If We Erase The Christian Basis Of Governance, Then What Do We Unleash?

No, you ended it with "don't bother". Rude people shouldn't point fingers, and pretend they aren't rude.

Anyway, the premise for the most free governments of the West came directly from the churches, via God's Word.

You're welcome.
Who gives a fuck? Reality and history don't get washed away because you want to be appease people's delusions. The Declaration of Independence clearly states:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
The basis upon which America was established is plainly expressed. The America you know is built upon a Christian foundation of understanding man's place in God's universe.

Now the question before us is what path we take on the question of human equality when God's commands on this factor are erased. Nature SHOWS us that humans are not equal, so on what basis do we continue the pantomime - there's no more appealing to God's commands.

What makes you think that "their Creator" always refers to a christian god? Besides your own arrogance, that is.

We didn't have any Ancient Egyptians coming across on the Mayflower who chose to worship their Sun God Ra.

98 percent of the colonists were protestants. The other 1 percent or so were catholic.
98 + 1 = ? :rofl: :rofl:

Does that mean that the Constitution applies only to that 99%?

So you're saying the remaining one percenters can do whatever they want? Lol.
I'm saying that just because one is a majority, they cannot do whatever they want to the minority.
No, you ended it with "don't bother". Rude people shouldn't point fingers, and pretend they aren't rude.

Anyway, the premise for the most free governments of the West came directly from the churches, via God's Word.

You're welcome.
Came from the Classical Period thru the Rennaissance and the Enlightenment DESPITE the Church. No...thank YOU.
No, you ended it with "don't bother". Rude people shouldn't point fingers, and pretend they aren't rude.

Anyway, the premise for the most free governments of the West came directly from the churches, via God's Word.

You're welcome.

Tho thenthitive.

I sincerely apologize for the "don't bother." Please, bother to answer:

Who heard God say these things?
No, you ended it with "don't bother". Rude people shouldn't point fingers, and pretend they aren't rude.

Anyway, the premise for the most free governments of the West came directly from the churches, via God's Word.

You're welcome.
Came from the Classical Period thru the Rennaissance and the Enlightenment DESPITE the Church. No...thank YOU.

Spousal abuse laws don't find their origin in myths originating from Lesbos or from other fanciful places, they arose in reaction to spousal abuse. The Enlightenment can't be divorced from Christianity. It didn't have Pagan roots, nor Islamic roots, nor African tribal roots.
I'm just curious when Right Wingers are going to listen to Jesus' admonition to help the poor, give up wealth and treat people the way you want to be treated.

Just curious when are you going to come up withy new and truthful talking points,Conservatives out give by large margins as to compared to people like yourself,you know people that repeat lies as truths.

Giving to charity while supporting a social order that imposes poverty is not an excuse, guy.

You ask a minimum wage worker if he'd rather have the dignity of a paycheck that pays the bills or a handout from a soup kitchen, they'll take the paycheck every time.
No, you ended it with "don't bother". Rude people shouldn't point fingers, and pretend they aren't rude.

Anyway, the premise for the most free governments of the West came directly from the churches, via God's Word.

You're welcome.

No, actually, the premise for free governments came when we evolved beyond the Bible's support of slavery and divine Kings.
We unleash Godless communism. What conservatives fought against in 1950's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, and today. Liberals have fought for I all those years. Media helping them turn the tide.
If We Erase The Christian Basis Of Governance, Then What Do We Unleash?

Secularism! The way the founders intended. Godless Constitution and all.

Surprisingly you should be a person who could offer a different insight here.Do you have any knowledge of how your ancestors conceived of society before European Christians showed up on the continent?

What do you imagine life would be like in 2014 if Native Americans had remained isolated from the rest of the world up until today? I don't think they'd allow an old woman like you to live because your use to the tribe would be minimal. You'd still have chiefs, just as you do in this world. I don't see any thread of equality being woven trough native cultural history.
Still waiting for proof that people are created unequally...

Ask the eugenics crowd. You'll find them on the left side aisle: Adolf Hitler right alongside Margaret Sanger.

