If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?

I am tired of responding to Protectionists bizarre and ignorant bile.

The only good thing is that I know he is harmless and toothless and that no one believes his bizarre Constitutional crap.
Troll bigot thread. Really. Islam, is the biggest troll of all. Burn people to death, cut off heads. But get pissed off about that? Post you dislike of that? Torn to bits. I hate Islam. Piddly mealy mouthed bunch of faggots.

Well said, very eloquent indeed.
So now you praised a post that just ridiculed you, and all the other Islamapologists in this thread. You are lost.

Based on this response I have to ask: Which motivates your thoughts more, dishonesty or stupidity?
You're lost all right. NO doubt about it. Unless you are purposely obstinate. It hasn't been determined yet how many of you Muslim ass-kissers are just brainwashed fools, or are Muslim Islamists yourselves, clandestinely using this forum to push your cancer. You could even be part of ISIS - they do use internet promotion, and you all have all the symptoms of it. YEEAAAAHHH!!!

It's become more than obvious that you are in fact an ISIS operative posing as an American. Not a very convincing disguise Achmed.
I think we should TAX Muslims or treat them like a hate group like Neonazis. After 9/11. Please. A religion? Na.

America sure is lucky to have scholars like you and Achmed around to interpret constitutional questions regarding religious freedom.
What would be the effect of shutting Islam down in the US ? That is, by closing down all the mosques and eliminating all the Korans from libraries, schools, bookstores, and wherever they could be obtained.

Would Muslims regroup and finally choose a new name for their creed ? (one that doesn't mean "Submission") Would they finally reform their "religion" (if it could be called that), and change away from the stuff that's in the Koran ?

Could the United States be the leader in the world, whereby American Muslims would lead the way for the non-American Ummah and create a whole new pathway, with a fully edited/reformed Koran ? Before anyone jumps in to answer this, with a positive outlook, be advised. A word of caution. The current Koran, containing just about every vile thing known to man, and advocating these things (if not commanding them), is considered by Muslims to be the word of God (which cannot be changed, in their view). And in 1400 years, not one word of the Koran has ever been changed.

No need to close down Mosques or banning the Koran. In fact leave them up and running and use them to track all the practicing Muslims. Then round them up like FDR did with Japanese, and ship them back to the shithole Middle East. There may always be a few looney followers but as long as they are just a fringe group that can be tracked and watched, we'll be a lot better off than letting them run wild in our own country with intentions of destroying our way of life and installing a Muslim caliphate.

What then you ask? The Koran will be laughed at and Mosques will close themselves down and we may actually get to enjoy some peace.
Everything you say you believe is the opposite of what real Americans stand for.
CHALLENGE > Justify that.

You believe in imposing a totalitarian state. That's as unAmerican as it gets.
No. I believe in stopping a totalitarian state (AKA Islam) and doing that by Enforcing US law (properly)
Islam is not jihadism, and you are not an authority on Constitutional or American law.
Actually, Islam is jihadism. It is supremacy over the Constitution, and the enactment of an Islamic state (the pure goal of jihad)

Court Cases The Investigative Project on Terrorism
We could regulate Christianity by your silly supremacy theory.
You believe in imposing a totalitarian state. That's as unAmerican as it gets.
No. I believe in stopping a totalitarian state (AKA Islam) and doing that by Enforcing US law (properly)

I guess it's just too bad that you don't understand law. Your opinions of law don't matter.
What doesn't matter is your baseless, silly, laughable, ad hominem attacks.
Telling the truth, that you are clueless, is not ad hom.
NO FLAMING PERMITTED!!! That goes for you too Unkotare and Liminal.

One, shove it up your ass. Two, you are not a mod. Three, telling you the truth, clueless one, is not flaming. Four, we are not closing down anything IAW with your silly supremacy argument.
Achmed and his other brther Achmed (the Hawk) are here for grins and giggles only.
The answer is very simple.
Now, when they have mosques, when some of them have rights(for muslims who live in normal countries) they will continue kill only shiites(or who are their enemies?)
But they will understand that there is no more mosques and no more rights - they will begin their direct actions!
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  1. If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?


We will win the "Hammer and Sickle " award which is like the Oscar given to the most tyrannical nations.


Speaking of idiots - you didn't read what I posted did you? In his proposed scenario Mosques would be shut down and Korans banned. So are you going to arrest Muslims for having a Koran? For worshipping in other places? Where exactly is this scenario going?

