If you can't make it in this country ... you are a loser

Donald doesn't pay no tax either. And he got a hand out.

Cool. Anything on my OP?
Yeah, the gummit didn't cause the meltdown ... unless you consider a lack of regulatory oversight of lenders a cause.
Actually Bill Clinton signed the deregulation that removed the once very sharp dividing lines between banks, insurance companies and investment firms which made too big to fail possible
And it was GOP legislation. Of course nothing went wrong until Boooshie regulators came in and the market shifted from F+F to GOP crony private companies.
Clinton signed it he owns it.
You seem to forget the veto power the president has
You're not the only one in this discussion with lots of information about what they did and how they did it, but that's not what the thread is about
If you believe, even for a moment, that BG earned his wealth with head held high, you're a sociopath.

I could tell you stories about how I know he didn't. You just don't want to discuss the subject. Start a thread on Bill Gates and I'll share
Yeah, like he hasn't sued smaller companies and given away software for free, like Navigator, in order to destroy the competition.
I love the time he tried to Trademark the "Loop"...were you cheering for the asshole on that one?
The problem is that you, as an MBA, think like a barracuda while other people actually try to get the work done.

So you're a **** spreading your legs because you can't take up my offer to say my experience with Bill Gate's Microsoft. Figures

This coming from someone who calls the unemployed and underemployed losers.
Somehow you fail to hurt feelings.
You're a business whore so of course you love MS.

Strawman. I never said people don't have challenges in life. Try reading the OP again
Can't believe he has that much in 1% interest accountant Isn't that what banks and CD's paying?

All that matters is that BG does NOTHING for anyone but HIMSELF.
Not to mention BG investing in Pharmaceuticals in Africa because they're allowed to experiment on humans.
But what the heck, after all, most of those human guinea pigs are Black.
Yep, BG is a FINE human being.

Bill Gates doesn't stop anyone from being successful in this country, you're still a loser
He doesn't stop anyone from being successful as long as what they're doing has zero to do with automation.
If he can't destroy them, he's forced to buy them.
He spends all of his time on Capitol Hill trying to open up the floodgates of America.
Look you dependency whore, I have no love of Bill Gates. You're too pussy to back up your crap. But Bill Gates stops no one from making their own way

Tell that to all the non-Indian companies that created great VBXs and OCXs.
His Indian invasion destroyed an entire industry of excellence in Software Development.
Thankfully Apple came along to crush the Steal, Copyright and Sue POS.

So they quit trying and failed in life because they had a setback with Bill Gates? What a bunch of losers.

Look man, read the OP and comprehend it. The op doesn't say people don't have problems or setbacks. Stop being a moron
The reality is that people want to make excuses.

Anything can be accomplished within the bounds of any persons talent and ability and many times just plain old stubbornness and drive trumps talent.

But the sad fact is most people would rather not give up their TV time or their over 40 softball beer league for fat guys in order to succeed
I'm sick of all the whining from the left that the unions created the middle class and tax cuts for the rich and blah blah. This is the richest country in the history of man. The "poor" don't pay taxes and get endless government payouts. The middle class pay little. If you're black or female, companies are seeking you out to increase their diversity.

If you are an able bodied person in this country, you can do anything. No one in history has had it so good. The opportunity is endless. Your parents were willing to sacrifice and work for their children. Too many people today just want it easy. I put myself through college, worked full time while getting my first masters degree and borrowed and paid off the second one. No one gave me shit but a loving, stable home. The money and opportunity I did on my own.

How anyone can fail in the United States of America is beyond me.. Those of you saying you can't succeed because of the system are a bunch of lazy whiners, get off your ass and get to work if you want more money. Stop asking government to take it from someone who earned it and give it to you. Earn it. Your parents should have had this talk with you before you left home


I believe a Tampon, Midol and Bonbons are needed instead of a tissue...

So you see not blaming your problems on other people as a chick thing? I guess you're not a chick then, Bruce
I'm sick of all the whining from the left that the unions created the middle class and tax cuts for the rich and blah blah. This is the richest country in the history of man. The "poor" don't pay taxes and get endless government payouts. The middle class pay little. If you're black or female, companies are seeking you out to increase their diversity.

If you are an able bodied person in this country, you can do anything. No one in history has had it so good. The opportunity is endless. Your parents were willing to sacrifice and work for their children. Too many people today just want it easy. I put myself through college, worked full time while getting my first masters degree and borrowed and paid off the second one. No one gave me shit but a loving, stable home. The money and opportunity I did on my own.

