the biggest discrepancy according to the analysis, with 38 percent more registered voters than people who are legally allowed to vote. San Francisco County placed second, with 14 percent more voters.

Other counties were found to be in violation as follows: Imperial (2%), Lassen (2%), Los Angeles (12%), Monterey (4%), San Mateo (11%), Santa Cruz (9%), Solano (11%), Stanislaus (2%), and Yolo (10%).

However, Judicial Watch reported that Los Angeles County’s number is actually higher than the data analysis showed, with county officials telling the watchdog in June that it actually has 44 percent more voters than it should – making it the county with the largest discrepancy.

The watchdog said in its report that “California is failing to comply with the voter registration list maintenance requirements of Section 8 of the NVRA (National Voter Registration Act of 1993).”

11 California counties have more registered voters than eligible adults – report

California has 11 Counties With More Registered Voters Than Voting-Age Citizens: Registered Voters 144% of Eligible - Planet Free Will

Like I said...you must search off Google for the real truth.....

What is 'ballot harvesting' and how was it used in California elections?

Moron, the "report" doesn't claim more votes were cast than there are registered voters. It says there are more registered voters than eligible voters in those counties because they combined the number of active and inactive voters to create a false narrative.
But they "count all votes"...remember?...

You just keep exposing your ignorance. Registration does not equal voting.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:but if voting exceeds registration, it means something.
San Diego County was found to have the biggest discrepancy according to the analysis, with 38 percent more registered voters than people who are legally allowed to vote. San Francisco County placed second, with 14 percent more voters.

Other counties were found to be in violation as follows: Imperial (2%), Lassen (2%), Los Angeles (12%), Monterey (4%), San Mateo (11%), Santa Cruz (9%), Solano (11%), Stanislaus (2%), and Yolo (10%).

However, Judicial Watch reported that Los Angeles County’s number is actually higher than the data analysis showed, with county officials telling the watchdog in June that it actually has 44 percent more voters than it should – making it the county with the largest discrepancy.

The watchdog said in its report that “California is failing to comply with the voter registration list maintenance requirements of Section 8 of the NVRA (National Voter Registration Act of 1993).”

11 California counties have more registered voters than eligible adults – report

California has 11 Counties With More Registered Voters Than Voting-Age Citizens: Registered Voters 144% of Eligible - Planet Free Will

Like I said...you must search off Google for the real truth.....

What is 'ballot harvesting' and how was it used in California elections?

Still waiting for your proof that Orange County and four others had more voters than people who were registered. That is exactly what you said. You didn't say more registered voters than eligible. Those are two very different things. As far as these articles you quoted, there is a very simple and logical explanation for having an abundance of people on the voter roles. There are people who have died or moved away who haven't been taken off. That happens everywhere and you have no evidence votes were cast in their names. I haven't lived in South Carolina for six years and I'll bet I'm still registered to vote there.

Here is the thing you tards continue to ignore. If voter fraud was as massive and widespread as you claim it would be very EASY to prove and yet nobody has done so

Like I said, #fakenews
I posted it.

"Did ‘ballot harvesting’ take place in California’s elections?
Anecdotally, news reports have so far identified one county where the practice was noticed. Orange County’s registrar of voters, Neal Kelley, told the San Francisco Chronicle that the county “certainly had that going on here, with people dropping off maybe 100 or 200 ballots. Fred Whitaker, the chairman of the Republican Party in Orange County, told supporters that GOP losses in the county were the “direct result of ballot harvesting allowed under California law for the first time,” the Chronicle reported."

That isn't voter fraud, tard.
how isn't it? just cause they wrote some cockamamie law that allows theft of elections? funny

Voted on by people who give themselves pay increases. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Give one's life to the politicians. stupid leftist fks.

Fraud is fraud. one person one vote by an eligible legal citizen. Period, anything else is fraud. no matter how you wrap it up.

Explain how it IS fraud?

Old California law: only a family or member of the same household could be designated to drop off your absentee ballot.

New California law: you can designate anyone to do it.

Now, explain how this is fraud?
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:unidentified ballots with no dates you think are good ballots. In California they say sure, harvesting. no, no, that goes against our election process, no matter what the demolosers think they voted in. it's fraud.
So where is your evidence that five counties had more voters then who are registered?

San Diego County was found to have the biggest discrepancy according to the analysis, with 38 percent more registered voters than people who are legally allowed to vote. San Francisco County placed second, with 14 percent more voters.

