If We Erase The Christian Basis Of Governance, Then What Do We Unleash?

We didn't have any Ancient Egyptians coming across on the Mayflower who chose to worship their Sun God Ra.

There were Jews and Muslims who were immigrants but your home schooling neglected to include that pertinent information, didn't it, Pastor Rikurzhen?

Look everyone, we have a historical revisionist amongst us. You heard it here first, there were Jews and Muslims on the Mayflower.

Now you're making up a life history about me being home schooled. You really are like dog shit on my shoe.
We didn't have any Ancient Egyptians coming across on the Mayflower who chose to worship their Sun God Ra.

There were Jews and Muslims who were immigrants but your home schooling neglected to include that pertinent information, didn't it, Pastor Rikurzhen?

Look everyone, we have a historical revisionist amongst us. You heard it here first, there were Jews and Muslims on the Mayflower.

Now you're making up a life history about me being home schooled. You really are like dog shit on my shoe.

Racist Pastor Rikurzhen can't help being an ignorant fool because he was home schooled but all he has to do is Google and discover that there were Muslims and Jews who fought and died in the Revolutionary war.

Muslims In America - 1700 s

The Revolutionary War and the Jews - My Jewish Learning

Many of the Muslims probably arrived on slave ships and there were Jews already in America before the Mayflower arrived.

Your ignorance is palpable, Pastor Rikurzhen, as is your unamerican racism. You must be another of those Stormfront immigrants to USMB who is trying to usurp this forum. You certainly post like one of them when you use terms like "ubermensch" and claim to be better than others. So yes, that makes you a lowbrow white supremacist with a marginal education.
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Still waiting for proof that people are created unequally...

Ask the eugenics crowd. You'll find them on the left side aisle: Adolf Hitler right alongside Margaret Sanger.

Hitler wasn't on the left, he was on the right.
Hitler was a socialist. PERIOD.

Um, no, not really. He didn't collectivize the wealth of Germany. The Krupps and the other rich industrialists of Germany got very rich making Stukas and Panzers and U-Boats and Zyklon-B. They had a great time... until Germany lost.
Ummmm...hey dickhead....that's socialism, they produced all of that for who? Consumers? Nope...the state.

What, you think most businesses in our "Capitalist" society aren't out to get those big juicy government contracts?

Um. No. Most companies PREFER government contracts. they know they'll get paid.
Human societies require a cohesive binding set of stable/moral principles in order to not devolve predictably into their lower or insane manifestations. Every single person will not achieve these principles; but they serve as essential ballast. Those societies without that ballast are quickly doomed. History books are filled with examples of these just before their inevitable and predictable fall.

If We Erase The Christian Basis Of Governance, Then What Do We Unleash?

Short answer: This vv

I'm just curious when Right Wingers are going to listen to Jesus' admonition to help the poor, give up wealth and treat people the way you want to be treated.

Just curious when are you going to come up withy new and truthful talking points,Conservatives out give by large margins as to compared to people like yourself,you know people that repeat lies as truths.

Giving to charity while supporting a social order that imposes poverty is not an excuse, guy.

You ask a minimum wage worker if he'd rather have the dignity of a paycheck that pays the bills or a handout from a soup kitchen, they'll take the paycheck every time.[/QUOT

Care to back up your excuse? A social order that imposes poverty falls directly in your direction, Just look at the numbers.

Conservatives do more to combat a social order that does keep people down was created by people just like yourself.

Minum wages are not meant to pay for a house .they are entry level jobs for kids,you want to make more money ,you improve yourself,its that simple.
I'm hoping that this is a fun topic. A century ago G.K. Chesterton observed:

“The Declaration of Independence dogmatically bases all rights on the fact that God created all men equal; and it is right; for if they were not created equal, they were certainly evolved unequal. There is no basis for democracy except in a dogma about the divine origin of man.”

Christians have this quaint belief that God created Adam and Eve and that all of mankind is equal in the eyes of God. A King and a Pauper shall be judged equally by God once in Heaven. This God inspired notion has informed our governing philosophy ever since we began as a nation.

