If you are white, and you attack another white for racism, you're just stupid

[and that about says it all]
I'm curious but I hope I dont regret this. Why are they stupid?
because we should be loyal to our "white race"
I don't judge people by color i judge people by character- and MAN DO I EVER hate a racist!!!

Why do you support the demise of Whites?
Because they have bad genes and bring no original thought. Thats why they were unable to establish their own alphabet without help from Africa.

Is that why the Tartaria tablet from Romania is older than any Egyptian hieroglyphs, but similar to them?

Institute Of Transcendent Science
[and that about says it all]

Racism is stupid. No matter which race is claiming superiority over the others, the human race is made up of a melange of people. Some good, some bad. Some great, some not, but no race is "better than" any other race. To make that claim is stupid.

But, the proportions are way off.

If an Ethiopian collective leads to an Ethiopia, that is something that should be avoided.

No, you can't blame Ethiopia being poor, and backwards by African standards on colonialism, either.
[and that about says it all]
I'm curious but I hope I dont regret this. Why are they stupid?
Because they would be attacking someone for being on their side.

I attack racists for their message of hate and because they are actively working against equality. It has nothing to do with my skin color.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." I was taught from an early age that we must never ignore injustice.

I attack anti-racists for their message of destruction of unique peoples by multiculturalism.

At one time greed plundered Natives, and enslaved Blacks to destroy their heritage, now greed is bringing in Hispanics, and Muslims for cheap labor to destroy White heritage.

What's so different?

It's greed which is the monstrosity, not racism.

But, the masses in Western European society who were once brainwashed into racism to justify colonialism to dehumanize the enemy to extract profits, are now brainwashed into anti-racist to humanize those they bring in to justify multiculturalism for cheap labor profits.

If a unique people have their heritage destroyed, it's just wrong.

I'm so sorry that most in Western European based societies lack the consciousness to grasp that.

As for equality? What equality?
There's deep disparities in ethnic groups in IQ, and PISA scores, and violent crime.
[and that about says it all]
I'm curious but I hope I dont regret this. Why are they stupid?
Because they would be attacking someone for being on their side.


You're not on "my side", fuckwit.

I'm as white as they come, and I'll fight you clowns to my last breath.

THIS!!! I will never side with racism or oppression. The fact that I could gain from racism not only does not matter, it is the most vile reason for supporting it.

What are the fruits to be gained by anti-racism?
Dumbing down society, increased terrorism, the loss of unique, and diverse people by integration?
[and that about says it all]
I'm curious but I hope I dont regret this. Why are they stupid?
Because they would be attacking someone for being on their side.


You're not on "my side", fuckwit.

I'm as white as they come, and I'll fight you clowns to my last breath.
That's because you are stupid.

No. That is because he understands what is right.

It's right to destroy White people by multiculturalism?
[and that about says it all]
I'm curious but I hope I dont regret this. Why are they stupid?
Because they would be attacking someone for being on their side.

That you claim we are fools because the racists are trying to help us shows far more. The fact that you are helping me, when in fact you are making the world worse, is the actual truth of the matter.

As long as we are divided on trivial matters, what we can accomplish is limited. As long as people judge and group other people based on skin color and not the merits of the individual, we are fighting an endless battle which destroys us and takes up our time & resources without offering anything worthwhile in return.

Racists are making the World a worse place?

Oh really?

What about anti-racists who support bringing in third-World riff-raff with lower levels of intelligence, and higher levels of violence?

How is this a recipe for bettering the World?

It seems more akin to a drowning person who brings down under the one who tries to save him.
Judaism has it right. God commands the Jews to be racist.
The current day Jews are white. The original Hebrews were Black. God is pro Black. Says so in the bible.

I am sorry but I must disagree the original Jew were not black they looked a lot like their Arab cousins. And the Arabs are not black one can clearly see that they have Caucasian features, just look at he Syrians.
There was no such thing as Arabs back then. You have your time line mixed up. Caucasians dont have any original features. They got those from Black people and East Indian people.

Cro Magnon man in Europe had existed before Negroid man in Africa...
Cro Magnon man is not modern human so I dont know why you brought that up. I'm guessing you know you cross bred with them as well as neanderthals.

