If you are anti-abortion you should be pro-vaccine

If you are anti-abortion you should be pro-vaccine.
If you value human life, you should take the vaccine to save people from dying of COVID. The science, clearly shows, that the more vaccinated, the fewer die. It is not just those who are vaccinated. There are less deaths for all, especially the most vulnerable.
Anti-abortion rely on science to make their arguments. If you rely on science then, you should rely on science for COVID.
Sure. Everyone SHOULD get VAXXED. Except young ,healthy folks and Children. COVID is not dangerous to these groups.
Sure. Everyone SHOULD get VAXXED. Except young ,healthy folks and Children. COVID is not dangerous to these groups.
Generalizations don't work. I am over 70, with a heart condition. I was infected in Jan and recovered from the virus in a bit over two weeks. I tested positive at the local hospital a week after first symptoms and was sent home with instructions to drink pedialyte and ensure. I've had worse colds. My spouse, otoh, was quite ill, but recovered in about three weeks. We are currently doing quite well.
Just SMFH at the pure lame idiocy.

If morons like this guy have not yet realized the truth about the "vaccine" they never will, and if they continue to thrash about with their lies in their pathetic attmpts to masturbate their sick little leftist egos by trying to control the rest of us, we need to just accept the fact that it's time to unperson them. Shun them. Stop talking to them. They are not human. Make them gone, socially.
If you are anti-abortion you should be pro-vaccine.
If you value human life, you should take the vaccine to save people from dying of COVID. The science, clearly shows, that the more vaccinated, the fewer die. It is not just those who are vaccinated. There are less deaths for all, especially the most vulnerable.
Anti-abortion rely on science to make their arguments. If you rely on science then, you should rely on science for COVID.

The vaccine doesn't protect other people from infection at all.

At least that's what the Fauci Cult has been saying.
If you are anti-abortion you should be pro-vaccine.
If you value human life, you should take the vaccine to save people from dying of COVID. The science, clearly shows, that the more vaccinated, the fewer die. It is not just those who are vaccinated. There are less deaths for all, especially the most vulnerable.
Anti-abortion rely on science to make their arguments. If you rely on science then, you should rely on science for COVID.

I'm pro-vax,.. but I'm also pro shut the fuck up it isn't Sunday and this isn't a church so stop your preaching because it isn't any of your damn business what other people choose to do in their own personal lives.
conservatives give more to charity to help others than dems in the same income bracket . Study: Red states more charitable
They may give more, but they give it to their churches, the churches squander a lot of that money.
Your opinion is noted and disregarded.
Like I said people can choose to be ignorant; and they expect to be cared for while they're sick and dying from covid. If our government really had balls, they should tell anybody who refused the vaccine, if they get ill they're on their own no healthcare dollars will be spent on them. Somehow dollars bring people to their senses.
If you are anti-abortion you should be pro-vaccine.
If you value human life, you should take the vaccine to save people from dying of COVID. The science, clearly shows, that the more vaccinated, the fewer die. It is not just those who are vaccinated. There are less deaths for all, especially the most vulnerable.
Anti-abortion rely on science to make their arguments. If you rely on science then, you should rely on science for COVID.
My body.
My choice.
What's in it?

Why does the manufacturer have 100% liability protection?

What does it do?

We know it does not prevent the spread of the virus. We know that it does not protect anyone from getting the virus. What is the point?
Absolutely no one here is able to tell me what is is the "vaccine".


Yet they'll take it and drop dead while they are wandering the aisles of the grocery store reading every ingredient on the food packaging.
They may give more, but they give it to their churches, the churches squander a lot of that money.

Like I said people can choose to be ignorant; and they expect to be cared for while they're sick and dying from covid. If our government really had balls, they should tell anybody who refused the vaccine, if they get ill they're on their own no healthcare dollars will be spent on them. Somehow dollars bring people to their senses.
Do you get control freak wood when you type those words?
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If you are anti-abortion you should be pro-vaccine.
If you value human life, you should take the vaccine to save people from dying of COVID. The science, clearly shows, that the more vaccinated, the fewer die. It is not just those who are vaccinated. There are less deaths for all, especially the most vulnerable.
Anti-abortion rely on science to make their arguments. If you rely on science then, you should rely on science for COVID.

So you're pro-life?
If you are anti-abortion you should be pro-vaccine.
If you value human life, you should take the vaccine to save people from dying of COVID. The science, clearly shows, that the more vaccinated, the fewer die. It is not just those who are vaccinated. There are less deaths for all, especially the most vulnerable.
Anti-abortion; vaccinated and pro-vaccine; very strongly anti-gun. Guns are used in over 10,000 murders and over 20,000 suicides per year in USA.
They may give more, but they give it to their churches, the churches squander a lot of that money.

Like I said people can choose to be ignorant; and they expect to be cared for while they're sick and dying from covid. If our government really had balls, they should tell anybody who refused the vaccine, if they get ill they're on their own no healthcare dollars will be spent on them. Somehow dollars bring people to their senses.
So, educate us.

Remember this?



What's in it?


"What can you expect from a non-believer?"
If our government really had balls,
Your government developed and released this virus dumb fuck. Only the ignorant blindly follow the instructions of someone who has been relieved of responsibility. Do your homework, you ignorant fuck. The vax does not prevent infection or spread--IOW, it is ineffective. As far as safety goes--ask the people who are showing symptoms of myocarditis after being vaxxed. Take it down the road comrade.

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