The evidence of reality however is abundantly clear that we are not all made equal, so what higher principle can we turn to to guide us and prevent us from a utilitarian reform of our laws and customs which recognizes and enshrines what the real world is SCREAMING at us - we are not all equal?

We have past experiments where legislatures have tried to impose the will of man over reality, such as when the Indiana Legislature came close to passing a bill legislating a method to derive pi to a value of 3.2. Any engineer will tell you that if forced to use an imagined value for pi while building a bridge or an airplane, the product will be unstable. Man's will can't override reality. Disaster follows.

So we have a society where the great majority of people believe in God and the belief that God created us all equally. Once that belief is crushed into dust, why on Earth would we close our eyes to what nature is telling us about human inequality? Some will try to argue that appealing to the nature as a model for how society should be constructed is fallacious thinking but what then in its stead? We see the negative ramifications today of a world where we treat all people as equal when they in fact are not, but when God's command is being honored, who are mere men to know better and so we suffer through.

Once the foundational beliefs which created the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are shown to be false, how shall we proceed to reform society? The problem with merely appealing to the Religion of Liberalism is that it's unmoored from independently derived higher principles - it is actually formed by appealing to Christian foundational beliefs. How do we justify the notion of one man, one vote when some men are better and wiser than other men? The rational course is to acknowledge this reality and construct a society reflective of what nature has created. We no longer have to fear God's displeasure because we no longer cling to silly superstitions like "we are all created equal."

Why do so many Conservatives often use the Bible to argue AGAINST giving gay Americans equal rights?
Really your going to ask this ,when you profess to be so enlightened?.Nice try you already know the why,just trying to bait..
We didn't have any Ancient Egyptians coming across on the Mayflower who chose to worship their Sun God Ra.

There were Jews and Muslims who were immigrants but your home schooling neglected to include that pertinent information, didn't it, Pastor Rikurzhen?

Look everyone, we have a historical revisionist amongst us. You heard it here first, there were Jews and Muslims on the Mayflower.

Now you're making up a life history about me being home schooled. You really are like dog shit on my shoe.
And now you have the gall to hypocritically accuse another of historical revision. Roflmao
The notion alone of a 'Christian basis of government' is an example of Christian arrogance and hostility toward Americans who practice a different religion and those free from faith.

Thankfully their time is up in America
Only in your dreams.

America's Religious Future: Dechristianization!!!
"Diversity and the rise of science have chipped away at the cultural and political predominance of white Protestantism from the Civil War to the Civil Rights era, but this religious culture remained firmly entrenched in the corridors of power and as the primary arbiter of moral distinctions between right and wrong. What really made an impact and turned the tables, I think, has been the growing power of popular and entertainment cultures to provide what Christianity no longer can -- meaning and fulfillment, pathways for transcendence and ideals to live up to, satisfactory explanations for death and a true, revelatory sense of personal identity." :ack-1:

America s Religious Future Dechristianization Not Secularization Gary Laderman
The United States is a 'secularized Christian nation' - built and populated and purposed largely by the descendants of European Christian emigres.

It is part of modern-day Christendom - utilized here as a loose umbrella-label.

Its laws are largely based upon English Common and Statutory Law, which, in turn, is the descendant and inheritor of the Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church, with some considerable Roman and Salic Law - as reinterpreted and selectively preserved and reaffirmed by the Church across the Dark and Middle Ages - tossed into the salad for good measure.

Its culture and traditions and morals spring largely from European Christian culture and tradition and morals, prior to its transplantation to the New World, and its continued evolution in an environment where accountability to old European authority and old European tradition gradually and increasingly lost their hold.

By the time of the American Revolution, this morphing or evolution of law and traditions was already well underway, and, as we set up shop for ourselves (established our own sovereign country), our Founders did what they could, to avoid the worst excesses of the previous century - the English Civil War, and the Thirty Years War - both of which were about as distant to the Founding Fathers in time as the American Civil War is to us in the present day - still very much alive in the memory and thought of that society.

Our own secularism owes its creation and sustenance (its continued existence) largely to a desire by the Founders to avoid the creation of a Church of America rather than any particular desire to accommodate Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc., at the time - all of which were largely alien and very thinly represented in the American population of the times.

