If you believe the Democrats Were "Weak" and "Caved" On The Shutdown

Please enumerate the things the GOP gained.

Remember 84% of the public is against DACA recipients being deported. Does the GOP gain ANYTHING by allowing that to happen beginning on March 5th (if they don't make a DACA deal)? No. They just make the Big Blue Wave (tm) even bigger.
They gained a chip, an important one. Now the Dems will actually have to earn it for the greater good of the country. You want the dreamers? Trump wants the wall and an end to chain migration. Win-win!
If Trump wants the fuckin wall, why the hell do we have to pay for it? What the hell happen to Mexico
Once we build it, then we'll get the funds by visa fees, fees on money transfers into Mexico, and import tariffs. Doy!
If Trump wants the fuckin wall, why the hell do we have to pay for it? What the hell happen to Mexico
The money we will save in border hospitals alone where the people sneak over have a medical procedure then skip back to Mexico without paying will go to help pay for the wall....many things like that will pay for the wall...when your children are not in crowded classrooms because of undocumented students that will pay for the wall...when no more Kate Steinle's occur that will pay for the wall...I could go on and on...
Please enumerate the things the GOP gained.

Remember 84% of the public is against DACA recipients being deported. Does the GOP gain ANYTHING by allowing that to happen beginning on March 5th (if they don't make a DACA deal)? No. They just make the Big Blue Wave (tm) even bigger.

They merely showed America the truth about what a bunch of losers Democrats are.
Nancy and Chuck's will be decapitated by the Democrats and their heads will be displayed on a stake in front of the Democrat party HQ, should that "blue wave" not come to fruition in the '18 elections.

There's already much grumbling among the Democrats in the House. Rep. Luis Guttierez (D-IL) said, “They caved. They blinked. That’s what they do.”

DEMOCRATS IN CHAOS: Pelosi, Progressives Attack Schumer; Democrats Lose Leverage To Protect Illegal Immigrants


Next they’ll throw Pelosi and Schumer under the bus because they are too white.
Nancy and Chuck's will be decapitated by the Democrats and their heads will be displayed on a stake in front of the Democrat party HQ, should that "blue wave" not come to fruition in the '18 elections.

There's already much grumbling among the Democrats in the House. Rep. Luis Guttierez (D-IL) said, “They caved. They blinked. That’s what they do.”

DEMOCRATS IN CHAOS: Pelosi, Progressives Attack Schumer; Democrats Lose Leverage To Protect Illegal Immigrants


Next they’ll throw Pelosi and Schumer under the bus because they are too white.

Fine with me, although they're both a discredit to their own race.
Please enumerate the things the GOP gained.

Remember 84% of the public is against DACA recipients being deported. Does the GOP gain ANYTHING by allowing that to happen beginning on March 5th (if they don't make a DACA deal)? No. They just make the Big Blue Wave (tm) even bigger.
Let's connect the dots between Dreamers, CEO's, Corporations, Billionaires and Republicans.

Actually, I think the Democrats would be better served concentrating on healthcare.

I suspect business is not going to let Republicans hurt Dreamers. It's a no win situation for the GOP.

Putin may control Trump, but it's corporations that control the GOP.
Nancy and Chuck's will be decapitated by the Democrats and their heads will be displayed on a stake in front of the Democrat party HQ, should that "blue wave" not come to fruition in the '18 elections.

There's already much grumbling among the Democrats in the House. Rep. Luis Guttierez (D-IL) said, “They caved. They blinked. That’s what they do.”

DEMOCRATS IN CHAOS: Pelosi, Progressives Attack Schumer; Democrats Lose Leverage To Protect Illegal Immigrants


Next they’ll throw Pelosi and Schumer under the bus because they are too white.

Fine with me, although they're both a discredit to their own race.
Because they're not racist?
Nancy and Chuck's will be decapitated by the Democrats and their heads will be displayed on a stake in front of the Democrat party HQ, should that "blue wave" not come to fruition in the '18 elections.

There's already much grumbling among the Democrats in the House. Rep. Luis Guttierez (D-IL) said, “They caved. They blinked. That’s what they do.”

DEMOCRATS IN CHAOS: Pelosi, Progressives Attack Schumer; Democrats Lose Leverage To Protect Illegal Immigrants


Next they’ll throw Pelosi and Schumer under the bus because they are too white.

Fine with me, although they're both a discredit to their own race.
Because they're not racist?

They are both racist, as they both hate white people.
Please enumerate the things the GOP gained.

Remember 84% of the public is against DACA recipients being deported. Does the GOP gain ANYTHING by allowing that to happen beginning on March 5th (if they don't make a DACA deal)? No. They just make the Big Blue Wave (tm) even bigger.