Nobody is arresting Muslims for those things. And they won't.

It's a non issue.

exactly correct. the left wingers are trying to say that if sharia law is banned then mosques are banned. nothing is further from the truth. but we all know that liberals do not deal in truth. their world is a world of fantasy, feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings, and emooooooooooooootions.

Yet Redfish and Kosher- two of our most outspoken 'Conservatives'

Never respond to Protectionist's actual bizarre unconstitutional posts.

They just complain as usual about liberals.

Its almost like Protectionist and his thread don't exist and they only see liberals' posting in a vacuum.

if you have watched my posts, I take issue with all radicals from all political spectrums. When P says that islam is not a religion, he is full of shit. But what you need to realize is that in muslim countries islam is the religion AND the law. Sharia law comes from the Koran, it is religious law. There are no secular muslim countries.

when you claim that there is no movement to bring sharia law to the US, you are either uninformed or naive. The stated goal of radical muslims is to bring sharia to the entire world through force.

Apparently neither you or obama realize that reality.

Indonesia is a secular Muslim country.

not in reality. the mullahs have more power than the "secular" government.
Speaking of idiots - you didn't read what I posted did you? In his proposed scenario Mosques would be shut down and Korans banned. So are you going to arrest Muslims for having a Koran? For worshipping in other places? Where exactly is this scenario going?

Nobody is arresting Muslims for those things. And they won't.

It's a non issue.

exactly correct. the left wingers are trying to say that if sharia law is banned then mosques are banned. nothing is further from the truth. but we all know that liberals do not deal in truth. their world is a world of fantasy, feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings, and emooooooooooooootions.

Yet Redfish and Kosher- two of our most outspoken 'Conservatives'

Never respond to Protectionist's actual bizarre unconstitutional posts.

They just complain as usual about liberals.

Its almost like Protectionist and his thread don't exist and they only see liberals' posting in a vacuum.

if you have watched my posts, I take issue with all radicals from all political spectrums. When P says that islam is not a religion, he is full of shit. But what you need to realize is that in muslim countries islam is the religion AND the law. Sharia law comes from the Koran, it is religious law. There are no secular muslim countries.

when you claim that there is no movement to bring sharia law to the US, you are either uninformed or naive. The stated goal of radical muslims is to bring sharia to the entire world through force.

Apparently neither you or obama realize that reality.

I have never claimed that there are those who would want Sharia law in the U.S.- but there is virtually no such 'movement' within the United States.

And that is because the Constitution both protects Muslims from legal discrimination, and prevents Muslims from imposing legal discrimination.

A 'Muslim' country would mean a country ruled by Islamic law- so your statement is correct in that sense- but there are Muslim majority countries with no Sharia law, and with civil, not religious courts- Turkey is the example that comes to mind, though the current PM is certainly trying to undue Attaturk's work at making it a secular country.

you are going in circles, do you believe that the "goal" of radical islam is to invoke sharia law in the entire world? yes or no.
One, no such law as wished for by Protectionist will occur.

The law perfectly permits internal contract laws by willing individuals, whether secular or religious, as long as it does not violate the Constitution.

or the statutes of the state, city, county, etc.

but no one has said that the constitution would allow the banning of any religion. Well, I think thats what protectionist was claiming, but he is wrong.

But, you also cannot deny that there is a movement within islam (the radical sector) that is trying to invoke world wide sharia law. What do you think the jihad is about, if not that?
Redfish is correct about the radicals' desire for world wide shari's law.

All of moderate Islam, people and leaders, need to overwhelmingly condemn jihadism and attack it.
Since so many posters are changing the subject of the thread, and not answering the question of the OP, and we're not getting any moderation to handle it, I will disregard all the OFF TOPIC nonsense, and proceed to try to answer my own questions.

One thing I think will likely happen if/whenever the Supremacy Clause and US Codes laws begin to be enforced, is that Muslims who have immigrated to the US will begin to return back to their homelands. Well, this would be a welcome relief, since these Muslims should absolutely never have been allowed to immigrate into the US in the first place, and bring their crazy culture here, and then start demanding that Americans adhere to it too (Islamization).

Most immigrants from Muslim immigrants to this country came for better opportunities - political or religious freedom, economic opportunities, asylum from war torn countries. The kind of things our Statue of Liberty represents.

Where, specifically, are Muslim Americans demanding that other Americans adhere to their culture?

