If you are white, and you attack another white for racism, you're just stupid

Ahhhh, but it wouldn't That is the beauty of my idea. What IS true is that racists, in general, are either below average intelligence, or are not motivated to do work. Thus they take out their failures on those who DO work.

Yet, I'm a self admitted racist, coming from a household worth about 1.4 million, and which makes over 200,000 a year in income.

I don't even really have to work, because my parents send me 10's of thousands a year. but I do hold a job largely as a hobby, but also to generate extra income in mutual funds.

I scored a 124 IQ, and am a pretty talented artist.

I painted most of these in the below video, at around the age of 18.

Like I said, racists generally are not very smart. Not all are dumb, but most are.

I dare you to list a equal list of accomplished Black intellectuals, as accomplished White racist intellectuals.

Some White racists have included James Watson, William Shockley, Thomas Edison, Darwin, Francis Galton, George Curvier, Herbert Spencer, Carl Linnaeus, Voltaire, Artur Schopenhauer, Immanuel Kant, Walt Disney, among others.

What does a list of successful racists prove? Especially since they had their success in a time when racism was widely acc

Not all of them, James Watson was racist rather recently, and was treated like dog-shit for doing so.

His success was mainly in his profound discovery in 1953. He is 89 years old.
Yet, I'm a self admitted racist, coming from a household worth about 1.4 million, and which makes over 200,000 a year in income.

I don't even really have to work, because my parents send me 10's of thousands a year. but I do hold a job largely as a hobby, but also to generate extra income in mutual funds.

I scored a 124 IQ, and am a pretty talented artist.

I painted most of these in the below video, at around the age of 18.

Like I said, racists generally are not very smart. Not all are dumb, but most are.

I dare you to list a equal list of accomplished Black intellectuals, as accomplished White racist intellectuals.

Some White racists have included James Watson, William Shockley, Thomas Edison, Darwin, Francis Galton, George Curvier, Herbert Spencer, Carl Linnaeus, Voltaire, Artur Schopenhauer, Immanuel Kant, Walt Disney, among others.

What does a list of successful racists prove? Especially since they had their success in a time when racism was widely acc

Not all of them, James Watson was racist rather recently, and was treated like dog-shit for doing so.

His success was mainly in his profound discovery in 1953. He is 89 years old.

So, you're admitting a White racist made a profound discovery?
Like I said, racists generally are not very smart. Not all are dumb, but most are.

I dare you to list a equal list of accomplished Black intellectuals, as accomplished White racist intellectuals.

Some White racists have included James Watson, William Shockley, Thomas Edison, Darwin, Francis Galton, George Curvier, Herbert Spencer, Carl Linnaeus, Voltaire, Artur Schopenhauer, Immanuel Kant, Walt Disney, among others.

What does a list of successful racists prove? Especially since they had their success in a time when racism was widely acc

Not all of them, James Watson was racist rather recently, and was treated like dog-shit for doing so.

His success was mainly in his profound discovery in 1953. He is 89 years old.

So, you're admitting a White racist made a profound discovery?

Please show where I have said no racists are intelligent or educated?
I dare you to list a equal list of accomplished Black intellectuals, as accomplished White racist intellectuals.

Some White racists have included James Watson, William Shockley, Thomas Edison, Darwin, Francis Galton, George Curvier, Herbert Spencer, Carl Linnaeus, Voltaire, Artur Schopenhauer, Immanuel Kant, Walt Disney, among others.

What does a list of successful racists prove? Especially since they had their success in a time when racism was widely acc

Not all of them, James Watson was racist rather recently, and was treated like dog-shit for doing so.

His success was mainly in his profound discovery in 1953. He is 89 years old.

So, you're admitting a White racist made a profound discovery?

Please show where I have said no racists are intelligent or educated?

Please show where I claimed you said such?
What does a list of successful racists prove? Especially since they had their success in a time when racism was widely acc

Not all of them, James Watson was racist rather recently, and was treated like dog-shit for doing so.

His success was mainly in his profound discovery in 1953. He is 89 years old.