Hitler wasn't on the left, he was on the right.
Hitler was a socialist. PERIOD.

Um, no, not really. He didn't collectivize the wealth of Germany. The Krupps and the other rich industrialists of Germany got very rich making Stukas and Panzers and U-Boats and Zyklon-B. They had a great time... until Germany lost.
Still waiting for proof that people are created unequally...

Ask the eugenics crowd. You'll find them on the left side aisle: Adolf Hitler right alongside Margaret Sanger.

Hitler wasn't on the left, he was on the right.


An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

The term Fascism was first used of the totalitarian right-wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy (1922–43), and the regimes of the Nazis in Germany and Franco in Spain were also fascist.

fascism definition of fascism in Oxford dictionary American English US
Still waiting for proof that people are created unequally...

Ask the eugenics crowd. You'll find them on the left side aisle: Adolf Hitler right alongside Margaret Sanger.

Hitler wasn't on the left, he was on the right.
Hitler was a socialist. PERIOD.

Um, no, not really. He didn't collectivize the wealth of Germany. The Krupps and the other rich industrialists of Germany got very rich making Stukas and Panzers and U-Boats and Zyklon-B. They had a great time... until Germany lost.
Ummmm...hey dickhead....that's socialism, they produced all of that for who? Consumers? Nope...the state.
No, you ended it with "don't bother". Rude people shouldn't point fingers, and pretend they aren't rude.

Anyway, the premise for the most free governments of the West came directly from the churches, via God's Word.

You're welcome.
You're wrong.

Again, our freedoms exist in spite of religion, where the Framers took great care to protect citizens of the United States from the tyranny that can manifest as a consequence of religion, Christianity in particular.
The notion alone of a 'Christian basis of government' is an example of Christian arrogance and hostility toward Americans who practice a different religion and those free from faith.

Who gives a fuck? Reality and history don't get washed away because you want to be appease people's delusions. The Declaration of Independence clearly states:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
The basis upon which America was established is plainly expressed. The America you know is built upon a Christian foundation of understanding man's place in God's universe.

Now the question before us is what path we take on the question of human equality when God's commands on this factor are erased. Nature SHOWS us that humans are not equal, so on what basis do we continue the pantomime - there's no more appealing to God's commands.

What makes you think that "their Creator" always refers to a christian god? Besides your own arrogance, that is.

We didn't have any Ancient Egyptians coming across on the Mayflower who chose to worship their Sun God Ra.

There were Jews and Muslims who were immigrants but your home schooling neglected to include that pertinent information, didn't it, Pastor Rikurzhen?
So..what I get from your post there is that you have to put up a ridiculous, very very very very very unlikely thing to happen................to make your point.

Yeah.....that's a powerful argument right there. :rofl:

Where would the silly notion of human equality arise? To put that cockamamie notion into a new Constitution when no one on Earth had ever believed such nonsense would, in fact, be just as silly as putting in the requirement that people hop around on one leg.

Throughout history gods of various forms have been the instrument used to compel compliance with, and fealty to, a particular notion. Remove the stick of god and human equality becomes a daft notion when all before us is abundant evidence that no such equality exists.


Pastor Rikurzhen preaching his perverted "Gospel of Conservatism" again.
If it had some basis in God, then the Supreme Court would consult the Bible for their decisions.

it is 100% based in God's natural law. Hitler Stalin and Mao started over with themselves as GOD. Do you get it now?
Hitler was christian and often quoted christian tenets to do what he did.

But, just for yucks and grins.....why didn't this god stop Stalin and Mao?

Hitler wasn't christian. He was involved in the occult. There were several expeditions in the late thirties in which SS officers and other nazi leaders went on to look for agarthi and aryan god men. He invoked religion to win elections:

""In this hour I would ask of the Lord God only this: that He would give His blessing to our work, and that He may ever give us the courage to do the right. I am convinced that men who are created by God should live in accordance with the will of the Almighty. No man can fashion world history unless upon his purpose and his powers there rests the blessings of this Providence."

Hitler was raised as a devout Catholic.

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