If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?

Hmmm the Bible is the holy book for Christians. The Pople isn't relevant to any Christians other than Catholics.

You are amazingly misinformed.
I know that. You are hopelessly in error.

No. "The Bible is NOT te holy book for Christians. The New Testament is, and even that is just non-Catholic Christians. Got it ?

God should have thought it through better the first time, eh Protectionist? At least he had the ability to admit he was wrong.

Not eating pork? Stoning your ho if she cheats on you? Um...never mind, don't do that. My bad...
I am tired of responding to Protectionists bizarre and ignorant bile.

The only good thing is that I know he is harmless and toothless and that no one believes his bizarre Constitutional crap.

What the hell is "bizarre" about simply stating that the Constitution and the laws of the US are the supreme law of the land ? (THAT'S WHAT IT SAYS) Got a problem with that ? Take it up with the founding fathers.
For you to call that "bizarre", is what is bizarre. YOU are bizarre.

And what I said has nothing to do with belief. It's not opinion. It's FACT.
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And if you were not so ignorant, you would have the fear of Islam that Americans SHOULD have, and NEED to have
Fear is your bag. Fear of competition, fear of foreigners. What a great country we are we can suffer the likes of you
Fear is not my "bag". I don't like fear. But I don't pretend that is doesn't exist, like so many denialists in this thread, who look like they could be on ISIS' payroll.
I am tired of responding to Protectionists bizarre and ignorant bile.

The only good thing is that I know he is harmless and toothless and that no one believes his bizarre Constitutional crap.
What the hell is "bizarre" about simply stating that the Constitution and the laws of the US are the supreme law of the land ? (THAT'S WHAT IT SAYS) Got a problem with that ? Take it up with the founding fathers.
For you to call that "bizarre", is what is bizarre. YOU are bizarre.
And what I said has nothing to do with belief. It's not opinion. It's FACT.

Ironic the OP of this thread says that. You two are actually far more alike than different You both believe the Constitution is the supreme law of the land only when it suits your purpose, other than that you both ignore it. You're just quibbling over the minor distinction of when it applies and when it's to be ignored
And if you were not so ignorant, you would have the fear of Islam that Americans SHOULD have, and NEED to have
Fear is your bag. Fear of competition, fear of foreigners. What a great country we are we can suffer the likes of you
Fear is not my "bag". I don't like fear. But I don't pretend that is doesn't exist, like so many denialists in this thread, who look like they could be on ISIS' payroll.

Teenagers don't like acne either, but they are the ones who usually get it
Hmmm the Bible is the holy book for Christians. The Pople isn't relevant to any Christians other than Catholics.

You are amazingly misinformed.
I know that. You are hopelessly in error.

No. "The Bible is NOT te holy book for Christians. The New Testament is, and even that is just non-Catholic Christians. Got it ?

God should have thought it through better the first time, eh Protectionist? At least he had the ability to admit he was wrong.

Not eating pork? Stoning your ho if she cheats on you? Um...never mind, don't do that. My bad...
Does anybody know what this clown is babbling about ? If so, please don't tell me. :lol:
I am tired of responding to Protectionists bizarre and ignorant bile.

The only good thing is that I know he is harmless and toothless and that no one believes his bizarre Constitutional crap.
What the hell is "bizarre" about simply stating that the Constitution and the laws of the US are the supreme law of the land ? (THAT'S WHAT IT SAYS) Got a problem with that ? Take it up with the founding fathers.
For you to call that "bizarre", is what is bizarre. YOU are bizarre.
And what I said has nothing to do with belief. It's not opinion. It's FACT.

Ironic the OP of this thread says that. You two are actually far more alike than different You both believe the Constitution is the supreme law of the land only when it suits your purpose, other than that you both ignore it. You're just quibbling over the minor distinction of when it applies and when it's to be ignored
Excuse me. I haven't seen you show 1 shred of evidence where I have ignored the Constitution. So you don't get the liberty to walk in here and be able to mouth that off.
And if you were not so ignorant, you would have the fear of Islam that Americans SHOULD have, and NEED to have
Fear is your bag. Fear of competition, fear of foreigners. What a great country we are we can suffer the likes of you
Fear is not my "bag". I don't like fear. But I don't pretend that is doesn't exist, like so many denialists in this thread, who look like they could be on ISIS' payroll.

Teenagers don't like acne either, but they are the ones who usually get it
You have a great talent for saying things that don't make any sense. If you want to communicate, you're not doing a very good job.
I am tired of responding to Protectionists bizarre and ignorant bile.