How anyone can fail in the United States of America is beyond me.. Those of you saying you can't succeed because of the system are a bunch of lazy whiners, get off your ass and get to work if you want more money. Stop asking government to take it from someone who earned it and give it to you. Earn it. Your parents should have had this talk with you before you left home

Well when the Government make it impossible to start a small business because of regulations make it harder to get ahead in life, so yeah I can see how it is hard for some like me.

The financial capital to start out with today is not the same as it was when I started my first business. Also the regulations today make it more costly, so yeah it is harder.

Your opinion is based on someone working for someone and for me I prefer to work for myself ( well for my clients ) and not for another person as my boss unless again it is my clients.

People have to make the choice and sacrifice and those in states like California have a harder time running a small business than in a state like Texas.

So yeah it can be hard.

Now what you have to say to my response?

You're just using the point I'm making, excuses, blaming government. I hate government and they fuck small businesses, but saying it's impossible is crap. Stop making up shit like "Your opinion is based on someone working for someone," I did no such thing
I'm sick of all the whining from the left that the unions created the middle class and tax cuts for the rich and blah blah. This is the richest country in the history of man. The "poor" don't pay taxes and get endless government payouts. The middle class pay little. If you're black or female, companies are seeking you out to increase their diversity.

If you are an able bodied person in this country, you can do anything. No one in history has had it so good. The opportunity is endless. Your parents were willing to sacrifice and work for their children. Too many people today just want it easy. I put myself through college, worked full time while getting my first masters degree and borrowed and paid off the second one. No one gave me shit but a loving, stable home. The money and opportunity I did on my own.

How anyone can fail in the United States of America is beyond me.. Those of you saying you can't succeed because of the system are a bunch of lazy whiners, get off your ass and get to work if you want more money. Stop asking government to take it from someone who earned it and give it to you. Earn it. Your parents should have had this talk with you before you left home

"Even the Losers get lucky sometimes...."

Your right though, all people need is a good home life , that really helps a lot.

It does help for sure. Though nothing is perfect. My dad was a dead beat. Now here's irony. He was an expert in child support enforcement. He consulted for the government on child support enforcement and testified in the US Senate and was quoted in the media including USA Today for his expertise.

He also was a deadbeat who didn't pay my mother child the court ordered child support for his three kids. The only reason he wasn't in his own reports was my mother wouldn't take him to court.

I put myself through college and ended up with two graduate degrees I also took care of with no help. If you want it, there is always a way. Especially in this country
Donald doesn't pay no tax either. And he got a hand out.

Cool. Anything on my OP?
Yeah, the gummit didn't cause the meltdown ... unless you consider a lack of regulatory oversight of lenders a cause.
Actually Bill Clinton signed the deregulation that removed the once very sharp dividing lines between banks, insurance companies and investment firms which made too big to fail possible

The left keeps pushing that lie it was a "lack of regulatory oversight." Actually, sub prime loans was an actual agenda of government. They coerced banks to lower their lending standards and funded it with zero interest loans. Partisan leftists like bendog don't care what actually happened, a government caused meltdown is as good as any other reason to them to advocate MORE government
Donald doesn't pay no tax either. And he got a hand out.

Cool. Anything on my OP?
Yeah, the gummit didn't cause the meltdown ... unless you consider a lack of regulatory oversight of lenders a cause.
Actually Bill Clinton signed the deregulation that removed the once very sharp dividing lines between banks, insurance companies and investment firms which made too big to fail possible

The left keeps pushing that lie it was a "lack of regulatory oversight." Actually, sub prime loans was an actual agenda of government. They coerced banks to lower their lending standards and funded it with zero interest loans. Partisan leftists like bendog don't care what actually happened, a government caused meltdown is as good as any other reason to them to advocate MORE government

The fed has held interest rates at zero now for over 7 years basically creating the current stock bubble just like subprime loans created the housing bubble

There will be another recession in the next 24 months.
Donald doesn't pay no tax either. And he got a hand out.

