If we don’t fix the black fatherless rate there is no Point reforming the police department

I haven't seen anyone advocate for violent criminals to just walk away.
What do you do differently to a violent criminal?

How about show where anyone has suggested that we allow violent criminals to walk away?
So if you were a white cop you would engage a violent black criminal? lol are you seeing what they did to the cops in Minnesota with the black guy that was high on meth?

I think it would be best if the officer followed established police procedures.
6’6 high in meth resisting? lol

And the established police procedure would be what? I am betting it would not be "let them go".

Call for backup?
Four guys couldn’t get him
In the car.. how would you have bent his head in the car? Lol

More guys. More backup.

You are sidetracking your entire argument with the claim that people are advocating that police allow violent criminals to walk away, and then hinging it on one big meth head's arrest?

When people are high on some drugs, they are really hard to arrest. No one is suggesting the cops just let them go.
They are Arresting police for pushing back rioters during a riot,, btw you are the only one on here siding with democrats on kneeling on the flag while we honor America

Do you have a link for arrests of police officers for pushing back rioters?

Stay on topic, for a change, will you?
Google it flag kneeler

Thought so.
I haven't seen anyone advocate for violent criminals to just walk away.
No but you sure do vote for the very people who have kept the fatherless blacks from achieving in the US. You should be madder than hell about your Demoncraps, but like a good sheep you , lie all the time that they, Demoncraps are just for the people...Did you see those scums bending a arthritic Knee to make you think they like you? Bwaaahhhaaaa, they hate your stinking guts, because they love seeing you burn cities and kill each other.

Do you think George if born in a traditional family would of been a better father figure himself , if he had a father to bring him up responsibly? Thank a liberal for his death.
How Liberal Policies Destroyed Black Families
The majority of black babies are being born to single mothers—a prescription for a life of poverty and crime. And despite the warnings that have sounded off loudly for over half a century, Democrats have done nothing to stop blacks, their most steadfast constituents, from having babies they can’t take care of. This problem has perpetuated itself for generations, producing generational poverty among blacks.

I vote for them? Think again. I have not voted for a democrat. Ever.
Don't you just love when people who know nothing about you know intimate details, such as your voting record?
Dude/dudette/Duddit, it is his actions and comments that show his voting record. And when one liberal starts getting exposed the other liberals come and circle the wagons.

What comments or actions of mine show this? What comments or actions go against conservatives?
I haven't seen anyone advocate for violent criminals to just walk away.
No but you sure do vote for the very people who have kept the fatherless blacks from achieving in the US. You should be madder than hell about your Demoncraps, but like a good sheep you , lie all the time that they, Demoncraps are just for the people...Did you see those scums bending a arthritic Knee to make you think they like you? Bwaaahhhaaaa, they hate your stinking guts, because they love seeing you burn cities and kill each other.

Do you think George if born in a traditional family would of been a better father figure himself , if he had a father to bring him up responsibly? Thank a liberal for his death.
How Liberal Policies Destroyed Black Families
The majority of black babies are being born to single mothers—a prescription for a life of poverty and crime. And despite the warnings that have sounded off loudly for over half a century, Democrats have done nothing to stop blacks, their most steadfast constituents, from having babies they can’t take care of. This problem has perpetuated itself for generations, producing generational poverty among blacks.

I vote for them? Think again. I have not voted for a democrat. Ever.
You’re the biggest democrat on here

Stick with facts, junior. I am not in any political party, and have never voted democrat.
How do you find so many "liberal" Republicans, since, according to authorities here on your attitudes, you must be one of 'those'? (irony intended)
Last edited:
I haven't seen anyone advocate for violent criminals to just walk away.

I have----it's RAMPANT. A bitch tried to shiv hubby.
She did manage to cut the hand he raised to protect his eye, The cops were horrified (hubby is 80 and severely crippled) She was booked but the prosecutor FLED because of the current DI BLASIO policies. She walked

And that is the fault of the system we have put in place. That is not the fault of the public or the cops.

