If you call Obama a president you RESPECT him, same with others

Obie's a rip-off.........sucha rip-off.........

The Democratic Party anthem:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnrGwJt2Tm4]T. Rex - Rip off - YouTube[/ame]
I have no problem giving him the respect of his office. You don't have to agree with everything someone says or does to treat them as a decent human being.
YOU I assume also do not care about the fact that in your "Christian" nation the word satan requires to be capitalized, while the word saint, or god does NOT. (sorry for my bad English in misspelling satan)
I don't call obama a president. I don't give him the most trivial emblem of respect by capitalizing his name. I would not shake his hand. I am not the leader of the world just the leader of myself. I claim my own integrity by rejecting obama and everything he stands for.

He's an American, you're not.

I'm an American. America is a dead country. There is a landmass still called America. It is occupied by various tribes fighting over the resources. They won't even recognize the same flag.

Yes, Americans recognize the American flag. Hence, you're not an American.
I don't call obama a president. I don't give him the most trivial emblem of respect by capitalizing his name. I would not shake his hand. I am not the leader of the world just the leader of myself. I claim my own integrity by rejecting obama and everything he stands for.

He's an American, you're not.

I'm an American. America is a dead country. There is a landmass still called America. It is occupied by various tribes fighting over the resources. They won't even recognize the same flag.

I cannot help but wonder why you stay here if it's a dead country.
Mr. Obama was legally elected the President of the United States. If you fail to respect that, then you fail to respect the instituions of our government. Basically, you are saying that if you can't have it your way then you are not going to play at all. Childish, but I don't think there are any laws which require people to act like adults.
I was ALSO legally elected, not just by the chickens on my property, but also by the birds that show up here to eat the seeds on my ballot box. I set up a ballot box couple years ago, with my name on it (idea I got from US style elections) and every time a chicken or a bird stepped on it, he voted for me. I realize that all these birds may not have been as intelligent as all the voters who managed to PRESS the button (for candidate this or candidate that), but nonetheless, I am now the elected leader - there were a bunch of independent candidates also running against me, but they were not worth placing on the ballot, since everyone here, my dogs and my chickens always focus on me, they already KNEW I am the leader even before elections. elections were just to make it official, AND IF YOU, do not recognize me as the leader of the world..... let's just say my last name is Abrutis, maybe you can get a hint of what it means.

ps. the best the political community could do about my legitimate win of elections was BAN me. and soon maybe you will not see me here either, because this is the last forum I am on, I have no access to no politicalforum.com politicaldebate, or any other forums that I once frequented and was always among the most polite members - I just did not play their game right.
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I call myself a leader of the world not because I am insane, or a 10 year old or on drugs, I do so because of my total disrespect for the world's establishment, which I have explained includes not only democrat/republican party in America, but Russia's Putin and all the other goofball puppets of the international bankers. I have precisely ZERO respect for all those people, including the popes, ayatollahs, baba oreileys, Rachael meadows and so on. THEY on the other hand, posing as government WATCH DOGS, CRITICS of the establishment keep playing their game like most people on the forums. They are all a FRAUD, PART of the establishment, and they know full well at when and at whom it is ok to bark, and when it is time to stop barking etc. THAT IS WHY, people like me have been banned from practically ALL political forums, this is the only forum on which I remain - it's like if 300 years ago you would not have believed that the earth is flat, you would not have had a job as an astronomer, you could have went to work as a peasant, (or in today's term McDonalds) - You HAVE to believe what they tell you.

This also explains why back in 2008 I remember Dennis Kucinich who was a fierce critic of Bush, calling Bush a war criminal while onstage in the debates, why I have then seen him off stage during Bush's state of the Union Address, as he was walking through the isle, and Dennis Kucinich was trying to reach out and shake George Bush's hand.

So if there are people here who happen to NOT think that Obama, Bush, Clinton are/were leaders, let us create a government for the people and not wait for the return of Jesus Christ to do so after we are gone.

Mr. Abrutis, spokesman of the new world government.

Which disrespectful proper noun do you prefer to be called by? Dick/ Shithead? Asshole?? Please elaborate so we know which is your favorite...
Asshole is fine. And be sure to look right into me when you talk, coz I've been eating a lot of onions...
I don't call obama a president. I don't give him the most trivial emblem of respect by capitalizing his name. I would not shake his hand. I am not the leader of the world just the leader of myself. I claim my own integrity by rejecting obama and everything he stands for.

He's an American, you're not.

