If you believe the Democrats Were "Weak" and "Caved" On The Shutdown

Please enumerate the things the GOP gained.

Remember 84% of the public is against DACA recipients being deported. Does the GOP gain ANYTHING by allowing that to happen beginning on March 5th (if they don't make a DACA deal)? No. They just make the Big Blue Wave (tm) even bigger.
The DEMs were willing to have the members of the US military not be paid on time so that Daca would be passed.
THAT stupid move caused the support of the DEMs bullshit hoax to drop like a fucking stone.
The DEMs had/have NO INTENTION of voting for a more secure border or an end to chain migration or the 'lottery once DACA was signed into law.
That's why the REP stood their ground and weren't 'rolled' by the DEMS.
Trump/GOP 1
Please enumerate the things the GOP gained.

Remember 84% of the public is against DACA recipients being deported. Does the GOP gain ANYTHING by allowing that to happen beginning on March 5th (if they don't make a DACA deal)? No. They just make the Big Blue Wave (tm) even bigger.

DACA has nothing to do with the budget. They are two separate issues and while I support a fix for DACA kids and allowing them to legally remain in the country indefinitely, holding the budget hostage is not the way to do it.
Chuck and Nancy went against President Trump and his team a lost......BIGGLY!
This morning Chuck is weeping and Nancy continues to shake and gets her filipino maid's name wrong.
Please enumerate the things the GOP gained.

Remember 84% of the public is against DACA recipients being deported. Does the GOP gain ANYTHING by allowing that to happen beginning on March 5th (if they don't make a DACA deal)? No. They just make the Big Blue Wave (tm) even bigger.

As usual, you miss the point entirely.
The shutdown debacle was what people had a problem with. Absolutely, 80% of the public wants some sort of solution for dreamers - BUT THEY DID NOT WANT THE DEMOCRATS TO USE THAT TO SHUTDOWN THE GOVERNMENT.
That is what you fail to understand.
The Dems were getting their asses handed to them from their home constituents telling them they are not behind them. And that is why they backed off. Because it was an idiotic thing to do.
How Dems Lost the Shutdown
In a stunning show of blind trust, Senate Democrats believed Mitch McConnell’s promise that they could work on an immigration overhaul in the coming weeks if they gave him the votes needed to end a government shutdown

The Shutdown Ended Because Democrats Lost Their Spine

In a stunning show of blind trust, Senate Democrats believed Mitch McConnell’s promise that they could work on an immigration overhaul in the coming weeks if they gave him the votes needed to end a government shutdown Monday.

The midday vote ended a government shutdown that began last week when Democrats demanded action on young immigrants, known as Dreamers, who were brought to the country illegally as children. After three days of stasis, the Democrats blinked first and agreed to turn the government’s lights back on with only a verbal commitment that they could try to hammer out a deal for Dreamers in the coming weeks.

“McConnell made this commitment publicly on the floor of the Senate. He was much more specific than he was last night. And I think this is an important opportunity to demonstrate that he’ll carry though,” Sen. Angus King, a Maine independent who caucuses with the Democrats, told reporters outside the Senate floor ahead of the noon vote — a vote that had been scheduled earlier, for the unusual 1 a.m. hour.

How Democrats Lost Their Spine — and the Government Shutdown
Mitch did what China and India did during the Paris Climate Accords: He promised to 'possibly' look into the situation in 2033.
Mitch may look like a turtle but he's one smart cookie. President Trump KNOWS how smart Mitch is and he let Mitch have a free hand in making DEMs look like the rubes they are.
Chuck-you Schumer, as Rush would say, had himself one heap big blink out in the swamp yesterday. And the whole world knows the radical lefties in their splintered party know it was Trump kicking ass, again.

Nice going Chuckie! Next time you're gearing up to take on our president, spend a few days watching 4-6 hours of cable news, chugging diet cokes, and downing a few Big Macs so you're in shape for the task.
Look at these right winger crow they “won”.
But did they?

