If you call Obama a president you RESPECT him, same with others

I have never ever called him president. I have never ever put that title before his name. I never will.

Respect? That's bull shit. I not only don't respect him, I hate the fucker. Not only will he never get any respect from me, I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.
What if he was NOT on fire and you were on top of the building and his motorcade was going below and you KNEW you could get away with it. would you piss on him THEN? I would
I don't call obama a president. I don't give him the most trivial emblem of respect by capitalizing his name. I would not shake his hand. I am not the leader of the world just the leader of myself. I claim my own integrity by rejecting obama and everything he stands for.

He's an American, you're not.

He's not an American (jumping up and down shaking fists and stamping feet) (-:
Can't answer the question? You're forcing me to assume that race IS the differentiating factor.
Very true, those who can not explain how Obama is different than Bush other than the skin color or party affiliation and at the same time act like one of the two is somehow better than the other, are full of it

I didn't like or respect Bush but there is a HUGE difference between him and Obama. Obama lies every time he speaks, Bush did not. Bush was held accountable for everything he did wrong and even things he didn't deserve, while Obama is never held accountable for anything.

Obama is a liar and a corrupt politician of the first order. He isn't worthy of respect.
I know a guy who can look at two turds and instantly know everything about them - who dropped them, what they ate, how long the turds been lying there etc. I am not an expert on turds, but I know turds when I see them and Bush and Obama and Clinton and all the other aholes one can expect to see on TV are pure turds, NOT human beings which I could ever have as friends or respect in any way.
I don't call obama a president. I don't give him the most trivial emblem of respect by capitalizing his name. I would not shake his hand. I am not the leader of the world just the leader of myself. I claim my own integrity by rejecting obama and everything he stands for.

He's an American, you're not.

He's not an American (jumping up and down shaking fists and stamping feet) (-:
Obama is the best president of the 21st century it's just that white men are racist.
I call myself a leader of the world not because I am insane, or a 10 year old or on drugs, I do so because of my total disrespect for the world's establishment, which I have explained includes not only democrat/republican party in America, but Russia's Putin and all the other goofball puppets of the international bankers. I have precisely ZERO respect for all those people, including the popes, ayatollahs, baba oreileys, Rachael meadows and so on. THEY on the other hand, posing as government WATCH DOGS, CRITICS of the establishment keep playing their game like most people on the forums. They are all a FRAUD, PART of the establishment, and they know full well at when and at whom it is ok to bark, and when it is time to stop barking etc. THAT IS WHY, people like me have been banned from practically ALL political forums, this is the only forum on which I remain - it's like if 300 years ago you would not have believed that the earth is flat, you would not have had a job as an astronomer, you could have went to work as a peasant, (or in today's term McDonalds) - You HAVE to believe what they tell you.

This also explains why back in 2008 I remember Dennis Kucinich who was a fierce critic of Bush, calling Bush a war criminal while onstage in the debates, why I have then seen him off stage during Bush's state of the Union Address, as he was walking through the isle, and Dennis Kucinich was trying to reach out and shake George Bush's hand.

So if there are people here who happen to NOT think that Obama, Bush, Clinton are/were leaders, let us create a government for the people and not wait for the return of Jesus Christ to do so after we are gone.

Mr. Abrutis, spokesman of the new world government.
I am convinced that you are an insane 10 year old on drugs.:badgrin:
Republicans will claim it is only fair based on how Bush was treated

But the country rallied around the office of president after 9-11. Bush had unparalleled support from both parties and 85% approval.

The Democrats did not turn against Bush until his botched Iraq invasion with no WMDs to be found

Contrast Barack Obama whom the Republicans refused to support from the first day he took office. Obama must fail took precidence over the recovery of our economy, two wars, a bipartisan healthcare bill and the war on terror

Republicans questioned the legitimacy of his presidency with bogus birth certificate nonsense and claims of widespread cheating

Republicans have never respected the man or the office

Liberals went back to hating america, before the smoke was smoldering. Liberals have short memories.

