If you can't make it in this country ... you are a loser

Doesn't look like Bendog started this whine list.


Living well is the best revenge, I custom ordered a BMW this weekend. Leather, turbocharged, LED lights, 20 way comfort seats heck yeah! :eusa_dance:
Dont know where you live but around the DC area a BMW is like a neon sign that says, this driver is an entitled asshole.
Could be different where you are.

In a way the joke's on the gullible in their blind pursuit of the Material. It takes considerable cash to get the BMW ..... but wait 'til you see the maintenance; that "considerable cash" becomes a permanent albatross. It's not so much "ownership" as "subscription".

I have a MINI. Their attitude is, 'oh, your front right parking light is out, we have to replace the entire quarter panel". :bsflag:
Doesn't look like Bendog started this whine list.


Living well is the best revenge, I custom ordered a BMW this weekend. Leather, turbocharged, LED lights, 20 way comfort seats heck yeah! :eusa_dance:
Dont know where you live but around the DC area a BMW is like a neon sign that says, this driver is an entitled asshole.
Could be different where you are.

In a way the joke's on the gullible in their blind pursuit of the Material. It takes considerable cash to get the BMW ..... but wait 'til you see the maintenance; that "considerable cash" becomes a permanent albatross. It's not so much "ownership" as "subscription".

I have a MINI. Their attitude is, 'oh, your front right parking light is out, we have to replace the entire quarter panel". :bsflag:
problem with that considerable cash for the BMW thing, I mean, my truck is 75k. but someone in a 50k beamer will look down on my like Im from the poverty section of town.
As far as your mini? same goes with my Diesel Jetta, everything is 4 times the price that any other car would be.
I feel your pain.
Oh, and I would love to have a mini to play around town with instead of the Truck or motorcycle.

The insane price of trucks is partially why I'm downsizing to a BMW, I personally feel they are WAY overpriced.
Trucks are over priced big time for some reason. But I have to have it to pull the camper, camper is 15,000 lbs and I dont like to slow down in the mountains. LOL
Gee, maybe your OP is a little harsh? Abraham Lincoln filed bankruptcy twice would you call him a loser?
I believe a Tampon, Midol and Bonbons are needed instead of a tissue...

So you see not blaming your problems on other people as a chick thing? I guess you're not a chick then, Bruce

You're a little new to this aintchya? I mean having only just figured out your own genderical category a month ago...

I blame Fox and MSM for the idiotic world I live in today!

Too many idiots needing someone to tell them how to think and very few that actually think and question what is being told to them...

I could be in Iran and still make a living whereas many on the right would be lost because they were never taught how to work around the rules and when they do try it they screw it up!

Most kids today are not taught not everyone can be rich and as long as you can make a honest living and support your family then you have done more than most do in today time.

I blame no one for my failure ( Not directed to Pogo but the OP'er ) but I was raised by Depression Era Parents and Grandparents that knew what hard times were about.

If I make 100k a year that is good enough for me and I am glad to make that and save 1/3rd of it and the rest I spend it on the family and bills. I do not live beyond my means nor do I wish to act like I am rich when I am not.

You have to learn to be happy with what you have and all the education in the world does not mean you will have a good paying job if you lack the commonsense to apply what was taught to you...

Again the majority of this response is directed to the OP'er and not to Pogo...

You keep saying most of it is directed to me, but I don't know what it has to do with my OP. I'm saying that people are responsible for their own lives and there is no excuse to fail in this country, an opinion you declared to be like a chick PMSing. You are responsible for your life, not me, not the government, not rich people, not corporations, you are. If you don't want to own that, you're the whiner, not me. That's what my OP said. What is your problem with it?

Maybe because you're the asshat who stuck a strawman in the ground and then started whining about it?

Just a guess.

Yes, telling people they are responsible for their own lives is "whining." good one

You're a little new to this aintchya? I mean having only just figured out your own genderical category a month ago...

I blame Fox and MSM for the idiotic world I live in today!

Too many idiots needing someone to tell them how to think and very few that actually think and question what is being told to them...

I could be in Iran and still make a living whereas many on the right would be lost because they were never taught how to work around the rules and when they do try it they screw it up!

Most kids today are not taught not everyone can be rich and as long as you can make a honest living and support your family then you have done more than most do in today time.