It is more accident than intention, that such secularism and Separation of Church and State have also worked to the advantage of other belief-systems - and atheists - both over time and in recent decades - so let's not delude ourselves that the Founding Fathers were all about equal accommodation for those other belief systems and for atheism.

And, in any highly unlikely fictional condition of extremis, in which non-believers were forced to choose to declare their allegiance to belief system A or B or C, the lion's share of American atheists would come down on the side of Christianity, out of respect for tradition and loyalty to their European Christian family histories and its culture and morals.

The vast majority of Americans are either Christians - to some extent or another - or non-believers who are descended from long lines of Christians, and whose families (as recently as parents or grandparents) were practicing Christians, of one faction, sect or another.

Spiritually, and metaphorically, and encompassing atheists with such a tradition, the vast, vast majority of Americans are 'Christians' - used here as a broad and metaphorical cultural label as much as a label for identifying religious beliefs.

Consequently, it is entirely valid, appropriate and correct, to label the United States as a Christian country - with a boat-load of qualifiers attached to that label; specifically, America is a SECULARIZED Christian country; largely Christian in both practice and sympathies, but committed to equality across the entire spectrum of belief systems.

Given that the United States was founded by a leadership that was largely Christian in both practice and tradition, it is logical and appropriate to assume that its official references to a Creator or Divine Providence or a godhead were intended to represent the Judeo-Christian vision of a godhead.

It is also logical and appropriate to assume that the Founders crafted a Separation of Church and State in order to prevent the eventual creation of a Church of America akin to the Church of England, which was so highly problematic in the 1500s and 1600s of recent memory for them, and to avoid the insanity of the religious wars of the previous century.

America is a Secularized Christian Country, committed to the prevention of Church interference with the State, and open to practitioners of all belief systems, and completely tolerant even of those who hold no such beliefs at all.

This labeling of America as a Secularized Christian Nation will not sit will with many atheists, but that does not alter the truth and accuracy of the observation.

Is Christianity slowly losing its ex officio grip upon the State in our present age, such as that grip ever existed? Perhaps. But that is largely true of all religious belief systems practiced here in the US, not just Christianity.

Popular education has a tendency to thin-out the 'religious' element in the population, but, over time, that will probably even itself out, and a balance will be reached. A great many highly educated people are also firm believers in a godhead and in their religious morals, if not in all their dogma. Many are 'Cafeteria Christians', as well, cherry-picking those aspects of the belief system that seem good or right to them, and setting aside those elements which do not meet with their approval.

Such thinning-out trends usually do not last overly long - not more than a generation or two - and it doesn't take much (by way of crisis or disaster or long periods of hardship) for generation A or B to tip the scales and to actually begin increasing the number of believers and practitioners and parishoners.

The hand-rubbing, lip-smacking glee with which aggressive, militant atheists (religion-haters) pursue their propaganda about a thinning-out of practicing Christianity, is a source of great amusement to the vast numbers of people who know better.
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I'm hoping that this is a fun topic. A century ago G.K. Chesterton observed:

“The Declaration of Independence dogmatically bases all rights on the fact that God created all men equal; and it is right; for if they were not created equal, they were certainly evolved unequal. There is no basis for democracy except in a dogma about the divine origin of man.”

Christians have this quaint belief that God created Adam and Eve and that all of mankind is equal in the eyes of God. A King and a Pauper shall be judged equally by God once in Heaven. This God inspired notion has informed our governing philosophy ever since we began as a nation.

The evidence of reality however is abundantly clear that we are not all made equal, so what higher principle can we turn to to guide us and prevent us from a utilitarian reform of our laws and customs which recognizes and enshrines what the real world is SCREAMING at us - we are not all equal?

We have past experiments where legislatures have tried to impose the will of man over reality, such as when the Indiana Legislature came close to passing a bill legislating a method to derive pi to a value of 3.2. Any engineer will tell you that if forced to use an imagined value for pi while building a bridge or an airplane, the product will be unstable. Man's will can't override reality. Disaster follows.

