If We Just Ignore The Law.....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Time and again Democrats have done exactly that, the title, when it comes to preferred individual.

Justice is no longr blind when purveyed by Democrats.

"Seattle drops bike helmet law because cops unfairly targeted people of color and homeless people: Black cyclists were four times as likely to be stopped as whites​

  • The King County Board of Health voted Thursday to repeal its decades-old mandatory helmet rule
  • Data showed the rule was rarely enforced, but enforced disproportionately
  • Since 2017, Seattle police had given 117 helmet citations, more than 40 percent of which went to people who were homeless
  • Since 2019, 60 percent of citations went to people who were homeless
  • Central Seattle Greenways found that black cyclists were almost four times as likely to receive a citation for violating the helmet rule as white cyclists
  • Seattle is the largest city in the country to enforce a bike helmet requirement
  • King County Councilmember Joe McDermott said there are other ways of encouraging helmet use that do not rely on law enforcement, including educational campaigns and free helmet distribution
  • The King County Council recently budgeted more than $200,000 to buy helmets and expand education programs
  • The repeal affects most of King County, including Seattle"
  • Seattle drops bike helmet rule amid racial justice concerns

The handing out tickets to more black folk is not racist......
Normal people, sane people, will see this dropping of the law as racist.
This is the same as blacks get stopped more for traffic violations. They commit murder and crime at higher rates, and they want us to believe they will obey traffic laws better? :D
They are stopped four times more because they commit violations four times more
Also, there is no proof, that the blacks are stopped unjustifiably more than whites. There is no proof those are unjustifiable stops.
More insanity from the left
Cyclists should ride at their own risk regarding helmets. The incentive to wear one should come from the insurance companies, welfare agencies, etc. If you suffer an injury that could have been prevented by wearing a helmet...no insurance coverage. Problem solved. :)
Cyclists should ride at their own risk regarding helmets. The incentive to wear one should come from the insurance companies, welfare agencies, etc. If you suffer an injury that could have been prevented by wearing a helmet...no insurance coverage. Problem solved. :)
The neurosurgeons are happy.
Time and again Democrats have done exactly that, the title, when it comes to preferred individual.

Justice is no longr blind when purveyed by Democrats.

"Seattle drops bike helmet law because cops unfairly targeted people of color and homeless people: Black cyclists were four times as likely to be stopped as whites​

  • The King County Board of Health voted Thursday to repeal its decades-old mandatory helmet rule
  • Data showed the rule was rarely enforced, but enforced disproportionately
  • Since 2017, Seattle police had given 117 helmet citations, more than 40 percent of which went to people who were homeless
  • Since 2019, 60 percent of citations went to people who were homeless
  • Central Seattle Greenways found that black cyclists were almost four times as likely to receive a citation for violating the helmet rule as white cyclists
  • Seattle is the largest city in the country to enforce a bike helmet requirement
  • King County Councilmember Joe McDermott said there are other ways of encouraging helmet use that do not rely on law enforcement, including educational campaigns and free helmet distribution
  • The King County Council recently budgeted more than $200,000 to buy helmets and expand education programs
  • The repeal affects most of King County, including Seattle"
  • Seattle drops bike helmet rule amid racial justice concerns

The handing out tickets to more black folk is not racist......
Normal people, sane people, will see this dropping of the law as racist.

What didnt kill US made us much smarter than a progressive slave...
This is the same as blacks get stopped more for traffic violations. They commit murder and crime at higher rates, and they want us to believe they will obey traffic laws better? :D
They are stopped four times more because they commit violations four times more
Also, there is no proof, that the blacks are stopped unjustifiably more than whites. There is no proof those are unjustifiable stops.
More insanity from the left

The only explanation is that all police must be racists!!!!

