If you actually want to stop school shootings? This is the answer....but since banning guns isn't part of it? Anti-gun extremists won't support it.


Endless :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: from the leftist cult.

This is fucking word salad that has nothing to do with the issue! No wonder your leftist cult mass murderers are killing your leftist cult children by the dozen.

By the hundreds in America. Mass shooting of even 4 or more victims has passed 400!

This discussion has nothing to do with addressing the problem, as is typical for his attempts to spam and troll for a reaction.
The only way, short of just burning down the schools and educating children properly at home.
How about, to start with, how to value the lives of children, which your cult is completely against.
Homeschool ALL students, or just the families that can afford it?
Homeschooling works when parents have quality computers, access to quality curriculum, and personally invest in their Childs progress.

Can you guarantee this ^^^ for ALL homeschooled students?
What's your plan?
By the hundreds in America. Mass shooting of even 4 or more victims has passed 400!

This discussion has nothing to do with addressing the problem, as is typical for his attempts to spam and troll for a reaction.

Solution -- take the guns from the leftists.

I'm all for that.

Y'all want the guns so badly, take them from the people -- and I use the term loosely -- who are actually using them to kill children.

Arm and train just a few staff, but put up signs telling one and all that your staff is prepared to defend their school......and mass public shooters will choose another target to attack.....that is how you stop mass public shootings, and in particular, school shootings....

U.S.A. — In Groesbeck, Texas (about a third of the way between Dallas and Houston), the Independent School District (ISD) has had a school guardian program in place for nearly a year. On July 17, 2023, the Groesbeck ISD issued a press release showing they had placed signs announcing the program. The Guardian program is a popular Texas program to enable local schools to have various members of their staff trained and armed, in order to respond to deadly threats in the school before police can arrive on the scene. The program is much more efficient than having School Resource Officers (certified police officers) assigned to the school. One SRO costs about $100,000 per year. A Guardian costs about $1,000 a year. A school district can afford 100 Guardians for the cost of one SRO. The Groesbeck School Superintendent, Anthony Figueroa, has embraced the program. From the Groesbeck Independent School District press release:


Superintendent of Schools Anthony Figueroa noted the last three school districts in which he was involved were all participants in the Guardian program. This says something about Texas and, perhaps, about Anthony Figueroa.

Probably better if we just bypass the courts and take the guns from the crazies.
That and other suggestions are always just reactions to the reason why there's a problem.
How about some suggestions on what the reason for the problem is?

Are you ready to reject the notion that there are too many guns?

I think that 2aguy's biggest fear is in that being settled. What can he say if he can't say that anymore?
I am not as interested in the cause, as stopping the action, no matter the cause. Feel free to analyze for many more years, as the body count increases.

You are talking to the wrong guy. I routinely carry, as a trained, tested certified by state and homeland defense, permit holder, as well as former military trainer. I am not one to chuck the 2nd Amendment of the constitution, whole cloth, but support regulated use and ownership.
I am not as interested in the cause, as stopping the action, no matter the cause. Feel free to analyze for many more years, as the body count increases.

You are talking to the wrong guy. I routinely carry, as a trained, tested certified by state and homeland defense, permit holder, as well as former military trainer. I am not one to chuck the 2nd Amendment of the constitution, whole cloth, but support regulated use and ownership.
I'm talking to the right guy, regardless of what you do and what you were.
IMO the military is directly related to the problem as I see it. (the culture of continuous wars)

As to regulated use, the guy who can be found at a range, blazing away at a human silouette target with an AR is the guy that's the greatest threat. But how can anybody take that right away?

So to take it a step further with you? Going to a range and not finding those guys there with their AR's would be an indication of the ideal has happened.

If you talk about the issue of regulated use with me, the others will listen!
I'm talking to the right guy, regardless of what you do and what you were.
IMO the military is directly related to the problem as I see it. (the culture of continuous wars)

As to regulated use, the guy who can be found at a range, blazing away at a human silouette target with an AR is the guy that's the greatest threat. But how can anybody take that right away?

So to take it a step further with you? Going to a range and not finding those guys there with their AR's would be an indication of the ideal has happened.

If you talk about the issue of regulated use with me, the others will listen!
Laws are already in the books for years. They aren't being regulated properly. As for people who shouldn't have guns, how do we keep this from happening?