Ah yes.......how soon we forget
Obama is a liberal so that means he hates America

Do you still wonder why people don't take you seriously?
I call myself a leader of the world not because I am insane, or a 10 year old or on drugs, I do so because of my total disrespect for the world's establishment, which I have explained includes not only democrat/republican party in America, but Russia's Putin and all the other goofball puppets of the international bankers. I have precisely ZERO respect for all those people, including the popes, ayatollahs, baba oreileys, Rachael meadows and so on. THEY on the other hand, posing as government WATCH DOGS, CRITICS of the establishment keep playing their game like most people on the forums. They are all a FRAUD, PART of the establishment, and they know full well at when and at whom it is ok to bark, and when it is time to stop barking etc. THAT IS WHY, people like me have been banned from practically ALL political forums, this is the only forum on which I remain - it's like if 300 years ago you would not have believed that the earth is flat, you would not have had a job as an astronomer, you could have went to work as a peasant, (or in today's term McDonalds) - You HAVE to believe what they tell you.

This also explains why back in 2008 I remember Dennis Kucinich who was a fierce critic of Bush, calling Bush a war criminal while onstage in the debates, why I have then seen him off stage during Bush's state of the Union Address, as he was walking through the isle, and Dennis Kucinich was trying to reach out and shake George Bush's hand.

So if there are people here who happen to NOT think that Obama, Bush, Clinton are/were leaders, let us create a government for the people and not wait for the return of Jesus Christ to do so after we are gone.

Mr. Abrutis, spokesman of the new world government.

I call myself a leader of the world not because I am insane, or a 10 year old or on drugs, I do so because of my total disrespect for the world's establishment, which I have explained includes not only democrat/republican party in America, but Russia's Putin and all the other goofball puppets of the international bankers. I have precisely ZERO respect for all those people, including the popes, ayatollahs, baba oreileys, Rachael meadows and so on. THEY on the other hand, posing as government WATCH DOGS, CRITICS of the establishment keep playing their game like most people on the forums. They are all a FRAUD, PART of the establishment, and they know full well at when and at whom it is ok to bark, and when it is time to stop barking etc. THAT IS WHY, people like me have been banned from practically ALL political forums, this is the only forum on which I remain - it's like if 300 years ago you would not have believed that the earth is flat, you would not have had a job as an astronomer, you could have went to work as a peasant, (or in today's term McDonalds) - You HAVE to believe what they tell you.

This also explains why back in 2008 I remember Dennis Kucinich who was a fierce critic of Bush, calling Bush a war criminal while onstage in the debates, why I have then seen him off stage during Bush's state of the Union Address, as he was walking through the isle, and Dennis Kucinich was trying to reach out and shake George Bush's hand.

So if there are people here who happen to NOT think that Obama, Bush, Clinton are/were leaders, let us create a government for the people and not wait for the return of Jesus Christ to do so after we are gone.

Mr. Abrutis, spokesman of the new world government.
I am convinced that you are an insane 10 year old on drugs.:badgrin:
I would not be surprised if they convinced you that Americans have landed on Mars, or that USA defeated international bankers in WW2
He's an American, you're not.

I'm an American. America is a dead country. There is a landmass still called America. It is occupied by various tribes fighting over the resources. They won't even recognize the same flag.

I cannot help but wonder why you stay here if it's a dead country.

because she knows if she goes somewhere else she aint going to have what she has here....if the Republicans win the Presidency you watch how all of a sudden Katz will say this Country is alive again EVEN THOUGH the fucking Republicans will hardly change anything and everyone will be here bitching about the same shit...but Katz will be here saying how great things are.....bottom line....Katz is a PARTY person first and foremost....
Stick your race card up your ass, sideways.