I have an impression that the people MOST INTIMIDATED BY billy-joseph stalin de blasio
are the prosecutors and judges. Keep in mind---both judge and prosecutor are political jobs
The breakdown of the black family is one of the biggest socioeconomic problems in this country.

break-down? when did it "break down"? -----
seems to be that the pattern holds despite geography
If we are advocating allowing violent criminals just walk away, than crime will sky rocket in the black community, if we are advocating for no bail nationwide, or not pulling over driving law breakers, we are going to see again what crime skyrocket in the black community.

why are you advocating this democrats?

That was the intended outcome of the democrat "Great Society"!

“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” -- Malcolm X
No, it was not the intended outcome of the "Great Society". Malcolm X just wanted more.
"These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again. "

“I’ll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years.”


Johnson was no fan of Blacks. I think he had a deeper understanding of the ramifications than you give him credit for.
I agree, but Johnson did what he thought was necessary whether a fan or not. A President must do what is best for his country, and we sure as hell don't have that now.
I haven't seen anyone advocate for violent criminals to just walk away.

I have----it's RAMPANT. A bitch tried to shiv hubby.
She did manage to cut the hand he raised to protect his eye, The cops were horrified (hubby is 80 and severely crippled) She was booked but the prosecutor FLED because of the current DI BLASIO policies. She walked

And that is the fault of the system we have put in place. That is not the fault of the public or the cops.

I have an impression that the people MOST INTIMIDATED BY billy-joseph stalin de blasio
are the prosecutors and judges. Keep in mind---both judge and prosecutor are political jobs
The breakdown of the black family is one of the biggest socioeconomic problems in this country.

break-down? when did it "break down"? -----
seems to be that the pattern holds despite geography
I haven't seen anyone advocate for violent criminals to just walk away.
What do you do differently to a violent criminal?

How about show where anyone has suggested that we allow violent criminals to walk away?
So if you were a white cop you would engage a violent black criminal? lol are you seeing what they did to the cops in Minnesota with the black guy that was high on meth?

I think it would be best if the officer followed established police procedures.
6’6 high in meth resisting? lol

And the established police procedure would be what? I am betting it would not be "let them go".

Call for backup?
Four guys couldn’t get him
In the car.. how would you have bent his head in the car? Lol

More guys. More backup.

You are sidetracking your entire argument with the claim that people are advocating that police allow violent criminals to walk away, and then hinging it on one big meth head's arrest?

When people are high on some drugs, they are really hard to arrest. No one is suggesting the cops just let them go.
They are Arresting police for pushing back rioters during a riot,, btw you are the only one on here siding with democrats on kneeling on the flag while we honor America

Do you have a link for arrests of police officers for pushing back rioters?

Stay on topic, for a change, will you?
Google it flag kneeler

Thought so.
RE: The thread title

Well, then, there is no point.

In my opinion, the "father situation" in ethnicity X will never improve.

Heck, the "father situation" in many Caucasian families ain't great, either.

We are not children.

We all know in our hearts that some things in this tortured nation will NEVER improve, They will only continue to deteriorate in the coming decades.
Good point
Let's clarify, so we can actually discuss the topic instead of making wild, unsubstantiated claims about my voting record.

I am pro-2nd amendment, pro-tax reform, pro-balanced budget, pro-individual freedom and for smaller gov't.

I have spoken out on these topics numerous times. I am a veteran, a solid voter and a tax payer.

No idea where people think any of this makes me a democrat (or a communist as jitsie insists).
I haven't seen anyone advocate for violent criminals to just walk away.
No but you sure do vote for the very people who have kept the fatherless blacks from achieving in the US. You should be madder than hell about your Demoncraps, but like a good sheep you , lie all the time that they, Demoncraps are just for the people...Did you see those scums bending a arthritic Knee to make you think they like you? Bwaaahhhaaaa, they hate your stinking guts, because they love seeing you burn cities and kill each other.

Do you think George if born in a traditional family would of been a better father figure himself , if he had a father to bring him up responsibly? Thank a liberal for his death.
How Liberal Policies Destroyed Black Families
The majority of black babies are being born to single mothers—a prescription for a life of poverty and crime. And despite the warnings that have sounded off loudly for over half a century, Democrats have done nothing to stop blacks, their most steadfast constituents, from having babies they can’t take care of. This problem has perpetuated itself for generations, producing generational poverty among blacks.