So, you're admitting a White racist made a profound discovery?

Please show where I have said no racists are intelligent or educated?

Please show where I claimed you said such?

YOu seemed surprised that I said Watson's discovery was profound. If you weren't making the claim, why ask "So, you're admitting a White racist made a profound discovery?"?
Not all of them, James Watson was racist rather recently, and was treated like dog-shit for doing so.

His success was mainly in his profound discovery in 1953. He is 89 years old.

So, you're admitting a White racist made a profound discovery?

Please show where I have said no racists are intelligent or educated?

Please show where I claimed you said such?

YOu seemed surprised that I said Watson's discovery was profound. If you weren't making the claim, why ask "So, you're admitting a White racist made a profound discovery?"?

The majority of anti-Racists here gloat that "I'm so smart because I'm against racism, and racists are so stupid"

Funny enough, most anti-Racists here refuse to debate much at all on the data, and dynamics of disparities between different races.

I guess any idiot can have a false sense of intelligence, or morality just by claiming "I'm anti-Racist"
The current day Jews are white. The original Hebrews were Black. God is pro Black. Says so in the bible.

I am sorry but I must disagree the original Jew were not black they looked a lot like their Arab cousins. And the Arabs are not black one can clearly see that they have Caucasian features, just look at he Syrians.
There was no such thing as Arabs back then. You have your time line mixed up. Caucasians dont have any original features. They got those from Black people and East Indian people.

Cro Magnon man in Europe had existed before Negroid man in Africa...
Cro Magnon man is not modern human so I dont know why you brought that up. I'm guessing you know you cross bred with them as well as neanderthals.

Cro Magnon man was Human, doof.

You're not.

We've been hearing this garbage for years. Amazingly, I've even heard you dummies say "make America white again", because, apparently, you dropped out of school before 5th grade geography where you would have learned it never was.

White, I mean.

Bottom feeders like you and the OP are relatively rare so why don't you quit the whining, get out of this colorful melting pot and make your own, all white white country?

I'm sure I speak for real human beings everywhere when I say we would more than willing to let you take your single wide with you.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
I think it would be better for stupid people (of whatever race they happen to be) to only be allowed to breed with stupid people. That smart people (of whatever race they happen to be) have their own place so that when the stupid people manage to figure out how to kill themselves off the smart people can take over and fix the damage. How about that paradigm?:eusa_whistle:

The problem is stupid people tend to have more kids.

Besides, are you aware that your ideal would disproportionately target Blacks, Muslims, and Hispanics, and keep them in their place?

Ahhhh, but it wouldn't That is the beauty of my idea. What IS true is that racists, in general, are either below average intelligence, or are not motivated to do work. Thus they take out their failures on those who DO work.

Yet, I'm a self admitted racist, coming from a household worth about 1.4 million, and which makes over 200,000 a year in income.

I don't even really have to work, because my parents send me 10's of thousands a year. but I do hold a job largely as a hobby, but also to generate extra income in mutual funds.

I scored a 124 IQ, and am a pretty talented artist.

I painted most of these in the below video, at around the age of 18.

That's nice. How much of that wealth did YOU earn? I'm worth around five million or so, ALL of which I earned. I have a PhD in geology and my wife is a PhD psychologist. Last time I checked my IQ was around a 146 or so. To be honest it has been so long I don't remember accurately what it was measured at but it was above the 140 mark. My daughter is even smarter than me. She's only ten but we estimate her IQ at around a 153, we just had her tested and are waiting for the results.

IQ doesn't equate to net worth however. A man I know who is much smarter than I prefers playing cards, and he's quite good at it. But he does very little other than that so he has never invested very much for the long term. Like I said, racists generally are not very smart. Not all are dumb, but most are.

When are you going to move to East Saint Louis to be with your beloved Black folk?

Anti-racists seem to typically admire Blacks from far away, not all but most.

It seems that Blacks are to be pitied, so long as they don't have to live near them.

I have a black friend living with me right now. He is from Kenya and is working on his degree at UNR. Your point?

When are you going to move to East Saint Louis to be with your beloved Black folk?