Other counties were found to be in violation as follows: Imperial (2%), Lassen (2%), Los Angeles (12%), Monterey (4%), San Mateo (11%), Santa Cruz (9%), Solano (11%), Stanislaus (2%), and Yolo (10%).

However, Judicial Watch reported that Los Angeles County’s number is actually higher than the data analysis showed, with county officials telling the watchdog in June that it actually has 44 percent more voters than it should – making it the county with the largest discrepancy.

The watchdog said in its report that “California is failing to comply with the voter registration list maintenance requirements of Section 8 of the NVRA (National Voter Registration Act of 1993).”

11 California counties have more registered voters than eligible adults – report

California has 11 Counties With More Registered Voters Than Voting-Age Citizens: Registered Voters 144% of Eligible - Planet Free Will

Like I said...you must search off Google for the real truth.....

What is 'ballot harvesting' and how was it used in California elections?

Still waiting for your proof that Orange County and four others had more voters than people who were registered. That is exactly what you said. You didn't say more registered voters than eligible. Those are two very different things. As far as these articles you quoted, there is a very simple and logical explanation for having an abundance of people on the voter roles. There are people who have died or moved away who haven't been taken off. That happens everywhere and you have no evidence votes were cast in their names. I haven't lived in South Carolina for six years and I'll bet I'm still registered to vote there.

Here is the thing you tards continue to ignore. If voter fraud was as massive and widespread as you claim it would be very EASY to prove and yet nobody has done so

Like I said, #fakenews
I posted it.

"Did ‘ballot harvesting’ take place in California’s elections?
Anecdotally, news reports have so far identified one county where the practice was noticed. Orange County’s registrar of voters, Neal Kelley, told the San Francisco Chronicle that the county “certainly had that going on here, with people dropping off maybe 100 or 200 ballots. Fred Whitaker, the chairman of the Republican Party in Orange County, told supporters that GOP losses in the county were the “direct result of ballot harvesting allowed under California law for the first time,” the Chronicle reported."

That isn't voter fraud, tard.
how isn't it? just cause they wrote some cockamamie law that allows theft of elections? funny

Voted on by people who give themselves pay increases. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Give one's life to the politicians. stupid leftist fks.

Fraud is fraud. one person one vote by an eligible legal citizen. Period, anything else is fraud. no matter how you wrap it up.

Describe how it is fraud to authorize someone to deliver your ballot for you? Be specific.
There is no evidence for any of the voter fraud Republican dupes believe happened. Meanwhile in North Carolina the Republicans committed voter fraud and they don't give a damn about it. The dupes are kept in the dark... Is Fox even reporting this LOL?
Describe how it is fraud to authorize someone to deliver your ballot for you? Be specific
Huge potential fraud...and if the dems couldn't cheat with it they never would have made it legal...it was once illegal to submit a ballot through two parties or more....
You just keep exposing your ignorance. Registration does not equal voting
The more people that are registered the more cheating they can accomplish....maybe three quarters of registered folks go to the polls or send in ballots...the dems take those names that didn't vote and fill out ballots with them....they also pay people to go from polling place to polling place asking for and filling out provisional ballots...in a close race they can be counted and in California they don't need to be verified...wake up!...jeeze you libs are dumb....

You know how I know I'm right?.....because of the anger and backlash my accusations cause....
We can cash in our chips, but I'll be GODDAMMED if I let those communist fucks set up a government without massive armed resistance.

Armed resistance?

Before you start slinging lead......have you......

1). Stopped using Facebook, Google & Twitter ?
2). Stopped going to MOVIES which supports the left agendas?
3) Voted in every national election and voted for anti-leftist state officials?
4). cancelled your Entertainment packages that pump more money into the Lefts already deep pockets?
5). Stopped going to places like Chipolte and Starbucks that openly want you eliminated?
6). Participated in (or even started) a protest of Leftist injustices at your local or state municpal locations?

If you can't say YES to at least 4 out of the 6 above, you aren't really serious.
You just keep exposing your ignorance. Registration does not equal voting
The more people that are registered the more cheating they can accomplish....maybe three quarters of registered folks go to the polls or send in ballots...the dems take those names that didn't vote and fill out ballots with them....they also pay people to go from polling place to polling place asking for and filling out provisional ballots...in a close race they can be counted and in California they don't need to be verified...wake up!...jeeze you libs are dumb....

You know how I know I'm right?.....because of the anger and backlash my accusations cause....