I vote for them? Think again. I have not voted for a democrat. Ever.
Nice of you to not answer the question about George not following the liberal playbook. Why is it liberals hate to have a rational conversation?
Let's clarify, so we can actually discuss the topic instead of making wild, unsubstantiated claims about my voting record.

I am pro-2nd amendment, pro-tax reform, pro-balanced budget, pro-individual freedom and for smaller gov't.

I have spoken out on these topics numerous times. I am a veteran, a solid voter and a tax payer.

No idea where people think any of this makes me a democrat (or a communist as jitsie insists).
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job - NaturalNews.com
#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.
I think the idea stems from your constant left leaning rhetoric and constant falsehoods...
When a Black leader talks about the destruction of the Black family and the importance of responsible Black men, he is either ignored like Jim Brown or shamed back into silence by Sharpton, Jackson and the rest of the so-called Black "leadership".
I haven't seen anyone advocate for violent criminals to just walk away.
No but you sure do vote for the very people who have kept the fatherless blacks from achieving in the US. You should be madder than hell about your Demoncraps, but like a good sheep you , lie all the time that they, Demoncraps are just for the people...Did you see those scums bending a arthritic Knee to make you think they like you? Bwaaahhhaaaa, they hate your stinking guts, because they love seeing you burn cities and kill each other.

Do you think George if born in a traditional family would of been a better father figure himself , if he had a father to bring him up responsibly? Thank a liberal for his death.
How Liberal Policies Destroyed Black Families
The majority of black babies are being born to single mothers—a prescription for a life of poverty and crime. And despite the warnings that have sounded off loudly for over half a century, Democrats have done nothing to stop blacks, their most steadfast constituents, from having babies they can’t take care of. This problem has perpetuated itself for generations, producing generational poverty among blacks.

I vote for them? Think again. I have not voted for a democrat. Ever.
Nice of you to not answer the question about George not following the liberal playbook. Why is it liberals hate to have a rational conversation?

I am happy to engage in discussion. But when you spend more time arguing that I am a liberal democrat than you do discussing the topic, it seems more and more of a waste of time.

Do I think George Floyd would have had a different, and probably better, life is he had come from an intact family? Probably so. But how do we legislate that? Do we make it illegal for unmarried people to have sex? Do we force a woman to stay in an abusive relationship?

How do we make sure black children have fathers?
Let's clarify, so we can actually discuss the topic instead of making wild, unsubstantiated claims about my voting record.

I am pro-2nd amendment, pro-tax reform, pro-balanced budget, pro-individual freedom and for smaller gov't.

I have spoken out on these topics numerous times. I am a veteran, a solid voter and a tax payer.

No idea where people think any of this makes me a democrat (or a communist as jitsie insists).
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job - NaturalNews.com
#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.
I think the idea stems from your constant left leaning rhetoric and constant falsehoods...

Didn't you post this before? When you were insisting that I owed Jitsie an apology? When I took the time to show jitsie was not owed an apology, you vanished.

But let's try it again here.

What left leaning rhetoric do I constantly post?

And please point out what lies I have posted. Its odd that you come in defending jitsie, then try and make it about me being the liar. lol As if he is all about truth.
Let's clarify, so we can actually discuss the topic instead of making wild, unsubstantiated claims about my voting record.

I am pro-2nd amendment, pro-tax reform, pro-balanced budget, pro-individual freedom and for smaller gov't.

I have spoken out on these topics numerous times. I am a veteran, a solid voter and a tax payer.

No idea where people think any of this makes me a democrat (or a communist as jitsie insists).
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job - NaturalNews.com
#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.
I think the idea stems from your constant left leaning rhetoric and constant falsehoods...

Didn't you post this before? When you were insisting that I owed Jitsie an apology? When I took the time to show jitsie was not owed an apology, you vanished.

But let's try it again here.

What left leaning rhetoric do I constantly post?

And please point out what lies I have posted. Its odd that you come in defending jitsie, then try and make it about me being the liar. lol As if he is all about truth.

