If we don’t fix the black fatherless rate there is no Point reforming the police department

I haven't seen anyone advocate for violent criminals to just walk away.
What do you do differently to a violent criminal?

How about show where anyone has suggested that we allow violent criminals to walk away?
Remember OJ?

Was OJ allowed to walk away? Or was he tried and somehow aquitted? Though lord knows he murdered those two people.
I addressed your question. Yes, many people did suggest that we allow a violent criminal walk away, and they were mostly black.

I remember some black celebrating OJ's aquittal, but I don't remember anyone suggesting he be allowed to walk without a trial.
So you meant walk away without a trial, cuz believe me, OJ walked even though he was guilty as hell and his entire defense was based on racism.

When the OP complains " If we are advocating allowing violent criminals just walk away..." then yes, that means being allowed to walk without a trial, or even being arrested. His first argument on that was talking about some 6'6" meth head fighting the cops.

I agree that OJ was guilty. But he was found not-guilty by a jury.
NYS Law, as Of Jan 1, 2020...If someone smashes the window of a store, a police officer must hand them a summons to appear in court to pay a fine; the officer is not allowed to stop the burglary.
Yes, this is for real.
Yes, this is absurd.

The OP's claim was " If we are advocating allowing violent criminals just walk away...".

I think the law you quoted above is stupid. But it doesn't answer my question about who is advocating violent criminals being allowed to walk.
I haven't seen anyone advocate for violent criminals to just walk away.
What do you do differently to a violent criminal?

How about show where anyone has suggested that we allow violent criminals to walk away?
Remember OJ?

Was OJ allowed to walk away? Or was he tried and somehow aquitted? Though lord knows he murdered those two people.
Have you seen the bail laws in in these communities?

No, I have not. Is there some part of the bail system you don't like?

And if the criminal is arrested and posts bail, I would hardly call that "letting them walk". Are violent black criminals given bail more often?
You don’t know much do you

What do you mean? I mean, I get the attempt at an insult. But what does the bail system have to do with your claims?
Anything under 750 dollars you won’t be held or arrested in some cities

Got a link for that? And are they violent criminals, as you claimed?

Research it for yourself.

See, I thought that if you made a claim and were called on it, you should provide backup. That is the way it has worked around here for years.
I guess standards have changed.
NYS Law, as Of Jan 1, 2020...If someone smashes the window of a store, a police officer must hand them a summons to appear in court to pay a fine; the officer is not allowed to stop the burglary.
Yes, this is for real.
Yes, this is absurd.

The OP's claim was " If we are advocating allowing violent criminals just walk away...".

I think the law you quoted above is stupid. But it doesn't answer my question about who is advocating violent criminals being allowed to walk.
Are you gonna kneel during the national anthem this year?
NYS Law, as Of Jan 1, 2020...If someone smashes the window of a store, a police officer must hand them a summons to appear in court to pay a fine; the officer is not allowed to stop the burglary.
Yes, this is for real.
Yes, this is absurd.

The OP's claim was " If we are advocating allowing violent criminals just walk away...".

I think the law you quoted above is stupid. But it doesn't answer my question about who is advocating violent criminals being allowed to walk.
Gov Andrew Cuomo removed 82 categories of Assault from NYS's Laws; I don't know the specifics.
But we are talking Assault.
NYS Law, as Of Jan 1, 2020...If someone smashes the window of a store, a police officer must hand them a summons to appear in court to pay a fine; the officer is not allowed to stop the burglary.
Yes, this is for real.
Yes, this is absurd.

The OP's claim was " If we are advocating allowing violent criminals just walk away...".

I think the law you quoted above is stupid. But it doesn't answer my question about who is advocating violent criminals being allowed to walk.
Are you gonna kneel during the national anthem this year?

Stay on topic.
An acquaintance of mine has been working for over a year on a project for NYS to lower prison costs to the taxpayers.
Now I see the results of this "cost saving".
NYS Law, as Of Jan 1, 2020...If someone smashes the window of a store, a police officer must hand them a summons to appear in court to pay a fine; the officer is not allowed to stop the burglary.
Yes, this is for real.
Yes, this is absurd.

The OP's claim was " If we are advocating allowing violent criminals just walk away...".

I think the law you quoted above is stupid. But it doesn't answer my question about who is advocating violent criminals being allowed to walk.
Gov Andrew Cuomo removed 82 categories of Assault from NYS's Laws; I don't know the specifics.
But we are talking Assault.

I found an article talking about Cuomo removing the 5 year statute of limitations on accusation of rape in the 2nd and 3rd degree.

