If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?

RGS has trouble that Muslims have all the same rights as Christians in America, or anyone else, for that matter.
Another result of the enforcement of our protective laws, would be the punishment of Muslim owned companies who discriminate against non-Muslim Americans, and harm them, as in the Lina Morales case.

Does that mean we can punish Christian companies that discriminate against non Christians and "harm" them?
Nobody is arresting Muslims for those things. And they won't.

It's a non issue.

exactly correct. the left wingers are trying to say that if sharia law is banned then mosques are banned. nothing is further from the truth. but we all know that liberals do not deal in truth. their world is a world of fantasy, feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings, and emooooooooooooootions.

Yet Redfish and Kosher- two of our most outspoken 'Conservatives'

Never respond to Protectionist's actual bizarre unconstitutional posts.

They just complain as usual about liberals.

Its almost like Protectionist and his thread don't exist and they only see liberals' posting in a vacuum.

if you have watched my posts, I take issue with all radicals from all political spectrums. When P says that islam is not a religion, he is full of shit. But what you need to realize is that in muslim countries islam is the religion AND the law. Sharia law comes from the Koran, it is religious law. There are no secular muslim countries.

when you claim that there is no movement to bring sharia law to the US, you are either uninformed or naive. The stated goal of radical muslims is to bring sharia to the entire world through force.

Apparently neither you or obama realize that reality.
I challenge you to show how I am "full of shit" that Islam is not a religion, when most people around the world don't accept Islam to be a religion, including some nations (ex. Italy)
Prove to us that most folks and most nations don't accept Islam as a religion. You can't.

You are not an authority on the issue, so your wild claims can be laughed at then ignored.

Yes...I'd like to see that. Far as I know, it's only a small, vocal, bigoted minority of extremists who are trying to claim it isn't a religion.
You are flatly wrong in your assertion. But you could have offer some incontrovertible evidence.

What is true is that BHO has separated jihadist perversion from mainstream Islam, which is evidenced by the conference. And the continued bombing of the enemy.

please provide an obama quote where he has used the words "radical islam" "islamic terrorists" "islamic jihad" or "ISIS". Why does obama call them ISIL when everyone else calls them ISIS? Do you know what the L stands for? It stands for Levant, which refers to the entire mid east as muslim territory and ignores the existence of Israel.
UnAmerican too.
CHALLENGE >> Justify that.

Everything you say you believe is the opposite of what real Americans stand for.
CHALLENGE > Justify that.

You believe in imposing a totalitarian state. That's as unAmerican as it gets.
No. I believe in stopping a totalitarian state (AKA Islam) and doing that by Enforcing US law (properly)

It is being enforced properly.
Another result of the enforcement of our protective laws, would be the punishment of Muslim owned companies who discriminate against non-Muslim Americans, and harm them, as in the Lina Morales case.

Does that mean we can punish Christian companies that discriminate against non Christians and "harm" them?

if that action violates US law, yes
Everything you say you believe is the opposite of what real Americans stand for.
CHALLENGE > Justify that.

You believe in imposing a totalitarian state. That's as unAmerican as it gets.
No. I believe in stopping a totalitarian state (AKA Islam) and doing that by Enforcing US law (properly)
Islam is not jihadism, and you are not an authority on Constitutional or American law.
Every American with even an 8th grade education, is enough of an "authority" on Constitutional or American law, to know what the Supremacy Clause means, and how Islam violates it (as well as 2384 & 2385)

That explains much. Thank you for enlightening us.
exactly correct. the left wingers are trying to say that if sharia law is banned then mosques are banned. nothing is further from the truth. but we all know that liberals do not deal in truth. their world is a world of fantasy, feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings, and emooooooooooooootions.

Yet Redfish and Kosher- two of our most outspoken 'Conservatives'

Never respond to Protectionist's actual bizarre unconstitutional posts.

They just complain as usual about liberals.