Either that, or your explanation.
This is the same as blacks get stopped more for traffic violations. They commit murder and crime at higher rates, and they want us to believe they will obey traffic laws better? :D
They are stopped four times more because they commit violations four times more
Also, there is no proof, that the blacks are stopped unjustifiably more than whites. There is no proof those are unjustifiable stops.
More insanity from the left
My boss when i was working told me about him getting DWB a lot of time. DWB(Driving While Black). I asked him was he SWB? SWB(Speeding While Black) and he said he usually was. I just walked away.
My boss when i was working told me about him getting DWB a lot of time. DWB(Driving While Black). I asked him was he SWB? SWB(Speeding While Black) and he said he usually was. I just walked away.

Do minorities commit more of the kinds of traffic violations that police target? This is a taboo question among the racial profiling crowd; to ask it is to reveal one's racism. No one has studied it. But some evidence suggests that it may be the case. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that blacks were 10 percent of drivers nationally, 13 percent of drivers in fatal accidents, and 16 percent of drivers in injury accidents. (Lower rates of seat-belt use may contribute to these numbers.) Random national surveys of drivers on weekend nights in 1973, 1986, and 1996 found that blacks were more likely to fail breathalyzer tests than whites. In Illinois, blacks have a higher motorist fatality rate than whites. Blacks in one New Jersey study were 23 percent of all drivers arrested at the scene of an accident for driving drunk, though only 13.5 percent of highway users. In San Diego, blacks have more accidents than their population figures would predict. Hispanics get in a disproportionate number of accidents nationally.

Blacks do get pulled over for traffic stops more often than whites, but that's because blacks commit a disproportionate amount of traffic offenses.

As Heather Mac Donald writes in her book The War On Cops: How the New Attack On Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe, the Department of Justice tries to assert that racial bias in the Ferguson Police Department was inherent in the fact that blacks consisted of 85 percent of all traffic stops between 2012-2014, despite only being 67 percent of the city's residents, while whites consisted of 15 percent of all traffic stops while being 29 percent of the city's residents.

"Such figures are meaningless unless we know, just for starters, what the rate of traffic violations is among black and white drivers," writes Mac Donald. "Though most criminologists are terrified of studying the matter, the research that has been done, in New Jersey and North Carolina, found that black drivers speed disproportionately. On the New Jersey turnpike, for example, black drivers studied in 2001 sped at twice the rate of white drivers (with speeding defined as traveling at 15 mph or more above the posted limit) and traveled at the most reckless levels of speed even more disproportionately."

This is confirmed by a 2013 National Institute for Justice report that determined that three out of four blacks said they were pulled over for a "legitimate reason" and a National Highway Safety Administration report concluding that "blacks simply violated traffic laws at higher rates than whites."

Additionally, the DoJ report found that blacks were more likely to be searched after a traffic stop than whites, as 11 percent of blacks stopped were searched as opposed to five percent of whites, but as MacDonald points out, blacks tend to have a "higher rate of outstanding warrants," which explains the discrepancy.
7 Statistics That Show That ‘Systemic Racism’ Doesn’t Exist In Policing | The Daily Wire

Racial Inequities in Police Stops

Just Facts

The NAACP and Newsweek are accusing police of unjustly pulling over black drivers at five times the rate of white drivers. Actual facts reveal nothing of the sort and show how bogus claims of racism stoke violence and other social ills. Rigorous documentation of every fact in this video is available at https://www.justfactsdaily.com/the-na... Make sure you never miss a video from Just Facts by signing up for our emails at https://www.justfacts.com/notification
Things that kids did starts out with the first image being a pregnant women drinking. I wonder why there are so many goddamned liars today? A preggy gal ain't a kid.
I think the moral of that story was that women would drink, and still the child grew up.
A white driver will pull over to the curb to talk to someone on the street.

A black driver will stop in the traffic lane and force everyone to drive around him.
The answer to problems, for Liberals, is to deny the problem.
As we saw in the OP is that Liberals/Democrats will shield their authorized minorities by changing the law, not the behavior.
Sometimes that reasults in the deaths of innocents.

In order to deal with black and Hispanic thugs and criminals, in public school, Obama's 'Promise Program' threatened to charge schools with racism if they didn't ignore the problem.