Democrats got over 9 million sick children healthcare for six years.
You know Republicans would laugh if those kids started dying. They let CHIP expire last September just to use these children as a bargaining tool. That’s just nasty. They care only about billionaires and corporations.

And in 17 days Democrats have a stronger position
Those children are safe and off the table. Safe from Republicans. That’s 18 million voting parents who know who attacked their children.

And make no mistake, threatening your child’s life is an attack on that child.
Please enumerate the things the GOP gained.

Remember 84% of the public is against DACA recipients being deported. Does the GOP gain ANYTHING by allowing that to happen beginning on March 5th (if they don't make a DACA deal)? No. They just make the Big Blue Wave (tm) even bigger.

I suspect business is not going to let Republicans hurt Dreamers. It's a no win situation for the GOP.

Putin may control Trump, but it's corporations that control the GOP.

Exactly why real patriots are not Republicans, nor Democrats, but rather they are Fascists.

Capitalism must be regulated, or else you get crazy immigration, and Liberalism, like we have now.

The disgusting Globalists knew the Fascists were their worst enemy, that's why they've been kicking, and scream about them ever since, even though no Fascist regime has existed for many decades.
I will be glad to support Fascists. On a rope around their necks.

Capitalism is clearly the best system devised by man.

Most people just don't know any better, they've been trained to have a violent savage reaction to it, like you did.
Look at these right winger crow they “won”.
But did they?

Democrats got over 9 million sick children healthcare for six years.
You know Republicans would laugh if those kids started dying. They let CHIP expire last September just to use these children as a bargaining tool. That’s just nasty. They care only about billionaires and corporations.

And in 17 days Democrats have a stronger position
Those children are safe and off the table. Safe from Republicans. That’s 18 million voting parents who know who attacked their children.

And make no mistake, threatening your child’s life is an attack on that child.
And the 60 million voting American democrats know that their party leaders supported a bunch of forgeingers over them. From a dem pov, this is called a win.
Here is the grammatically and logically corrected version of my previous post. Sorry about that. I changed one word.

"What did the gop gain? They humiliated the democrats.and made trump look even stronger. Lets face it, most Americans (especially the ones here) don't look past the headlines and form judgements based on that alone. Worse, if all they watch is either Fox or CNN, they are hopelessly dumbed down and misinformed. That gave the democrats the appearance of backing down.

Additionally, this has caused unrest within the democratic ranks itself, to wit -:a) Schumer's shutdown performance sparks unrest in his rank, b) Winners and losers from the government shutdown and c) Dreamers Feel Betrayed After Senate Democrats Break Their Promises. Regardless of the facts, the democrats capitulating has the appearance of the dems caving in to trump. And it wasn't just Schumer who capitulated ; ACLU: ‘Too Many’ Dems Voted With GOP To Reopen Gov’t Without Fixing DACA.

Did the republicans gain anything? Don't be naive. Of course they did."​
Yet another inglorious dem defeat. We're shutting down the government for some foreigners. OK, just kidding.

Trump made the congressional black caucus look like a bunch of mama's boys.

Yeah, let that sink in for a moment. These MF'ers were actually willing to fuck over our men and women in the military all for a bunch of fucking illegals.
And you are a lying fuck. McConnell objected to continuing the pay of the military during a shut down. He, and the rest of the GOP are playing games with our military, and lying about it, just as you are.
It was a procedural move to block the vote, he then voted for it yesterday.
Here is the grammatically and logically corrected version of my previous post. Sorry about that. I changed one word.

"What did the gop gain? They humiliated the democrats.and made trump look even stronger. Lets face it, most Americans (especially the ones here) don't look past the headlines and form judgements based on that alone. Worse, if all they watch is either Fox or CNN, they are hopelessly dumbed down and misinformed. That gave the democrats the appearance of backing down.

Additionally, this has caused unrest within the democratic ranks itself, to wit -:a) Schumer's shutdown performance sparks unrest in his rank, b) Winners and losers from the government shutdown and c) Dreamers Feel Betrayed After Senate Democrats Break Their Promises. Regardless of the facts, the democrats capitulating has the appearance of the dems caving in to trump. And it wasn't just Schumer who capitulated ; ACLU: ‘Too Many’ Dems Voted With GOP To Reopen Gov’t Without Fixing DACA.