So we have a society where the great majority of people believe in God and the belief that God created us all equally. Once that belief is crushed into dust, why on Earth would we close our eyes to what nature is telling us about human inequality? Some will try to argue that appealing to the nature as a model for how society should be constructed is fallacious thinking but what then in its stead? We see the negative ramifications today of a world where we treat all people as equal when they in fact are not, but when God's command is being honored, who are mere men to know better and so we suffer through.

Once the foundational beliefs which created the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are shown to be false, how shall we proceed to reform society? The problem with merely appealing to the Religion of Liberalism is that it's unmoored from independently derived higher principles - it is actually formed by appealing to Christian foundational beliefs. How do we justify the notion of one man, one vote when some men are better and wiser than other men? The rational course is to acknowledge this reality and construct a society reflective of what nature has created. We no longer have to fear God's displeasure because we no longer cling to silly superstitions like "we are all created equal."

Why do so many Conservatives often use the Bible to argue AGAINST giving gay Americans equal rights?
Really your going to ask this ,when you profess to be so enlightened?.Nice try you already know the why,just trying to bait..

It was a rhetorical question to prove that author of this thread is full of shit.
We didn't have any Ancient Egyptians coming across on the Mayflower who chose to worship their Sun God Ra.

There were Jews and Muslims who were immigrants but your home schooling neglected to include that pertinent information, didn't it, Pastor Rikurzhen?

Look everyone, we have a historical revisionist amongst us. You heard it here first, there were Jews and Muslims on the Mayflower.

Now you're making up a life history about me being home schooled. You really are like dog shit on my shoe.
You seem to think that the Mayflower was the ONLY source of colonial immigrants. It was not. Yes there were Jews and Muslims that came too, not in large numbers, not on the Mayflower ( which was ONE ship only in 1620), and not very popular AND discriminated against in most colonies except for Maryland. And don't get me started on what the Puritans did to anyone in Massachusetts Bay Colony who didn't conform to THEIR idea of christianity.....they hung Quakers.
The United States is a 'secularized Christian nation' - built and populated and purposed largely by the descendants of European Christian emigres.

It is part of modern-day Christendom - utilized here as a loose umbrella-label.

Its laws are largely based upon English Common and Statutory Law, which, in turn, is the descendant and inheritor of the Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church, with some considerable Roman and Salic Law - as reinterpreted and selectively preserved and reaffirmed by the Church across the Dark and Middle Ages - tossed into the salad for good measure.

Its culture and traditions and morals spring largely from European Christian culture and tradition and morals, prior to its transplantation to the New World, and its continued evolution in an environment where accountability to old European authority and old European tradition gradually and increasingly lost their hold.

By the time of the American Revolution, this morphing or evolution of law and traditions was already well underway, and, as we set up shop for ourselves (established our own sovereign country), our Founders did what they could, to avoid the worst excesses of the previous century - the English Civil War, and the Thirty Years War - both of which were about as distant to the Founding Fathers in time as the American Civil War is to us in the present day - still very much alive in the memory and thought of that society.

Our own secularism owes its creation and sustenance (its continued existence) largely to a desire by the Founders to avoid the creation of a Church of America rather than any particular desire to accommodate Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc., at the time - all of which were largely alien and very thinly represented in the American population of the times.

It is more accident than intention, that such secularism and Separation of Church and State have also worked to the advantage of other belief-systems - and atheists - both over time and in recent decades - so let's not delude ourselves that the Founding Fathers were all about equal accommodation for those other belief systems and for atheism.

And, in any highly unlikely fictional condition of extremis, in which non-believers were forced to choose to declare their allegiance to belief system A or B or C, the lion's share of American atheists would come down on the side of Christianity, out of respect for tradition and loyalty to their European Christian family histories and its culture and morals.

The vast majority of Americans are either Christians - to some extent or another - or non-believers who are descended from long lines of Christians, and whose families (as recently as parents or grandparents) were practicing Christians, of one faction, sect or another.

Spiritually, and metaphorically, and encompassing atheists with such a tradition, the vast, vast majority of Americans are 'Christians' - used here as a broad and metaphorical cultural label as much as a label for identifying religious beliefs.