On January 16, 2015, President Barack Obama issued Executive Order 13688, “Federal Support for Local Law Enforcement Equipment Acquisition” (EO), ...

Commit to action: Addressing police use of force policies

Obama bribed the police, and threatened the schools.

"Despite committing a string of arrestable offenses on campus before the Florida school shooting, Nikolas Cruz was able to escape the attention of law enforcement, pass a background check and purchase the weapon he used to slaughter three staff members and 14 fellow students because of Obama administration efforts to make school discipline more lenient."

Would he have been arrested had not Obama and his DoJ threatened school districts with racial charges had they not shielded Cruz from arrest?????

You betcha'!!!!!!!!!!

"Cruz assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other "red flags."
Threatening to kill someone is a felony. In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun.
Cruz was never arrested. He wasn't referred to law enforcement. He wasn't even expelled."

The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline

The racist “Promise Program” was all about shielding black and Hispanic thugs and criminals from the consequences of their actions.

If Obama had not threatened and cowed the schools and police, as far as Nikolas Cruz was concerned, the thug would have had an arrest record that would have precluded his purchase at Dick's Sporting Goods.......the AR-15 that he used to slaughter 17 innocent American.
Do minorities commit more of the kinds of traffic violations that police target? This is a taboo question among the racial profiling crowd; to ask it is to reveal one's racism. No one has studied it. But some evidence suggests that it may be the case. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that blacks were 10 percent of drivers nationally, 13 percent of drivers in fatal accidents, and 16 percent of drivers in injury accidents. (Lower rates of seat-belt use may contribute to these numbers.) Random national surveys of drivers on weekend nights in 1973, 1986, and 1996 found that blacks were more likely to fail breathalyzer tests than whites. In Illinois, blacks have a higher motorist fatality rate than whites. Blacks in one New Jersey study were 23 percent of all drivers arrested at the scene of an accident for driving drunk, though only 13.5 percent of highway users. In San Diego, blacks have more accidents than their population figures would predict. Hispanics get in a disproportionate number of accidents nationally.

Blacks do get pulled over for traffic stops more often than whites, but that's because blacks commit a disproportionate amount of traffic offenses.

As Heather Mac Donald writes in her book The War On Cops: How the New Attack On Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe, the Department of Justice tries to assert that racial bias in the Ferguson Police Department was inherent in the fact that blacks consisted of 85 percent of all traffic stops between 2012-2014, despite only being 67 percent of the city's residents, while whites consisted of 15 percent of all traffic stops while being 29 percent of the city's residents.

"Such figures are meaningless unless we know, just for starters, what the rate of traffic violations is among black and white drivers," writes Mac Donald. "Though most criminologists are terrified of studying the matter, the research that has been done, in New Jersey and North Carolina, found that black drivers speed disproportionately. On the New Jersey turnpike, for example, black drivers studied in 2001 sped at twice the rate of white drivers (with speeding defined as traveling at 15 mph or more above the posted limit) and traveled at the most reckless levels of speed even more disproportionately."

This is confirmed by a 2013 National Institute for Justice report that determined that three out of four blacks said they were pulled over for a "legitimate reason" and a National Highway Safety Administration report concluding that "blacks simply violated traffic laws at higher rates than whites."

Additionally, the DoJ report found that blacks were more likely to be searched after a traffic stop than whites, as 11 percent of blacks stopped were searched as opposed to five percent of whites, but as MacDonald points out, blacks tend to have a "higher rate of outstanding warrants," which explains the discrepancy.
7 Statistics That Show That ‘Systemic Racism’ Doesn’t Exist In Policing | The Daily Wire

Racial Inequities in Police Stops

Just Facts

The NAACP and Newsweek are accusing police of unjustly pulling over black drivers at five times the rate of white drivers. Actual facts reveal nothing of the sort and show how bogus claims of racism stoke violence and other social ills. Rigorous documentation of every fact in this video is available at https://www.justfactsdaily.com/the-na... Make sure you never miss a video from Just Facts by signing up for our emails at https://www.justfacts.com/notification

The research you site is from many years ago. I found something from May, 2020:

Research Shows Black Drivers More Likely to Be Stopped by Police​

May 5, 2020
Education and Social Sciences
Research Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
New York, NY
New research offers evidence that black drivers are more likely to be stopped by police than their white peers.