I'm an American. America is a dead country. There is a landmass still called America. It is occupied by various tribes fighting over the resources. They won't even recognize the same flag.
This is so true.
I personally do not care about flag, and as for your father who passed away who was in the fighting force in Normandy I do not believe they fought for our freedoms, but that aside, your post is right on.
Seems like a bunch of butthurt over two lost elections

Yes, and though I believe Bush II to be among the worst in US history, I wished him no physical harm, nor disrespect. Odd, how many can claim Obama is so terrible* after 9/11, New Orleans deaths, and Iraq, all Bush's Follies.

*I am not ranking Obama with John or John Q. Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, Truman, nor Eisenhower.
I don't have an ounce of respect for the jerk currently occupying the White House. I wouldn't even cross the street to see the jackass in person, and he's the only president in my lifetime I'd say that about.

Also the only black president. Coincidence?

Because other than skin color, how is he so different than Bush?

Stick your race card up your ass, sideways.
I don't have an ounce of respect for the jerk currently occupying the White House. I wouldn't even cross the street to see the jackass in person, and he's the only president in my lifetime I'd say that about.

Also the only black president. Coincidence?

Because other than skin color, how is he so different than Bush?

Stick your race card up your ass, sideways.

Can't answer the question? You're forcing me to assume that race IS the differentiating factor.
Republicans will claim it is only fair based on how Bush was treated

But the country rallied around the office of president after 9-11. Bush had unparalleled support from both parties and 85% approval.

The Democrats did not turn against Bush until his botched Iraq invasion with no WMDs to be found

Contrast Barack Obama whom the Republicans refused to support from the first day he took office. Obama must fail took precidence over the recovery of our economy, two wars, a bipartisan healthcare bill and the war on terror

Republicans questioned the legitimacy of his presidency with bogus birth certificate nonsense and claims of widespread cheating

Republicans have never respected the man or the office

Liberals went back to hating america, before the smoke was smoldering. Liberals have short memories.
Also the only black president. Coincidence?

Because other than skin color, how is he so different than Bush?

Stick your race card up your ass, sideways.

Can't answer the question? You're forcing me to assume that race IS the differentiating factor.

Isn't that the same reason white liberals crucified Herman Cain, because he was black? I wouldn't call others racist when you prove to be the same. Just saying.
Stick your race card up your ass, sideways.

Can't answer the question? You're forcing me to assume that race IS the differentiating factor.

Isn't that the same reason white liberals crucified Herman Cain, because he was black? I wouldn't call others racist when you prove to be the same. Just saying.

Yeah, we like one black guy but not another. That proves racism. Solid point.
Also the only black president. Coincidence?

Because other than skin color, how is he so different than Bush?

Stick your race card up your ass, sideways.

Can't answer the question? You're forcing me to assume that race IS the differentiating factor.
Very true, those who can not explain how Obama is different than Bush other than the skin color or party affiliation and at the same time act like one of the two is somehow better than the other, are full of it
Stick your race card up your ass, sideways.

Can't answer the question? You're forcing me to assume that race IS the differentiating factor.

Isn't that the same reason white liberals crucified Herman Cain, because he was black? I wouldn't call others racist when you prove to be the same. Just saying.
I can not speak for liberals, but I figured out the turd named Herman Cain the day he insulted Ron Paul back in 2008 by telling how out of the 4, (Bachmann, Rick Perry and Mitt Romney) Ron Paul had no chance to win... And then Herman Cain became the official tea party spokesman on January 24th 2012
Also the only black president. Coincidence?

Because other than skin color, how is he so different than Bush?

Stick your race card up your ass, sideways.

Can't answer the question? You're forcing me to assume that race IS the differentiating factor.
You're free to interpret your insinuation any way you'd like. It's sort of like talking to yourself which lots of folks with a few loose screws do. .
I have never ever called him president. I have never ever put that title before his name. I never will.

Respect? That's bull shit. I not only don't respect him, I hate the fucker. Not only will he never get any respect from me, I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.
Stick your race card up your ass, sideways.

Can't answer the question? You're forcing me to assume that race IS the differentiating factor.
Very true, those who can not explain how Obama is different than Bush other than the skin color or party affiliation and at the same time act like one of the two is somehow better than the other, are full of it

I didn't like or respect Bush but there is a HUGE difference between him and Obama. Obama lies every time he speaks, Bush did not. Bush was held accountable for everything he did wrong and even things he didn't deserve, while Obama is never held accountable for anything.

Obama is a liar and a corrupt politician of the first order. He isn't worthy of respect.

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