If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?

Jizya. Look it up. Muslims actually TAX non Muslims for living in their countries. It is a fact. And, Islam doesn't deem NON muslims as innocent. therefore, They can blow the hell out of us, and chop off our heads and not feel any guilt. That is were is Islam is coming from. Just so that you know. We may not be at war with Islam, but they are with us. Really.

We may not be at war with Islam, but they are with us......catchy phrase. I'll have to write that one down for later, that's a real keeper.
Jizya. Look it up. Muslims actually TAX non Muslims for living in their countries. It is a fact. And, Islam doesn't deem NON muslims as innocent. therefore, They can blow the hell out of us, and chop off our heads and not feel any guilt. That is were is Islam is coming from. Just so that you know. We may not be at war with Islam, but they are with us. Really.

We may not be at war with Islam, but they are with us......catchy phrase. I'll have to write that one down for later, that's a real keeper.
You do that.
I think we should TAX Muslims or treat them like a hate group like Neonazis. After 9/11. Please. A religion? Na.
It was a joke. Unlike Jizya, that capitol tax Muslims ask of Christians or jews. . A real thing. They really do that, Islam doesn't mess around. Christians ,Jews or Buddhists don't tax other sects, Islam, they do. Islam kills anyone they like they have no direct leader or echelon, no pope or hierarchy . Just a bunch of ding dongs chopping off heads. They need some structure and a leader. ISIL isn't it.
CHALLENGE > Justify that.

You believe in imposing a totalitarian state. That's as unAmerican as it gets.
No. I believe in stopping a totalitarian state (AKA Islam) and doing that by Enforcing US law (properly)

I guess it's just too bad that you don't understand law. Your opinions of law don't matter.
What doesn't matter is your baseless, silly, laughable, ad hominem attacks.
Telling the truth, that you are clueless, is not ad hom.

That goes for you too Unkotare and Liminal.
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You believe in imposing a totalitarian state. That's as unAmerican as it gets.
No. I believe in stopping a totalitarian state (AKA Islam) and doing that by Enforcing US law (properly)

I guess it's just too bad that you don't understand law. Your opinions of law don't matter.
What doesn't matter is your baseless, silly, laughable, ad hominem attacks.
Telling the truth, that you are clueless, is not ad hom.

Bad posters in this thread. As George H. Bush used to say >> BAD! BAD!
It was a joke. Unlike Jizya, that capitol tax Muslims ask of Christians or jews. . A real thing. They really do that, Islam doesn't mess around. Christians ,Jews or Buddhists don't tax other sects, Islam, they do. Islam kills anyone they like they have no direct leader or echelon, no pope or hierarchy . Just a bunch of ding dongs chopping off heads. They need some structure and a leader. ISIL isn't it.
They are like packs of wild dogs, all over the world.
Troll bigot thread. Really. Islam, is the biggest troll of all. Burn people to death, cut off heads. But get pissed off about that? Post you dislike of that? Torn to bits. I hate Islam. Piddly mealy mouthed bunch of faggots.

Well said, very eloquent indeed.
So now you praised a post that just ridiculed you, and all the other Islamapologists in this thread. You are lost.

Based on this response I have to ask: Which motivates your thoughts more, dishonesty or stupidity?
You're lost all right. NO doubt about it. Unless you are purposely obstinate. It hasn't been determined yet how many of you Muslim ass-kissers are just brainwashed fools, or are Muslim Islamists yourselves, clandestinely using this forum to push your cancer. You could even be part of ISIS - they do use internet promotion, and you all have all the symptoms of it. YEEAAAAHHH!!!
Since so many posters are changing the subject of the thread, and not answering the question of the OP, and we're not getting any moderation to handle it, I will disregard all the OFF TOPIC nonsense, and proceed to try to answer my own questions.

One thing I think will likely happen if/whenever the Supremacy Clause and US Codes laws begin to be enforced, .

Or in other words, if the Bill of Rights is ignored.....and Muslims persecuted.....
Another result of the enforcement of our protective laws, would be the end of the rampant use of the courts by Islamist and terrorist organizations to force the American people to accept their unAmerican, immoral, and illegal ways of living. Probably no Islamization tactic has been more effective by Islamist ad terrorist organiztions than litigation. Here is a list of court cases >>

Court Cases The Investigative Project on Terrorism

The one thing good thing about this mess of a thread is that it makes it clear that virtually no one agrees with Protectionists bizarre interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.
Let's tax Muslims. Islam is all about dominating and erasing other belief systems. Leave or become a infidel. I am not feeling the love of Islam here. We won't stone you to death or chop off your head for a phony religion. You Muslimism move here , accept Us or or leave, no sharia law f*ck Islam. Go back to were you came from if that is what you want.

How very American of you to ignore our Constitution like that.
Not enough to close so much as a window at a mosque. Let alone purge our nation of an entire religion based on your personal opinion.

We're not destroying religious liberty in the US because you don't like Islam.

I agree, however, we must not allow pockets of sharia law anywhere in the USA. We must demand that every person in this country be subject to US law and nothing else..

Every person in the U.S. is subject to U.S. law.

