If you are not guilty of a crime what do you need immunity for?


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2014
The irony of all of the Trumpsters attacks against Clinton coming back to haunt them:

This is what Trump said about 'immunity'- when it came to Clinton
Quoting Trump:
"The reason they get immunity is because they did something wrong, if they didn’t do anything wrong, they don’t think in terms of immunity," he said at a rally in Wisconsin last September.

At another rally in Florida the day before, Trump asked, "If you are not guilty of a crime, what do you need immunity for? Right."

He tweeted at Clinton in October, "ATTN: @HillaryClinton - Why did five of your staffers need FBI IMMUNITY?!

Then of course we have what Michael Flynn himself said:

For his part, Flynn told NBC's "Meet the Press" in September of the aides involved in the Clinton probe, “When you are given immunity, that means you probably committed a crime.”

Trump, Flynn once criticized Clinton aides for seeking immunity

So were Flynn and Trump lying then- or are they lying now?

As Trump said during the campaign "If you are not guilty of a crime, what do you need immunity for?
I thought the same when Flynn requested this, however, I'm listening to Mo Brooks, of the Foreign Affairs Committee, who said when he was a lawyer that such requests are standard when speaking to authorities such as the FBI.
To prevent you from being railroaded to jail by vile filthy lefties who love to see people they disagree with in prison.
Say, how much of the Obama Admin. pleaded the fifth? Seemed to be an everyday occurrence.
To prevent you from being railroaded to jail by vile filthy lefties who love to see people they disagree with in prison.

You see Flynn needs immunity from crimes because of fake news. And the fake news is why Flynn is asking for immunity. And Flynn needs immunity from crimes because of fake news.

Don't you get it?

He's not asking for immunity from crimes. He's asking for immunity from news except that's not how immunity works.
The irony of all of the Trumpsters attacks against Clinton coming back to haunt them:

This is what Trump said about 'immunity'- when it came to Clinton
Quoting Trump:
"The reason they get immunity is because they did something wrong, if they didn’t do anything wrong, they don’t think in terms of immunity," he said at a rally in Wisconsin last September.

At another rally in Florida the day before, Trump asked, "If you are not guilty of a crime, what do you need immunity for? Right."

He tweeted at Clinton in October, "ATTN: @HillaryClinton - Why did five of your staffers need FBI IMMUNITY?!

Then of course we have what Michael Flynn himself said:

For his part, Flynn told NBC's "Meet the Press" in September of the aides involved in the Clinton probe, “When you are given immunity, that means you probably committed a crime.”

Trump, Flynn once criticized Clinton aides for seeking immunity

So were Flynn and Trump lying then- or are they lying now?

As Trump said during the campaign "If you are not guilty of a crime, what do you need immunity for?

Another failed far left drone thread that supported Clinton aides getting immunity!
I thought the same when Flynn requested this, however, I'm listening to Mo Brooks, of the Foreign Affairs Committee, who said when he was a lawyer that such requests are standard when speaking to authorities such as the FBI.

Of course they are.

But that is not what Flynn and Trump said when they were attacking Clinton.

My how their tune has changed.

So were Flynn and Trump lying then?

Or lying now?
To prevent you from being railroaded to jail by vile filthy lefties who love to see people they disagree with in prison.

But Trump and Flynn were okay with it when they were the filthy vile righties trying to railroad people into jail because they disagreed with them.
Say, how much of the Obama Admin. pleaded the fifth? Seemed to be an everyday occurrence.

I would be glad to have you name any from the Obama administration that pleaded the fifth.

Please provide the facts.
The irony of all of the Trumpsters attacks against Clinton coming back to haunt them:

This is what Trump said about 'immunity'- when it came to Clinton
Quoting Trump:
"The reason they get immunity is because they did something wrong, if they didn’t do anything wrong, they don’t think in terms of immunity," he said at a rally in Wisconsin last September.

At another rally in Florida the day before, Trump asked, "If you are not guilty of a crime, what do you need immunity for? Right."

He tweeted at Clinton in October, "ATTN: @HillaryClinton - Why did five of your staffers need FBI IMMUNITY?!

Then of course we have what Michael Flynn himself said:

For his part, Flynn told NBC's "Meet the Press" in September of the aides involved in the Clinton probe, “When you are given immunity, that means you probably committed a crime.”

Trump, Flynn once criticized Clinton aides for seeking immunity

So were Flynn and Trump lying then- or are they lying now?

As Trump said during the campaign "If you are not guilty of a crime, what do you need immunity for?

Another failed far left drone thread that supported Clinton aides getting immunity!

Another failed lie by the Trump troll named Kosh.
I love how all of the Trump sycophants want to ignore the rich irony of Trump and Flynn both publicly declaring that those who seek or get immunity must be guilty of a crime- and now Flynn seeking immunity and Trump cheering him on.

Were they lying during the campaign?

Or are they lying now?
This is all 100% about preventing Trump from outing the truth of 911.

Flynn was a plant. This is the last ditch effort of the traitors to keep the American people from the truth.
There are many reasons to ask for immunity. In Flynn's case it's just smart lawyering. Nothing to see here...
There are many reasons to ask for immunity. In Flynn's case it's just smart lawyering. Nothing to see here...

So when Trump and Flynn attacked the Clinton campaign- because some staff members had gotten immunity- by declaring that those who seek immunity probably committed crimes- they were lying for political purposes?

I think so too.
This is all 100% about preventing Trump from outing the truth of 911.

Flynn was a plant. This is the last ditch effort of the traitors to keep the American people from the truth.

Well Trump sure is working overtime to prevent any 'truth' from escaping his tweets.
The "immunity" deals with Clinton under Loretta Lynch were 100% about covering everything up... which they did.

What Flynn has as far as info is not yet out... assuming it exists at all.
Well Trump sure is working overtime to prevent any 'truth' from escaping his tweets

You were one of the loudmouth left wing parrots disputing whether Obama deliberately spied on the Trump campaign using taxpayer funded US intelligence assets for Democratic Party partisan politics. Now that is truth, will you admit your birdbrain was parroting left wing lies and Trump told the truth?
There are many reasons to ask for immunity. In Flynn's case it's just smart lawyering. Nothing to see here...

So when Trump and Flynn attacked the Clinton campaign- because some staff members had gotten immunity- by declaring that those who seek immunity probably committed crimes- they were lying for political purposes?

I think so too.

It's worse than that actually. While other people were offered immunity, Flynn is ASKING UP FRONT for immunity. That indicates he has something he knows he needs to be immune from. Since no one offered it's curious why he would think he needs immunity at all, up front.

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