Anti-racists seem to typically admire Blacks from far away, not all but most.

It seems that Blacks are to be pitied, so long as they don't have to live near them.

The shameless cowardice of these racist idiots is just sad.
His success was mainly in his profound discovery in 1953. He is 89 years old.

So, you're admitting a White racist made a profound discovery?

Please show where I have said no racists are intelligent or educated?

Please show where I claimed you said such?

YOu seemed surprised that I said Watson's discovery was profound. If you weren't making the claim, why ask "So, you're admitting a White racist made a profound discovery?"?

The majority of anti-Racists here gloat that "I'm so smart because I'm against racism, and racists are so stupid"

Funny enough, most anti-Racists here refuse to debate much at all on the data, and dynamics of disparities between different races.

I guess any idiot can have a false sense of intelligence, or morality just by claiming "I'm anti-Racist"

That's because the disparities are based on faulty data. Here's the deal, if you get to eat good quality food, and drink clean water, you are going to be smarter and bigger than those who don't. You have been able to benefit from the region where you live. You're not smarter than others because you are inherently smarter, you are smarter because your environment has nurtured you and allowed you to reach your full potential.
I am sorry but I must disagree the original Jew were not black they looked a lot like their Arab cousins. And the Arabs are not black one can clearly see that they have Caucasian features, just look at he Syrians.
There was no such thing as Arabs back then. You have your time line mixed up. Caucasians dont have any original features. They got those from Black people and East Indian people.

Cro Magnon man in Europe had existed before Negroid man in Africa...
Cro Magnon man is not modern human so I dont know why you brought that up. I'm guessing you know you cross bred with them as well as neanderthals.

Cro Magnon man was Human, doof.

You're not.

We've been hearing this garbage for years. Amazingly, I've even heard you dummies say "make America white again", because, apparently, you dropped out of school before 5th grade geography where you would have learned it never was.

White, I mean.

Bottom feeders like you and the OP are relatively rare so why don't you quit the whining, get out of this colorful melting pot and make your own, all white white country?

I'm sure I speak for real human beings everywhere when I say we would more than willing to let you take your single wide with you.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

The U.S.A was founded to be a White nation, and the Founding Father's immigration act, the Naturalization Act of 1790 specifically said only Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.

Actually, I support building a Black nation, and many Native American nations across the U.S.A.

I'm a separatist, and I believe the best way to preserve unique, and diverse peoples, and limit racist abuse against groups is by separating.

Someone the other day pulled up data, showing more than half of Native Americans marry non-Native Americans.

What do you plan to combat the demise of the Native American?

I support giving them their own nations, they can secure, and build off of.

What's your solution?

Judging by your "Melting pot scenario" you support Native American integration, and destruction.

If so, you're a sicko.
So, you're admitting a White racist made a profound discovery?

Please show where I have said no racists are intelligent or educated?

Please show where I claimed you said such?

YOu seemed surprised that I said Watson's discovery was profound. If you weren't making the claim, why ask "So, you're admitting a White racist made a profound discovery?"?

The majority of anti-Racists here gloat that "I'm so smart because I'm against racism, and racists are so stupid"

Funny enough, most anti-Racists here refuse to debate much at all on the data, and dynamics of disparities between different races.

I guess any idiot can have a false sense of intelligence, or morality just by claiming "I'm anti-Racist"

That's because the disparities are based on faulty data. Here's the deal, if you get to eat good quality food, and drink clean water, you are going to be smarter and bigger than those who don't. You have been able to benefit from the region where you live. You're not smarter than others because you are inherently smarter, you are smarter because your environment has nurtured you and allowed you to reach your full potential.

I certainly don't deny environment impacts intelligence.

But, to say it's all environment is beyond laughable.

Twin studies prove that IQ is about 70% heritable.

Why is that surprising?
Genes which influence the brain, and neurotransmitters have a profound impact on intelligence.

It just happens to be that the environment can impact the brain, and neurotransmitters too.

But, if you have genes which make for it, then you have the building blocks in place.

Not everyone can be intelligent, many retards come from okay, nice, or poor homes, no matter what they're still retarded.