Cool. Anything on my OP?
Yeah, the gummit didn't cause the meltdown ... unless you consider a lack of regulatory oversight of lenders a cause.
Actually Bill Clinton signed the deregulation that removed the once very sharp dividing lines between banks, insurance companies and investment firms which made too big to fail possible

The left keeps pushing that lie it was a "lack of regulatory oversight." Actually, sub prime loans was an actual agenda of government. They coerced banks to lower their lending standards and funded it with zero interest loans. Partisan leftists like bendog don't care what actually happened, a government caused meltdown is as good as any other reason to them to advocate MORE government

The fed has held interest rates at zero now for over 7 years basically creating the current stock bubble just like subprime loans created the housing bubble

There will be another recession in the next 24 months.

History is doomed to be repeated by government every time
OMG yet another liberal who has no grasp of business or how vampire Democrats suck the life out of businesses and ruin them.

Gee, still blaming others.

Gee, still trolling. Here have an eye roll /eyeroll
The OP said stop blaming others.
But lets unpack your “logic”.

You say “vampire Democrats suck the life out of businesses and ruin them”. By that logic, every business in an industry that had the live “sucked out of it” should have failed.

But only Drumpfs and some others did.

Other casinos in Atlantic City are still open. Why did Drumpf’s Taj Mahal fail (1 year after it opened) ? Surely the regulations were the same for the ones that are still open…

Trump’s Plaza Hotel in NYC filed bankruptcy. Other hotels in NYC are still open. I know, I’ve stayed at them. Why did his go belly up?

Your asinine argument that regulations forced just him out of business is as full of shit as you are.

Must suck to see your Messiah file bankruptcy 4 times in less than 20 years.

PS: Where are his tax returns?

He didn't file personal bankruptcy idiot god its like talking to a brick wall. Go back to school, start in the 5th grade try to learn something this time.

You knew what I meant. Okay, why did his businesses fail and others are still there raking in money?

Using your (ahem) logic its the homeowners fault a flood washed away their house, shit happens. But since you want me to slap you silly I'll oblige you. Lets say you spend 3 years and $11 million dollars to start up a new coal mine in West Virginia and you comply with every Federal regulation required. You are weeks from opening the mine and employing hundreds of people. Then an asshole named Obama gets elected and instructs the EPA to make up a bunch of new regulations and requirements at the last minute and shuts you down and you lose all your investment. True story, the two senators from West Virginia sent scathing letters to the Obama administration to no avail.
Trump's four bankruptcies must equal making it.

If you own 100 companies and only 4 go bankrupt that's a pretty good record. You realize his casino in Atlantic City was only one of many which went bankrupt due to sky high NJ taxes and casino's springing up in other nearby states which gutted Atlantic City's casino business right. In short your post is dishonest and ignorant.
How many go out of business in Vegas ?? There's 100's there

LOL don't ever start a business, trust me on this. :cuckoo:
owned a very successful one for 35-40 years and trust you??? lol lol
Trump's four bankruptcies must equal making it.

If you own 100 companies and only 4 go bankrupt that's a pretty good record. You realize his casino in Atlantic City was only one of many which went bankrupt due to sky high NJ taxes and casino's springing up in other nearby states which gutted Atlantic City's casino business right. In short your post is dishonest and ignorant.
How many go out of business in Vegas ?? There's 100's there

LOL don't ever start a business, trust me on this. :cuckoo:
owned a very successful one for 35-40 years and trust you??? lol lol

I'd be shocked if you owned your own sock drawer lib.
Gee, still blaming others.

Gee, still trolling. Here have an eye roll /eyeroll
The OP said stop blaming others.
But lets unpack your “logic”.

You say “vampire Democrats suck the life out of businesses and ruin them”. By that logic, every business in an industry that had the live “sucked out of it” should have failed.

But only Drumpfs and some others did.

Other casinos in Atlantic City are still open. Why did Drumpf’s Taj Mahal fail (1 year after it opened) ? Surely the regulations were the same for the ones that are still open…

Trump’s Plaza Hotel in NYC filed bankruptcy. Other hotels in NYC are still open. I know, I’ve stayed at them. Why did his go belly up?

Your asinine argument that regulations forced just him out of business is as full of shit as you are.

Must suck to see your Messiah file bankruptcy 4 times in less than 20 years.

PS: Where are his tax returns?

He didn't file personal bankruptcy idiot god its like talking to a brick wall. Go back to school, start in the 5th grade try to learn something this time.

You knew what I meant. Okay, why did his businesses fail and others are still there raking in money?