Can't answer the question? You're forcing me to assume that race IS the differentiating factor.

only to the bigots.....
One should be able to explain how Obama and Bush is different if he is to criticize one over the other - I for example see no difference between the two other than the party affiliation and skin color: both bailed out banks, both bombed other nations, both repeatedly lied to the American people, both served the interests of international bankers rather than American people
How come the left talks about "respect" only during democrat administrations? Hollywood disrespected the Bush presidency so much that they promoted a movie depicting his assassination while he was in office. What was the name of the movie again, oh yeah, "the assassination of George Bush". While we weren't looking they made a movie they called "W" during his administration and we get to see it on Showtime or HBO every time Barry Hussein gets in trouble. Bill Clinton is such a juicy subject for a movie that's a wonder how Hollywood moguls could hold themselves back. Maybe after Hillary leaves the spotlight.
How come the left talks about "respect" only during democrat administrations? Hollywood disrespected the Bush presidency so much that they promoted a movie depicting his assassination while he was in office. What was the name of the movie again, oh yeah, "the assassination of George Bush". While we weren't looking they made a movie they called "W" during his administration and we get to see it on Showtime or HBO every time Barry Hussein gets in trouble. Bill Clinton is such a juicy subject for a movie that's a wonder how Hollywood moguls could hold themselves back. Maybe after Hillary leaves the spotlight.
Yep, the left really hates the right and vice verse, to demonstrate I bring you back to the point made in OP of this thread:
This also explains why back in 2008 I remember Dennis Kucinich who was a fierce critic of Bush, calling Bush a war criminal while onstage in the debates, why I have then seen him off stage during Bush's state of the Union Address, as he was walking through the isle, and Dennis Kucinich was trying to reach out and shake George Bush's hand.
Can't answer the question? You're forcing me to assume that race IS the differentiating factor.

only to the bigots.....
One should be able to explain how Obama and Bush is different if he is to criticize one over the other - I for example see no difference between the two other than the party affiliation and skin color: both bailed out banks, both bombed other nations, both repeatedly lied to the American people, both served the interests of international bankers rather than American people
and both were and are....piss poor leaders....
only to the bigots.....
One should be able to explain how Obama and Bush is different if he is to criticize one over the other - I for example see no difference between the two other than the party affiliation and skin color: both bailed out banks, both bombed other nations, both repeatedly lied to the American people, both served the interests of international bankers rather than American people
and both were and are....piss poor leaders....
There is a difference between a puppet and a leader
One should be able to explain how Obama and Bush is different if he is to criticize one over the other - I for example see no difference between the two other than the party affiliation and skin color: both bailed out banks, both bombed other nations, both repeatedly lied to the American people, both served the interests of international bankers rather than American people
and both were and are....piss poor leaders....
There is a difference between a puppet and a leader
they are all puppets.....but some of the puppets have leadership qualities.....Bush and Obama?.....forget it.....
I have no problem giving him the respect of his office. You don't have to agree with everything someone says or does to treat them as a decent human being.
YOU I assume also do not care about the fact that in your "Christian" nation the word satan requires to be capitalized, while the word saint, or god does NOT. (sorry for my bad English in misspelling satan)

Totally irrelevant even if you weren't wrong.
I have no problem giving him the respect of his office. You don't have to agree with everything someone says or does to treat them as a decent human being.
YOU I assume also do not care about the fact that in your "Christian" nation the word satan requires to be capitalized, while the word saint, or god does NOT. (sorry for my bad English in misspelling satan)

Totally irrelevant even if you weren't wrong.
Sneaky statement, especially for someone who claims to be a Christian. I am not wrong that satan is considered misspelled if not capitalized, try it yourself right here, and that saint or god is ok not capitalized. and it is very relevant to my claim that we are living under a satanic rule, only as a fraud believer in Christ you claim it is irrelevant because you do not even care about defending Christ's sainthood and all he really stands for - you would rather just read a book written by men some of whom orchestrated his assassination.
Can't answer the question? You're forcing me to assume that race IS the differentiating factor.

only to the bigots.....
One should be able to explain how Obama and Bush is different if he is to criticize one over the other - I for example see no difference between the two other than the party affiliation and skin color: both bailed out banks, both bombed other nations, both repeatedly lied to the American people, both served the interests of international bankers rather than American people

I already explained how they are different. Did you miss it? Try post #40.

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