Its almost like Protectionist and his thread don't exist and they only see liberals' posting in a vacuum.

if you have watched my posts, I take issue with all radicals from all political spectrums. When P says that islam is not a religion, he is full of shit. But what you need to realize is that in muslim countries islam is the religion AND the law. Sharia law comes from the Koran, it is religious law. There are no secular muslim countries.

when you claim that there is no movement to bring sharia law to the US, you are either uninformed or naive. The stated goal of radical muslims is to bring sharia to the entire world through force.

Apparently neither you or obama realize that reality.
I challenge you to show how I am "full of shit" that Islam is not a religion, when most people around the world don't accept Islam to be a religion, including some nations (ex. Italy)
Prove to us that most folks and most nations don't accept Islam as a religion. You can't.

You are not an authority on the issue, so your wild claims can be laughed at then ignored.

Yes...I'd like to see that. Far as I know, it's only a small, vocal, bigoted minority of extremists who are trying to claim it isn't a religion.

in the majority of muslim nations it is both a religion and a set of governmental laws and edicts. the body of law in islamic nations comes from the koran. So when others claim it is more than a religion they are correct.
No, it is not. Any more than we are a Christian nation.

We are a nation that was based on judeo/Christian values. "endowed by their creator" "created equal" "in God we trust" "under God"

lets not pretend that the USA was not founded or religious principles, lets also not pretend that the USA was not founded on freedom of all religions.
Since so many posters are changing the subject of the thread, and not answering the question of the OP, and we're not getting any moderation to handle it, I will disregard all the OFF TOPIC nonsense, and proceed to try to answer my own questions.

One thing I think will likely happen if/whenever the Supremacy Clause and US Codes laws begin to be enforced, is that Muslims who have immigrated to the US will begin to return back to their homelands. Well, this would be a welcome relief, since these Muslims should absolutely never have been allowed to immigrate into the US in the first place, and bring their crazy culture here, and then start demanding that Americans adhere to it too (Islamization).

Most immigrants from Muslim immigrants to this country came for better opportunities - political or religious freedom, economic opportunities, asylum from war torn countries. The kind of things our Statue of Liberty represents.

Where, specifically, are Muslim Americans demanding that other Americans adhere to their culture?

Many of them perhaps cannot return to their homelands, but instead might leave the US and go to other countries, more willing to tolerate their intolerance (like UK, Canada, France, Denmark). This would be a a step in the right direction, but with Muslim ass-kissers like Obama, Jarrett, Kerry et al in power, unfortunately, this isn't likely to happen anytime soon. Instead, Islamists will continue to Islamize. Dangerous Muslim terrorists will continue to be released from Gitmo (so they can return to the battlefield and kill Americans), and mosques will continue to operate acting as terrorism factories.

Specifically - what "Islamists" are "Islamizing" America? Are all American Muslims "Islamists"?

most of them are not. but you forget that becoming an american means adopting the american culture and adopting american values. Thats what the early immigrants did and thats what made this country strong.

radical muslims refuse to adopt american culture and values. thats the issue.
No one is 'forgetting' anything.

One can be a loyal and dutiful American citizen while at the same time retaining the values and traditions of his home culture, that is indeed what makes America great and strong; one does not exclude the other.

That a Muslim should adhere to a belief system that you subjectively perceive to be 'radical' does not mitigate that Muslim's rights as an American citizen, where the same holds true for a radical Christian opposed to privacy rights for women and equal protection rights for gay Americans.

Indeed, neither you nor anyone else on the right with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims is in a position of authority to judge whether a Muslim is 'radical' or not, or whether he's refused to to accept American culture and values.

The issue is the ignorance of Islam, along with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims and the failure to understand that the actions of the few are not representative of the whole.
Since so many posters are changing the subject of the thread, and not answering the question of the OP, and we're not getting any moderation to handle it, I will disregard all the OFF TOPIC nonsense, and proceed to try to answer my own questions.

One thing I think will likely happen if/whenever the Supremacy Clause and US Codes laws begin to be enforced, is that Muslims who have immigrated to the US will begin to return back to their homelands. Well, this would be a welcome relief, since these Muslims should absolutely never have been allowed to immigrate into the US in the first place, and bring their crazy culture here, and then start demanding that Americans adhere to it too (Islamization).

