If We Erase The Christian Basis Of Governance, Then What Do We Unleash?

If it had some basis in God, then the Supreme Court would consult the Bible for their decisions.

it is 100% based in God's natural law. Hitler Stalin and Mao started over with themselves as GOD. Do you get it now?
Hitler was christian and often quoted christian tenets to do what he did.

But, just for yucks and grins.....why didn't this god stop Stalin and Mao?

Hitler wasn't christian. He was involved in the occult. There were several expeditions in the late thirties in which SS officers and other nazi leaders went on to look for agarthi and aryan god men. He invoked religion to win elections:

""In this hour I would ask of the Lord God only this: that He would give His blessing to our work, and that He may ever give us the courage to do the right. I am convinced that men who are created by God should live in accordance with the will of the Almighty. No man can fashion world history unless upon his purpose and his powers there rests the blessings of this Providence."

Hitler was raised as a devout Catholic.

Guess that explains why the catholic church in germany looked the other way when the nazis were gassing jews and other minorities next door.
If We Erase The Christian Basis Of Governance, Then What Do We Unleash?

Secularism! The way the founders intended. Godless Constitution and all.

Surprisingly you should be a person who could offer a different insight here.Do you have any knowledge of how your ancestors conceived of society before European Christians showed up on the continent?

What do you imagine life would be like in 2014 if Native Americans had remained isolated from the rest of the world up until today? I don't think they'd allow an old woman like you to live because your use to the tribe would be minimal. You'd still have chiefs, just as you do in this world. I don't see any thread of equality being woven trough native cultural history.

There is obviously so much you do not know about Native Americans.

The Six Nations: Oldest Living Participatory Democracy on Earth
If We Erase The Christian Basis Of Governance, Then What Do We Unleash?

Secularism! The way the founders intended. Godless Constitution and all.

Surprisingly you should be a person who could offer a different insight here.Do you have any knowledge of how your ancestors conceived of society before European Christians showed up on the continent?

What do you imagine life would be like in 2014 if Native Americans had remained isolated from the rest of the world up until today? I don't think they'd allow an old woman like you to live because your use to the tribe would be minimal. You'd still have chiefs, just as you do in this world. I don't see any thread of equality being woven trough native cultural history.

There is obviously so much you do not know about Native Americans.

The Six Nations: Oldest Living Participatory Democracy on Earth

You people are disqualified,you kept slaves and have been conquered.
If We Erase The Christian Basis Of Governance, Then What Do We Unleash?

Secularism! The way the founders intended. Godless Constitution and all.

Surprisingly you should be a person who could offer a different insight here.Do you have any knowledge of how your ancestors conceived of society before European Christians showed up on the continent?

What do you imagine life would be like in 2014 if Native Americans had remained isolated from the rest of the world up until today? I don't think they'd allow an old woman like you to live because your use to the tribe would be minimal. You'd still have chiefs, just as you do in this world. I don't see any thread of equality being woven trough native cultural history.

There is obviously so much you do not know about Native Americans.

The Six Nations: Oldest Living Participatory Democracy on Earth

Well, they smoked a lot of peyote when they were free then the white man turned them to drink after the federal govt marched them all off to reservations. Now they're just a bunch of freeloading drunk casino leeches.
If it had some basis in God, then the Supreme Court would consult the Bible for their decisions.

it is 100% based in God's natural law. Hitler Stalin and Mao started over with themselves as GOD. Do you get it now?
Hitler was christian and often quoted christian tenets to do what he did.

But, just for yucks and grins.....why didn't this god stop Stalin and Mao?

Hitler wasn't christian. He was involved in the occult. There were several expeditions in the late thirties in which SS officers and other nazi leaders went on to look for agarthi and aryan god men. He invoked religion to win elections:

""In this hour I would ask of the Lord God only this: that He would give His blessing to our work, and that He may ever give us the courage to do the right. I am convinced that men who are created by God should live in accordance with the will of the Almighty. No man can fashion world history unless upon his purpose and his powers there rests the blessings of this Providence."

Hitler was raised as a devout Catholic.