I blame no one for my failure ( Not directed to Pogo but the OP'er ) but I was raised by Depression Era Parents and Grandparents that knew what hard times were about.

If I make 100k a year that is good enough for me and I am glad to make that and save 1/3rd of it and the rest I spend it on the family and bills. I do not live beyond my means nor do I wish to act like I am rich when I am not.

You have to learn to be happy with what you have and all the education in the world does not mean you will have a good paying job if you lack the commonsense to apply what was taught to you...

Again the majority of this response is directed to the OP'er and not to Pogo...

You keep saying most of it is directed to me, but I don't know what it has to do with my OP. I'm saying that people are responsible for their own lives and there is no excuse to fail in this country, an opinion you declared to be like a chick PMSing. You are responsible for your life, not me, not the government, not rich people, not corporations, you are. If you don't want to own that, you're the whiner, not me. That's what my OP said. What is your problem with it?

Maybe because you're the asshat who stuck a strawman in the ground and then started whining about it?

Just a guess.

That anyone who can't make it in this country is a loser? How is that a strawman?

BTW, that doesn't even make sense, to be a "strawman" I would have had to attributed that statement to someone and I didn't. It's comic how poor the former editor is using his native language

Exactly. WHO came in crying the blues that some entity "can't make it in this country"? *YOU* did.

I kinda pointed that out as soon as this thread went up. 148 posts ago. It sailed way over your head. Apparently it continues to sail.

It sailed over my head because I didn't say that. Nice one though ...

He doesn't stop anyone from being successful as long as what they're doing has zero to do with automation.
If he can't destroy them, he's forced to buy them.
He spends all of his time on Capitol Hill trying to open up the floodgates of America.
Look you dependency whore, I have no love of Bill Gates. You're too pussy to back up your crap. But Bill Gates stops no one from making their own way

Tell that to all the non-Indian companies that created great VBXs and OCXs.
His Indian invasion destroyed an entire industry of excellence in Software Development.
Thankfully Apple came along to crush the Steal, Copyright and Sue POS.

So they quit trying and failed in life because they had a setback with Bill Gates? What a bunch of losers.

Look man, read the OP and comprehend it. The op doesn't say people don't have problems or setbacks. Stop being a moron
You suceeded DUE to Gates.
The people who actually DID the work lost their careers.

Even if true, and then they had to move to a shack and their life was over, they had no control? Bull crap. Capitalism is about you take hits you lick your wounds and move on.

My OP didn't say no one gets screwed, welcome to live, Virginia. My OP said if you fail in life, it's on you
Not everyone who is making 80K/year or more can recover from sudden unemployment and 2+ years more education.
It never happened to you so you have no idea.
Look you dependency whore, I have no love of Bill Gates. You're too pussy to back up your crap. But Bill Gates stops no one from making their own way

Tell that to all the non-Indian companies that created great VBXs and OCXs.
His Indian invasion destroyed an entire industry of excellence in Software Development.
Thankfully Apple came along to crush the Steal, Copyright and Sue POS.

So they quit trying and failed in life because they had a setback with Bill Gates? What a bunch of losers.

Look man, read the OP and comprehend it. The op doesn't say people don't have problems or setbacks. Stop being a moron
You suceeded DUE to Gates.
The people who actually DID the work lost their careers.

Even if true, and then they had to move to a shack and their life was over, they had no control? Bull crap. Capitalism is about you take hits you lick your wounds and move on.

My OP didn't say no one gets screwed, welcome to live, Virginia. My OP said if you fail in life, it's on you
Not everyone who is making 80K/year or more can recover from sudden unemployment and 2+ years more education.
It never happened to you so you have no idea.

Of course they can. They may have to downsize and take a lower paying job, but it's on them. If they can't get another $80K job, they weren't worth $80K in the first place
The left keeps pushing that lie it was a "lack of regulatory oversight." Actually, sub prime loans was an actual agenda of government. They coerced banks to lower their lending standards and funded it with zero interest loans. Partisan leftists like bendog don't care what actually happened, a government caused meltdown is as good as any other reason to them to advocate MORE government

If you want to sell off loans, you have to live by the regulations set up by HUD. HUD is the regulatory agency for Fanny and Freddy.