Most immigrants from Muslim immigrants to this country came for better opportunities - political or religious freedom, economic opportunities, asylum from war torn countries. The kind of things our Statue of Liberty represents.

Where, specifically, are Muslim Americans demanding that other Americans adhere to their culture?

Many of them perhaps cannot return to their homelands, but instead might leave the US and go to other countries, more willing to tolerate their intolerance (like UK, Canada, France, Denmark). This would be a a step in the right direction, but with Muslim ass-kissers like Obama, Jarrett, Kerry et al in power, unfortunately, this isn't likely to happen anytime soon. Instead, Islamists will continue to Islamize. Dangerous Muslim terrorists will continue to be released from Gitmo (so they can return to the battlefield and kill Americans), and mosques will continue to operate acting as terrorism factories.

Specifically - what "Islamists" are "Islamizing" America? Are all American Muslims "Islamists"?

most of them are not. but you forget that becoming an american means adopting the american culture and adopting american values. Thats what the early immigrants did and thats what made this country strong.

radical muslims refuse to adopt american culture and values. thats the issue.
No one is 'forgetting' anything.

One can be a loyal and dutiful American citizen while at the same time retaining the values and traditions of his home culture, that is indeed what makes America great and strong; one does not exclude the other.

That a Muslim should adhere to a belief system that you subjectively perceive to be 'radical' does not mitigate that Muslim's rights as an American citizen, where the same holds true for a radical Christian opposed to privacy rights for women and equal protection rights for gay Americans.

Indeed, neither you nor anyone else on the right with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims is in a position of authority to judge whether a Muslim is 'radical' or not, or whether he's refused to to accept American culture and values.

The issue is the ignorance of Islam, along with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims and the failure to understand that the actions of the few are not representative of the whole.

I agree 100%. Did you support the attack on the religious group in Waco?

there is no "fear of muslims" there is an acknowledgement of the danger presented by radical islam.

Did you support the beheading of 21 Christians in the name of Islam?
No, it is not. Any more than we are a Christian nation.
Ah, but, in a very real sense, we ARE a 'Christian' nation... or, more accurately, a heavily Christian-leaning secularized Christian nation.

As in... founded by Christians, for Christians, populated largely by Christians and the descendants of Christians, smart enough to separate Church from State, generally tolerant of other religions and belief systems, but based upon and operating from a system of laws, philosophy and morals strongly rooted in and adapted from the European Christian mindset... and rejecting belief systems which manifest open hostility towards our culture and traditions and way of life.
Nobody is arresting Muslims for those things. And they won't.

It's a non issue.

exactly correct. the left wingers are trying to say that if sharia law is banned then mosques are banned. nothing is further from the truth. but we all know that liberals do not deal in truth. their world is a world of fantasy, feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings, and emooooooooooooootions.

Yet Redfish and Kosher- two of our most outspoken 'Conservatives'

Never respond to Protectionist's actual bizarre unconstitutional posts.

They just complain as usual about liberals.

Its almost like Protectionist and his thread don't exist and they only see liberals' posting in a vacuum.

if you have watched my posts, I take issue with all radicals from all political spectrums. When P says that islam is not a religion, he is full of shit. But what you need to realize is that in muslim countries islam is the religion AND the law. Sharia law comes from the Koran, it is religious law. There are no secular muslim countries.

when you claim that there is no movement to bring sharia law to the US, you are either uninformed or naive. The stated goal of radical muslims is to bring sharia to the entire world through force.

Apparently neither you or obama realize that reality.

Indonesia is a secular Muslim country.

not in reality. the mullahs have more power than the "secular" government.

Prove it.
Since so many posters are changing the subject of the thread, and not answering the question of the OP, and we're not getting any moderation to handle it, I will disregard all the OFF TOPIC nonsense, and proceed to try to answer my own questions.

One thing I think will likely happen if/whenever the Supremacy Clause and US Codes laws begin to be enforced, is that Muslims who have immigrated to the US will begin to return back to their homelands. Well, this would be a welcome relief, since these Muslims should absolutely never have been allowed to immigrate into the US in the first place, and bring their crazy culture here, and then start demanding that Americans adhere to it too (Islamization).