You saying something happens is not proof of it happening. You are pulling shit out of your fourth point of contact. Those are ass facts not real facts.
Describe how it is fraud to authorize someone to deliver your ballot for you? Be specific
Huge potential fraud...and if the dems couldn't cheat with it they never would have made it legal...it was once illegal to submit a ballot through two parties or more....

How, exactly and specifically? How is it fraud to authorize someone to deliver your ballot for you?
"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy." (David Frum, Jan/18)

Now we know why Republicans have been committing massive voter fraud. Trying to blame it on other people isn’t working. We know who the criminals are.
How, exactly and specifically? How is it fraud to authorize someone to deliver your ballot for you?
Because it can be altered...are you 12 or what?....let me ask you smart guy...would you allow me to take your ballot to the polls?....because I'd be happy to...
How, exactly and specifically? How is it fraud to authorize someone to deliver your ballot for you?
Because it can be altered...are you 12 or what?....let me ask you smart guy...would you allow me to take your ballot to the polls?....because I'd be happy to...

The ballot is sealed in an envelope. You couldn't alter it without voiding the ballot. I wouldn't give my ballot to YOU, but I would let a friend do it.
San Diego County was found to have the biggest discrepancy according to the analysis, with 38 percent more registered voters than people who are legally allowed to vote. San Francisco County placed second, with 14 percent more voters.

Other counties were found to be in violation as follows: Imperial (2%), Lassen (2%), Los Angeles (12%), Monterey (4%), San Mateo (11%), Santa Cruz (9%), Solano (11%), Stanislaus (2%), and Yolo (10%).

However, Judicial Watch reported that Los Angeles County’s number is actually higher than the data analysis showed, with county officials telling the watchdog in June that it actually has 44 percent more voters than it should – making it the county with the largest discrepancy.

The watchdog said in its report that “California is failing to comply with the voter registration list maintenance requirements of Section 8 of the NVRA (National Voter Registration Act of 1993).”

11 California counties have more registered voters than eligible adults – report

California has 11 Counties With More Registered Voters Than Voting-Age Citizens: Registered Voters 144% of Eligible - Planet Free Will

Like I said...you must search off Google for the real truth.....

What is 'ballot harvesting' and how was it used in California elections?

Still waiting for your proof that Orange County and four others had more voters than people who were registered. That is exactly what you said. You didn't say more registered voters than eligible. Those are two very different things. As far as these articles you quoted, there is a very simple and logical explanation for having an abundance of people on the voter roles. There are people who have died or moved away who haven't been taken off. That happens everywhere and you have no evidence votes were cast in their names. I haven't lived in South Carolina for six years and I'll bet I'm still registered to vote there.

Here is the thing you tards continue to ignore. If voter fraud was as massive and widespread as you claim it would be very EASY to prove and yet nobody has done so

Like I said, #fakenews
I posted it.

"Did ‘ballot harvesting’ take place in California’s elections?
Anecdotally, news reports have so far identified one county where the practice was noticed. Orange County’s registrar of voters, Neal Kelley, told the San Francisco Chronicle that the county “certainly had that going on here, with people dropping off maybe 100 or 200 ballots. Fred Whitaker, the chairman of the Republican Party in Orange County, told supporters that GOP losses in the county were the “direct result of ballot harvesting allowed under California law for the first time,” the Chronicle reported."

That isn't voter fraud, tard.
how isn't it? just cause they wrote some cockamamie law that allows theft of elections? funny

Voted on by people who give themselves pay increases. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Give one's life to the politicians. stupid leftist fks.

Fraud is fraud. one person one vote by an eligible legal citizen. Period, anything else is fraud. no matter how you wrap it up.

Describe how it is fraud to authorize someone to deliver your ballot for you? Be specific.
the mere fact you even ask me that question is special. you expect us to believe you're honest? I'll gladly pay you tuesday for a vote today. Our election process is secret ballots. Do you even fking know that? of course you don't you are fking stupid. FRAUD as wide as the country asshat. hmmm I have me thousands of blank absentee ballots. I'll gladly pick yours up. Then in the car I take the information off of the one I picked up and create a new one from one of the blank ones from the thousand with the candidate I want to win. Yeah, dude we weren't born yesterday. Perhaps the day before, but not yesterday.
How, exactly and specifically? How is it fraud to authorize someone to deliver your ballot for you?
Because it can be altered...are you 12 or what?....let me ask you smart guy...would you allow me to take your ballot to the polls?....because I'd be happy to...

