If you can't make it in this country ... you are a loser

It's against my religion to succeed the way Bill Gates succeeded.

Yep. He worked
Copied, sued, lied...Please don't forget I followed MS from the early days and I know what a rat BG was and still is.

You're not the only one in this discussion with lots of information about what they did and how they did it, but that's not what the thread is about
If you believe, even for a moment, that BG earned his wealth with head held high, you're a sociopath.

I could tell you stories about how I know he didn't. You just don't want to discuss the subject. Start a thread on Bill Gates and I'll share
Yeah, like he hasn't sued smaller companies and given away software for free, like Navigator, in order to destroy the competition.
I love the time he tried to Trademark the "Loop"...were you cheering for the asshole on that one?
The problem is that you, as an MBA, think like a barracuda while other people actually try to get the work done.
Copied, sued, lied...Please don't forget I followed MS from the early days and I know what a rat BG was and still is.
But you think obama bill and hillary are rats too so your opinion means nothing to me Ever see how much BG gives to charity??
I truly apologize for not falling for either Parties bullshit.

Please tell me how much charity BG gives to India and the African Nations; he barely gives a penny to anyone else.
Also tell me about his Billion Dollar Foundations that only have $100,000,000.00 (or less) in them while he keep the other $900,000,000.00 in an Interest Bearing Account.
Please do tell.
Can't believe he has that much in 1% interest accountant Isn't that what banks and CD's paying?

All that matters is that BG does NOTHING for anyone but HIMSELF.
Not to mention BG investing in Pharmaceuticals in Africa because they're allowed to experiment on humans.
But what the heck, after all, most of those human guinea pigs are Black.
Yep, BG is a FINE human being.

Bill Gates doesn't stop anyone from being successful in this country, you're still a loser
He doesn't stop anyone from being successful as long as what they're doing has zero to do with automation.
If he can't destroy them, he's forced to buy them.
He spends all of his time on Capitol Hill trying to open up the floodgates of America.
Yeah that's always a convenient response for you cons huh? Blame Obama. It makes thinking simpler for you. Of course like i said these issues have been going on for DECADES.

Simple for us? Here are the last two sentences in your post:

The middle class is shrinking.

Republicans hold office.

Seems like you're doing a bit of blaming yourself.
We have millions of jobs in this country that are legitimate worthwhile jobs, they are deemed necessary, they require an honest day's work,
and yet the pay for these jobs is very low and hardly adequate to make a decent living on.

Those are what you call the jobs for losers. No person willing to do an honest day's work in a needed job should ever be considered a loser, no matter what the nature of the job is.

I can agree with your statement as long as they don't complain and blame everybody else for their plight. I think that's the OP's point.
I'm sick of all the whining from the left that the unions created the middle class and tax cuts for the rich and blah blah. This is the richest country in the history of man. The "poor" don't pay taxes and get endless government payouts. The middle class pay little. If you're black or female, companies are seeking you out to increase their diversity.

If you are an able bodied person in this country, you can do anything. No one in history has had it so good. The opportunity is endless. Your parents were willing to sacrifice and work for their children. Too many people today just want it easy. I put myself through college, worked full time while getting my first masters degree and borrowed and paid off the second one. No one gave me shit but a loving, stable home. The money and opportunity I did on my own.

How anyone can fail in the United States of America is beyond me.. Those of you saying you can't succeed because of the system are a bunch of lazy whiners, get off your ass and get to work if you want more money. Stop asking government to take it from someone who earned it and give it to you. Earn it. Your parents should have had this talk with you before you left home

This is some of the most myopic crap I've read in a long time.
You had a stable loving home unlike many of the poor in this country who grew up in single parent households in neighborhoods riddled with violence with little opportunity for any kind of employment. Even worse, over 2 million children are homeless in this country. This line of thinking that everyone can make it in a country with a trickle-UP based economy is simply nonsense. No doubt you're a white male who has never known any serious adversity, so you had a huge advantage over as an example children of color with a father in prison and a Mom working three jobs just to meet shelter clothing and food requirements.
Where we DO agree is regarding people who have options and don't take advantage of them.
I've done extremely well, and feel very fortunate, but there are millions of people in this country who are in dire straits from various forms of adversity that do not have the options many of us have.
I'll refrain from commenting on a post like yours coming from someone with a supposed Masters degree. Your parents should have taught you critical thinking skills before you left home.
If you can't make it here you are a loser? How dare you insult the millions of social welfare program-dependent base members of the liberal party?!
This is some of the most myopic crap I've read in a long time.
You had a stable loving home unlike many of the poor in this country who grew up in single parent households in neighborhoods riddled with violence with little opportunity for any kind of employment. Even worse, over 2 million children are homeless in this country. This line of thinking that everyone can make it in a country with a trickle-UP based economy is simply nonsense. No doubt you're a white male who has never known any serious adversity, so you had a huge advantage over as an example children of color with a father in prison and a Mom working three jobs just to meet shelter clothing and food requirements.
Where we DO agree is regarding people who have options and don't take advantage of them.
I've done extremely well, and feel very fortunate, but there are millions of people in this country who are in dire straits from various forms of adversity that do not have the options many of us have.
I'll refrain from commenting on a post like yours coming from someone with a supposed Masters degree. Your parents should have taught you critical thinking skills before you left home.

