If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

How many times have we recently heard reporters badgering GOP candidates
"knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion?"

So based on these quotes:
According to Woods the father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was killed by terrorists on 9/11/12 in Benghazi, Libya., after offering her condolences on the loss of his son, Clinton told him that the U.S. government would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted
Hillary Clinton to father of American murdered in Libya We ll make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted RedState

Now the question to those of you that voted for Obama...
If you knew in Sept 18,2012 that the bumper sticker "Osama dead, GM Alive" i.e. war on terrorism
WAS NOT going well i.e. Benghazi was done by well organized terrorists group AND not the video that Hillary told the above was the cause...would you still vote for Obama???
There is no correlation between the "Osama dead, GM Alive" bumper sticker and Benghazi. Stretches in thinking and conceptualization of the Benghazi conspiracy theorist are not taken seriously by the general public. Benghazi had nothing to do with Osama being killed or GM being rescued from bankruptcy.
Go to any news outlet and look it up. You can even use CNN if you like. They reported those things, were they lying to you?

Link to the official record that confirms

"Obama was rubbing his hands with glee as he watched via Drone footage, live, as Ambassador Stephens was killed"

ask whoever said that, it wasn't me.

Poster said:

"Obama was rubbing his hands with glee as he watched via Drone footage, live, as Ambassador Stephens was killed"

"Ambassador Stevens was raped and dragged through the streets by his rapists"

"Obama TOLD help to Stand Down"

YOU ALL are the lying scum of the Earth...."

To which you replied:

"the official record proves that all of those things actually happened. Sorry, but you messiah is a false prophet who has lied to you constantly, and you are too stupid to see that he has made a fool of you. quite pathetic."

You said the official record proves that
"Obama was rubbing his hands with glee as he watched via Drone footage, live, as Ambassador Stephens was killed"

Ok, I missed the "rubbing his hands with glee" comment, that is a joke. No news media ever reported that.

Learn English.

my english is quite good, so is my spanish. french is marginal but I can communicate a little. Arabic and japanese good enough to say good morning and thank you.

ah bees plenty good at ebonics too,bro.
Link to the official record that confirms

"Obama was rubbing his hands with glee as he watched via Drone footage, live, as Ambassador Stephens was killed"

ask whoever said that, it wasn't me.

Poster said:

"Obama was rubbing his hands with glee as he watched via Drone footage, live, as Ambassador Stephens was killed"

"Ambassador Stevens was raped and dragged through the streets by his rapists"

"Obama TOLD help to Stand Down"

YOU ALL are the lying scum of the Earth...."

To which you replied:

"the official record proves that all of those things actually happened. Sorry, but you messiah is a false prophet who has lied to you constantly, and you are too stupid to see that he has made a fool of you. quite pathetic."

You said the official record proves that
"Obama was rubbing his hands with glee as he watched via Drone footage, live, as Ambassador Stephens was killed"

Ok, I missed the "rubbing his hands with glee" comment, that is a joke. No news media ever reported that.

Learn English.

my english is quite good, so is my spanish. french is marginal but I can communicate a little. Arabic and japanese good enough to say good morning and thank you.

ah bees plenty good at ebonics too,bro.
Your English isn't that good. You couldn't understand Bush when he was lying to you about going to war with Iraq, and he was speaking English when he told those lies.
ask whoever said that, it wasn't me.

Poster said:

"Obama was rubbing his hands with glee as he watched via Drone footage, live, as Ambassador Stephens was killed"

"Ambassador Stevens was raped and dragged through the streets by his rapists"

"Obama TOLD help to Stand Down"

YOU ALL are the lying scum of the Earth...."

To which you replied:

"the official record proves that all of those things actually happened. Sorry, but you messiah is a false prophet who has lied to you constantly, and you are too stupid to see that he has made a fool of you. quite pathetic."

You said the official record proves that
"Obama was rubbing his hands with glee as he watched via Drone footage, live, as Ambassador Stephens was killed"

Ok, I missed the "rubbing his hands with glee" comment, that is a joke. No news media ever reported that.

Learn English.

my english is quite good, so is my spanish. french is marginal but I can communicate a little. Arabic and japanese good enough to say good morning and thank you.

ah bees plenty good at ebonics too,bro.
Your English isn't that good. You couldn't understand Bush when he was lying to you about going to war with Iraq, and he was speaking English when he told those lies.

both clintons told the same lies then, did you believe them? They all had the same bad intel and they all came to the same erroneous conclusions.