Many of them perhaps cannot return to their homelands, but instead might leave the US and go to other countries, more willing to tolerate their intolerance (like UK, Canada, France, Denmark). This would be a a step in the right direction, but with Muslim ass-kissers like Obama, Jarrett, Kerry et al in power, unfortunately, this isn't likely to happen anytime soon. Instead, Islamists will continue to Islamize. Dangerous Muslim terrorists will continue to be released from Gitmo (so they can return to the battlefield and kill Americans), and mosques will continue to operate acting as terrorism factories.

Specifically - what "Islamists" are "Islamizing" America? Are all American Muslims "Islamists"?
Another result of the enforcement of our protective laws, would be the end of the rampant use of the courts by Islamist and terrorist organizations to force the American people to accept their unAmerican, immoral, and illegal ways of living. Probably no Islamization tactic has been more effective by Islamist ad terrorist organiztions than litigation. Here is a list of court cases >>

Court Cases The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Did you even bother to read that list of court cases?
Since so many posters are changing the subject of the thread, and not answering the question of the OP, and we're not getting any moderation to handle it, I will disregard all the OFF TOPIC nonsense, and proceed to try to answer my own questions.

One thing I think will likely happen if/whenever the Supremacy Clause and US Codes laws begin to be enforced, is that Muslims who have immigrated to the US will begin to return back to their homelands. Well, this would be a welcome relief, since these Muslims should absolutely never have been allowed to immigrate into the US in the first place, and bring their crazy culture here, and then start demanding that Americans adhere to it too (Islamization).

Most immigrants from Muslim immigrants to this country came for better opportunities - political or religious freedom, economic opportunities, asylum from war torn countries. The kind of things our Statue of Liberty represents.

Where, specifically, are Muslim Americans demanding that other Americans adhere to their culture?

Many of them perhaps cannot return to their homelands, but instead might leave the US and go to other countries, more willing to tolerate their intolerance (like UK, Canada, France, Denmark). This would be a a step in the right direction, but with Muslim ass-kissers like Obama, Jarrett, Kerry et al in power, unfortunately, this isn't likely to happen anytime soon. Instead, Islamists will continue to Islamize. Dangerous Muslim terrorists will continue to be released from Gitmo (so they can return to the battlefield and kill Americans), and mosques will continue to operate acting as terrorism factories.

Specifically - what "Islamists" are "Islamizing" America? Are all American Muslims "Islamists"?

most of them are not. but you forget that becoming an american means adopting the american culture and adopting american values. Thats what the early immigrants did and thats what made this country strong.

radical muslims refuse to adopt american culture and values. thats the issue.
Redfish is correct about the radicals' desire for world wide shari's law.

All of moderate Islam, people and leaders, need to overwhelmingly condemn jihadism and attack it.

whats funny is that Jordan, Egypt, and the UAE have acknowledged that the enemy is radical islam and have vowed to destroy it. But Obama has yet to do that. Why?
Redfish is correct about the radicals' desire for world wide shari's law.

All of moderate Islam, people and leaders, need to overwhelmingly condemn jihadism and attack it.

whats funny is that Jordan, Egypt, and the UAE have acknowledged that the enemy is radical islam and have vowed to destroy it. But Obama has yet to do that. Why?
Yeah, he must be doing the vast majority of bombing them for no reason. Fuck actions, you want words, as usual.
You are flatly wrong in your assertion. But you could have offer some incontrovertible evidence.

What is true is that BHO has separated jihadist perversion from mainstream Islam, which is evidenced by the conference. And the continued bombing of the enemy.
Another result of the enforcement of our protective laws, would be the removal of the idiotic and disgusting footwashing basins that pushy Islamists have succeeded in having installed in airports, universities, private corporations, etc.

So you are now going to tell private business' what they can and can not do?

Other examples of Islamization would be retracted as well. (laws against taxi drivers refusing to pick up blind people with dogs, people carrying alcohol products, prayer rooms, loudspeakers with loud annoying call to prayers, etc)

I don't think that, legally, taxi drivers can refuse to drive people with service animals. That can be pursued within existing laws.

Laws also specify that you can't discriminate service based on race, religion or gender I think. But you can refuse to serve drunks, and refuse service for any of a number of reasons. Are you going to insist that taxi drivers be forced to drive barfing drunks?

Should we do anything about those annoying loudspeaker church bells?

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