Most immigrants from Muslim immigrants to this country came for better opportunities - political or religious freedom, economic opportunities, asylum from war torn countries. The kind of things our Statue of Liberty represents.

Where, specifically, are Muslim Americans demanding that other Americans adhere to their culture?

Many of them perhaps cannot return to their homelands, but instead might leave the US and go to other countries, more willing to tolerate their intolerance (like UK, Canada, France, Denmark). This would be a a step in the right direction, but with Muslim ass-kissers like Obama, Jarrett, Kerry et al in power, unfortunately, this isn't likely to happen anytime soon. Instead, Islamists will continue to Islamize. Dangerous Muslim terrorists will continue to be released from Gitmo (so they can return to the battlefield and kill Americans), and mosques will continue to operate acting as terrorism factories.

Specifically - what "Islamists" are "Islamizing" America? Are all American Muslims "Islamists"?

most of them are not. but you forget that becoming an american means adopting the american culture and adopting american values. Thats what the early immigrants did and thats what made this country strong.

radical muslims refuse to adopt american culture and values. thats the issue.
No one is 'forgetting' anything.

One can be a loyal and dutiful American citizen while at the same time retaining the values and traditions of his home culture, that is indeed what makes America great and strong; one does not exclude the other.

That a Muslim should adhere to a belief system that you subjectively perceive to be 'radical' does not mitigate that Muslim's rights as an American citizen, where the same holds true for a radical Christian opposed to privacy rights for women and equal protection rights for gay Americans.

Indeed, neither you nor anyone else on the right with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims is in a position of authority to judge whether a Muslim is 'radical' or not, or whether he's refused to to accept American culture and values.

The issue is the ignorance of Islam, along with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims and the failure to understand that the actions of the few are not representative of the whole.

I agree 100%. Did you support the attack on the religious group in Waco?

there is no "fear of muslims" there is an acknowledgement of the danger presented by radical islam.

Did you support the beheading of 21 Christians in the name of Islam?

So no one blames the Koran itself as the source of the terrorism?

We've never heard that rant before? lol, where have you been?
Since so many posters are changing the subject of the thread, and not answering the question of the OP, and we're not getting any moderation to handle it, I will disregard all the OFF TOPIC nonsense, and proceed to try to answer my own questions.

One thing I think will likely happen if/whenever the Supremacy Clause and US Codes laws begin to be enforced, is that Muslims who have immigrated to the US will begin to return back to their homelands. Well, this would be a welcome relief, since these Muslims should absolutely never have been allowed to immigrate into the US in the first place, and bring their crazy culture here, and then start demanding that Americans adhere to it too (Islamization).

Most immigrants from Muslim immigrants to this country came for better opportunities - political or religious freedom, economic opportunities, asylum from war torn countries. The kind of things our Statue of Liberty represents.

Where, specifically, are Muslim Americans demanding that other Americans adhere to their culture?

Many of them perhaps cannot return to their homelands, but instead might leave the US and go to other countries, more willing to tolerate their intolerance (like UK, Canada, France, Denmark). This would be a a step in the right direction, but with Muslim ass-kissers like Obama, Jarrett, Kerry et al in power, unfortunately, this isn't likely to happen anytime soon. Instead, Islamists will continue to Islamize. Dangerous Muslim terrorists will continue to be released from Gitmo (so they can return to the battlefield and kill Americans), and mosques will continue to operate acting as terrorism factories.

Specifically - what "Islamists" are "Islamizing" America? Are all American Muslims "Islamists"?

most of them are not. but you forget that becoming an american means adopting the american culture and adopting american values. Thats what the early immigrants did and thats what made this country strong.

radical muslims refuse to adopt american culture and values. thats the issue.

That a Muslim should adhere to a belief system that you subjectively perceive to be 'radical' does not mitigate that Muslim's rights as an American citizen, where the same holds true for a radical Christian opposed to privacy rights for women and equal protection rights for gay Americans.

Indeed, neither you nor anyone else on the right with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims is in a position of authority to judge whether a Muslim is 'radical' or not, or whether he's refused to to accept American culture and values.