BTW, saying something that you believe to be true is not lying.
Poster said:

"Obama was rubbing his hands with glee as he watched via Drone footage, live, as Ambassador Stephens was killed"

"Ambassador Stevens was raped and dragged through the streets by his rapists"

"Obama TOLD help to Stand Down"

YOU ALL are the lying scum of the Earth...."

To which you replied:

"the official record proves that all of those things actually happened. Sorry, but you messiah is a false prophet who has lied to you constantly, and you are too stupid to see that he has made a fool of you. quite pathetic."

You said the official record proves that
"Obama was rubbing his hands with glee as he watched via Drone footage, live, as Ambassador Stephens was killed"

Ok, I missed the "rubbing his hands with glee" comment, that is a joke. No news media ever reported that.

Learn English.

my english is quite good, so is my spanish. french is marginal but I can communicate a little. Arabic and japanese good enough to say good morning and thank you.

ah bees plenty good at ebonics too,bro.
Your English isn't that good. You couldn't understand Bush when he was lying to you about going to war with Iraq, and he was speaking English when he told those lies.

both clintons told the same lies then, did you believe them? They all had the same bad intel and they all came to the same erroneous conclusions.

BTW, saying something that you believe to be true is not lying.
It doesn't make a difference about who I believed or didn't believe. It doesn't make a difference about whether the Clinton's or anyone else was misled or even lied themselves. What matters is that the guy who decided to send in the troops and had the power and authority to do it lied. The President of the United States took the deep trust and faith of his honesty after the attack of 9/11 and used that trust and honesty to commit evil. He had to lie to commit that evil.
A new study has just found that there are exactly 541,377 election criteria actually more important than Benfuckingghazi.

Who knew.

Probably no topic is more relevant to my current sigline than this idiotic malarkey. It's hard to believe we're so sheeped-up that somebody actually bought this crap.

What? Homosexual rights?
The rubes seem to think that if Americans knew the attack on the Benghazi consulate was a terrorist attack that Obama would have lost the election.

It's a totally bogus premise they have never proven, but just believe.
They can't prove it because it was known to be a terrorist attack when America went to the polls to vote and America still elected Obama.

This is nothing but sour grapes and an opportunity to keep Benghazi in the discussion because they think they can use it to defeat Hillary.
The rubes seem to think that if Americans knew the attack on the Benghazi consulate was a terrorist attack that Obama would have lost the election.

It's a totally bogus premise they have never proven, but just believe.
They can't prove it because it was known to be a terrorist attack when America went to the polls to vote and America still elected Obama.

This is nothing but sour grapes and an opportunity to keep Benghazi in the discussion because they think they can use it to defeat Hillary.

Exactly, and it certainly smacks of desperation to continue trying to make an issue out of this. It always did, but the level of panic about the Hillary prospect -- even a year removed from the election year-- is kind of amusing, from a psychoanalysis POV.

It's kinda like being a parent watching a toddler buzzing around the room trying to disrupt everything, knowing the kid's gonna wear himself out and drop off to sleep...
Poster said:

"Obama was rubbing his hands with glee as he watched via Drone footage, live, as Ambassador Stephens was killed"

"Ambassador Stevens was raped and dragged through the streets by his rapists"

"Obama TOLD help to Stand Down"

YOU ALL are the lying scum of the Earth...."

To which you replied:

"the official record proves that all of those things actually happened. Sorry, but you messiah is a false prophet who has lied to you constantly, and you are too stupid to see that he has made a fool of you. quite pathetic."

You said the official record proves that
"Obama was rubbing his hands with glee as he watched via Drone footage, live, as Ambassador Stephens was killed"

Ok, I missed the "rubbing his hands with glee" comment, that is a joke. No news media ever reported that.

Learn English.

my english is quite good, so is my spanish. french is marginal but I can communicate a little. Arabic and japanese good enough to say good morning and thank you.

ah bees plenty good at ebonics too,bro.
Your English isn't that good. You couldn't understand Bush when he was lying to you about going to war with Iraq, and he was speaking English when he told those lies.

both clintons told the same lies then, did you believe them? They all had the same bad intel and they all came to the same erroneous conclusions.

BTW, saying something that you believe to be true is not lying.
If Putin invaded America and then said, oops, sorry, bad intelligence, you think it would just be ok then?
Ok, I missed the "rubbing his hands with glee" comment, that is a joke. No news media ever reported that.

