If/when Trump begins his 4 year revenge term what would/should his agenda/wrath look like?

Not sure about that.

But that is only the small part of it.

The independent agencies that he would force to become political, FCC, FEC, FTC along with statistical agencies like NASS and BLS, the Census Bureau and more.

Only someone severely retarded or in total fantasy land would think that they are not political now
He should rise above his personal feelings of anger and betrayal and dedicate every waking moment of his second term to getting done everything the swamp sought to avoid.

First off, of course, he should grant himself a full and complete Presidential Pardon for all federal crimes he may have committed, if any.

Second, he should review the cases of all 1/6 participants who have already been convicted. He can selectively pardon some or simply commute the sentences of some others. (It is possible that a couple of them deserved to be convicted and also got fair sentences. Leave those cases untouched.)

He should resolve the Russian war against Ukraine within 24 hours.

He should abrogate US policy on Taiwan and recognize them as a sovereign nation entirely separate from the Peoples’ Republic of China. This, of course, cannot be done unilaterally. But it’s time to say the magic words and get the Senate to work on ratifying any negotiated treaty along those lines.

With the help of the American people, it’s possible to take control of the House AND the Senate. If that takes place, then it’s also time to have Congress get out of the business of passing omnibus acts consisting of different matters. Congress should also get out of the business ofnpassing “continuing spending resolutions.”

Once that’s in place, start passing funding bills properly. One bill for the Air Force. Another for the Army. Etc. One funding bill for the Department of Education (cut enormously as it gets phased out). One funding bill for the FBI. Maybe as part of a proposed reorganization of that out of control agency. One funding bill for the Department of Justice. A separate funding bill for the court system.

So much to do. So little time.
I‘m enthusiastically optimistic that he will tear every single federal institution down to the bare-bones and extract every person and every thing that/who exudes ANY level of support for ANY level of leftism. By now he is fully aware of who and what the enemy is, he knows there is no changing these people…..he’s got to know the people pulling the leftist strings must be eradicated.
I’m looking real forward to watching Trumps wrath…..Your thoughts?
He’s going to declare Purge month, and we’ll get to clean the country of all illegals, criminals, and tranny lunatics.
He should rise above his personal feelings of anger and betrayal and dedicate every waking moment of his second term to getting done everything the swamp sought to avoid.

First off, of course, he should grant himself a full and complete Presidential Pardon for all federal crimes he may have committed, if any.

Second, he should review the cases of all 1/6 participants who have already been convicted. He can selectively pardon some or simply commute the sentences of some others. (It is possible that a couple of them deserved to be convicted and also got fair sentences. Leave those cases untouched.)

He should resolve the Russian war against Ukraine within 24 hours.

He should abrogate US policy on Taiwan and recognize them as a sovereign nation entirely separate from the Peoples’ Republic of China. This, of course, cannot be done unilaterally. But it’s time to say the magic words and get the Senate to work on ratifying any negotiated treaty along those lines.

With the help of the American people, it’s possible to take control of the House AND the Senate. If that takes place, then it’s also time to have Congress get out of the business of passing omnibus acts consisting of different matters. Congress should also get out of the business ofnpassing “continuing spending resolutions.”

Once that’s in place, start passing funding bills properly. One bill for the Air Force. Another for the Army. Etc. One funding bill for the Department of Education (cut enormously as it gets phased out). One funding bill for the FBI. Maybe as part of a proposed reorganization of that out of control agency. One funding bill for the Department of Justice. A separate funding bill for the court system.

So much to do. So little time.

But it wouldn't hurt to have skilled mercenaries pull some people out of their homes at night, gut them and leave them on their lawn for the neighbors to see.

Americans are visual.
Not sure about that.

But that is only the small part of it.

The independent agencies that he would force to become political, FCC, FEC, FTC along with statistical agencies like NASS and BLS, the Census Bureau and more.
What about the independent agencies like the FBI, CIA and the IRS that have already been politicized? The left doesn't seem to mind the idea too much.
But holding the Biden’s accountable for their corruption IS weaponizing the Justice Dept?


Funny how the same action is only good when you do it to others, but bad when others do it to you. Major cognitive dissonance

By all means, let’s hold Biden accountable for any criminal activity

Maybe you can start by identifying some.
In addition to his long list of perceived enemies, expect Trump to go after……

Same sex marriage
Homosexuals in the Military
Your hyperbole is pathetic. Why are you just making things up?

lol ... his SS works for the gov'ment & not for donny. he doesn't sign their checks.
false. no man is above the law & he shirley isn't his own judge & jury. you silly.
don't call me Shirley <g>.

The SS protects the president/presidency, period, full stop.

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