Guess that explains why the catholic church in germany looked the other way when the nazis were gassing jews and other minorities next door.

like the church was going to stop HItler, moron. The Allied armies could barely do that!!
If it had some basis in God, then the Supreme Court would consult the Bible for their decisions.

it is 100% based in God's natural law. Hitler Stalin and Mao started over with themselves as GOD. Do you get it now?
Hitler was christian and often quoted christian tenets to do what he did.

But, just for yucks and grins.....why didn't this god stop Stalin and Mao?

Hitler wasn't christian. He was involved in the occult. There were several expeditions in the late thirties in which SS officers and other nazi leaders went on to look for agarthi and aryan god men. He invoked religion to win elections:

""In this hour I would ask of the Lord God only this: that He would give His blessing to our work, and that He may ever give us the courage to do the right. I am convinced that men who are created by God should live in accordance with the will of the Almighty. No man can fashion world history unless upon his purpose and his powers there rests the blessings of this Providence."

Hitler was raised as a devout Catholic.

Guess that explains why the catholic church in germany looked the other way when the nazis were gassing jews and other minorities next door.

The Pope was surrounded by Mussolini and his own Black Shirt Fascists. If anything the Pope endorsed Fascism but there is plausible deniability that he knew nothing about what was happening to the Jews.
Miley Cyrus, Madonna,Jay-Z, Beyonce have replaced Christendom as avenues of finding "meaning" and "fulfillment"....pathways of "transcendence" and a "revelatory" sense of "personal identity".

You are sick fucking people.

When did any of those people

Burn a Witch
Torture a Heretic
Start a religious war
Molest an altar boy

You know, stuff "Christianity" has been doing for centuries.

the worst thing these folks did was create music I don't care for. And the Radio has an off switch.

Guess that explains why the catholic church in germany looked the other way when the nazis were gassing jews and other minorities next door.

like the church was going to stop HItler, moron. The Allied armies could barely do that!!

It doesn't matter if they could "Stop" them. It was a matter of being on the right side.

Imagine, if you would, if Vatican Radio had broadcast in June 1940, "Hitler and Mussolini are not doing God's work. All good Christians should lay down their arms and refuse to fight in good conscience".

Now, yeah, they'd have killed that Pope the next day. But at least he did the right thing.
Miley Cyrus, Madonna,Jay-Z, Beyonce have replaced Christendom as avenues of finding "meaning" and "fulfillment"....pathways of "transcendence" and a "revelatory" sense of "personal identity".

You are sick fucking people.

When did any of those people

Burn a Witch
Torture a Heretic
Start a religious war
Molest an altar boy

You know, stuff "Christianity" has been doing for centuries.

the worst thing these folks did was create music I don't care for. And the Radio has an off switch.

If those people reveal the meaning of your life you are a very sick individual,Joe we already KNOW you are sick.

Guess that explains why the catholic church in germany looked the other way when the nazis were gassing jews and other minorities next door.

like the church was going to stop HItler, moron. The Allied armies could barely do that!!

It doesn't matter if they could "Stop" them. It was a matter of being on the right side.

Imagine, if you would, if Vatican Radio had broadcast in June 1940, "Hitler and Mussolini are not doing God's work. All good Christians should lay down their arms and refuse to fight in good conscience".

Now, yeah, they'd have killed that Pope the next day. But at least he did the right thing.
Oh, rubbish.

How many Roman Catholic clerics (priests, nuns, others) in Germany, in Italy, and in the occupied countries (Poland, France, Belgium, Holland, Norway, etc.) would have been rounded-up and killed in retaliation.for such an act by any such Pope?

How many Germans and French and Poles and Belgians, etc., would have been without a spiritual anchor and how many of those in-need would no longer have had their parish churches to turn-to for help, after that round-up and slaughtering?

Clerics (priests, ministers, deacons, etc.) are, after all, only human, and may very well fail the Ultimate Litmus test by not speaking-out actively against a tyranny and aberration like Nazi-controlled Germany, but their actually-manifested passive resistance and underground resistance contributed their share to the overall resistance movement.

I don't blame Pius XII overly-much for not openly challenging those Nazi maniacs - there was far too much at stake.
I'm hoping that this is a fun topic. A century ago G.K. Chesterton observed:

“The Declaration of Independence dogmatically bases all rights on the fact that God created all men equal; and it is right; for if they were not created equal, they were certainly evolved unequal. There is no basis for democracy except in a dogma about the divine origin of man.”