You didn't have to beg many banks to make these loans. They had no choice but to follow the 0% down and no credit check setup by F and F. Why would they care if the loans went bad? They knew they would be selling them off in the market anyway. They made their money off processing the loans.
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I'm sick of all the whining from the left that the unions created the middle class and tax cuts for the rich and blah blah. This is the richest country in the history of man. The "poor" don't pay taxes and get endless government payouts. The middle class pay little. If you're black or female, companies are seeking you out to increase their diversity.

If you are an able bodied person in this country, you can do anything. No one in history has had it so good. The opportunity is endless. Your parents were willing to sacrifice and work for their children. Too many people today just want it easy. I put myself through college, worked full time while getting my first masters degree and borrowed and paid off the second one. No one gave me shit but a loving, stable home. The money and opportunity I did on my own.

How anyone can fail in the United States of America is beyond me.. Those of you saying you can't succeed because of the system are a bunch of lazy whiners, get off your ass and get to work if you want more money. Stop asking government to take it from someone who earned it and give it to you. Earn it. Your parents should have had this talk with you before you left home

I have a college education that I wasted, I don't feel the system failed me.
I'm an underachiever and I'm okay with that. I don't mind living a minimalist lifestyle because I know it's my choice.

I would not say people that are not rich are losers, but I would says just about anyone can live comfortably.... if they so choose.
It would take one day living a poor remote part of Africa for someone to realize how good they have it.
I have NOT and even I realize it. I'm blessed to be born in the US.
I'm sick of all the whining from the left that the unions created the middle class and tax cuts for the rich and blah blah. This is the richest country in the history of man. The "poor" don't pay taxes and get endless government payouts. The middle class pay little. If you're black or female, companies are seeking you out to increase their diversity.

If you are an able bodied person in this country, you can do anything. No one in history has had it so good. The opportunity is endless. Your parents were willing to sacrifice and work for their children. Too many people today just want it easy. I put myself through college, worked full time while getting my first masters degree and borrowed and paid off the second one. No one gave me shit but a loving, stable home. The money and opportunity I did on my own.

How anyone can fail in the United States of America is beyond me.. Those of you saying you can't succeed because of the system are a bunch of lazy whiners, get off your ass and get to work if you want more money. Stop asking government to take it from someone who earned it and give it to you. Earn it. Your parents should have had this talk with you before you left home

I have a college education that I wasted, I don't feel the system failed me.
I'm an underachiever and I'm okay with that. I don't mind living a minimalist lifestyle because I know it's my choice.

I would not say people that are not rich are losers, but I would says just about anyone can live comfortably.... if they so choose.
It would take one day living a poor remote part of Africa for someone to realize how good they have it.
I have NOT and even I realize it. I'm blessed to be born in the US.

I would define a "loser" for this topic as someone who thinks they are entitled to more than they earn through work and investing themselves. If you're satisfied with what you get, you've just made a choice what's important to you and how hard you're willing to work for it. You haven't failed at all
Tell that to all the non-Indian companies that created great VBXs and OCXs.
His Indian invasion destroyed an entire industry of excellence in Software Development.
Thankfully Apple came along to crush the Steal, Copyright and Sue POS.

So they quit trying and failed in life because they had a setback with Bill Gates? What a bunch of losers.

Look man, read the OP and comprehend it. The op doesn't say people don't have problems or setbacks. Stop being a moron
You suceeded DUE to Gates.
The people who actually DID the work lost their careers.

Even if true, and then they had to move to a shack and their life was over, they had no control? Bull crap. Capitalism is about you take hits you lick your wounds and move on.

My OP didn't say no one gets screwed, welcome to live, Virginia. My OP said if you fail in life, it's on you
Not everyone who is making 80K/year or more can recover from sudden unemployment and 2+ years more education.
It never happened to you so you have no idea.

Of course they can. They may have to downsize and take a lower paying job, but it's on them. If they can't get another $80K job, they weren't worth $80K in the first place

So you're saying that when Directors and CEOs pay for Legislation to replace Americans with Business Visas, those Americans were never worth what they were getting paid.
Of course, if Senate Bill S744 ever passes every Physician, Attorney, Accountant and Engineer will have been deemed by you to be severely over paid.
So they quit trying and failed in life because they had a setback with Bill Gates? What a bunch of losers.