The ballot is sealed in an envelope. You couldn't alter it without voiding the ballot. I wouldn't give my ballot to YOU, but I would let a friend do it.
you still don't get it do you? dude I know you think we're all stupid, but you just trumped whatever stupid you think by ten fold. Again, as I just explained, you have thousands of blank absentee ballots, you merely throw the sealed one out and replace with one of the blank thousands you have. dude, you are truly fking stupid. I can't even explain without losing my shit how stupid you are. Not us, we get the game. demolosers are evil people. here this stupid fk is an example of the evil a demoloser is. This dude thinks it's ok to hand deliver someone else's ballot. And thinks we're going to believe it was the ballot from the individual that gave it to him. :auiqs.jpg:

it's why we have a post office. I now even question the Post Office. They all know what a ballot looks like, what if they just replace all of the thousands that come in with ones they have set aside? No way to catch em either. there you go folks there's your fraud.
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The ballot is sealed in an envelope. You couldn't alter it without voiding the ballot. I wouldn't give my ballot to YOU, but I would let a friend do it.
You are not thinking.....purposely I think....the ballot can be thrown away and the person taking the ballot to the polls could ask for a ballot in the voters name...he or she even has your address and in California ID is not required...
The ballot is sealed in an envelope. You couldn't alter it without voiding the ballot. I wouldn't give my ballot to YOU, but I would let a friend do it.
You are not thinking.....purposely I think....the ballot can be thrown away and the person taking the ballot to the polls could ask for a ballot in the voters name...he or she even has your address and in California ID is not required...
no, that carrier already has blank ballots. he just throws out the one he picked up after he gets to his house. Then he completes another ballot with the other voters information after he unseals it before trashing it, seals the new one he just created and submits it. And he/ she does that for however many they pick up. And BTW, he does that for every one of em. Isn't that something? what a scam, these leftists think we're stupid for sure. If I were a california conservative, I'd be in court today to raise suit on the practice. That, there is simply no way to control that process and therefore it is illegal and shut that harvesting down. BTW, especially a conservative candidate.
...then we may as well just cash in our chips, declare an end to our Constitutional form of government, and allow the Democrats to set up a one party state like the Nazis, the fascists and the Communists.

I see you have not posted one piece of credible evidence to support what at best is a RW Lie.

As opposed to North Carolina:

North Carolina GOP ‘fully’ supports new election if inquiry shows fraud.

The executive director of the North Carolina Republican Party said Thursday that the GOP would support a new election in North Carolina's 9th District if alleged fraud in the district was shown to have "Changed the race."

The allegations have focused on an independent contractor who worked for Republican Mark Harris' campaign against Democrat Dan McCready in one of the closest House races in the country.

Mr. McCready, A Marine Combat Veteran has annnounced that he has "Unconceded" and he calls Harris to come clean as regards what is clearly a blatant case of Republican Voter Fraud.

NBC News as recended its calling of the North Carolina CD9 Race for Harris.

Harris used a person known to committed Voter Fraud in past in order to rig this election in his favor.

This is clear case of Republican Voter Fraud.

You make vague and unsubstantiated claims of Voter Fraud against Democrats and turn a blind to this.

And just shits and giggles Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has announced that the House "Retains the RIght Not To Seat" Harris.

Nancy Pelosi: House 'retains the right' not to seat North Carolina Republican amid charges of election fraud

You have no proof, no evidence to support this UNSUBSTANTIATED CLAIM.

On one we have Blow Hard RWNJ LYING about Democrats committing Voter Fraud and on the other hand we have clear blatant case REPUBLICAN VOTER FRAUD AND YOU SAY NOTHING!!!

All you have is lies.

But you are lying lowlife Con and we all that Lying is all you have left.
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Like in California....5 counties had more votes than registered voters....not by a few but by thousands....California needs to be investigated by the DOJ....

What five counties?
I didn't catch them all but one was Orange county....check out California vote integrity organization...its a group formed a few years ago....they issue reports after every election....

5 things revealed about how Orange County voted in the November midterm elections – Orange County Register
Like in California....5 counties had more votes than registered voters....not by a few but by thousands....California needs to be investigated by the DOJ....

What five counties?
I didn't catch them all but one was Orange county....check out California vote integrity organization...its a group formed a few years ago....they issue reports after every election....

5 things revealed about how Orange County voted in the November midterm elections – Orange County Register
What is bullshit is that story from the Orange County register...one of the most distrusted news papers in southern California.....

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