Did the republicans gain anything? Don't be naive. Of course they did."​

Yes..what we see is the organized left once again completely misunderstanding the American population, including "their own".
They simply cannot fathom that everyone doesn't think like they do.
The media spends 24 hours a day trying desperately trying to convince Americans that they are all fringe thinkers. They are not.
While it is true that the majority of Americans, on both sides, support legislation for "dreamers" - they DO NOT support shutting the government down in an attempt to force the issue. That isn't the way to do it. And far-leftist cannot face the fact that Dreamers are not the #1 priority to everyday people...in fact it isn't even n the top 50 things Americans want.
Trump winning was a wake up call. But thus-far the establishment clearly didn't get the message.Yesterday was the 2nd major tremor before the quake.
If the left doesn't wake up and realize that the fringe is causing great damage to the main stream supporters...the next wake up call will be too late.
They merely showed America the truth about what a bunch of losers Democrats are.
So basically, no big deal, right?
I have a completely different take.

Democrats got over 9 million sick children healthcare for six years.
You know Republicans would laugh if those kids started dying. They let CHIP expire last September just to use these children as a bargaining tool. That’s just nasty. They care only about billionaires and corporations.

And in 17 days Democrats have a stronger position
Those children are safe and off the table.
I agree, but shhhh...don't tell no one.

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Please enumerate the things the GOP gained.

Remember 84% of the public is against DACA recipients being deported. Does the GOP gain ANYTHING by allowing that to happen beginning on March 5th (if they don't make a DACA deal)? No. They just make the Big Blue Wave (tm) even bigger.

As usual, you miss the point entirely.
The shutdown debacle was what people had a problem with. Absolutely, 80% of the public wants some sort of solution for dreamers - BUT THEY DID NOT WANT THE DEMOCRATS TO USE THAT TO SHUTDOWN THE GOVERNMENT.
That is what you fail to understand.
The Dems were getting their asses handed to them from their home constituents telling them they are not behind them. And that is why they backed off. Because it was an idiotic thing to do.

For Democrats, it’s “you’re either with us, or you’re against us”.
Look at these right winger crow they “won”.
But did they?

Democrats got over 9 million sick children healthcare for six years.
You know Republicans would laugh if those kids started dying. They let CHIP expire last September just to use these children as a bargaining tool. That’s just nasty. They care only about billionaires and corporations.

And in 17 days Democrats have a stronger position
Those children are safe and off the table. Safe from Republicans. That’s 18 million voting parents who know who attacked their children.

And make no mistake, threatening your child’s life is an attack on that child.
And the 60 million voting American democrats know that their party leaders supported a bunch of forgeingers over them. From a dem pov, this is called a win.
Let me tell you why you are an idiot.

1. Getting rid of 8 hundred thousand people who are educated and spent their lives in this country.

2. This could blow a half trillion dollar hole in our economy. Not only would you lose young and well trained workers, but you would have to train, uh, who? Republicans. What a joke that is. So many can't even finish high school.

3. Seeing people who lived here their entire lives being dragged away on TV will make Republicans look like the monsters we all know they are.

4. Making Americans choose is blackmail. A normal and typical tactic for people as nasty as the GOP.
Please enumerate the things the GOP gained.

Remember 84% of the public is against DACA recipients being deported. Does the GOP gain ANYTHING by allowing that to happen beginning on March 5th (if they don't make a DACA deal)? No. They just make the Big Blue Wave (tm) even bigger.

As usual, you miss the point entirely.
The shutdown debacle was what people had a problem with. Absolutely, 80% of the public wants some sort of solution for dreamers - BUT THEY DID NOT WANT THE DEMOCRATS TO USE THAT TO SHUTDOWN THE GOVERNMENT.
That is what you fail to understand.
The Dems were getting their asses handed to them from their home constituents telling them they are not behind them. And that is why they backed off. Because it was an idiotic thing to do.