If you can't find any lies that I have posted, please admit you it. If you don't find any "constant left leaning rhetoric", admit that too.

I'll wait.
I haven't seen anyone advocate for violent criminals to just walk away.
No but you sure do vote for the very people who have kept the fatherless blacks from achieving in the US. You should be madder than hell about your Demoncraps, but like a good sheep you , lie all the time that they, Demoncraps are just for the people...Did you see those scums bending a arthritic Knee to make you think they like you? Bwaaahhhaaaa, they hate your stinking guts, because they love seeing you burn cities and kill each other.

Do you think George if born in a traditional family would of been a better father figure himself , if he had a father to bring him up responsibly? Thank a liberal for his death.
How Liberal Policies Destroyed Black Families
The majority of black babies are being born to single mothers—a prescription for a life of poverty and crime. And despite the warnings that have sounded off loudly for over half a century, Democrats have done nothing to stop blacks, their most steadfast constituents, from having babies they can’t take care of. This problem has perpetuated itself for generations, producing generational poverty among blacks.

I vote for them? Think again. I have not voted for a democrat. Ever.
Nice of you to not answer the question about George not following the liberal playbook. Why is it liberals hate to have a rational conversation?

I am happy to engage in discussion. But when you spend more time arguing that I am a liberal democrat than you do discussing the topic, it seems more and more of a waste of time.

Do I think George Floyd would have had a different, and probably better, life is he had come from an intact family? Probably so. But how do we legislate that? Do we make it illegal for unmarried people to have sex? Do we force a woman to stay in an abusive relationship?

How do we make sure black children have fathers?
By not voting for the very people who destroy family values. I guess you arent smart enough to realize this.
I haven't seen anyone advocate for violent criminals to just walk away.
No but you sure do vote for the very people who have kept the fatherless blacks from achieving in the US. You should be madder than hell about your Demoncraps, but like a good sheep you , lie all the time that they, Demoncraps are just for the people...Did you see those scums bending a arthritic Knee to make you think they like you? Bwaaahhhaaaa, they hate your stinking guts, because they love seeing you burn cities and kill each other.

Do you think George if born in a traditional family would of been a better father figure himself , if he had a father to bring him up responsibly? Thank a liberal for his death.
How Liberal Policies Destroyed Black Families
The majority of black babies are being born to single mothers—a prescription for a life of poverty and crime. And despite the warnings that have sounded off loudly for over half a century, Democrats have done nothing to stop blacks, their most steadfast constituents, from having babies they can’t take care of. This problem has perpetuated itself for generations, producing generational poverty among blacks.

I vote for them? Think again. I have not voted for a democrat. Ever.
Nice of you to not answer the question about George not following the liberal playbook. Why is it liberals hate to have a rational conversation?

I am happy to engage in discussion. But when you spend more time arguing that I am a liberal democrat than you do discussing the topic, it seems more and more of a waste of time.

Do I think George Floyd would have had a different, and probably better, life is he had come from an intact family? Probably so. But how do we legislate that? Do we make it illegal for unmarried people to have sex? Do we force a woman to stay in an abusive relationship?

How do we make sure black children have fathers?
By not voting for the very people who destroy family values. I guess you arent smart enough to realize this.

I am assuming you are referring to the democrats. Are you smart enough to have read what I said about never having voted for a democrat?

So........have you found any lies I have posted?
Let's clarify, so we can actually discuss the topic instead of making wild, unsubstantiated claims about my voting record.

I am pro-2nd amendment, pro-tax reform, pro-balanced budget, pro-individual freedom and for smaller gov't.

I have spoken out on these topics numerous times. I am a veteran, a solid voter and a tax payer.

No idea where people think any of this makes me a democrat (or a communist as jitsie insists).
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job - NaturalNews.com
#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.
I think the idea stems from your constant left leaning rhetoric and constant falsehoods...

You posted this an hour ago. And you still haven't found any lies I have posted?

Hmmm, sounding more and more like some drive-by trolling to defend jitsie. Maybe you haven't noticed he is a liberal troll trying to make conservatives look bad?

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