If you aren’t going up in the rapture, are you ready to be interrogated?

Interrogated? You make it sound like if I'm not raptured up I'm going to get waterboarded by St. Peter.
I won't be too surprised when the rupture like all other religious fantasies doesn't happen.the one thing you can be sure of is believers will come up with a excuse why it didn't happen.
to put it another way, there's the same statistical probability that the beatles will get back together as there is for the rapture happening.

I only wish it would happen. The average IQ of the planet would skyrocket.

Sure, but what happens to the ones they will leave behind?

After The Rapture Pet Care | If The Rapture Happened Right Now, What Would Happen To Your Pets?

Life goes on.
many of the Rapturists would have loved Torquemada's Inquisition or the LDS catechizers in in 1856.
I won't be too surprised when the rupture like all other religious fantasies doesn't happen.the one thing you can be sure of is believers will come up with a excuse why it didn't happen.
to put it another way, there's the same statistical probability that the beatles will get back together as there is for the rapture happening.

I only wish it would happen. The average IQ of the planet would skyrocket.
true !
Rapturists rapture on rapturing. That's what they do.

They care, though, so give em credit for that.

The only "rapture" I know of that is based in Scripture is what I've already posted. I don't subscribe to the whole "Left Behind" version, where it's a great big mystery wher.e everybody went. It will be very obvious IMO :cool:

Nobody got it for nineteen centuries

Then why, pray tell, does the Catholic Church believe that Mary was raptured.
Getting 'called up' happens a few times in the Bible.

But you can get away with saying what you want. I'm not going and digging to find earlier translations of the rapture.
Besides, are you talking pre-tribulation or post-tribulation rapture? And who was the first to teach either?

You don;t know. You don;t have a leg to stand on except for, "Nu-unh....did not"

Good to see the usual trolls still hovering, BTW


Just can't help them selves but to hang out in a sub-forum they don't believe in
1. I agree, all I'm pointing out is that evangelicals, who are the source of the next biggest voting block of democrat Christians to the Catholics, -do- believe in the rapture despite not being uniformly right wing.

2. Christ said several times to obey the laws of the land, but he never said that whatever the law is you have to agree with it philosophically. My attitudes on taxation and welfare are generally pretty right-wing, but I've never advocated simply not paying your taxes. Just that I believe the laws should be different. Pretty big difference. There are those separatist advocates who say you should renounce your citizenship or claim sovereignty and just not pay, but I'd have to say that in my experience, most Christian right-wingers are pretty much in the same boat that I am where this is concerned. Obey the law, get it changed, that sorta thing. Arguably nothing un-Christ-like about it.

The Bible teaches you to obey man's law as long as it doesn't contradict God's law.
Sounds kinda specific to me

You are correct, it's -very- specific. It says obey it. Not agree with it on a philosophical level. Just obey it. On a philosophical level, I don't believe in seat belt laws. I do, however, obey them. See the difference?

Even after that seat belt law has been proven to save millions of lives?
No. He actually read about it and discovered it.

God is always consistent, and to suggest a new doctrine is made available 19 centuries later because someone "actually read about it and discovered it" simply does not hold water.

The doctrine was available 2000 years ago and before.
You don't make the criteria. God makes the criteria.
Faithful Christians who knew the Bible were either martyred or hiding in the catacombs.
Over time, people started trying to harmonize the Bible with other writings instead of sticking to scripture.
The Bible is a book that you need inspiration, illumination and revelation to understand because the carnal man does not receive the things of God.
The Catholic church forbid people to read the Bible for years keeping people ignorant of what the Bible meant.
You're not a Christian to tell me what it means.

You can't forbid someone who doesn't know how to read from reading. It was education that the Church kept to themselves. Once education reached the masses then knowledge became widespread. The Founding Fathers embraced public education and public libraries as a means of ensuring that the people would never be subjugated again by the power alliance between the church and the state AKA monarchy as it was then.
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And the Founding Fathers did not believe in the Rapture.

Get with Glenn Beck and ask him about originalism and the FF as heretics.

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