If you are one of those sick, fucked-up "false flag" narrative lunatics, please let me know


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2014
So I can place your sorry ass on ignore.

These people are insane. Truly insane.
So I can place your sorry ass on ignore.

These people are insane. Truly insane.

Place me on "Ignore"....I don't need your permission to respond to your stupidity because my mission is to alert those that have the ability to think independently while throwing off the shackles of the lamestream-Operation Mockingbird media shills. There was foreknowledge of the Parkland shooting and there were orders to "stand-down"........
These people are insane. Truly insane.

So I can place your sorry ass on ignore.

These people are insane. Truly insane.

If i ignored people for being dipshits, i would have ignored you the other day for your racist thread about white people, steve mcgarret. JS
So I can place your sorry ass on ignore.

These people are insane. Truly insane.

Well if your sorry ass would do some research you just might wake up.
Quit watching MSM as they are spoon feeding you bullshit.
So I can place your sorry ass on ignore.

These people are insane. Truly insane.

Place me on "Ignore"....I don't need your permission to respond to your stupidity because my mission is to alert those that have the ability to think independently while throwing off the shackles of the lamestream-Operation Mockingbird media shills. There was foreknowledge of the Parkland shooting and there were orders to "stand-down"........

You are right about one thing. You DON’T need permission to be a pathetic clueless fucktard. So enjoy
Hogg's father is losing business because crime in that part of Florida is down. Even a teacher claims more than one shooter. Shooters didn't pursue fleeing students because they reached their quota. Bodies were shot multiple times because they needed fatalities, not injured. Has anyone ever figured out what the heck happened in Vegas shooting? Ever wonder why they are not telling anybody what happened?
Virtually every government action outside of the realm of normal narrative has been exposed in the past, the only thing left is sorts squabbling over imaginary details

In this day and age, these folks actually believe our government, along with our military are killing our own

They actually imagine the CO of some black helicopter contingent instructing our American troops to gun down American women & children (re.Vegas mass murder).......along with whatever LSD induced rationale for school shootings, etc etc ad nasuem....

Most of it hails from far right wingnuts , and yes you've freedom of speech

As do I.....

so my advice is, if you think this country could possibly have lowered itself to such standards



and don't come back

Sure, everything the government tells you is absolutely true. You would need total tinfoil to believe that the FBI isn't selling you complete bs. It is not like dead bodies aren't showing up all around the Clintons, which even has its own nickname, Arkancide. The FBI has a sterling reputation of never crossing the line. Hey, why don't we make fun of 'birthers' because who needs an actual verifiable birth certificate. We can just take a computer generated copy, because they would never possibly lie to us.
Sure, everything the government tells you is absolutely true. You would need total tinfoil to believe that the FBI isn't selling you complete bs. It is not like dead bodies aren't showing up all around the Clintons, which even has its own nickname, Arkancide. The FBI has a sterling reputation of never crossing the line. Hey, why don't we make fun of 'birthers' because who needs an actual verifiable birth certificate. We can just take a computer generated copy, because they would never possibly lie to us.

I've never suggested they don't lie Dusty

In fact ,what i do see is every lie and misleading bit of information coming back to haunt them in SPADES

It's those sorts that can't accept the truth that go off into the ozone, call it fake news, point to some deep state , illuminati , bilderburg baloney

If there's any agenda, it's pure simple human greed, be it $$$,power or both

the only thing 'hidden' about that are those that don't understand plain simple human nature

Fair enough. There are plenty who do not accept reality. It concerns me a little who decides what the truth is. We all see things through a lens. At the same time, I think it is fair to point out things that seem strange or inconsistent without bringing the tin foil hat label. For instance, in the Florida shooting there were at least half a dozen witnesses who report a shooter other than the boy arrested. One witness was a teacher. That seems legitimately off. I'm not going to speculate what it means. On the Arkancide thing, is it off limits to question the sheer number of deaths of people who were to testify, or were close to the Clintons? I know we see things through a lens, and that repubs were after her for decades, but it is an astounding amount of accidents. Finally, Obama's birth certificate. The dems are obviously going to say it was racist, and an attempt to get rid of Obama. I'm not sure it is that easy. I know in my own case that I always believed he was a US citizen. It just seemed odd that the only birth certificate was a computer generated copy. Even if you hate the republicans for asking the question, are you not the least bit wondering why that was the only copy given? I don't see a problem asking questions when things don't add up, no matter what side we are on.

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