Using your (ahem) logic its the homeowners fault a flood washed away their house, shit happens.
No. If a flood happens, everyone on the street is flooded. When you file bankruptcy, YOU failed. When Montgomery Ward filed bankruptcy, for example, Sears, JC Penny, Dullards and Macy’s who were all pretty much in the same markets under the same regulations kept on trucking. The same thing happened with Trump 4 times in 20 years. Sorry, those are the facts.

But since you want me to slap you silly I'll oblige you. Lets say you spend 3 years and $11 million dollars to start up a new coal mine in West Virginia and you comply with every Federal regulation required. You are weeks from opening the mine and employing hundreds of people. Then an asshole named Obama gets elected and instructs the EPA to make up a bunch of new regulations and requirements at the last minute and shuts you down and you lose all your investment. True story, the two senators from West Virginia sent scathing letters to the Obama administration to no avail.
Did Donald Drumpf own a coal mine? No.
If he did, all of the coal mines would be hit with the same regulations and all would suffer the same penalty. The coal mine on your left and the coal mine on your right would have the same hit…right? Can’t wait until you try to come up with an excuse for that one.
So if only your coal mine and some two streets over goes belly up, something is wrong with your mine that isn’t wrong with the neighbors.

Back to reality:

Drumpf owned a casino. He did the impossible, lost money at it.
He owned a hotel in NYC. He lost money at it.

Other casinos are still going in AC. :funnyface:
Other hotels are still going strong. :funnyface:

Obviously he didn’t run his shop correctly. Happens every day and there is no disgrace in it until you try to spin it a different way.

Coal mines? Is that the best you got? :lmao:
Trump's four bankruptcies must equal making it.

If you own 100 companies and only 4 go bankrupt that's a pretty good record. You realize his casino in Atlantic City was only one of many which went bankrupt due to sky high NJ taxes and casino's springing up in other nearby states which gutted Atlantic City's casino business right. In short your post is dishonest and ignorant.
How many go out of business in Vegas ?? There's 100's there

LOL don't ever start a business, trust me on this. :cuckoo:
owned a very successful one for 35-40 years and trust you??? lol lol

I'd be shocked if you owned your own sock drawer lib.
Then go get shocked ,,,retired now and own the RE Collecting rents is easier than retail business
Gee, still trolling. Here have an eye roll /eyeroll
The OP said stop blaming others.
But lets unpack your “logic”.

You say “vampire Democrats suck the life out of businesses and ruin them”. By that logic, every business in an industry that had the live “sucked out of it” should have failed.

But only Drumpfs and some others did.

Other casinos in Atlantic City are still open. Why did Drumpf’s Taj Mahal fail (1 year after it opened) ? Surely the regulations were the same for the ones that are still open…

Trump’s Plaza Hotel in NYC filed bankruptcy. Other hotels in NYC are still open. I know, I’ve stayed at them. Why did his go belly up?

Your asinine argument that regulations forced just him out of business is as full of shit as you are.

Must suck to see your Messiah file bankruptcy 4 times in less than 20 years.

PS: Where are his tax returns?

He didn't file personal bankruptcy idiot god its like talking to a brick wall. Go back to school, start in the 5th grade try to learn something this time.

You knew what I meant. Okay, why did his businesses fail and others are still there raking in money?

Using your (ahem) logic its the homeowners fault a flood washed away their house, shit happens.
No. If a flood happens, everyone on the street is flooded. When you file bankruptcy, YOU failed. When Montgomery Ward filed bankruptcy, for example, Sears, JC Penny, Dullards and Macy’s who were all pretty much in the same markets under the same regulations kept on trucking. The same thing happened with Trump 4 times in 20 years. Sorry, those are the facts.

But since you want me to slap you silly I'll oblige you. Lets say you spend 3 years and $11 million dollars to start up a new coal mine in West Virginia and you comply with every Federal regulation required. You are weeks from opening the mine and employing hundreds of people. Then an asshole named Obama gets elected and instructs the EPA to make up a bunch of new regulations and requirements at the last minute and shuts you down and you lose all your investment. True story, the two senators from West Virginia sent scathing letters to the Obama administration to no avail.
Did Donald Drumpf own a coal mine? No.
If he did, all of the coal mines would be hit with the same regulations and all would suffer the same penalty. The coal mine on your left and the coal mine on your right would have the same hit…right? Can’t wait until you try to come up with an excuse for that one.
So if only your coal mine and some two streets over goes belly up, something is wrong with your mine that isn’t wrong with the neighbors.