Learn English.

my english is quite good, so is my spanish. french is marginal but I can communicate a little. Arabic and japanese good enough to say good morning and thank you.

ah bees plenty good at ebonics too,bro.
Your English isn't that good. You couldn't understand Bush when he was lying to you about going to war with Iraq, and he was speaking English when he told those lies.

both clintons told the same lies then, did you believe them? They all had the same bad intel and they all came to the same erroneous conclusions.

BTW, saying something that you believe to be true is not lying.
If Putin invaded America and then said, oops, sorry, bad intelligence, you think it would just be ok then?

of course not, no one has said that going into Iraq was the right thing to do.

The point is that they all believed the bad intel, the all believed that Saddam had WMDs and was getting ready to use them. It was a national and international intel fuck up. Bush did not do it on his own.

we know you hate Bush, and thats just fine. But lying about history is simply wrong.
A new study has just found that there are exactly 541,377 election criteria actually more important than Benfuckingghazi.

Who knew.

Probably no topic is more relevant to my current sigline than this idiotic malarkey. It's hard to believe we're so sheeped-up that somebody actually bought this crap.

What? Homosexual rights?
Just a few of the issues higher on the list than Benghazi....

  • Lesbians who wear lederhosen
  • Unconvering KFC's secret recipe
  • Who shot J.R.?
  • Who's the big dog, Pluto or Goofy?
  • Does the Geico lizard have a claim if eaten by the Aflac duck?
  • The philosophical difference between odd and even
Learn English.

my english is quite good, so is my spanish. french is marginal but I can communicate a little. Arabic and japanese good enough to say good morning and thank you.

ah bees plenty good at ebonics too,bro.
Your English isn't that good. You couldn't understand Bush when he was lying to you about going to war with Iraq, and he was speaking English when he told those lies.

both clintons told the same lies then, did you believe them? They all had the same bad intel and they all came to the same erroneous conclusions.

BTW, saying something that you believe to be true is not lying.
If Putin invaded America and then said, oops, sorry, bad intelligence, you think it would just be ok then?

of course not, no one has said that going into Iraq was the right thing to do.

The point is that they all believed the bad intel, the all believed that Saddam had WMDs and was getting ready to use them. It was a national and international intel fuck up. Bush did not do it on his own.

we know you hate Bush, and thats just fine. But lying about history is simply wrong.
I'm talking about on an international level. Do you think other countries give a shit if we're blaming our own bad intelligence for a royal screw up like invading a country which had not attacked us or was stockpiling WMD, which was the main reason for the invasion?
How many times have we recently heard reporters badgering GOP candidates
"knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion?"

So based on these quotes:
According to Woods the father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was killed by terrorists on 9/11/12 in Benghazi, Libya., after offering her condolences on the loss of his son, Clinton told him that the U.S. government would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted
Hillary Clinton to father of American murdered in Libya We ll make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted RedState

Now the question to those of you that voted for Obama...
If you knew in Sept 18,2012 that the bumper sticker "Osama dead, GM Alive" i.e. war on terrorism
WAS NOT going well i.e. Benghazi was done by well organized terrorists group AND not the video that Hillary told the above was the cause...would you still vote for Obama???
There is no correlation between the "Osama dead, GM Alive" bumper sticker and Benghazi. Stretches in thinking and conceptualization of the Benghazi conspiracy theorist are not taken seriously by the general public. Benghazi had nothing to do with Osama being killed or GM being rescued from bankruptcy.

The link is direct!
Benghazi was a planned attack.
But 6 weeks before the election could NOT let the bumper sticker be proven false.
So politically driven Obama's team said it was the spontaneous response to these 5 news shows 1 week after it happened!

MS. RICE: Well, first of all, Chris Wallace:,
we are obviously investigating this very closely. The FBI has a lead in this investigation.
The information, the best information and the best assessment we have today is that in fact this was not a preplanned, premeditated attack.
That what happened initially was that it was a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired in Cairo as a consequence of the video.
People gathered outside the embassy and then it grew very violent and those with extremist ties joined the fray and came with heavy
But we don’t see at this point signs this was a coordinated plan, premeditated attack.
Obviously, we will wait for the results of the investigation and we don’t want to jump to conclusions before then.
But I do think it’s important for the American people to know our best current assessment."
(NOTE:) So much for not jumping to conclusions!!!