But nothing about him removing 82 categories of assault from the state's laws. My last search was "Gov Cuomo passed law to remove 82 categories of assault laws".
NYS Law, as Of Jan 1, 2020...If someone smashes the window of a store, a police officer must hand them a summons to appear in court to pay a fine; the officer is not allowed to stop the burglary.
Yes, this is for real.
Yes, this is absurd.

The OP's claim was " If we are advocating allowing violent criminals just walk away...".

I think the law you quoted above is stupid. But it doesn't answer my question about who is advocating violent criminals being allowed to walk.
Gov Andrew Cuomo removed 82 categories of Assault from NYS's Laws; I don't know the specifics.
But we are talking Assault.

I found an article talking about Cuomo removing the 5 year statute of limitations on accusation of rape in the 2nd and 3rd degree.

But nothing about him removing 82 categories of assault from the state's laws. My last search was "Gov Cuomo passed law to remove 82 categories of assault laws".
It must be under some sort of Criminal Reform Bill.
I saw a news conference back in late 2019 where the Nassau County Police Commissioner was elaborating on the details of this Reform Bill and that's where I got the number.
The scary thing is that the Commissioner was only discussing the Assault part of the Bill.
An acquaintance of mine has been working for over a year on a project for NYS to lower prison costs to the taxpayers.
Now I see the results of this "cost saving".

I think anyone convicted of a violent crime should serve their entire sentence.
What each of us think does not determine the Law; that is left up to Bleeding Heart Liberal Attorneys in NYS.
An acquaintance of mine has been working for over a year on a project for NYS to lower prison costs to the taxpayers.
Now I see the results of this "cost saving".

I think anyone convicted of a violent crime should serve their entire sentence.
What each of us think does not determine the Law; that is left up to Bleeding Heart Liberal Attorneys in NYS.

I have visited NYC enough to know I haven't lost anything up there. The people of NYS need to vote in some actual leadership.
I haven't seen anyone advocate for violent criminals to just walk away.

I have----it's RAMPANT. A bitch tried to shiv hubby.
She did manage to cut the hand he raised to protect his eye, The cops were horrified (hubby is 80 and severely crippled) She was booked but the prosecutor FLED because of the current DI BLASIO policies. She walked
That would be an example of prosecutorial brutality to his position and to the people.

NO!! it is an example of a prosecutor carrying out the policies of his BOSS the Mayor of NY Billy Joseph Stalin Diblasio

Then I would suggest voting him out of office.

DiBlasio is a BREAD AND CIRCUSES "politician"
He will win FOREVER
An acquaintance of mine has been working for over a year on a project for NYS to lower prison costs to the taxpayers.
Now I see the results of this "cost saving".

I think anyone convicted of a violent crime should serve their entire sentence.
What each of us think does not determine the Law; that is left up to Bleeding Heart Liberal Attorneys in NYS.

I have visited NYC enough to know I haven't lost anything up there. The people of NYS need to vote in some actual leadership.

yes-----who? now that Fiorella LaGuardia is dead?
NYC NEEDS a mayor
An acquaintance of mine has been working for over a year on a project for NYS to lower prison costs to the taxpayers.
Now I see the results of this "cost saving".

I think anyone convicted of a violent crime should serve their entire sentence.
What each of us think does not determine the Law; that is left up to Bleeding Heart Liberal Attorneys in NYS.

I have visited NYC enough to know I haven't lost anything up there. The people of NYS need to vote in some actual leadership.
Too many self-hating wealthy Liberals in NYC.
I know...I'm related to many of them and they are FUBAR.
The last time NYC got this bad Rudy became Mayor.
There is no one on the political scene who can fill his shoes.
NYS Law, as Of Jan 1, 2020...If someone smashes the window of a store, a police officer must hand them a summons to appear in court to pay a fine; the officer is not allowed to stop the burglary.
Yes, this is for real.
Yes, this is absurd.

The OP's claim was " If we are advocating allowing violent criminals just walk away...".

I think the law you quoted above is stupid. But it doesn't answer my question about who is advocating violent criminals being allowed to walk.
Gov Andrew Cuomo removed 82 categories of Assault from NYS's Laws; I don't know the specifics.
But we are talking Assault.

I found an article talking about Cuomo removing the 5 year statute of limitations on accusation of rape in the 2nd and 3rd degree.