Look man, read the OP and comprehend it. The op doesn't say people don't have problems or setbacks. Stop being a moron
You suceeded DUE to Gates.
The people who actually DID the work lost their careers.

Even if true, and then they had to move to a shack and their life was over, they had no control? Bull crap. Capitalism is about you take hits you lick your wounds and move on.

My OP didn't say no one gets screwed, welcome to live, Virginia. My OP said if you fail in life, it's on you
Not everyone who is making 80K/year or more can recover from sudden unemployment and 2+ years more education.
It never happened to you so you have no idea.

Of course they can. They may have to downsize and take a lower paying job, but it's on them. If they can't get another $80K job, they weren't worth $80K in the first place

So you're saying that when Directors and CEOs pay for Legislation to replace Americans with Business Visas, those Americans were never worth what they were getting paid.
Of course, if Senate Bill S744 ever passes every Physician, Attorney, Accountant and Engineer will have been deemed by you to be severely over paid.

Market values constantly change, people have to constantly update their skills, but change creates opportunity. So maybe to be more precise, if they were worth $80K in the first place, they stopped developing marketable skills and aren't worth it now if they can't get that. That's their responsibility, not their employer's responsibility
You suceeded DUE to Gates.
The people who actually DID the work lost their careers.

Even if true, and then they had to move to a shack and their life was over, they had no control? Bull crap. Capitalism is about you take hits you lick your wounds and move on.

My OP didn't say no one gets screwed, welcome to live, Virginia. My OP said if you fail in life, it's on you
Not everyone who is making 80K/year or more can recover from sudden unemployment and 2+ years more education.
It never happened to you so you have no idea.

Of course they can. They may have to downsize and take a lower paying job, but it's on them. If they can't get another $80K job, they weren't worth $80K in the first place

So you're saying that when Directors and CEOs pay for Legislation to replace Americans with Business Visas, those Americans were never worth what they were getting paid.
Of course, if Senate Bill S744 ever passes every Physician, Attorney, Accountant and Engineer will have been deemed by you to be severely over paid.

Market values constantly change, people have to constantly update their skills, but change creates opportunity. So maybe to be more precise, if they were worth $80K in the first place, they stopped developing marketable skills and aren't worth it now if they can't get that. That's their responsibility, not their employer's responsibility
Sure, especially when the company interviews them for 10 hours and pledges loyalty to the candidate in return for the candidate's dedication and then fires the candidate a year later in return for 100 Business Visas..
You can't away with your bullshit because there's simply too much of this going on.
Even if true, and then they had to move to a shack and their life was over, they had no control? Bull crap. Capitalism is about you take hits you lick your wounds and move on.

My OP didn't say no one gets screwed, welcome to live, Virginia. My OP said if you fail in life, it's on you
Not everyone who is making 80K/year or more can recover from sudden unemployment and 2+ years more education.
It never happened to you so you have no idea.

Of course they can. They may have to downsize and take a lower paying job, but it's on them. If they can't get another $80K job, they weren't worth $80K in the first place

So you're saying that when Directors and CEOs pay for Legislation to replace Americans with Business Visas, those Americans were never worth what they were getting paid.
Of course, if Senate Bill S744 ever passes every Physician, Attorney, Accountant and Engineer will have been deemed by you to be severely over paid.

Market values constantly change, people have to constantly update their skills, but change creates opportunity. So maybe to be more precise, if they were worth $80K in the first place, they stopped developing marketable skills and aren't worth it now if they can't get that. That's their responsibility, not their employer's responsibility
Sure, especially when the company interviews them for 10 hours and pledges loyalty to the candidate in return for the candidate's dedication and then fires the candidate a year later in return for 100 Business Visas..
You can't away with your bullshit because there's simply too much of this going on.

There's nothing wrong with it and it expands opportunities for Americans because of the increased economic activity. The trick is you have to keep updating your skills to keep up with it, and that's on you, not your employer
Not everyone who is making 80K/year or more can recover from sudden unemployment and 2+ years more education.
It never happened to you so you have no idea.

Of course they can. They may have to downsize and take a lower paying job, but it's on them. If they can't get another $80K job, they weren't worth $80K in the first place

So you're saying that when Directors and CEOs pay for Legislation to replace Americans with Business Visas, those Americans were never worth what they were getting paid.
Of course, if Senate Bill S744 ever passes every Physician, Attorney, Accountant and Engineer will have been deemed by you to be severely over paid.