For Democrats, it’s “you’re either with us, or you’re against us”.

"And if you're not with us, we'll destroy you".
Please enumerate the things the GOP gained.

Remember 84% of the public is against DACA recipients being deported. Does the GOP gain ANYTHING by allowing that to happen beginning on March 5th (if they don't make a DACA deal)? No. They just make the Big Blue Wave (tm) even bigger.

As usual, you miss the point entirely.
The shutdown debacle was what people had a problem with. Absolutely, 80% of the public wants some sort of solution for dreamers - BUT THEY DID NOT WANT THE DEMOCRATS TO USE THAT TO SHUTDOWN THE GOVERNMENT.
That is what you fail to understand.
The Dems were getting their asses handed to them from their home constituents telling them they are not behind them. And that is why they backed off. Because it was an idiotic thing to do.

For Democrats, it’s “you’re either with us, or you’re against us”.
Uh, huh, yea, right.

Please enumerate the things the GOP gained.

Remember 84% of the public is against DACA recipients being deported. Does the GOP gain ANYTHING by allowing that to happen beginning on March 5th (if they don't make a DACA deal)? No. They just make the Big Blue Wave (tm) even bigger.

As usual, you miss the point entirely.
The shutdown debacle was what people had a problem with. Absolutely, 80% of the public wants some sort of solution for dreamers - BUT THEY DID NOT WANT THE DEMOCRATS TO USE THAT TO SHUTDOWN THE GOVERNMENT.
That is what you fail to understand.
The Dems were getting their asses handed to them from their home constituents telling them they are not behind them. And that is why they backed off. Because it was an idiotic thing to do.

For Democrats, it’s “you’re either with us, or you’re against us”.
Uh, huh, yea, right.


It’s Mitch’s fault Dems were more concerned about something that expires in March than the thing expiring that day?
Look at these right winger crow they “won”.
But did they?

Democrats got over 9 million sick children healthcare for six years.
You know Republicans would laugh if those kids started dying. They let CHIP expire last September just to use these children as a bargaining tool. That’s just nasty. They care only about billionaires and corporations.

And in 17 days Democrats have a stronger position
Those children are safe and off the table. Safe from Republicans. That’s 18 million voting parents who know who attacked their children.

And make no mistake, threatening your child’s life is an attack on that child.
And the 60 million voting American democrats know that their party leaders supported a bunch of forgeingers over them. From a dem pov, this is called a win.
Let me tell you why you are an idiot.

1. Getting rid of 8 hundred thousand people who are educated and spent their lives in this country.

2. This could blow a half trillion dollar hole in our economy. Not only would you lose young and well trained workers, but you would have to train, uh, who? Republicans. What a joke that is. So many can't even finish high school.

3. Seeing people who lived here their entire lives being dragged away on TV will make Republicans look like the monsters we all know they are.

4. Making Americans choose is blackmail. A normal and typical tactic for people as nasty as the GOP.

1. Getting rid of 8 hundred thousand people who are educated and spent their lives in this country.

2. This could blow a half trillion dollar hole in our economy.

What the fuck ?

Let me tell you why you are an idiot.

1. Getting rid of 8 hundred thousand people who are educated and spent their lives in this country.

2. This could blow a half trillion dollar hole in our economy. Not only would you lose young and well trained workers, but you would have to train, uh, who? Republicans. What a joke that is. So many can't even finish high school.

3. Seeing people who lived here their entire lives being dragged away on TV will make Republicans look like the monsters we all know they are.

4. Making Americans choose is blackmail. A normal and typical tactic for people as nasty as the GOP.
Let me tell you why you are an idiot.

1. You think 8 hundred thousand people who are educated and spent their lives in this country are illegals.

2. You think deporting them could blow a half trillion dollar hole in our economy. And that not only we would you lose young and well trained workers, but we would have to train, uh, who? Republicans. What a joke that is. So many can't even finish high school.

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