Christians have this quaint belief that God created Adam and Eve and that all of mankind is equal in the eyes of God. A King and a Pauper shall be judged equally by God once in Heaven. This God inspired notion has informed our governing philosophy ever since we began as a nation.

The evidence of reality however is abundantly clear that we are not all made equal, so what higher principle can we turn to to guide us and prevent us from a utilitarian reform of our laws and customs which recognizes and enshrines what the real world is SCREAMING at us - we are not all equal?

We have past experiments where legislatures have tried to impose the will of man over reality, such as when the Indiana Legislature came close to passing a bill legislating a method to derive pi to a value of 3.2. Any engineer will tell you that if forced to use an imagined value for pi while building a bridge or an airplane, the product will be unstable. Man's will can't override reality. Disaster follows.

So we have a society where the great majority of people believe in God and the belief that God created us all equally. Once that belief is crushed into dust, why on Earth would we close our eyes to what nature is telling us about human inequality? Some will try to argue that appealing to the nature as a model for how society should be constructed is fallacious thinking but what then in its stead? We see the negative ramifications today of a world where we treat all people as equal when they in fact are not, but when God's command is being honored, who are mere men to know better and so we suffer through.

Once the foundational beliefs which created the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are shown to be false, how shall we proceed to reform society? The problem with merely appealing to the Religion of Liberalism is that it's unmoored from independently derived higher principles - it is actually formed by appealing to Christian foundational beliefs. How do we justify the notion of one man, one vote when some men are better and wiser than other men? The rational course is to acknowledge this reality and construct a society reflective of what nature has created. We no longer have to fear God's displeasure because we no longer cling to silly superstitions like "we are all created equal."

So now the concept of equality under natural law is superstition because of what some lamebrain imagines from a purely materialistic understanding of reality? This guy's a riot. Some people are so gullible.
I'm hoping that this is a fun topic. A century ago G.K. Chesterton observed:

“The Declaration of Independence dogmatically bases all rights on the fact that God created all men equal; and it is right; for if they were not created equal, they were certainly evolved unequal. There is no basis for democracy except in a dogma about the divine origin of man.”

Christians have this quaint belief that God created Adam and Eve and that all of mankind is equal in the eyes of God. A King and a Pauper shall be judged equally by God once in Heaven. This God inspired notion has informed our governing philosophy ever since we began as a nation.

The evidence of reality however is abundantly clear that we are not all made equal, so what higher principle can we turn to to guide us and prevent us from a utilitarian reform of our laws and customs which recognizes and enshrines what the real world is SCREAMING at us - we are not all equal?

We have past experiments where legislatures have tried to impose the will of man over reality, such as when the Indiana Legislature came close to passing a bill legislating a method to derive pi to a value of 3.2. Any engineer will tell you that if forced to use an imagined value for pi while building a bridge or an airplane, the product will be unstable. Man's will can't override reality. Disaster follows.

So we have a society where the great majority of people believe in God and the belief that God created us all equally. Once that belief is crushed into dust, why on Earth would we close our eyes to what nature is telling us about human inequality? Some will try to argue that appealing to the nature as a model for how society should be constructed is fallacious thinking but what then in its stead? We see the negative ramifications today of a world where we treat all people as equal when they in fact are not, but when God's command is being honored, who are mere men to know better and so we suffer through.

Once the foundational beliefs which created the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are shown to be false, how shall we proceed to reform society? The problem with merely appealing to the Religion of Liberalism is that it's unmoored from independently derived higher principles - it is actually formed by appealing to Christian foundational beliefs. How do we justify the notion of one man, one vote when some men are better and wiser than other men? The rational course is to acknowledge this reality and construct a society reflective of what nature has created. We no longer have to fear God's displeasure because we no longer cling to silly superstitions like "we are all created equal."

So now the concept of equality under natural law is superstition because of what some lamebrain imagines from a purely materialistic understanding of reality? This guy's a riot. Some people are so gullible.