Cro Magnon man was Human, doof.
[and that about says it all]
I'm curious but I hope I dont regret this. Why are they stupid?
Because they would be attacking someone for being on their side.

I'm white.
You are racist.
And stupid.
You are not on my side.
I am not on your side.

I hope that's not too many syllables for you to understand.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

So, it's smart to replace your own people with those with lower IQ scores, and higher rates of violence?

Anti-racism is what's stupid, a sort of zombie like stupor to dull the senses in favor of a false morality.
[and that about says it all]
I'm curious but I hope I dont regret this. Why are they stupid?
Because they would be attacking someone for being on their side.

I attack racists for their message of hate and because they are actively working against equality. It has nothing to do with my skin color.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." I was taught from an early age that we must never ignore injustice.

I attack anti-racists for their message of destruction of unique peoples by multiculturalism.

At one time greed plundered Natives, and enslaved Blacks to destroy their heritage, now greed is bringing in Hispanics, and Muslims for cheap labor to destroy White heritage.

What's so different?

It's greed which is the monstrosity, not racism.

But, the masses in Western European society who were once brainwashed into racism to justify colonialism to dehumanize the enemy to extract profits, are now brainwashed into anti-racist to humanize those they bring in to justify multiculturalism for cheap labor profits.

If a unique people have their heritage destroyed, it's just wrong.

I'm so sorry that most in Western European based societies lack the consciousness to grasp that.

As for equality? What equality?
There's deep disparities in ethnic groups in IQ, and PISA scores, and violent crime.

If you want to preserve your cultural heritage, by all means, go for it. I am living my life as I choose. But I will also work to make sure others have that opportunity as well.

As for bringing other people into this country, I have no said anything about that. So your strawman has failed.
I'm curious but I hope I dont regret this. Why are they stupid?
Because they would be attacking someone for being on their side.


You're not on "my side", fuckwit.

I'm as white as they come, and I'll fight you clowns to my last breath.
That's because you are stupid.

No. That is because he understands what is right.

It's right to destroy White people by multiculturalism?

Multiculturalism has not destroyed by life by any means. It has shown me things I might not have seen or experienced. I am richer for it.

No destruction at all.
I'm curious but I hope I dont regret this. Why are they stupid?
Because they would be attacking someone for being on their side.

That you claim we are fools because the racists are trying to help us shows far more. The fact that you are helping me, when in fact you are making the world worse, is the actual truth of the matter.

As long as we are divided on trivial matters, what we can accomplish is limited. As long as people judge and group other people based on skin color and not the merits of the individual, we are fighting an endless battle which destroys us and takes up our time & resources without offering anything worthwhile in return.

Racists are making the World a worse place?

Oh really?

What about anti-racists who support bringing in third-World riff-raff with lower levels of intelligence, and higher levels of violence?

How is this a recipe for bettering the World?

It seems more akin to a drowning person who brings down under the one who tries to save him.

Once again, I have not said anything about immigration. Start a new thread on that, if you want.

But working to keep other people in their place, based on trivial details such as skin color, is damaging the world we live in. The more opportunities everyone has the more likely that people live up to their potential.
Because they would be attacking someone for being on their side.

That you claim we are fools because the racists are trying to help us shows far more. The fact that you are helping me, when in fact you are making the world worse, is the actual truth of the matter.

As long as we are divided on trivial matters, what we can accomplish is limited. As long as people judge and group other people based on skin color and not the merits of the individual, we are fighting an endless battle which destroys us and takes up our time & resources without offering anything worthwhile in return.

Racists are making the World a worse place?

Oh really?

What about anti-racists who support bringing in third-World riff-raff with lower levels of intelligence, and higher levels of violence?

How is this a recipe for bettering the World?

It seems more akin to a drowning person who brings down under the one who tries to save him.

Once again, I have not said anything about immigration. Start a new thread on that, if you want.

But working to keep other people in their place, based on trivial details such as skin color, is damaging the world we live in. The more opportunities everyone has the more likely that people live up to their potential.

Darker people are usually tropical people who clearly went through much different natural selection than more cold climate adapted people.