Two million homeless children in this country, and I haven't seen a one.

For many years (since the 70's anyway) the left has been promoting single-parent households, promoted promiscuity, giving children "rights" and doing whatever they can to create more government dependents.

While some people have more of an advantage in life than others, it's really not that difficult to graduate high school, get a job, work a lot of hours, don't participate in criminal activity, and not have children until you are financially stable.

For many years (since the 70's anyway) the left has been promoting single-parent households, promoted promiscuity, giving children "rights" and doing whatever they can to create more government dependents.


The so-called left has never promoted that. The left promotes birth control and family planning,

and the Right calls it genocide.
Yeah that's always a convenient response for you cons huh? Blame Obama. It makes thinking simpler for you. Of course like i said these issues have been going on for DECADES.

Simple for us? Here are the last two sentences in your post:

The middle class is shrinking.

Republicans hold office.

Seems like you're doing a bit of blaming yourself.
Republican inhibit real progress.
I'm sick of all the whining from the left that the unions created the middle class and tax cuts for the rich and blah blah. This is the richest country in the history of man. The "poor" don't pay taxes and get endless government payouts. The middle class pay little. If you're black or female, companies are seeking you out to increase their diversity.

If you are an able bodied person in this country, you can do anything. No one in history has had it so good. The opportunity is endless. Your parents were willing to sacrifice and work for their children. Too many people today just want it easy. I put myself through college, worked full time while getting my first masters degree and borrowed and paid off the second one. No one gave me shit but a loving, stable home. The money and opportunity I did on my own.

How anyone can fail in the United States of America is beyond me.. Those of you saying you can't succeed because of the system are a bunch of lazy whiners, get off your ass and get to work if you want more money. Stop asking government to take it from someone who earned it and give it to you. Earn it. Your parents should have had this talk with you before you left home
Too bad you’re not tired of straw man fallacies – as this thread premise is yet another example of one.

So just to be clear. You're sick of limp wristed leftist saying they need wealth redistributed in this country because, you know, the man is against you. That's what your'e saying. People need to stop whining and work because there is no excuse. What a fag liar you are
Yep. He worked
Copied, sued, lied...Please don't forget I followed MS from the early days and I know what a rat BG was and still is.

You're not the only one in this discussion with lots of information about what they did and how they did it, but that's not what the thread is about
If you believe, even for a moment, that BG earned his wealth with head held high, you're a sociopath.

I could tell you stories about how I know he didn't. You just don't want to discuss the subject. Start a thread on Bill Gates and I'll share
Yeah, like he hasn't sued smaller companies and given away software for free, like Navigator, in order to destroy the competition.
I love the time he tried to Trademark the "Loop"...were you cheering for the asshole on that one?
The problem is that you, as an MBA, think like a barracuda while other people actually try to get the work done.

So you're a **** spreading your legs because you can't take up my offer to say my experience with Bill Gate's Microsoft. Figures
But you think obama bill and hillary are rats too so your opinion means nothing to me Ever see how much BG gives to charity??
I truly apologize for not falling for either Parties bullshit.

Please tell me how much charity BG gives to India and the African Nations; he barely gives a penny to anyone else.
Also tell me about his Billion Dollar Foundations that only have $100,000,000.00 (or less) in them while he keep the other $900,000,000.00 in an Interest Bearing Account.
Please do tell.
Can't believe he has that much in 1% interest accountant Isn't that what banks and CD's paying?

All that matters is that BG does NOTHING for anyone but HIMSELF.
Not to mention BG investing in Pharmaceuticals in Africa because they're allowed to experiment on humans.
But what the heck, after all, most of those human guinea pigs are Black.
Yep, BG is a FINE human being.

Bill Gates doesn't stop anyone from being successful in this country, you're still a loser
He doesn't stop anyone from being successful as long as what they're doing has zero to do with automation.
If he can't destroy them, he's forced to buy them.
He spends all of his time on Capitol Hill trying to open up the floodgates of America.
Look you dependency whore, I have no love of Bill Gates. You're too pussy to back up your crap. But Bill Gates stops no one from making their own way
I'm sick of all the whining from the left that the unions created the middle class and tax cuts for the rich and blah blah. This is the richest country in the history of man. The "poor" don't pay taxes and get endless government payouts. The middle class pay little. If you're black or female, companies are seeking you out to increase their diversity.

If you are an able bodied person in this country, you can do anything. No one in history has had it so good. The opportunity is endless. Your parents were willing to sacrifice and work for their children. Too many people today just want it easy. I put myself through college, worked full time while getting my first masters degree and borrowed and paid off the second one. No one gave me shit but a loving, stable home. The money and opportunity I did on my own.