Now, I don't deny it can be environment, but it can be genetic, and it usually is genetic like in Down Syndrome.
The problem is stupid people tend to have more kids.

Besides, are you aware that your ideal would disproportionately target Blacks, Muslims, and Hispanics, and keep them in their place?

Ahhhh, but it wouldn't That is the beauty of my idea. What IS true is that racists, in general, are either below average intelligence, or are not motivated to do work. Thus they take out their failures on those who DO work.

Yet, I'm a self admitted racist, coming from a household worth about 1.4 million, and which makes over 200,000 a year in income.

I don't even really have to work, because my parents send me 10's of thousands a year. but I do hold a job largely as a hobby, but also to generate extra income in mutual funds.

I scored a 124 IQ, and am a pretty talented artist.

I painted most of these in the below video, at around the age of 18.

That's nice. How much of that wealth did YOU earn? I'm worth around five million or so, ALL of which I earned. I have a PhD in geology and my wife is a PhD psychologist. Last time I checked my IQ was around a 146 or so. To be honest it has been so long I don't remember accurately what it was measured at but it was above the 140 mark. My daughter is even smarter than me. She's only ten but we estimate her IQ at around a 153, we just had her tested and are waiting for the results.

IQ doesn't equate to net worth however. A man I know who is much smarter than I prefers playing cards, and he's quite good at it. But he does very little other than that so he has never invested very much for the long term. Like I said, racists generally are not very smart. Not all are dumb, but most are.

When are you going to move to East Saint Louis to be with your beloved Black folk?

Anti-racists seem to typically admire Blacks from far away, not all but most.

It seems that Blacks are to be pitied, so long as they don't have to live near them.

I have a black friend living with me right now. He is from Kenya and is working on his degree at UNR. Your point?

So, you allow in a token crème of the crop Black friend, but will you live in 97% Black East Saint Louis?
So, you're admitting a White racist made a profound discovery?

Please show where I have said no racists are intelligent or educated?

Please show where I claimed you said such?

YOu seemed surprised that I said Watson's discovery was profound. If you weren't making the claim, why ask "So, you're admitting a White racist made a profound discovery?"?

The majority of anti-Racists here gloat that "I'm so smart because I'm against racism, and racists are so stupid"

Funny enough, most anti-Racists here refuse to debate much at all on the data, and dynamics of disparities between different races.

I guess any idiot can have a false sense of intelligence, or morality just by claiming "I'm anti-Racist"

That's because the disparities are based on faulty data. Here's the deal, if you get to eat good quality food, and drink clean water, you are going to be smarter and bigger than those who don't. You have been able to benefit from the region where you live. You're not smarter than others because you are inherently smarter, you are smarter because your environment has nurtured you and allowed you to reach your full potential.

Jews once made up many of the same neighborhoods as Blacks,Puerto Ricans, and Dominicans n NYC, which include the Bronx, Brownsville, Washington Heights, and others.

So, do you think the environment which made Jews succeed in a couple of generations in these regions, were somehow different than for the Blacks, Puerto Ricans, and Dominicans?

If anything the environment was actually worse for Jews, at a time when many apartments had no running water, and which disease was more rampant..

When are you going to move to East Saint Louis to be with your beloved Black folk?

Anti-racists seem to typically admire Blacks from far away, not all but most.

It seems that Blacks are to be pitied, so long as they don't have to live near them.

The shameless cowardice of these racist idiots is just sad.

When are you moving to East Saint Louis, the most dangerous city in the U.S.A, tough guy?

The U.S.A was founded to be a White nation....


The original United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and later Asians

Naturalization Act of 1790 - Wikipedia

When are you going to move to East Saint Louis to be with your beloved Black folk?

Anti-racists seem to typically admire Blacks from far away, not all but most.

It seems that Blacks are to be pitied, so long as they don't have to live near them.

The shameless cowardice of these racist idiots is just sad.

When are you moving to East Saint Louis, the most dangerous city in the U.S.A, tough guy?

Whenever I might have reason to be there, coward.

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