Wouldn't it be best for Blacks to go to a Black homeland,. so they can be free from "Whitey" and dictate their own destiny?
That you claim we are fools because the racists are trying to help us shows far more. The fact that you are helping me, when in fact you are making the world worse, is the actual truth of the matter.

As long as we are divided on trivial matters, what we can accomplish is limited. As long as people judge and group other people based on skin color and not the merits of the individual, we are fighting an endless battle which destroys us and takes up our time & resources without offering anything worthwhile in return.

Racists are making the World a worse place?

Oh really?

What about anti-racists who support bringing in third-World riff-raff with lower levels of intelligence, and higher levels of violence?

How is this a recipe for bettering the World?

It seems more akin to a drowning person who brings down under the one who tries to save him.

Once again, I have not said anything about immigration. Start a new thread on that, if you want.

But working to keep other people in their place, based on trivial details such as skin color, is damaging the world we live in. The more opportunities everyone has the more likely that people live up to their potential.

Darker people are usually tropical people who clearly went through much different natural selection than more cold climate adapted people.

Wouldn't it be best for Blacks to go to a Black homeland,. so they can be free from "Whitey" and dictate their own destiny?

It would be best to be where they want to be. If their family has been a part of the USA for generations, why should they go anywhere and leave their homes? This is their home.
Racism isn't claiming superiority. Racism is giving preference to your own race.

No, it isn't. White supremacy would be giving preference to your own race. Racism is trying to figure out whatever pathetic excuse you need to come up with to justify that segregation.
That you claim we are fools because the racists are trying to help us shows far more. The fact that you are helping me, when in fact you are making the world worse, is the actual truth of the matter.

As long as we are divided on trivial matters, what we can accomplish is limited. As long as people judge and group other people based on skin color and not the merits of the individual, we are fighting an endless battle which destroys us and takes up our time & resources without offering anything worthwhile in return.

Racists are making the World a worse place?

Oh really?

What about anti-racists who support bringing in third-World riff-raff with lower levels of intelligence, and higher levels of violence?

How is this a recipe for bettering the World?

It seems more akin to a drowning person who brings down under the one who tries to save him.

Once again, I have not said anything about immigration. Start a new thread on that, if you want.

But working to keep other people in their place, based on trivial details such as skin color, is damaging the world we live in. The more opportunities everyone has the more likely that people live up to their potential.

Darker people are usually tropical people who clearly went through much different natural selection than more cold climate adapted people.

Wouldn't it be best for Blacks to go to a Black homeland,. so they can be free from "Whitey" and dictate their own destiny?

I think it would be better for stupid people (of whatever race they happen to be) to only be allowed to breed with stupid people. That smart people (of whatever race they happen to be) have their own place so that when the stupid people manage to figure out how to kill themselves off the smart people can take over and fix the damage. How about that paradigm?:eusa_whistle:

Racists are making the World a worse place?

Oh really?

What about anti-racists who support bringing in third-World riff-raff with lower levels of intelligence, and higher levels of violence?

How is this a recipe for bettering the World?

It seems more akin to a drowning person who brings down under the one who tries to save him.

Once again, I have not said anything about immigration. Start a new thread on that, if you want.

But working to keep other people in their place, based on trivial details such as skin color, is damaging the world we live in. The more opportunities everyone has the more likely that people live up to their potential.

Darker people are usually tropical people who clearly went through much different natural selection than more cold climate adapted people.

Wouldn't it be best for Blacks to go to a Black homeland,. so they can be free from "Whitey" and dictate their own destiny?

I think it would be better for stupid people (of whatever race they happen to be) to only be allowed to breed with stupid people. That smart people (of whatever race they happen to be) have their own place so that when the stupid people manage to figure out how to kill themselves off the smart people can take over and fix the damage. How about that paradigm?:eusa_whistle:

For every lovely on the dole, mandatory birth control.
Then we all get smarter.
I prefer to use actual english definitions of words.
That dictionary is wrong.

So a journalist/movie critic is right and one of the most widely accepted dictionaries in the English language is wrong? lol OK.

Here is the definition according to the Oxford English dictionary. But if you want to keep quoting a journalist, because it fits your agenda, have at it. But the language is what it is. And when people discuss racism, they are using the standard definitions, not some rationalized reworking of the word.

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