:thup: We agree on something :D
Miley Cyrus, Madonna,Jay-Z, Beyonce have replaced Christendom as avenues of finding "meaning" and "fulfillment"....pathways of "transcendence" and a "revelatory" sense of "personal identity".

You are sick fucking people.

When did any of those people

Burn a Witch
Torture a Heretic
Start a religious war
Molest an altar boy

You know, stuff "Christianity" has been doing for centuries.

the worst thing these folks did was create music I don't care for. And the Radio has an off switch.

If those people reveal the meaning of your life you are a very sick individual,Joe we already KNOW you are sick.

What "those people" do you mean? If you mean the people you listed in the post he responded to, he clearly said, "the worst thing these folks did was create music I don't care for". That would be my response, too.

And like he also said, "the radio has an on/off switch".
If We Erase The Christian Basis Of Governance, Then What Do We Unleash?

Secularism! The way the founders intended. Godless Constitution and all.

Surprisingly you should be a person who could offer a different insight here.Do you have any knowledge of how your ancestors conceived of society before European Christians showed up on the continent?

What do you imagine life would be like in 2014 if Native Americans had remained isolated from the rest of the world up until today? I don't think they'd allow an old woman like you to live because your use to the tribe would be minimal. You'd still have chiefs, just as you do in this world. I don't see any thread of equality being woven trough native cultural history.
Use to the tribe would be minimal. ..sure buddy...piss poor ignorant is not an excuse to waste bandwidth
I'm hoping that this is a fun topic. A century ago G.K. Chesterton observed:

“The Declaration of Independence dogmatically bases all rights on the fact that God created all men equal; and it is right; for if they were not created equal, they were certainly evolved unequal. There is no basis for democracy except in a dogma about the divine origin of man.”

Christians have this quaint belief that God created Adam and Eve and that all of mankind is equal in the eyes of God. A King and a Pauper shall be judged equally by God once in Heaven. This God inspired notion has informed our governing philosophy ever since we began as a nation.

The evidence of reality however is abundantly clear that we are not all made equal, so what higher principle can we turn to to guide us and prevent us from a utilitarian reform of our laws and customs which recognizes and enshrines what the real world is SCREAMING at us - we are not all equal?

We have past experiments where legislatures have tried to impose the will of man over reality, such as when the Indiana Legislature came close to passing a bill legislating a method to derive pi to a value of 3.2. Any engineer will tell you that if forced to use an imagined value for pi while building a bridge or an airplane, the product will be unstable. Man's will can't override reality. Disaster follows.

So we have a society where the great majority of people believe in God and the belief that God created us all equally. Once that belief is crushed into dust, why on Earth would we close our eyes to what nature is telling us about human inequality? Some will try to argue that appealing to the nature as a model for how society should be constructed is fallacious thinking but what then in its stead? We see the negative ramifications today of a world where we treat all people as equal when they in fact are not, but when God's command is being honored, who are mere men to know better and so we suffer through.

Once the foundational beliefs which created the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are shown to be false, how shall we proceed to reform society? The problem with merely appealing to the Religion of Liberalism is that it's unmoored from independently derived higher principles - it is actually formed by appealing to Christian foundational beliefs. How do we justify the notion of one man, one vote when some men are better and wiser than other men? The rational course is to acknowledge this reality and construct a society reflective of what nature has created. We no longer have to fear God's displeasure because we no longer cling to silly superstitions like "we are all created equal."

Sorry, but where's the Bible say all men are created equal? And where in the Constitution is that statement substantiated? If blacks are only 3/5ths a free person how exactly is 'all men are created equal' anything more than a typo when it should have read, "All white men are created equal?"
No, you ended it with "don't bother". Rude people shouldn't point fingers, and pretend they aren't rude.

Anyway, the premise for the most free governments of the West came directly from the churches, via God's Word.

You're welcome.
Heed your own advice and stop posting then.
I'm hoping that this is a fun topic. A century ago G.K. Chesterton observed:

“The Declaration of Independence dogmatically bases all rights on the fact that God created all men equal; and it is right; for if they were not created equal, they were certainly evolved unequal. There is no basis for democracy except in a dogma about the divine origin of man.”