The only good thing is that I know he is harmless and toothless and that no one believes his bizarre Constitutional crap.
What the hell is "bizarre" about simply stating that the Constitution and the laws of the US are the supreme law of the land ? (THAT'S WHAT IT SAYS) Got a problem with that ? Take it up with the founding fathers.
For you to call that "bizarre", is what is bizarre. YOU are bizarre.
And what I said has nothing to do with belief. It's not opinion. It's FACT.

Ironic the OP of this thread says that. You two are actually far more alike than different You both believe the Constitution is the supreme law of the land only when it suits your purpose, other than that you both ignore it. You're just quibbling over the minor distinction of when it applies and when it's to be ignored

Well you two are far more alike than different.

You both just pretend whatever you say is fact, and ignore the facts.

You are both idiots.
I am tired of responding to Protectionists bizarre and ignorant bile.

The only good thing is that I know he is harmless and toothless and that no one believes his bizarre Constitutional crap.
What the hell is "bizarre" about simply stating that the Constitution and the laws of the US are the supreme law of the land ? (THAT'S WHAT IT SAYS) Got a problem with that ? Take it up with the founding fathers.
For you to call that "bizarre", is what is bizarre. YOU are bizarre.
And what I said has nothing to do with belief. It's not opinion. It's FACT.

Ironic the OP of this thread says that. You two are actually far more alike than different You both believe the Constitution is the supreme law of the land only when it suits your purpose, other than that you both ignore it. You're just quibbling over the minor distinction of when it applies and when it's to be ignored

Well you two are far more alike than different.

You both just pretend whatever you say is fact, and ignore the facts.

You are both idiots.

Wow, you worked hard on that one, didn't you? LOL
I am tired of responding to Protectionists bizarre and ignorant bile.

The only good thing is that I know he is harmless and toothless and that no one believes his bizarre Constitutional crap.
What the hell is "bizarre" about simply stating that the Constitution and the laws of the US are the supreme law of the land ? (THAT'S WHAT IT SAYS) Got a problem with that ? Take it up with the founding fathers.
For you to call that "bizarre", is what is bizarre. YOU are bizarre.
And what I said has nothing to do with belief. It's not opinion. It's FACT.

It is entirely your bizarre interpretation of the Constitution that virtually no one else has even ever heard of.

The Constitution- and that includes the First Amendment are the law of the land. It just doesn't say what you want it to be saying.
Forums > US Discussion > Politics >

  1. If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?


We will win the "Hammer and Sickle " award which is like the Oscar given to the most tyrannical nations.



We will win the "Hammer and Sickle " award which is like the Oscar given to the most tyrannical nations.



No. I believe in stopping a totalitarian state (AKA Islam) and doing that by Enforcing US law (properly)

I guess it's just too bad that you don't understand law. Your opinions of law don't matter.
What doesn't matter is your baseless, silly, laughable, ad hominem attacks.
Telling the truth, that you are clueless, is not ad hom.
NO FLAMING PERMITTED!!! That goes for you too Unkotare and Liminal.

One, shove it up your ass. Two, you are not a mod. Three, telling you the truth, clueless one, is not flaming. Four, we are not closing down anything IAW with your silly supremacy argument.
So you can count to four. But not with anything correct.
I am tired of responding to Protectionists bizarre and ignorant bile.

The only good thing is that I know he is harmless and toothless and that no one believes his bizarre Constitutional crap.
What the hell is "bizarre" about simply stating that the Constitution and the laws of the US are the supreme law of the land ? (THAT'S WHAT IT SAYS) Got a problem with that ? Take it up with the founding fathers.
For you to call that "bizarre", is what is bizarre. YOU are bizarre.
And what I said has nothing to do with belief. It's not opinion. It's FACT.

It is entirely your bizarre interpretation of the Constitution that virtually no one else has even ever heard of.

The Constitution- and that includes the First Amendment are the law of the land. It just doesn't say what you want it to be saying.
No one has ever hear of >> ???

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States... shall be the supreme law of the land;

Earth to Syriusly: Even 10 year olds in the 5th grade have heard of it. You'ere talking like a complete idiot.
No, it is not. Any more than we are a Christian nation.

We are a nation that was based on judeo/Christian values. "endowed by their creator" "created equal" "in God we trust" "under God"

lets not pretend that the USA was not founded or religious principles, lets also not pretend that the USA was not founded on freedom of all religions.
Other than adding "including Islam" you sound almost normal.
Nobody is arresting Muslims for those things. And they won't.