If anyone wants to subject them to internal religious authority- like Jewish religious law, Mormon religious law or Shariah law to deal with disputes within their own religious community- well that is no different than if the Shriners decide amongst themselves to use an arbiter to decide disputes between neighbors.

But if you try to stone your adulterous wife in accordance with Sharia Law .....

Or if you try to deprive any U.S. citizen of their rights based on religious laws, I have a real problem with that. It's unConstitutional AND unAmerican.

Of course- U.S. law is always supreme.

There are precedents where religious groups use religious law to settle internal disputes- and as long as those do not break any laws they are no different than hiring an arbiter to resolve a dispute.
But US law (the Supremacy Clause and US Codes 2384 7 2385) have NOT been supreme. Islam in hundreds of instances, has been allowed to trump US law, in the many cases of Islamization (which liberals know nothing of , because their media don't report it)

U.S. law has always prevailed in the United States.

The only case that I am aware of where a judge referred to Islamic law in error was quickly overturned.
Speaking of idiots - you didn't read what I posted did you? In his proposed scenario Mosques would be shut down and Korans banned. So are you going to arrest Muslims for having a Koran? For worshipping in other places? Where exactly is this scenario going?

Nobody is arresting Muslims for those things. And they won't.

It's a non issue.

exactly correct. the left wingers are trying to say that if sharia law is banned then mosques are banned. nothing is further from the truth. but we all know that liberals do not deal in truth. their world is a world of fantasy, feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings, and emooooooooooooootions.

Yet Redfish and Kosher- two of our most outspoken 'Conservatives'

Never respond to Protectionist's actual bizarre unconstitutional posts.

They just complain as usual about liberals.

Its almost like Protectionist and his thread don't exist and they only see liberals' posting in a vacuum.

if you have watched my posts, I take issue with all radicals from all political spectrums. When P says that islam is not a religion, he is full of shit. But what you need to realize is that in muslim countries islam is the religion AND the law. Sharia law comes from the Koran, it is religious law. There are no secular muslim countries.

when you claim that there is no movement to bring sharia law to the US, you are either uninformed or naive. The stated goal of radical muslims is to bring sharia to the entire world through force.

Apparently neither you or obama realize that reality.
I challenge you to show how I am "full of shit" that Islam is not a religion, when most people around the world don't accept Islam to be a religion, including some nations (ex. Italy)

Every nation, every dictionary- virtually everyone other than a few nutjobs like yourself know that Islam is a religion.
You cannot ban the Quran, for one thing a lot of Muslims have memorised it. What you can do is show them what is wrong with it, until they realise for themselves that it cannot be the words of God.
"Until" ? And when will that be ? So far, they have been told for 1400 years, and haven't budged an inch.

There has been a lot of critical work done on the bible, but not so much on the Quran. Its now getting more attention because of the 9/11 attack. I suggest a group of scholars getting together to write a definitive literary criticism of the Quran. Some of them must be Arabic speaking, and there would need to be some with extensive knowledge of historical manuscripts. But the job could be done.

I myself have been writing criticism of the Quran since 9/11 but I am not a scholar and I cannot read the original Arabic.
You don't need to read Arabic. Many Arabic readers have read the translated versions and confirmned them to be valid. Scholars aren't needed either. They've been reporting on the Koran for years. I;ll give you a partial scoop on it right now, right here. >>

Mass Genocide - 8:12.......9:5......9:123.........+ many more suras

Wife-Beating - 4:34

Rape - 4:24, ......23:1-6,.......70:29-30

Pedophilia - 65:4

Slavery - 33:50........23:5-6.......8:69......24:32

You check out the Bible? It's all in there.
"The Bible" isn't relevant to Christians. Only the Pope and New Testament are, and they don't advocate these vile things that the Koran does. Stop lying.

Hmmm the Bible is the holy book for Christians. The Pople isn't relevant to any Christians other than Catholics.

You are amazingly misinformed.
Troll bigot thread. Really. Islam, is the biggest troll of all. Burn people to death, cut off heads. But get pissed off about that? Post you dislike of that? Torn to bits. I hate Islam. Piddly mealy mouthed bunch of faggots.

So you are both bigoted towards all Muslims and towards homosexuals......which is odd in its own way since Islam is so anti-homosexual.
"The Bible" isn't relevant to Christians. Only the Pope and New Testament are, and they don't advocate these vile things that the Koran does. Stop lying.
So you are a perverse type of Christian, just as jihadists are to Islam.

Christian? Is he? Is that what he claims? How embarrassing for real Christians.
CHALLENGE >> Justify that. Upon WHAT do you base that statement, Mr. hit and run jobber. ?

I believe people who espouse hatred and intolerance, for what ever reason, are doomed to burn in hell for eternity. I can only pray for the salvation of your eternal soul, which is in considerable jeopardy right now. You should read your bible a little more carefully.
You mihgt try taking your own advice. It is Islam that is the intolerance. And the Supremcy Clause )

Has nothing to do with what you think it does.
I have another answer.
Eliminate all the Muslims, then the US arms industry and their paid for politicians will find a new enemy.
If you manage to destroy all the Muslims this week, the French had better watch out.
Freedom fries for ever.

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