Market values constantly change, people have to constantly update their skills, but change creates opportunity. So maybe to be more precise, if they were worth $80K in the first place, they stopped developing marketable skills and aren't worth it now if they can't get that. That's their responsibility, not their employer's responsibility
Sure, especially when the company interviews them for 10 hours and pledges loyalty to the candidate in return for the candidate's dedication and then fires the candidate a year later in return for 100 Business Visas..
You can't away with your bullshit because there's simply too much of this going on.

There's nothing wrong with it and it expands opportunities for Americans because of the increased economic activity. The trick is you have to keep updating your skills to keep up with it, and that's on you, not your employer
Complete bullshit.
I know lots of Agents with MBAs such as yourself who FAILED to cash in on Indian trend.
I also know a few who made mucho bucks.
I think the DOT COM bust proved we DON'T need 1,000 Book Stores at our fingerprints and not EVERYBODY will be able to cash in on body shops.
Alot of Americans no longer can pass drug tests in order to be gainfully employed.........thus, alot of good job opportunities out there beyond frying burgers. That is also why min. wage workers want $15 bucks an hour, cuz they wouldn't pass a drug test for better paying jobs.
Think about it........use common sense if ya' gotz any!
Alot of Americans no longer can pass drug tests in order to be gainfully employed.........thus, alot of good job opportunities out there beyond frying burgers. That is also why min. wage workers want $15 bucks an hour, cuz they wouldn't pass a drug test for better paying jobs.
Think about it........use common sense if ya' gotz any!
Minimum Wage is a Band-Aid, and not a very good one.
Alot of Americans no longer can pass drug tests in order to be gainfully employed.........thus, alot of good job opportunities out there beyond frying burgers. That is also why min. wage workers want $15 bucks an hour, cuz they wouldn't pass a drug test for better paying jobs.
Think about it........use common sense if ya' gotz any!

That's exactly the case with some former tenants of mine. A couple that both worked fast food jobs now into their mid 20's. The reason they didn't try for anything better is because better paying jobs do drug test.

It was my hope that after they grew up a bit, they would say to hell with living poor and do something about their lives by giving up pot. They moved out a few months ago the way they came here almost seven years ago.

Here in Cleveland they are jumping on the bandwagon with this $15.00 minimum wage, but that will only drive more businesses to the suburbs which we could really use right now, so I'm all for their minimum wage increase because we might benefit from those businesses moving here to my suburb.

As for my former tenants, if they do get in on this $15.00 minimum wage thing, it will only prolong their bad decision making in the future. Then when they find themselves in their mid 30's or 40's and THEN decide to better themselves, it will be a little too late. You have to lay the foundation of your life when you are young. Nobody offering a good job is looking for professional middle-aged fast food workers.
Of course they can. They may have to downsize and take a lower paying job, but it's on them. If they can't get another $80K job, they weren't worth $80K in the first place

So you're saying that when Directors and CEOs pay for Legislation to replace Americans with Business Visas, those Americans were never worth what they were getting paid.
Of course, if Senate Bill S744 ever passes every Physician, Attorney, Accountant and Engineer will have been deemed by you to be severely over paid.

Market values constantly change, people have to constantly update their skills, but change creates opportunity. So maybe to be more precise, if they were worth $80K in the first place, they stopped developing marketable skills and aren't worth it now if they can't get that. That's their responsibility, not their employer's responsibility
Sure, especially when the company interviews them for 10 hours and pledges loyalty to the candidate in return for the candidate's dedication and then fires the candidate a year later in return for 100 Business Visas..
You can't away with your bullshit because there's simply too much of this going on.

There's nothing wrong with it and it expands opportunities for Americans because of the increased economic activity. The trick is you have to keep updating your skills to keep up with it, and that's on you, not your employer
Complete bullshit.
I know lots of Agents with MBAs such as yourself who FAILED to cash in on Indian trend.
I also know a few who made mucho bucks.
I think the DOT COM bust proved we DON'T need 1,000 Book Stores at our fingerprints and not EVERYBODY will be able to cash in on body shops.

Sorry, that contradicts what I said how?

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