It's a non issue.

exactly correct. the left wingers are trying to say that if sharia law is banned then mosques are banned. nothing is further from the truth. but we all know that liberals do not deal in truth. their world is a world of fantasy, feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings, and emooooooooooooootions.

Yet Redfish and Kosher- two of our most outspoken 'Conservatives'

Never respond to Protectionist's actual bizarre unconstitutional posts.

They just complain as usual about liberals.

Its almost like Protectionist and his thread don't exist and they only see liberals' posting in a vacuum.

if you have watched my posts, I take issue with all radicals from all political spectrums. When P says that islam is not a religion, he is full of shit. But what you need to realize is that in muslim countries islam is the religion AND the law. Sharia law comes from the Koran, it is religious law. There are no secular muslim countries.

when you claim that there is no movement to bring sharia law to the US, you are either uninformed or naive. The stated goal of radical muslims is to bring sharia to the entire world through force.

Apparently neither you or obama realize that reality.

I have never claimed that there are those who would want Sharia law in the U.S.- but there is virtually no such 'movement' within the United States.

And that is because the Constitution both protects Muslims from legal discrimination, and prevents Muslims from imposing legal discrimination.

A 'Muslim' country would mean a country ruled by Islamic law- so your statement is correct in that sense- but there are Muslim majority countries with no Sharia law, and with civil, not religious courts- Turkey is the example that comes to mind, though the current PM is certainly trying to undue Attaturk's work at making it a secular country.

you are going in circles, do you believe that the "goal" of radical islam is to invoke sharia law in the entire world? yes or no.

My bad- I missed 'radical' Muslims- I think that the goal of some 'radical Muslims' is indeed to conquer the world and impose whatever brand of Islamic law they personally believe in. Others, like the Taliban are essentially regional entities that want to impose Shariah law on their personal corner of the world.
No, it is not. Any more than we are a Christian nation.

Islam is both a religion and a system of governmental laws. Iran is a perfect example. the ayatollah is not elected but has more power than the president. you need to face reality.
Iran does not have separation of Church and State, and it does not have a rigorously enforced Bill of Rights.
No, it is not. Any more than we are a Christian nation.
Ah, but, in a very real sense, we ARE a 'Christian' nation... or, more accurately, a heavily Christian-leaning secularized Christian nation.

As in... founded by Christians, for Christians, populated largely by Christians and the descendants of Christians, smart enough to separate Church from State, generally tolerant of other religions and belief systems, but based upon and operating from a system of laws, philosophy and morals strongly rooted in and adapted from the European Christian mindset... and rejecting belief systems which manifest open hostility towards our culture and traditions and way of life.
No, we are a nation that is predominantly Christian, only.

Mod Edited.
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There has been a lot of critical work done on the bible, but not so much on the Quran. Its now getting more attention because of the 9/11 attack. I suggest a group of scholars getting together to write a definitive literary criticism of the Quran. Some of them must be Arabic speaking, and there would need to be some with extensive knowledge of historical manuscripts. But the job could be done.

I myself have been writing criticism of the Quran since 9/11 but I am not a scholar and I cannot read the original Arabic.
You don't need to read Arabic. Many Arabic readers have read the translated versions and confirmned them to be valid. Scholars aren't needed either. They've been reporting on the Koran for years. I;ll give you a partial scoop on it right now, right here. >>

Mass Genocide - 8:12.......9:5......9:123.........+ many more suras

Wife-Beating - 4:34

Rape - 4:24, ......23:1-6,.......70:29-30

Pedophilia - 65:4

Slavery - 33:50........23:5-6.......8:69......24:32

You check out the Bible? It's all in there.
"The Bible" isn't relevant to Christians. Only the Pope and New Testament are, and they don't advocate these vile things that the Koran does. Stop lying.

Hmmm the Bible is the holy book for Christians. The Pople isn't relevant to any Christians other than Catholics.

You are amazingly misinformed.
I know that. You are hopelessly in error.

No. "The Bible is NOT the holy book for Christians. The New Testament is, and even that is just non-Catholic Christians. Got it ?

I have got that you have no clue.

The Christian Bible consists of two books- the Old Testament and the New Testament.

And that applies to both Catholics, Protestants and presumably Orthodox and Copts though I don't really know much about their practices.
Forums > US Discussion > Politics >

  1. If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?


We will win the "Hammer and Sickle " award which is like the Oscar given to the most tyrannical nations.



We will win the "Hammer and Sickle " award which is like the Oscar given to the most tyrannical nations.



Are you a jihadist? If not, why are you pushing JIHAD on this page ?

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