If you aren’t going up in the rapture, are you ready to be interrogated?

That day, itself, will be your evidence

Every eye will see, every knee shall bow, every tongue confess

You can't point to something that you claim WILL happen in the future and use it as evidence, especially when what you are claiming is already absurd.

Can and did

Stay tuned

All you have is an unsupported claim which has as much credibility as the claim that two giant purple turtles created the universe and control everything in it. The only difference is that you've been brainwashed to believe in that nonsense and taught not to question the glaring inconsistencies in the story.
You can't point to something that you claim WILL happen in the future and use it as evidence, especially when what you are claiming is already absurd.

Can and did

Stay tuned

All you have is an unsupported claim which has as much credibility as the claim that two giant purple turtles created the universe and control everything in it. The only difference is that you've been brainwashed to believe in that nonsense and taught not to question the glaring inconsistencies in the story.

All ya gotta do is stay tuned. That's all

You don't even need to take the time to use the 'bold' function
So my Bible never says anything about man not knowing the day or the hour?

Or nothing about the dead in Christ rising first and the living being called up to be with Him

Show me your authority to develop end times flow charts and doctrine about it

You've already stated your non-belief.
My interpretation of what will happen, in what order, isn't important.

I DO, however, know what to look for and what to expect next vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

You think so, you hope so, you have faith so, but you cannot prove it.

What I do like is that you are making the case that Jesus each reaches every one of us individually.
There won't be a "when". I'm just asking some legitimate questions to point out the nonsensical nature of the whole story.

You were making up imaginary "Ifs", without taking into account the magnitude of that Day

Your side is making the absurd assertion here so it is your burden to prove it. You continue to make assumptions that you have no right to make.

They have no divine authority to insist their version of End Times is correct and mandatory for everyone else.
You were making up imaginary "Ifs", without taking into account the magnitude of that Day

Your side is making the absurd assertion here so it is your burden to prove it. You continue to make assumptions that you have no right to make.

Based on what? If two people witness a crime, that is enough proof to send a suspect to jail. God sent more than two people to tell you about Him.

Julia Shumway and Dale Barbara are the two witnesses, not you. Don't you watch "Under The Dome"?
Show me your authority to develop end times flow charts and doctrine about it

You've already stated your non-belief.
My interpretation of what will happen, in what order, isn't important.

I DO, however, know what to look for and what to expect next vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

You think so, you hope so, you have faith so, but you cannot prove it.

What I do like is that you are making the case that Jesus each reaches every one of us individually.

The Holy Spirit is the only true translator of Gospel

Organized religions can't take a cookie-cutter approach to His Word
The proof will happen

Based on what credible evidence??

God sent His prophets and I think two of them are credible enough for Him.
If other people lie and start religions then that doesn't change the truth.

It is sort of like this. If two people see a crime and report it and if a couple of people want to lie for the criminal to cover up for the criminal, that doesn't mean the crime didn't happen.

God sent His prophets. You saw the sin of mankind so you decided to ignore God's representatives because you have an excuse. Other people were hostile to God so they made up their own religion and that happens today. It doesn't change what God will do in the end or whatever He decides to do because He is the true witness and the others were false.

Above is a post-1830 interpretation of scripture written 1900 years ago.

God will do what He will do, and the angels are laughing it will involve any of you or us as prophets
I don't think the forum was intended for bigoted lefties to cherry pick Bible verses and ridicule Christians.

I am sure that it was not created for far right reactionary so-called Christians to lecture to those who understand Christ and the scriptures.
Rapturists rapture on rapturing. That's what they do.

They care, though, so give em credit for that.
Rapturists rapture on rapturing. That's what they do.

They care, though, so give em credit for that.

The only "rapture" I know of that is based in Scripture is what I've already posted.

I don't subscribe to the whole "Left Behind" version, where it's a great big mystery where everybody went.

It will be very obvious

The only thing more insufferably boring than a garden variety bigot is a bigot who discovered archaic theology and thinks it's his chance to beat up Christians.
I won't be too surprised when the rupture like all other religious fantasies doesn't happen.the one thing you can be sure of is believers will come up with a excuse why it didn't happen.
to put it another way, there's the same statistical probability that the beatles will get back together as there is for the rapture happening.
(1) I think those who believe in the Rapture worldwide are a small % of Christians.

(2) Scripture is quite clear that Christ would not condemn Roman law: "render unto Caesar's what is Caesar's".

The legality of taxation, welfare, etc., was decided long ago.

1. I agree, all I'm pointing out is that evangelicals, who are the source of the next biggest voting block of democrat Christians to the Catholics, -do- believe in the rapture despite not being uniformly right wing.

2. Christ said several times to obey the laws of the land, but he never said that whatever the law is you have to agree with it philosophically. My attitudes on taxation and welfare are generally pretty right-wing, but I've never advocated simply not paying your taxes. Just that I believe the laws should be different. Pretty big difference. There are those separatist advocates who say you should renounce your citizenship or claim sovereignty and just not pay, but I'd have to say that in my experience, most Christian right-wingers are pretty much in the same boat that I am where this is concerned. Obey the law, get it changed, that sorta thing. Arguably nothing un-Christ-like about it.

The Bible teaches you to obey man's law as long as it doesn't contradict God's law.
Sounds kinda specific to me

You are correct, it's -very- specific. It says obey it. Not agree with it on a philosophical level. Just obey it. On a philosophical level, I don't believe in seat belt laws. I do, however, obey them. See the difference?
Rapturists rapture on rapturing. That's what they do.

They care, though, so give em credit for that.

The only "rapture" I know of that is based in Scripture is what I've already posted. I don't subscribe to the whole "Left Behind" version, where it's a great big mystery wher.e everybody went. It will be very obvious IMO :cool:

Nobody got it for nineteen centuries
I believe there is more common sense theology in believing in and obeying seat belt laws than thinking a Rapture is on the horizon.
Can and did

Stay tuned

All you have is an unsupported claim which has as much credibility as the claim that two giant purple turtles created the universe and control everything in it. The only difference is that you've been brainwashed to believe in that nonsense and taught not to question the glaring inconsistencies in the story.

All ya gotta do is stay tuned. That's all

You don't even need to take the time to use the 'bold' function

When all else fails, attack the font. That's your white flag.
I won't be too surprised when the rupture like all other religious fantasies doesn't happen.the one thing you can be sure of is believers will come up with a excuse why it didn't happen.
to put it another way, there's the same statistical probability that the beatles will get back together as there is for the rapture happening.

I only wish it would happen. The average IQ of the planet would skyrocket.
I won't be too surprised when the rupture like all other religious fantasies doesn't happen.the one thing you can be sure of is believers will come up with a excuse why it didn't happen.
to put it another way, there's the same statistical probability that the beatles will get back together as there is for the rapture happening.

I only wish it would happen. The average IQ of the planet would skyrocket.

Sure, but what happens to the ones they will leave behind?

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