Back to reality:

Drumpf owned a casino. He did the impossible, lost money at it.
He owned a hotel in NYC. He lost money at it.

Other casinos are still going in AC. :funnyface:
Other hotels are still going strong. :funnyface:

Obviously he didn’t run his shop correctly. Happens every day and there is no disgrace in it until you try to spin it a different way.

Coal mines? Is that the best you got? :lmao:
Go to Borgata monthly Crowded ,,,, Trump is a con man
All that matters is that BG does NOTHING for anyone but HIMSELF.
Not to mention BG investing in Pharmaceuticals in Africa because they're allowed to experiment on humans.
But what the heck, after all, most of those human guinea pigs are Black.
Yep, BG is a FINE human being.

Bill Gates doesn't stop anyone from being successful in this country, you're still a loser
He doesn't stop anyone from being successful as long as what they're doing has zero to do with automation.
If he can't destroy them, he's forced to buy them.
He spends all of his time on Capitol Hill trying to open up the floodgates of America.
Look you dependency whore, I have no love of Bill Gates. You're too pussy to back up your crap. But Bill Gates stops no one from making their own way

Tell that to all the non-Indian companies that created great VBXs and OCXs.
His Indian invasion destroyed an entire industry of excellence in Software Development.
Thankfully Apple came along to crush the Steal, Copyright and Sue POS.

So they quit trying and failed in life because they had a setback with Bill Gates? What a bunch of losers.

Look man, read the OP and comprehend it. The op doesn't say people don't have problems or setbacks. Stop being a moron
You suceeded DUE to Gates.
The people who actually DID the work lost their careers.
Gee, still trolling. Here have an eye roll /eyeroll
The OP said stop blaming others.
But lets unpack your “logic”.

You say “vampire Democrats suck the life out of businesses and ruin them”. By that logic, every business in an industry that had the live “sucked out of it” should have failed.

But only Drumpfs and some others did.

Other casinos in Atlantic City are still open. Why did Drumpf’s Taj Mahal fail (1 year after it opened) ? Surely the regulations were the same for the ones that are still open…

Trump’s Plaza Hotel in NYC filed bankruptcy. Other hotels in NYC are still open. I know, I’ve stayed at them. Why did his go belly up?

Your asinine argument that regulations forced just him out of business is as full of shit as you are.

Must suck to see your Messiah file bankruptcy 4 times in less than 20 years.

PS: Where are his tax returns?

He didn't file personal bankruptcy idiot god its like talking to a brick wall. Go back to school, start in the 5th grade try to learn something this time.

You knew what I meant. Okay, why did his businesses fail and others are still there raking in money?

Using your (ahem) logic its the homeowners fault a flood washed away their house, shit happens.
No. If a flood happens, everyone on the street is flooded. When you file bankruptcy, YOU failed. When Montgomery Ward filed bankruptcy, for example, Sears, JC Penny, Dullards and Macy’s who were all pretty much in the same markets under the same regulations kept on trucking. The same thing happened with Trump 4 times in 20 years. Sorry, those are the facts.

But since you want me to slap you silly I'll oblige you. Lets say you spend 3 years and $11 million dollars to start up a new coal mine in West Virginia and you comply with every Federal regulation required. You are weeks from opening the mine and employing hundreds of people. Then an asshole named Obama gets elected and instructs the EPA to make up a bunch of new regulations and requirements at the last minute and shuts you down and you lose all your investment. True story, the two senators from West Virginia sent scathing letters to the Obama administration to no avail.
Did Donald Drumpf own a coal mine? No.
If he did, all of the coal mines would be hit with the same regulations and all would suffer the same penalty. The coal mine on your left and the coal mine on your right would have the same hit…right? Can’t wait until you try to come up with an excuse for that one.
So if only your coal mine and some two streets over goes belly up, something is wrong with your mine that isn’t wrong with the neighbors.

Back to reality:

Drumpf owned a casino. He did the impossible, lost money at it.
He owned a hotel in NYC. He lost money at it.

Other casinos are still going in AC. :funnyface:
Other hotels are still going strong. :funnyface:

Obviously he didn’t run his shop correctly. Happens every day and there is no disgrace in it until you try to spin it a different way.

Coal mines? Is that the best you got? :lmao:

I don't have time to read your manifesto lib.

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