But nothing about him removing 82 categories of assault from the state's laws. My last search was "Gov Cuomo passed law to remove 82 categories of assault laws".
Lots of reforms are needed. In social welfare also.
NYS Law, as Of Jan 1, 2020...If someone smashes the window of a store, a police officer must hand them a summons to appear in court to pay a fine; the officer is not allowed to stop the burglary.
Yes, this is for real.
Yes, this is absurd.

The OP's claim was " If we are advocating allowing violent criminals just walk away...".

I think the law you quoted above is stupid. But it doesn't answer my question about who is advocating violent criminals being allowed to walk.
Gov Andrew Cuomo removed 82 categories of Assault from NYS's Laws; I don't know the specifics.
But we are talking Assault.

I found an article talking about Cuomo removing the 5 year statute of limitations on accusation of rape in the 2nd and 3rd degree.

But nothing about him removing 82 categories of assault from the state's laws. My last search was "Gov Cuomo passed law to remove 82 categories of assault laws".
Lots of reforms are needed. In social welfare also.

Yes there are a lot of reforms needed. In the criminal justice system, the welfare system and the tax system.

I have visited NYC enough to know I haven't lost anything up there. The people of NYS need to vote in some actual leadership.
Gosh, then it really is just like the rest of the country! The little time there gave the impression of uniqueness, but you are, upon reflection, correct.
NYS Law, as Of Jan 1, 2020...If someone smashes the window of a store, a police officer must hand them a summons to appear in court to pay a fine; the officer is not allowed to stop the burglary.
Yes, this is for real.
Yes, this is absurd.

The OP's claim was " If we are advocating allowing violent criminals just walk away...".

I think the law you quoted above is stupid. But it doesn't answer my question about who is advocating violent criminals being allowed to walk.
Gov Andrew Cuomo removed 82 categories of Assault from NYS's Laws; I don't know the specifics.
But we are talking Assault.

I found an article talking about Cuomo removing the 5 year statute of limitations on accusation of rape in the 2nd and 3rd degree.

But nothing about him removing 82 categories of assault from the state's laws. My last search was "Gov Cuomo passed law to remove 82 categories of assault laws".
Lots of reforms are needed. In social welfare also.

Yes there are a lot of reforms needed. In the criminal justice system, the welfare system and the tax system.
Tell Congress to send all the Tech Indian Business Visas back home and hire Black Americans.
NYS Law, as Of Jan 1, 2020...If someone smashes the window of a store, a police officer must hand them a summons to appear in court to pay a fine; the officer is not allowed to stop the burglary.
Yes, this is for real.
Yes, this is absurd.

The OP's claim was " If we are advocating allowing violent criminals just walk away...".

I think the law you quoted above is stupid. But it doesn't answer my question about who is advocating violent criminals being allowed to walk.
Gov Andrew Cuomo removed 82 categories of Assault from NYS's Laws; I don't know the specifics.
But we are talking Assault.

I found an article talking about Cuomo removing the 5 year statute of limitations on accusation of rape in the 2nd and 3rd degree.

But nothing about him removing 82 categories of assault from the state's laws. My last search was "Gov Cuomo passed law to remove 82 categories of assault laws".
Lots of reforms are needed. In social welfare also.

Yes there are a lot of reforms needed. In the criminal justice system, the welfare system and the tax system.
For many years areas controlled by Progs for the longest periods did nothing. And the public school system needs reforms. It has to get tougher. It has to throw problem/violent students out. The curriculums need to be upgraded and trade courses need to be upgraded and improved.
NYS Law, as Of Jan 1, 2020...If someone smashes the window of a store, a police officer must hand them a summons to appear in court to pay a fine; the officer is not allowed to stop the burglary.
Yes, this is for real.
Yes, this is absurd.

The OP's claim was " If we are advocating allowing violent criminals just walk away...".

I think the law you quoted above is stupid. But it doesn't answer my question about who is advocating violent criminals being allowed to walk.
Gov Andrew Cuomo removed 82 categories of Assault from NYS's Laws; I don't know the specifics.
But we are talking Assault.

I found an article talking about Cuomo removing the 5 year statute of limitations on accusation of rape in the 2nd and 3rd degree.

But nothing about him removing 82 categories of assault from the state's laws. My last search was "Gov Cuomo passed law to remove 82 categories of assault laws".
Lots of reforms are needed. In social welfare also.

Yes there are a lot of reforms needed. In the criminal justice system, the welfare system and the tax system.
For many years areas controlled by Progs for the longest periods did nothing. And the public school system needs reforms. It has to get tougher. It has to throw problem/violent students out. The curriculums need to be upgraded and trade courses need to be upgraded and improved.

The removal of trade schools and vocational classes was a huge mistake.

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