CBS’s “Face the Nation”
MS. RICE: So we’ll want to see the results of that [FBI] investigation to draw any definitive conclusions.
But based on the best information we have to date, what our assessment is as of the present is in fact what began spontaneously in Benghazi as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo where, of course, as you know, there was a violent protest outside of our embassy– –sparked by this hateful video.

BOB SCHIEFFER: But you do not agree with him that this was something that had been plotted out several months ago?

MS. RICE: We do not– we do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.
Want me to go on and PROVE the whole point was to downplay the pre-planning because by down-playing the great cause of capturing
"Osama is dead, GM alive" would be totally shown as a sham! A lie!

These Obama people are driven by politics FIRST... American lives a little later in importance!
They KNEW GOP would jump all over the supposedly "Osama is dead, GM alive" trope i.e. Obama is successfully handling the terrorists because
he caught and personally did away with Osama!
If more voters knew how totally inept Obama and his team has been in administering our country's needs including this totally f...kup foreign policy
they would NOT have voted him another term!
A new study has just found that there are exactly 541,377 election criteria actually more important than Benfuckingghazi.

Who knew.

Probably no topic is more relevant to my current sigline than this idiotic malarkey. It's hard to believe we're so sheeped-up that somebody actually bought this crap.

What? Homosexual rights?
Just a few of the issues higher on the list than Benghazi....

  • Lesbians who wear lederhosen
  • Unconvering KFC's secret recipe
  • Who shot J.R.?
  • Who's the big dog, Pluto or Goofy?
  • Does the Geico lizard have a claim if eaten by the Aflac duck?
  • The philosophical difference between odd and even

That's because you are a traitor. YOU hate America...just as Obama does.
YOU loved the fact 9/11 occurred and you loved to see Americans get killed in the embassy!
YOU loved the fact this video was blamed which is very ironic because at the same time you supported all the rotten statements made by
the other traitors how our troops air-raiding villages,killing civilians, terrorizing children, killing in cold blood, that you and other haters of
American soldiers and America loved to tell the enemies of the USA.
YOU love to see Americans murdered as they did in Benghazi!
If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

The video was just a silly distraction, typical of the petty lies the Left tells as part of their agenda. They never want to be held responsible for ANY of the disasters they cause, so you get silly little fibs like that when they want to fool the American people into thinking their enemy is not their enemy.

A more relevant question would be:

If you as a voter knew in 2012 that the Obama administration had deliberately cut back on security in several embassies and consulates in troubled areas in the middle East and north Africa, at a time when terrorist attacks were actually being carried out week after week at some of those places and getting progressively worse, even as he spent lavishly on swimming pools and ornate furniture at other similar embassies and consulates, just so he could pretend before a major election that he had actually defeated al Qaeda when the opposite was true, and the result was three Americans killed (including a U.S. Ambassador) and a consulate completely destroyed by a long-planned attack.....

....would you have voted for Obama in that major election?
Obama did not staff Benghazi because HE WANTED IT TO BE ATTACKED before the election?
Why do you say that Obama wanted the Benghazi compound to be attacked?

Nobody else in his thread as said anything like that. Only you.

You liberals sure come up with some silly ideas when you can't refute what conservatives DID say. Which is happening quite often.

My sympathies.
Obama did not staff Benghazi because HE WANTED IT TO BE ATTACKED before the election?
Why do you say that Obama wanted the Benghazi compound to be attacked?

Nobody else in his thread as said anything like that. Only you.

You liberals sure come up with some silly ideas when you can't refute what conservatives DID say. Which is happening quite often.

My sympathies.
Acorn, if you are saying that Obama and Hilliary purposely did not staff Benghazi, when they knew a threat was out there, BECAUSE they did not want the Republicans/Democrats or whomever to know that the war against Al Qaeda was not over, so he could win his reelection, as has been said....

Then you and others, are saying that Obama Chose a terrorist attack over the staffing with security....JUST for his reelection.

And I am saying that is utterly ridiculous....
Obama did not staff Benghazi because HE WANTED IT TO BE ATTACKED before the election?
Why do you say that Obama wanted the Benghazi compound to be attacked?

Nobody else in his thread as said anything like that. Only you.

You liberals sure come up with some silly ideas when you can't refute what conservatives DID say. Which is happening quite often.

My sympathies.
Acorn, if you are saying that Obama and Hilliary purposely did not staff Benghazi, when they knew a threat was out there, BECAUSE they did not want the Republicans/Democrats or whomever to know that the war against Al Qaeda was not over, so he could win his reelection, as has been said....

