If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

Of all the reasons to vote against HRC, Benghazi is not one.

Voting for the Iraq invasion is the primary reason to deny her the presidency.
So you'd vote for H.R. Haldeman, Pat Nixon and Richard Nixon after Watergate had played out.
Those are your words, not mine.

I would have voted for none of them, though, I suspect you would have the hots for Haldeman.
He is your kind of dom.
No, those are logical choices based on your words.
Once again, a democrat with no reasoned rebuttal.
Those are the crazy assumption and your words of : you! Yeah, you liked Haldeman.
Of all the reasons to vote against HRC, Benghazi is not one.

Voting for the Iraq invasion is the primary reason to deny her the presidency.
So you'd vote for H.R. Haldeman, Pat Nixon and Richard Nixon after Watergate had played out.
Those are your words, not mine.

I would have voted for none of them, though, I suspect you would have the hots for Haldeman.
He is your kind of dom.
No, those are logical choices based on your words.
Once again, a democrat with no reasoned rebuttal.
Those are the crazy assumption and your words of : you! Yeah, you liked Haldeman.
One again, a defeated left winger with no intellectual rebuttal goes down the gutter out of frustration.
Benghazi was an abject failure of duty by a derelict administration and the ensuing coverup was aided by H.R. Clinton. Missing tapes now exist in the form of missing emails. The woman was shamed by an impeached president husband yet she uses his name to launch a contrived political career. Haldeman, Richard Nixon and Pat Nixon combined.
You can't rebut, you can only disparage like a typical defeated lefty.
How many times have we recently heard reporters badgering GOP candidates
"knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion?"

So based on these quotes:
According to Woods the father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was killed by terrorists on 9/11/12 in Benghazi, Libya., after offering her condolences on the loss of his son, Clinton told him that the U.S. government would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted
Hillary Clinton to father of American murdered in Libya We ll make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted RedState

Now the question to those of you that voted for Obama...
If you knew in Sept 18,2012 that the bumper sticker "Osama dead, GM Alive" i.e. war on terrorism
WAS NOT going well i.e. Benghazi was done by well organized terrorists group AND not the video that Hillary told the above was the cause...would you still vote for Obama???

I think they would have still voted. They had to know they were being lied to and yet they didn't care. They still don't and many still bash Gowdy for investigating what happened on that day. They say he's out to get Hillary even though he is one of millions who simply want answers. Those who say he's out to get Hillary must know that the truth wouldn't bode well for her. The left was fine with the whole thing being swept under the rug and settling for the lame ass explanations offered up by the administration.
If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

The video was just a silly distraction, typical of the petty lies the Left tells as part of their agenda. They never want to be held responsible for ANY of the disasters they cause, so you get silly little fibs like that when they want to fool the American people into thinking their enemy is not their enemy.

A more relevant question would be:

If you as a voter knew in 2012 that the Obama administration had deliberately cut back on security in several embassies and consulates in troubled areas in the middle East and north Africa, at a time when terrorist attacks were actually being carried out week after week at some of those places and getting progressively worse, even as he spent lavishly on swimming pools and ornate furniture at other similar embassies and consulates, just so he could pretend before a major election that he had actually defeated al Qaeda when the opposite was true, and the result was three Americans killed (including a U.S. Ambassador) and a consulate completely destroyed by a long-planned attack.....

....would you have voted for Obama in that major election?
Of all the reasons to vote against HRC, Benghazi is not one.

Voting for the Iraq invasion is the primary reason to deny her the presidency.
So you'd vote for H.R. Haldeman, Pat Nixon and Richard Nixon after Watergate had played out.
Those are your words, not mine.

I would have voted for none of them, though, I suspect you would have the hots for Haldeman.
He is your kind of dom.
No, those are logical choices based on your words.
Once again, a democrat with no reasoned rebuttal.
Those are the crazy assumption and your words of : you! Yeah, you liked Haldeman.
One again, a defeated left winger with no intellectual rebuttal goes down the gutter out of frustration.
Benghazi was an abject failure of duty by a derelict administration and the ensuing coverup was aided by H.R. Clinton. Missing tapes now exist in the form of missing emails. The woman was shamed by an impeached president husband yet she uses his name to launch a contrived political career. Haldeman, Richard Nixon and Pat Nixon combined.
You can't rebut, you can only disparage like a typical defeated lefty.
There is no factual connection, historically or logically, so I don't have to rebut your nonsense. You, a closeted reactionary, are disparaging a mainstream Republican, me, which is obvious to all.
acorn, the bolding means nothing.

Benghazi has no impact on this race.

Voting for Iraq's invasion does.
So you'd vote for H.R. Haldeman, Pat Nixon and Richard Nixon after Watergate had played out.
Those are your words, not mine.