Laws are already in the books for years. They aren't being regulated properly.
I don't know but I'll accept that as true for a starting point.
As for people who shouldn't have guns, how do we keep this from happening?
I don't have a magic answer. But that's a valid and important question!

One of the most important facts is simply that the bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, until he acts out illegally with his gun.

The best way to identify the guy who will kill more than say 6 or 8 with his AR-15 could be first identifying him while practicing to be more efficient....................... at the range with the human silouette targets.............

Having said that, there's no way that the angry black/white guy with a gun is less likely to become a bad guy. Maybe that calls for working to lessen the cause of the anger?
I don't know but I'll accept that as true for a starting point.

I don't have a magic answer. But that's a valid and important question!

One of the most important facts is simply that the bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, until he acts out illegally with his gun.

The best way to identify the guy who will kill more than say 6 or 8 with his AR-15 could be first identifying him while practicing to be more efficient....................... at the range with the human silouette targets.............

Having said that, there's no way that the angry black/white guy with a gun is less likely to become a bad guy. Maybe that calls for working to lessen the cause of the anger?
If America was serious about school shootings, the 2nd A would have been scrapped. So blast away guys, plenty of expendable kids left, get their brains blown out.
If America was serious about school shootings, the 2nd A would have been scrapped. So blast away guys, plenty of expendable kids left, get their brains blown out.

If America was serious about school shootings, they'd stop putting the weapons in the hands of the insane leftist killers.


Could work…
But then again there are instances where armed guards refused to engage a more heavily armed assailant

Having an unknown number of armed staff is the deterrent......mass public shooters are not looking for a fight......and almost all of them pick gun free zones to attack.....
If America was serious about school shootings, the 2nd A would have been scrapped. So blast away guys, plenty of expendable kids left, get their brains blown out.

You had one school shooting.....when you had guns.........it isn't the guns that are the issue......and you have other mass school shootings about once every 10 years......before you banned guns, and now after you banned guns.....so your gun control laws haven't stopped them...

Then...you need to answer this...

Europe murdered over 1 million Children in 6 years...more children than all of our school shootings in our 247 year history....how do you explain that?


In the 1920s, they began the process of registering guns....to make their people safer. That was the lie. by the mid 1930s, the socialists in Germany began the process of banning and confiscating guns, and the same for the countries they defeated......

By 1939, the German socialists began to murder 15 million - 20 million people....in 6 years.....men, women and over 1 million children.

6 years, 15 million- 20 million murdered citizens..not war dead, innocent people rounded up and murdered in camps and forests....

15 million in 6 years.

In the United States, gun murder for our entire 247 year history?

Around 2,470,000

Europe.... 15 million in 6 years.

U.S..... 2,470,000 in 247 years.

Now the math part...get out your pencil....

How many hundreds of years will it take the U.S. to catch up with the number of Europeans murdered by their governments.....

Show your work.
Arm and train just a few staff, but put up signs telling one and all that your staff is prepared to defend their school......and mass public shooters will choose another target to attack.....that is how you stop mass public shootings, and in particular, school shootings....

U.S.A. — In Groesbeck, Texas (about a third of the way between Dallas and Houston), the Independent School District (ISD) has had a school guardian program in place for nearly a year. On July 17, 2023, the Groesbeck ISD issued a press release showing they had placed signs announcing the program. The Guardian program is a popular Texas program to enable local schools to have various members of their staff trained and armed, in order to respond to deadly threats in the school before police can arrive on the scene. The program is much more efficient than having School Resource Officers (certified police officers) assigned to the school. One SRO costs about $100,000 per year. A Guardian costs about $1,000 a year. A school district can afford 100 Guardians for the cost of one SRO. The Groesbeck School Superintendent, Anthony Figueroa, has embraced the program. From the Groesbeck Independent School District press release:


Superintendent of Schools Anthony Figueroa noted the last three school districts in which he was involved were all participants in the Guardian program. This says something about Texas and, perhaps, about Anthony Figueroa.

Yes, because a sign always solves the problem. :auiqs.jpg: Armed criminals will stop and heed your all powerful sign (if they can read).
Yes, because a sign always solves the problem. :auiqs.jpg: Armed criminals will stop and heed your all powerful sign (if they can read).

Dumb shit....are you this stupid in real life, or just when you post.......

The sign isn't what stops them, you f*****g doofus........it is the sign stating there are people with guns in the school that stops them....you idiot...

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