The issue is the ignorance of Islam, along with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims and the failure to understand that the actions of the few are not representative of the whole.

No one is subjectively perceiving anything. Everyone is objectively KNOWING that Islam, by its supremacism, is illegally in violation of the Constitution's Supremacy Clause (Article 6, Section 2). FACT. Not opinion.

As for "ignorance of Islam", I gave you a chance to show that you were not just that, by allowing you to take my Islamization Quiz, and you punked out. One can only think it is your "ignorance of Islam" that caused this.

And if you were not so ignorant, you would have the fear of Islam that Americans SHOULD have, and NEED to have, and you would also know that "few" is a relatively meaningless word when it comes to jihad, whether violent or non-violent. A "few" Muslim terrorists killed 3000 people on 9/11.
Only 2 killed 19 people and wounded 27 in the Beltway Sniper attacks, and just 1 terrorist killed 13 people and wounded 35 more in the Fort Hood attack.

And as far as a complete takeover of the US govt. if/whenever that happens, it will likely be done by a "few" jihadists, with MONEY and POLITICAL INFLUENCE, not large numbers of jihadists.
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"Until" ? And when will that be ? So far, they have been told for 1400 years, and haven't budged an inch.

There has been a lot of critical work done on the bible, but not so much on the Quran. Its now getting more attention because of the 9/11 attack. I suggest a group of scholars getting together to write a definitive literary criticism of the Quran. Some of them must be Arabic speaking, and there would need to be some with extensive knowledge of historical manuscripts. But the job could be done.

I myself have been writing criticism of the Quran since 9/11 but I am not a scholar and I cannot read the original Arabic.
You don't need to read Arabic. Many Arabic readers have read the translated versions and confirmned them to be valid. Scholars aren't needed either. They've been reporting on the Koran for years. I;ll give you a partial scoop on it right now, right here. >>

Mass Genocide - 8:12.......9:5......9:123.........+ many more suras

Wife-Beating - 4:34

Rape - 4:24, ......23:1-6,.......70:29-30

Pedophilia - 65:4

Slavery - 33:50........23:5-6.......8:69......24:32

You check out the Bible? It's all in there.
"The Bible" isn't relevant to Christians. Only the Pope and New Testament are, and they don't advocate these vile things that the Koran does. Stop lying.

Hmmm the Bible is the holy book for Christians. The Pople isn't relevant to any Christians other than Catholics.

You are amazingly misinformed.
I know that. You are hopelessly in error.

No. "The Bible is NOT the holy book for Christians. The New Testament is, and even that is just non-Catholic Christians. Got it ?
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So you are a perverse type of Christian, just as jihadists are to Islam.

Christian? Is he? Is that what he claims? How embarrassing for real Christians.
CHALLENGE >> Justify that. Upon WHAT do you base that statement, Mr. hit and run jobber. ?

I believe people who espouse hatred and intolerance, for what ever reason, are doomed to burn in hell for eternity. I can only pray for the salvation of your eternal soul, which is in considerable jeopardy right now. You should read your bible a little more carefully.
You mihgt try taking your own advice. It is Islam that is the intolerance. And the Supremcy Clause )

Has nothing to do with what you think it does.
So you are a perverse type of Christian, just as jihadists are to Islam.

Christian? Is he? Is that what he claims? How embarrassing for real Christians.
CHALLENGE >> Justify that. Upon WHAT do you base that statement, Mr. hit and run jobber. ?

I believe people who espouse hatred and intolerance, for what ever reason, are doomed to burn in hell for eternity. I can only pray for the salvation of your eternal soul, which is in considerable jeopardy right now. You should read your bible a little more carefully.
You mihgt try taking your own advice. It is Islam that is the intolerance. And the Supremcy Clause )

Has nothing to do with what you think it does.
It is exactly what it says, and EVERYONE knows that, so you can stop talking like a complete fool now,
And if you were not so ignorant, you would have the fear of Islam that Americans SHOULD have, and NEED to have
Fear is your bag. Fear of competition, fear of foreigners. What a great country we are we can suffer the likes of you

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