A new study, undertaken by Ravi Shroff, an assistant professor holding joint appointments at NYU Steinhardt and NYU CUSP, and his colleagues at the Stanford Open Policing Project, found that in a dataset of nearly 100 million traffic stops across the United States, black drivers were about 20 percent more likely to be stopped than white drivers relative to their share of the residential population.

The study also found that once stopped, black drivers were searched about 1.5 to 2 times as often as white drivers, while they were less likely to be carrying drugs, guns, or other illegal contraband compared to their white peers.

Shroff and his colleagues also measured the disparity in stop rates before and after sunset. They found that black drivers made up a smaller share of those stopped at night, when it’s more difficult to discern the race of a driver, which suggests that racial bias may influence stop decisions. For example, in Texas, about 25 percent of drivers stopped right before sunset were black, compared to about 20 percent just after dusk. The analysis found the same basic pattern across all the stops in aggregate. Overall, the data showed about a 5-10 percent drop in the share of drivers stopped at night who are black.

The study, published in peer-reviewed journal Nature Human Behaviour, analyzed hundreds of millions of traffic stop records throughout the country with the goal of helping researchers and policymakers investigate and improve interactions between the police and the public.

“Our team contacted over 100 police departments and processed and released over 20 million traffic stop records, in addition to the more than 150 million state-level traffic stop records that were also simultaneously released,” said Shroff. “It was a challenging task, but we hope the public release of this extensive dataset and analysis will provide new insight into the nature of law enforcement interactions with the public.”
The research you site is from many years ago. I found something from May, 2020:

Research Shows Black Drivers More Likely to Be Stopped by Police​

May 5, 2020
Education and Social Sciences
Research Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
New York, NY
New research offers evidence that black drivers are more likely to be stopped by police than their white peers.

A new study, undertaken by Ravi Shroff, an assistant professor holding joint appointments at NYU Steinhardt and NYU CUSP, and his colleagues at the Stanford Open Policing Project, found that in a dataset of nearly 100 million traffic stops across the United States, black drivers were about 20 percent more likely to be stopped than white drivers relative to their share of the residential population.

The study also found that once stopped, black drivers were searched about 1.5 to 2 times as often as white drivers, while they were less likely to be carrying drugs, guns, or other illegal contraband compared to their white peers.

Shroff and his colleagues also measured the disparity in stop rates before and after sunset. They found that black drivers made up a smaller share of those stopped at night, when it’s more difficult to discern the race of a driver, which suggests that racial bias may influence stop decisions. For example, in Texas, about 25 percent of drivers stopped right before sunset were black, compared to about 20 percent just after dusk. The analysis found the same basic pattern across all the stops in aggregate. Overall, the data showed about a 5-10 percent drop in the share of drivers stopped at night who are black.

The study, published in peer-reviewed journal Nature Human Behaviour, analyzed hundreds of millions of traffic stop records throughout the country with the goal of helping researchers and policymakers investigate and improve interactions between the police and the public.

“Our team contacted over 100 police departments and processed and released over 20 million traffic stop records, in addition to the more than 150 million state-level traffic stop records that were also simultaneously released,” said Shroff. “It was a challenging task, but we hope the public release of this extensive dataset and analysis will provide new insight into the nature of law enforcement interactions with the public.”
Most but not all black people seem to drive their cars with the driver's seat in the recline position. That means they can barely see over the dashboard and when i asked them why they drive that way, it was because they didnt want to be seen behind the wheel because some other black person might shoot them. So they speed, not seeing how fast they are going, weaving all over the place and then wonder why they get pulled over. Down here in Florida not only blacks seem to be speeding but many whites and Latinos all think they are at the Daytona 500. Speeding is just as bad as walking around with a loaded weapon, both can kill when not used properly.

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