How anyone can fail in the United States of America is beyond me.. Those of you saying you can't succeed because of the system are a bunch of lazy whiners, get off your ass and get to work if you want more money. Stop asking government to take it from someone who earned it and give it to you. Earn it. Your parents should have had this talk with you before you left home

This is some of the most myopic crap I've read in a long time.
You had a stable loving home unlike many of the poor in this country who grew up in single parent households in neighborhoods riddled with violence with little opportunity for any kind of employment. Even worse, over 2 million children are homeless in this country. This line of thinking that everyone can make it in a country with a trickle-UP based economy is simply nonsense. No doubt you're a white male who has never known any serious adversity, so you had a huge advantage over as an example children of color with a father in prison and a Mom working three jobs just to meet shelter clothing and food requirements.
Where we DO agree is regarding people who have options and don't take advantage of them.
I've done extremely well, and feel very fortunate, but there are millions of people in this country who are in dire straits from various forms of adversity that do not have the options many of us have.
I'll refrain from commenting on a post like yours coming from someone with a supposed Masters degree. Your parents should have taught you critical thinking skills before you left home.
I like how you ram a sick up your ass without any actual point
"If you can't make it in this country ... you are a loser"

...so, if Hillary had said that to the laid off coal miners, you RWnuts would be giving her props??

are you sure about that?
Copied, sued, lied...Please don't forget I followed MS from the early days and I know what a rat BG was and still is.

You're not the only one in this discussion with lots of information about what they did and how they did it, but that's not what the thread is about
If you believe, even for a moment, that BG earned his wealth with head held high, you're a sociopath.

I could tell you stories about how I know he didn't. You just don't want to discuss the subject. Start a thread on Bill Gates and I'll share
Yeah, like he hasn't sued smaller companies and given away software for free, like Navigator, in order to destroy the competition.
I love the time he tried to Trademark the "Loop"...were you cheering for the asshole on that one?
The problem is that you, as an MBA, think like a barracuda while other people actually try to get the work done.

So you're a **** spreading your legs because you can't take up my offer to say my experience with Bill Gate's Microsoft. Figures

This coming from someone who calls the unemployed and underemployed losers.
Somehow you fail to hurt feelings.
You're a business whore so of course you love MS.
Libs don't promote single mothers/parent households? That's why the incentivise it by paying single mothers money for EVERY child they have out of wedlock.

Conservatives inhibit progress? Damn those Conservatives in Cuba, North Korea, and Venezuela! :p

The things libs say and how they all try to blame others for their failures is just sad.
Last edited:
I truly apologize for not falling for either Parties bullshit.

Please tell me how much charity BG gives to India and the African Nations; he barely gives a penny to anyone else.
Also tell me about his Billion Dollar Foundations that only have $100,000,000.00 (or less) in them while he keep the other $900,000,000.00 in an Interest Bearing Account.
Please do tell.
Can't believe he has that much in 1% interest accountant Isn't that what banks and CD's paying?

All that matters is that BG does NOTHING for anyone but HIMSELF.
Not to mention BG investing in Pharmaceuticals in Africa because they're allowed to experiment on humans.
But what the heck, after all, most of those human guinea pigs are Black.
Yep, BG is a FINE human being.

Bill Gates doesn't stop anyone from being successful in this country, you're still a loser
He doesn't stop anyone from being successful as long as what they're doing has zero to do with automation.
If he can't destroy them, he's forced to buy them.
He spends all of his time on Capitol Hill trying to open up the floodgates of America.
Look you dependency whore, I have no love of Bill Gates. You're too pussy to back up your crap. But Bill Gates stops no one from making their own way

Tell that to all the non-Indian companies that created great VBXs and OCXs.
His Indian invasion destroyed an entire industry of excellence in Software Development.
Thankfully Apple came along to crush the Steal, Copyright and Sue POS.
You're not the only one in this discussion with lots of information about what they did and how they did it, but that's not what the thread is about
If you believe, even for a moment, that BG earned his wealth with head held high, you're a sociopath.

I could tell you stories about how I know he didn't. You just don't want to discuss the subject. Start a thread on Bill Gates and I'll share
Yeah, like he hasn't sued smaller companies and given away software for free, like Navigator, in order to destroy the competition.
I love the time he tried to Trademark the "Loop"...were you cheering for the asshole on that one?
The problem is that you, as an MBA, think like a barracuda while other people actually try to get the work done.

So you're a **** spreading your legs because you can't take up my offer to say my experience with Bill Gate's Microsoft. Figures

This coming from someone who calls the unemployed and underemployed losers.
Somehow you fail to hurt feelings.
You're a business whore so of course you love MS.
'Business Whore? That would be Hillary...any business, wall street member, or Muslim nation waves a dollar and she's willing to climb a pole for it...

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