Consequently, it is entirely valid, appropriate and correct, to label the United States as a Christian country - with a boat-load of qualifiers attached to that label; specifically, America is a SECULARIZED Christian country; largely Christian in both practice and sympathies, but committed to equality across the entire spectrum of belief systems.

Given that the United States was founded by a leadership that was largely Christian in both practice and tradition, it is logical and appropriate to assume that its official references to a Creator or Divine Providence or a godhead were intended to represent the Judeo-Christian vision of a godhead.

It is also logical and appropriate to assume that the Founders crafted a Separation of Church and State in order to prevent the eventual creation of a Church of America akin to the Church of England, which was so highly problematic in the 1500s and 1600s of recent memory for them, and to avoid the insanity of the religious wars of the previous century.

America is a Secularized Christian Country, committed to the prevention of Church interference with the State, and open to practitioners of all belief systems, and completely tolerant even of those who hold no such beliefs at all.

This labeling of America as a Secularized Christian Nation will not sit will with many atheists, but that does not alter the truth and accuracy of the observation.

Is Christianity slowly losing its ex officio grip upon the State in our present age, such as that grip ever existed? Perhaps. But that is largely true of all religious belief systems practiced here in the US, not just Christianity.

Popular education has a tendency to thin-out the 'religious' element in the population, but, over time, that will probably even itself out, and a balance will be reached. A great many highly educated people are also firm believers in a godhead and in their religious morals, if not in all their dogma. Many are 'Cafeteria Christians', as well, cherry-picking those aspects of the belief system that seem good or right to them, and setting aside those elements which do not meet with their approval.

Such thinning-out trends usually do not last overly long - not more than a generation or two - and it doesn't take much (by way of crisis or disaster or long periods of hardship) for generation A or B to tip the scales and to actually begin increasing the number of believers and practitioners and parishoners.

The hand-rubbing, lip-smacking glee with which aggressive, militant atheists (religion-haters) pursue their propaganda about a thinning-out of practicing Christianity, is a source of great amusement to the vast numbers of people who know better.

Feel free to console yourself with whatever floats your boat but the trend towards secularism in growing.

Openly Secular

Openly Secular
If you people are so certain that Christianity is the key to good governance, why were so many of you willing to spend four thousand+ American lives to give the Iraqi people an Islamic theocracy.

Make up your minds.
Our own secularism owes its creation and sustenance (its continued existence) largely to a desire by the Founders to avoid the creation of a Church of America rather than any particular desire to accommodate Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc., at the time - all of which were largely alien and very thinly represented in the American population of the times.
Long post, but this paragraph caught my eye.

Well said.
The United States is a 'secularized Christian nation' - built and populated and purposed largely by the descendants of European Christian emigres.

It is part of modern-day Christendom - utilized here as a loose umbrella-label.

Its laws are largely based upon English Common and Statutory Law, which, in turn, is the descendant and inheritor of the Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church, with some considerable Roman and Salic Law - as reinterpreted and selectively preserved and reaffirmed by the Church across the Dark and Middle Ages - tossed into the salad for good measure.

Its culture and traditions and morals spring largely from European Christian culture and tradition and morals, prior to its transplantation to the New World, and its continued evolution in an environment where accountability to old European authority and old European tradition gradually and increasingly lost their hold.

By the time of the American Revolution, this morphing or evolution of law and traditions was already well underway, and, as we set up shop for ourselves (established our own sovereign country), our Founders did what they could, to avoid the worst excesses of the previous century - the English Civil War, and the Thirty Years War - both of which were about as distant to the Founding Fathers in time as the American Civil War is to us in the present day - still very much alive in the memory and thought of that society.

Our own secularism owes its creation and sustenance (its continued existence) largely to a desire by the Founders to avoid the creation of a Church of America rather than any particular desire to accommodate Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc., at the time - all of which were largely alien and very thinly represented in the American population of the times.

It is more accident than intention, that such secularism and Separation of Church and State have also worked to the advantage of other belief-systems - and atheists - both over time and in recent decades - so let's not delude ourselves that the Founding Fathers were all about equal accommodation for those other belief systems and for atheism.