DACA has nothing to do with the budget. They are two separate issues and while I support a fix for DACA kids and allowing them to legally remain in the country indefinitely, holding the budget hostage is not the way to do it.
I believe the majority of people polled also stated the DACA issue was not worth shutting down the governmet over yet the Democrats did it anyway and if Schumer and the Democrats really thought this shutdown was helping them they wouldn't have agreeed to end it after three days.
Maybe Trump should explain that the US will not stay the US if immigration as is continues. An idea to the people here what their future is if something is not done. That future includes those that are here for now or maybe ever. I say they help us save the country if they wish to live here.
Nancy and Chuck's will be decapitated by the Democrats and their heads will be displayed on a stake in front of the Democrat party HQ, should that "blue wave" not come to fruition in the '18 elections.

There's already much grumbling among the Democrats in the House. Rep. Luis Guttierez (D-IL) said, “They caved. They blinked. That’s what they do.”

DEMOCRATS IN CHAOS: Pelosi, Progressives Attack Schumer; Democrats Lose Leverage To Protect Illegal Immigrants


Next they’ll throw Pelosi and Schumer under the bus because they are too white.

Fine with me, although they're both a discredit to their own race.
Because they're not racist?
No, they are phonies, that is worse.
How Dems Lost the Shutdown
In a stunning show of blind trust, Senate Democrats believed Mitch McConnell’s promise that they could work on an immigration overhaul in the coming weeks if they gave him the votes needed to end a government shutdown

The Shutdown Ended Because Democrats Lost Their Spine

In a stunning show of blind trust, Senate Democrats believed Mitch McConnell’s promise that they could work on an immigration overhaul in the coming weeks if they gave him the votes needed to end a government shutdown Monday.

The midday vote ended a government shutdown that began last week when Democrats demanded action on young immigrants, known as Dreamers, who were brought to the country illegally as children. After three days of stasis, the Democrats blinked first and agreed to turn the government’s lights back on with only a verbal commitment that they could try to hammer out a deal for Dreamers in the coming weeks.

“McConnell made this commitment publicly on the floor of the Senate. He was much more specific than he was last night. And I think this is an important opportunity to demonstrate that he’ll carry though,” Sen. Angus King, a Maine independent who caucuses with the Democrats, told reporters outside the Senate floor ahead of the noon vote — a vote that had been scheduled earlier, for the unusual 1 a.m. hour.

How Democrats Lost Their Spine — and the Government Shutdown
Yet another inglorious dem defeat. We're shutting down the government for some foreigners. OK, just kidding.

Trump made the congressional black caucus look like a bunch of mama's boys.
I think 16 years old is an unreasonable cut-off date for "dreamers" to be allowed to stay. At that age many of them are already in criminal gangs and/or are perfectly capable of surviving and thriving in their native country.
Please enumerate the things the GOP gained.

Remember 84% of the public is against DACA recipients being deported. Does the GOP gain ANYTHING by allowing that to happen beginning on March 5th (if they don't make a DACA deal)? No. They just make the Big Blue Wave (tm) even bigger.

I suspect business is not going to let Republicans hurt Dreamers. It's a no win situation for the GOP.

Putin may control Trump, but it's corporations that control the GOP.

Exactly why real patriots are not Republicans, nor Democrats, but rather they are Fascists.

Capitalism must be regulated, or else you get crazy immigration, and Liberalism, like we have now.

The disgusting Globalists knew the Fascists were their worst enemy, that's why they've been kicking, and scream about them ever since, even though no Fascist regime has existed for many decades.
The political definition of "compromise" used to be "republicans caving into democrat demands". There is a new sheriff in town and democrats better get used to it.
I believe the majority of people polled also stated the DACA issue was not worth shutting down the governmet over yet the Democrats did it anyway and if Schumer and the Democrats really thought this shutdown was helping them they wouldn't have agreeed to end it after three days.
They expected they could bully Trump the way they have every time in the past.

When will they learn, they will ALWAYS fall when they come up against THIS president.
I believe the majority of people polled also stated the DACA issue was not worth shutting down the governmet over yet the Democrats did it anyway and if Schumer and the Democrats really thought this shutdown was helping them they wouldn't have agreeed to end it after three days.
They expected they could bully Trump the way they have every time in the past.

When will they learn, they will ALWAYS fall when they come up against THIS president.
Rather you support him or don't everyone should have learned by now Trumps going to fight back and fight hard. Maybe he will win maybe he won't but he won't go down without a fight.

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