I would have voted for none of them, though, I suspect you would have the hots for Haldeman.
He is your kind of dom.
No, those are logical choices based on your words.
Once again, a democrat with no reasoned rebuttal.
Those are the crazy assumption and your words of : you! Yeah, you liked Haldeman.
One again, a defeated left winger with no intellectual rebuttal goes down the gutter out of frustration.
Benghazi was an abject failure of duty by a derelict administration and the ensuing coverup was aided by H.R. Clinton. Missing tapes now exist in the form of missing emails. The woman was shamed by an impeached president husband yet she uses his name to launch a contrived political career. Haldeman, Richard Nixon and Pat Nixon combined.
You can't rebut, you can only disparage like a typical defeated lefty.
There is no factual connection, historically or logically, so I don't have to rebut your nonsense. You, a closeted reactionary, are disparaging a mainstream Republican, me, which is obvious to all.
You still can't respond to facts and elements of the issue. I'm no republican, BTW.
Of all the reasons to vote against HRC, Benghazi is not one.

Voting for the Iraq invasion is the primary reason to deny her the presidency.
So you'd vote for H.R. Haldeman, Pat Nixon and Richard Nixon after Watergate had played out.
Those are your words, not mine.

I would have voted for none of them, though, I suspect you would have the hots for Haldeman.
He is your kind of dom.
No, those are logical choices based on your words.
Once again, a democrat with no reasoned rebuttal.
Those are the crazy assumption and your words of : you! Yeah, you liked Haldeman.
One again, a defeated left winger with no intellectual rebuttal goes down the gutter out of frustration.
Benghazi was an abject failure of duty by a derelict administration and the ensuing coverup was aided by H.R. Clinton. Missing tapes now exist in the form of missing emails. The woman was shamed by an impeached president husband yet she uses his name to launch a contrived political career. Haldeman, Richard Nixon and Pat Nixon combined.
You can't rebut, you can only disparage like a typical defeated lefty.
Odd, isn't it? Nine independent investigations led by Republicans, and not one reached that conclusion?
Yup, the crazies think they get their own way when even their own honchos say 'no way Jose'.
The current issues facing this country require leadership, a vision, a plan. As for Benghazi and Hillary's conduct, it stands to reason her conduct in and out of office, and lack of trustworthiness are serious concerns, serious enough that this narcissistic political wannabe should be turned out to pasture. This country can least afford the likes of a Nixon, Clinton, Obama, or even a Carter at the helm of state. It is time for a new direction and quite frankly this tired old road needs to be abandoned for the sake of the country and future generations.
The attack on the facility at Benghazi could not and would not have occurred the way it did without the video. Simple fact. If nothing else, it was used as a distraction and diversion used to keep US security forces bogged down in preparedness for attacks at other facilities in the region.
Hillary like Bill are pathological liars, manipulators, and a serious risk to the country. This old school Saul Alinsky style of manipulation is destructive and is counter to transparency and truth.The investigators of the failures occurring at Benghazie are simply interested in the facts, and as we all know they are pissing in the wind, the smoke will linger and truth will not be known. Lets just say its another Gulf of Tonkin and recognize political manipulation and lack of truth justified their purposes. As she demonstrated the lives and families of those involved are not important, only her political objective.
Jake please share with us if you would your enlightened perspective on world affairs. Still stuck on the Baby Bush legacy or have you moved on?
You are quite the simpleton aren't you?

Judicial Watch: Defense, State Department Documents Reveal Obama Administration Knew that al Qaeda Terrorists Had Planned Benghazi Attack 10 Days in Advance

Now I misread the article, they knew ,according to a CIA Analyst by the by the 16th that it had been planned and that there was no demonstration, we also that according to General Ham HE knew with 15 minutes and had informed PinettaAND Obama at that time it was a terrorist attack.

Why did Obama and Hillary continue to lie?

Huh? You what?

Did Hillary's emails prove that she knew about the Benghazi attack 2 weeks in advance? That's what you said earlier.

So you cannot read?
Wow! That's gotta be the epitome in lack of self-awareness. :eusa_doh:

How many times did post about how Hillary's email reveal she knew about the attack two weeks in advance because YOU cannot read?


LOL, you kids just can't bring yourselves to admit that Hillary and Obama have lied to you about virtually everything.

Your tactic is deflect away from that and pounce on my admission that I misread the article...sucks to be you because no matter HOW much you try to deflect you cannot change the fact they ran guns and got 4 men killed.

Interesting ;)
Nah, they didn't lie. But you sure showed what an imbecile you are claiming that Hillary's email revealed she knew about the attack two weeks in advance, huh?


Of course they lied that's all they do.

You think I'm an imbecile:)

Look in the mirror you aren't a bright individual and you could never admit a mistake, you aren't woman enough ,bforeit's over you'll have me on ignore like the coward you are young lady.
The far right would support a NK dictatorship of a Dear Leader. They simply cannot accept a plural, diverse society where they are not in charge.

Hate much?

All you need to do is include the phrase "hater dupe" and everyone would mistake you for that franco fella.
Heaven forbid someone should not agree with Jake. But then again Jake that is what built this country, the freedom to voice ones opinion.
If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

The video was just a silly distraction, typical of the petty lies the Left tells as part of their agenda. They never want to be held responsible for ANY of the disasters they cause, so you get silly little fibs like that when they want to fool the American people into thinking their enemy is not their enemy.

The attacks caused by the video were terrorist attacks, weren't they?

You are what, the only person in the world that still clings to that lie?

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