If you aren’t going up in the rapture, are you ready to be interrogated?

No, there isn't. To turn someone's opinion on Biblical scripture into doctrine is heresy. The group writes without authority or inspiration.
There is no "Day" coming based on scripture.

The interpretation was generated after 1830, without authority.

So my Bible never says anything about man not knowing the day or the hour?

Or nothing about the dead in Christ rising first and the living being called up to be with Him

Show me your authority to develop end times flow charts and doctrine about it
There is no "Day" coming based on scripture.

The interpretation was generated after 1830, without authority.

So my Bible never says anything about man not knowing the day or the hour?

Or nothing about the dead in Christ rising first and the living being called up to be with Him

Show me your authority to develop end times flow charts and doctrine about it

You are welcome to come to any number of churches that I go to and argue with their degrees and authority.
There is no "Day" coming based on scripture.

The interpretation was generated after 1830, without authority.

So my Bible never says anything about man not knowing the day or the hour?

Or nothing about the dead in Christ rising first and the living being called up to be with Him

Show me your authority to develop end times flow charts and doctrine about it

You've already stated your non-belief.
My interpretation of what will happen, in what order, isn't important.

I DO, however, know what to look for and what to expect next

Every eye will see when HE returns
THAT is when the living will be called up

In the midst of His glory, will day-to-day trivialities really be that major?
Who is to say that patient won't be called up? Or 299 passengers?

Quit worrying about the "ifs" and start looking for the "when"


There won't be a "when". I'm just asking some legitimate questions to point out the nonsensical nature of the whole story.

You were making up imaginary "Ifs", without taking into account the magnitude of that Day

Your side is making the absurd assertion here so it is your burden to prove it. You continue to make assumptions that you have no right to make.
There won't be a "when". I'm just asking some legitimate questions to point out the nonsensical nature of the whole story.

You were making up imaginary "Ifs", without taking into account the magnitude of that Day

Your side is making the absurd assertion here so it is your burden to prove it. You continue to make assumptions that you have no right to make.

Based on what? If two people witness a crime, that is enough proof to send a suspect to jail. God sent more than two people to tell you about Him.
You were making up imaginary "Ifs", without taking into account the magnitude of that Day

Your side is making the absurd assertion here so it is your burden to prove it. You continue to make assumptions that you have no right to make.

Based on what? If two people witness a crime, that is enough proof to send a suspect to jail. God sent more than two people to tell you about Him.

Based on logic and reason and your comment had even more unsupported assumptions.
Your side is making the absurd assertion here so it is your burden to prove it. You continue to make assumptions that you have no right to make.

Based on what? If two people witness a crime, that is enough proof to send a suspect to jail. God sent more than two people to tell you about Him.

Based on logic and reason and your comment had even more unsupported assumptions.

Based on what? If two people witness a crime, that is enough proof to send a suspect to jail. God sent more than two people to tell you about Him.

Based on logic and reason and your comment had even more unsupported assumptions.


Is that your response? Before you make any assertions about what your god will do and when, why not first prove that he exists?
Is that your response? Before you make any assertions about what your god will do and when, why not first prove that he exists?

The proof will happen

Based on what credible evidence??

God sent His prophets and I think two of them are credible enough for Him.
If other people lie and start religions then that doesn't change the truth.

It is sort of like this. If two people see a crime and report it and if a couple of people want to lie for the criminal to cover up for the criminal, that doesn't mean the crime didn't happen.

God sent His prophets. You saw the sin of mankind so you decided to ignore God's representatives because you have an excuse. Other people were hostile to God so they made up their own religion and that happens today. It doesn't change what God will do in the end or whatever He decides to do because He is the true witness and the others were false.
Yea, but they like helping poor people.

What I was getting at wasn't what you think of the Christian-right's attitudes on helping people. You asked why it was so hard to believe that right wingers believe this stuff, implying that this stuff is incorrect and of course stupid right wingers would believe some incorrect stuff.

I was simply pointing out that many left wingers believe it to.

Now if you wanna get down to left and right and how they feel about helping people, allow me to distinguish, since it's on this very topic where I'm totally right wing.

I don't believe in the wellfare system and I don't believe in systems where the government redistributes wealth. This has nothing to do with whether or not I want to help people. In my personal life, I'm very charitable and always giving of my time to help out people around me. I don't believe that it's the government's job to force everyone to do as I do.

Wanting to help people and demanding that the government enforce your morals regarding charity are two very, very different things Rdean. Wanting to give away someone else's money to someone you feel needs it more isn't what generosity is. Generosity is giving of -yourself-

And to be clear, I've attended several evangelical churches in my lifetime. One or two pulled republican and one definitely pulled democrat. Know what the crazy part is? They were all heavily involved in community outreach and charity for the needy. Get off your high horse about Christian right wingers not wanting to help people. While you pat yourself on the back for being "kind" enough to demand that the government force people to give to oneanother, those people you condemn as selfish ACTUALLY give of themselves to help people. Not because it's a government mandate, but because they want to help people.

Quit being a dishonest, partisan dick.

That is pure bullshit and you know it. 85% of people on food stamps are children, veterans with disabilities and seniors.
And get this. The Catholic Charities gets most of it's money from the Government. I've linked to that several times already. I wonder how much money other so called charities get from the government.

Right wingers crying about "government" are like those morons with signs that say, "Keep government hands off my Medicare".


The problem with your kind, is that you've listened to this right wing bullshit for so long, it not only makes sense to you, but you believe it.

You are misunderstanding what those signs mean when they say keep Government out of my Medicare.
It means they don't want any more government rules and regulations added to it or being robbed by 700 Billion dollars.
They all know very well and good that Medicare is a Government program.

It's the lefties who listen to the left wing lies and bullshit and you all believe it They are lying through their teeth at you and none of you will believe that the Dem's are just as corrupt and more so, as the Repubs are.
At least right wingers know that both parties are corrupt.
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The proof will happen

Based on what credible evidence??

God sent His prophets and I think two of them are credible enough for Him.
If other people lie and start religions then that doesn't change the truth.

It is sort of like this. If two people see a crime and report it and if a couple of people want to lie for the criminal to cover up for the criminal, that doesn't mean the crime didn't happen.

God sent His prophets. You saw the sin of mankind so you decided to ignore God's representatives because you have an excuse. Other people were hostile to God so they made up their own religion and that happens today. It doesn't change what God will do in the end or whatever He decides to do because He is the true witness and the others were false.

That's not credible evidence. That's just more unsupported assertions. Your crime analogy is a poor one and off the track.

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