Christians have this quaint belief that God created Adam and Eve and that all of mankind is equal in the eyes of God. A King and a Pauper shall be judged equally by God once in Heaven. This God inspired notion has informed our governing philosophy ever since we began as a nation.

The evidence of reality however is abundantly clear that we are not all made equal, so what higher principle can we turn to to guide us and prevent us from a utilitarian reform of our laws and customs which recognizes and enshrines what the real world is SCREAMING at us - we are not all equal?

We have past experiments where legislatures have tried to impose the will of man over reality, such as when the Indiana Legislature came close to passing a bill legislating a method to derive pi to a value of 3.2. Any engineer will tell you that if forced to use an imagined value for pi while building a bridge or an airplane, the product will be unstable. Man's will can't override reality. Disaster follows.

So we have a society where the great majority of people believe in God and the belief that God created us all equally. Once that belief is crushed into dust, why on Earth would we close our eyes to what nature is telling us about human inequality? Some will try to argue that appealing to the nature as a model for how society should be constructed is fallacious thinking but what then in its stead? We see the negative ramifications today of a world where we treat all people as equal when they in fact are not, but when God's command is being honored, who are mere men to know better and so we suffer through.

Once the foundational beliefs which created the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are shown to be false, how shall we proceed to reform society? The problem with merely appealing to the Religion of Liberalism is that it's unmoored from independently derived higher principles - it is actually formed by appealing to Christian foundational beliefs. How do we justify the notion of one man, one vote when some men are better and wiser than other men? The rational course is to acknowledge this reality and construct a society reflective of what nature has created. We no longer have to fear God's displeasure because we no longer cling to silly superstitions like "we are all created equal."

Sorry, but where's the Bible say all men are created equal? And where in the Constitution is that statement substantiated? If blacks are only 3/5ths a free person how exactly is 'all men are created equal' anything more than a typo when it should have read, "All white men are created equal?"
That's a lie look it up and shut up
I'm hoping that this is a fun topic. A century ago G.K. Chesterton observed:

“The Declaration of Independence dogmatically bases all rights on the fact that God created all men equal; and it is right; for if they were not created equal, they were certainly evolved unequal. There is no basis for democracy except in a dogma about the divine origin of man.”

Christians have this quaint belief that God created Adam and Eve and that all of mankind is equal in the eyes of God. A King and a Pauper shall be judged equally by God once in Heaven. This God inspired notion has informed our governing philosophy ever since we began as a nation.

The evidence of reality however is abundantly clear that we are not all made equal, so what higher principle can we turn to to guide us and prevent us from a utilitarian reform of our laws and customs which recognizes and enshrines what the real world is SCREAMING at us - we are not all equal?

We have past experiments where legislatures have tried to impose the will of man over reality, such as when the Indiana Legislature came close to passing a bill legislating a method to derive pi to a value of 3.2. Any engineer will tell you that if forced to use an imagined value for pi while building a bridge or an airplane, the product will be unstable. Man's will can't override reality. Disaster follows.

So we have a society where the great majority of people believe in God and the belief that God created us all equally. Once that belief is crushed into dust, why on Earth would we close our eyes to what nature is telling us about human inequality? Some will try to argue that appealing to the nature as a model for how society should be constructed is fallacious thinking but what then in its stead? We see the negative ramifications today of a world where we treat all people as equal when they in fact are not, but when God's command is being honored, who are mere men to know better and so we suffer through.

Once the foundational beliefs which created the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are shown to be false, how shall we proceed to reform society? The problem with merely appealing to the Religion of Liberalism is that it's unmoored from independently derived higher principles - it is actually formed by appealing to Christian foundational beliefs. How do we justify the notion of one man, one vote when some men are better and wiser than other men? The rational course is to acknowledge this reality and construct a society reflective of what nature has created. We no longer have to fear God's displeasure because we no longer cling to silly superstitions like "we are all created equal."

Sorry, but where's the Bible say all men are created equal? And where in the Constitution is that statement substantiated? If blacks are only 3/5ths a free person how exactly is 'all men are created equal' anything more than a typo when it should have read, "All white men are created equal?"

14th Amendment corrected the oversight from a Constitutional perspective (which is what matters).

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

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