If you call Obama a president you RESPECT him, same with others

Can't answer the question? You're forcing me to assume that race IS the differentiating factor.
Very true, those who can not explain how Obama is different than Bush other than the skin color or party affiliation and at the same time act like one of the two is somehow better than the other, are full of it

I didn't like or respect Bush but there is a HUGE difference between him and Obama. Obama lies every time he speaks, Bush did not. Bush was held accountable for everything he did wrong and even things he didn't deserve, while Obama is never held accountable for anything.

Obama is a liar and a corrupt politician of the first order. He isn't worthy of respect.

only to the bigots.....
One should be able to explain how Obama and Bush is different if he is to criticize one over the other - I for example see no difference between the two other than the party affiliation and skin color: both bailed out banks, both bombed other nations, both repeatedly lied to the American people, both served the interests of international bankers rather than American people

I already explained how they are different. Did you miss it? Try post #40.
Above is your post #40, there is a lie in it, here is a video of Bush Lying, which makes him identical to Obama:

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I have no problem giving him the respect of his office. You don't have to agree with everything someone says or does to treat them as a decent human being.
Obama has no business being in that Office. He should have been removed long ago.
Republicans will claim it is only fair based on how Bush was treated

But the country rallied around the office of president after 9-11. Bush had unparalleled support from both parties and 85% approval.

The Democrats did not turn against Bush until his botched Iraq invasion with no WMDs to be found

Contrast Barack Obama whom the Republicans refused to support from the first day he took office. Obama must fail took precidence over the recovery of our economy, two wars, a bipartisan healthcare bill and the war on terror

Republicans questioned the legitimacy of his presidency with bogus birth certificate nonsense and claims of widespread cheating

Republicans have never respected the man or the office
Bi-partisan healthcare Bill?????????????? No wonder it is pointless to take people like you seriously.
Also the only black president. Coincidence?

Because other than skin color, how is he so different than Bush?

Stick your race card up your ass, sideways.

Can't answer the question? You're forcing me to assume that race IS the differentiating factor.

Blastoff was spot on telling you to shove your race card up your ass. Obama is the worst president this country ever had and that doesn't matter what his skin color is. You people need to open your eyes and start looking beyond his skin color if you want to earn credibility.
You respect the office, not the man.

The office should be respected. The man has to earn it.

If Obama wants respect, then why does he keep creating so many disasters and then lying about them again and again?

the left and Democrat party had shown ABSOLUTE and OPEN Disrespect for President Bush
I don't want to hear them demand we have to Respect Obama..I have none for him even as a human being

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