And, in any highly unlikely fictional condition of extremis, in which non-believers were forced to choose to declare their allegiance to belief system A or B or C, the lion's share of American atheists would come down on the side of Christianity, out of respect for tradition and loyalty to their European Christian family histories and its culture and morals.

The vast majority of Americans are either Christians - to some extent or another - or non-believers who are descended from long lines of Christians, and whose families (as recently as parents or grandparents) were practicing Christians, of one faction, sect or another.

Spiritually, and metaphorically, and encompassing atheists with such a tradition, the vast, vast majority of Americans are 'Christians' - used here as a broad and metaphorical cultural label as much as a label for identifying religious beliefs.

Consequently, it is entirely valid, appropriate and correct, to label the United States as a Christian country - with a boat-load of qualifiers attached to that label; specifically, America is a SECULARIZED Christian country; largely Christian in both practice and sympathies, but committed to equality across the entire spectrum of belief systems.

Given that the United States was founded by a leadership that was largely Christian in both practice and tradition, it is logical and appropriate to assume that its official references to a Creator or Divine Providence or a godhead were intended to represent the Judeo-Christian vision of a godhead.

It is also logical and appropriate to assume that the Founders crafted a Separation of Church and State in order to prevent the eventual creation of a Church of America akin to the Church of England, which was so highly problematic in the 1500s and 1600s of recent memory for them, and to avoid the insanity of the religious wars of the previous century.

America is a Secularized Christian Country, committed to the prevention of Church interference with the State, and open to practitioners of all belief systems, and completely tolerant even of those who hold no such beliefs at all.

This labeling of America as a Secularized Christian Nation will not sit will with many atheists, but that does not alter the truth and accuracy of the observation.

Is Christianity slowly losing its ex officio grip upon the State in our present age, such as that grip ever existed? Perhaps. But that is largely true of all religious belief systems practiced here in the US, not just Christianity.

Popular education has a tendency to thin-out the 'religious' element in the population, but, over time, that will probably even itself out, and a balance will be reached. A great many highly educated people are also firm believers in a godhead and in their religious morals, if not in all their dogma. Many are 'Cafeteria Christians', as well, cherry-picking those aspects of the belief system that seem good or right to them, and setting aside those elements which do not meet with their approval.

Such thinning-out trends usually do not last overly long - not more than a generation or two - and it doesn't take much (by way of crisis or disaster or long periods of hardship) for generation A or B to tip the scales and to actually begin increasing the number of believers and practitioners and parishoners.

The hand-rubbing, lip-smacking glee with which aggressive, militant atheists (religion-haters) pursue their propaganda about a thinning-out of practicing Christianity, is a source of great amusement to the vast numbers of people who know better.

Very nicely done. Congrats.

Care to back up your excuse? A social order that imposes poverty falls directly in your direction, Just look at the numbers.

Conservatives do more to combat a social order that does keep people down was created by people just like yourself.

Minum wages are not meant to pay for a house .they are entry level jobs for kids,you want to make more money ,you improve yourself,its that simple.

The people who gave us the "Laffer Curve" have no business talking about "numbers".

Maybe you need to read WHY the minimum wage was established in the 1930's. IT was because during recessions, the first inclination of the business owners was to fire everyone on staff and rehire them or others at half their wages. The Minimum Wage was meant to keep them from doing that.

Conservatives don't do anything but help the wealthy. Wasn't always that way, but it is now. Sugar Daddies like the Koch Brothers have you wrapped around their little fingers.
"What really made an impact and turned the tables, I think, has been the growing power of popular and entertainment cultures to provide what Christianity no longer can -- meaning and fulfillment, pathways for transcendence and ideals to live up to, satisfactory explanations for death and a true, revelatory sense of personal identity."

Um, wow.

Does ANYONE believe that?

Miley Cyrus, Madonna,Jay-Z, Beyonce have replaced Christendom as avenues of finding "meaning" and "fulfillment"....pathways of "transcendence" and a "revelatory" sense of "personal identity".

You are sick fucking people.

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