Then you and others, are saying that Obama Chose a terrorist attack over the staffing with security....JUST for his reelection.

And I am saying that is utterly ridiculous....

Hey..I always thought I'd NEVER hear a president who would say these statements:
Obama said:-- "I prefer higher gas prices".
So what did Obama do to make higher prices???
1)told Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer?
2) Encourage foreign drilling OFF Florida by Cuba
3) Encourage Canada to sell almost 1 million barrels per day to China?
4) In 3 years new leases under Obama 5,568 new leases..
Under Bush.. from 2006 to 2008 15,095 new leases!
NEARLY 3 times the new Federal Leases under Bush then Obama !
Number of New Oil Wells and New Leases Have Decreased Under Obama Data from BLM Show

Obama said:-- "If a utility wants to build coal burning it bankrupt them!"
So Obama has forced utilities not to build coal burning plants and in doing so has destroyed the coal mining industry
OhioAmerican Energy, Inc. (“OhioAmerican”), a Subsidiary of Murray Energy Corporation (“Murray Energy”), today announced the closure of its coal mining operations near Brilliant, Jefferson County, Ohio.

Regulatory actions by President Barack Obama and his appointees and followers were cited as the entire reason. “Mr. Obama has already destroyed 83,000 megawatts of coal-fired electricity generation in America,” said Mr. Michael T. W. Carey, Vice President of Government Affairs for Murray Energy. “Electric prices in the recent PJM Interconnection monthly auction were bid up 800 percent (8 times) for 2015-2016 because of this,” he added.

“At its peak, OhioAmerican employed 239 local people in high-paying, well-benefited jobs,” said Mr. Stanley T. Piasecki, General Manager and Superintendent. “University studies show that our Mines can create up to eleven (11) secondary jobs in our communities, for store clerks, teachers, etc., to serve our direct employees. Thus, if one uses the eleven (11) to one (1) multiplier, the Obama Administration has destroyed 2,868 jobs in eastern Ohio with this forced Mine closure,” stated Mr. Piasecki.
Obama regulations kill Ohio coal mine hundreds of jobs wiped out - Conservative News

Obama said:"I prefer single payer health system.
-- "I prefer destroying 1,400 companies,putting 400,000 people out of work and eliminating $100 billion a year in tax revenue " which is what he means when he says he prefers a single payer health system.
Obamacare results:
A recent Commonwealth Fund survey found that four in 10 working-age adults skipped some kind of care because of the cost, and other surveys have found much the same. The portion of workers with annual deductibles — what consumers must pay before insurance kicks in —
rose from 55% eight years ago to
80% today, according to research by the Kaiser Family Foundation. And a Mercer study showed that 2014 saw the largest one-year increase in enrollment in "high-deductible plans" —
from 18% to 23% of all covered employees.
Dilemma over deductibles Costs crippling middle class

So it would be NO surprise that Obama was OK with Benghazi security being shrift!
And even more so for political gain!
Then you and others, are saying that Obama Chose a terrorist attack over the staffing with security.
As always, when a desperate leftist fanatic can't refute what a conservative said, he tries to pretend the conservative said something else instead.

Why do you say that "Obama chose a terrorist attack"? Nobody else in the thread has said such a silly fib. Only you.

And I am saying that is utterly ridiculous....
You liberals frequently sound that way when you lose arguments.
Last edited:
Ok, I missed the "rubbing his hands with glee" comment, that is a joke. No news media ever reported that.

Learn English.

my english is quite good, so is my spanish. french is marginal but I can communicate a little. Arabic and japanese good enough to say good morning and thank you.

ah bees plenty good at ebonics too,bro.
Your English isn't that good. You couldn't understand Bush when he was lying to you about going to war with Iraq, and he was speaking English when he told those lies.

both clintons told the same lies then, did you believe them? They all had the same bad intel and they all came to the same erroneous conclusions.

BTW, saying something that you believe to be true is not lying.
It doesn't make a difference about who I believed or didn't believe. It doesn't make a difference about whether the Clinton's or anyone else was misled or even lied themselves. What matters is that the guy who decided to send in the troops and had the power and authority to do it lied. The President of the United States took the deep trust and faith of his honesty after the attack of 9/11 and used that trust and honesty to commit evil. He had to lie to commit that evil.

LOL, how do you type this with a straight face?

Obama lies his ass off every day and you guys just lap it up.

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