If you care about the country you have to vote Trump...Hugh Hewitt

What the Trump supporters do not understand and fail to see is that we are seeing what a Trump administration will look like and we're seeing it now. Every single day will be about Mr. Trump's latest spat over a criticism made of him by someone, anyone. He prefers to embroil himself in petty public fights which distract from his lack of governing and foreign policy experience. It is what he chooses and his mindless minions support it.

What the Pantsuit Bulldykes do not understand and fail to see is that WE ARE SEEING WHAT A HELLARY ADMINISTRATION WILL LOOK LIKE, AND WE ARE SEEING IT NOW. Every single day will be about Hillary's latest lie to enrich herself and Slick Willie. She prefers to pander to minorities and the disenfranchised on one side of her mouth, while she stabs them in the back and steals from them. She will be a pawn to all the foreign entries who have those 30,000 missing emails.
The rest of the world will be better off if Trump is pres, but America will be better off if Hillary is pres.

Vote Hair Drumpf.
How do you get that..ask the Haitians how much better off they are...or the Libyans, or the Syrians.......
Are you sure you read my post for comprehension?
The problem is that Liberals actually HATE this country.

The country was founded by Liberals.

Lincoln was a liberal by today's standards.

No..that is a lie............the country was founded by Conservatives by today's standard..

the country, for anyone who actually knows anything about history, was founded by radicals and revolutionaries. by definition that is not conservative. you loons would have been tories.

you can look that up if you'd like
What the Trump supporters do not understand and fail to see is that we are seeing what a Trump administration will look like and we're seeing it now. Every single day will be about Mr. Trump's latest spat over a criticism made of him by someone, anyone. He prefers to embroil himself in petty public fights which distract from his lack of governing and foreign policy experience. It is what he chooses and his mindless minions support it.
seriously, what else could he do to fuck up the job. Spend all of his time on his golf courses while flying his family to exotic vacation resorts on the taxpayers dollar?
Who Hewitt?

Yeah, okay. Actually it was his questioning of Drumpf that really exposed what a lightweight he is.

These Reich wing media and those that are supporting Trump are having a very difficult time promoting or defending Donald Trump. How does anyone defend his mouth? It's a daily onslaught of what they have to do, and no one would really want their jobs right now.

This morning on a local Reich wing network, the commentator actually stated "ignore what comes out of Donald Trump's mouth"--LOL--and then stated look we'll elect him and if he doesn't do a good job during the 1st term we'll primary him in the second term-LOL

But this video says it all. How difficult it is to support and defend Trump--because this is actually what they are required to do--LOL.

this is an important look at the 3 desperately important points why Trump needs to be the next President as made by an anti Trumper during the primaries.....

1) the Supreme Court...it is worse than you think...

2). Hilary is now owned by foreign countries because of her emails, as are those who bribed her

3) filling political and bureaucratic positions in the federal government...

It's the Supreme Court, stupid

Hillary Clinton wins, the Left gavels in a solid, lasting, almost certainly permanent majority on the Supreme Court. Every political issue has a theoretical path to SCOTUS, and only self-imposed judicial restraint has checked the Court's appetite and reach for two centuries.

That restraint will be gone when HRC's first appointee is sworn in. Finished.

This is not hyperbole. I have the advantage of having taught Con Law for 20 years, of having argued before very liberal appellate judges like Judge Stephen Reinhardt of the very liberal Ninth Circuit, of practicing with the best litigators in the land, and I know what a very liberal SCOTUS means: conservatism is done. It cannot survive a strong-willed liberal majority on the Supreme Court. Every issue, EVERY issue, will end up there, and the legislatures' judgments will matter not a b


Second, but much harder to see or understand, Hillary Clinton is thoroughly compromised by the Russians (or the Chinese, or the Iranians, or all of them). Deny the testimony of expert witnesses like former CIA Acting Director Mike Morell or Rudy Guiliani if you want, or the implications of the distribution of DNC emails via the WikiLeaks front, but just know everything she sent and received on her security-free "private" server is in the hands of the bad guys.

The influence they will have over her and all of her cyberassociates as a result will be complete even if unknown to the folks being worked and watched.

That's espionage. The Russians are very good at it. They are a GEICO ad of spying: That's what they do. They use what they steal to advance their national interest, sometimes crudely, sometimes with breathtaking sophistication. The consequences of her complete compromise haven't sunk in yet, but it is real, not reversible, and dangerous beyond description to the national security of the U.S. Trump critics worry that he's oblivious to Vladimir Putin's risks. Hillary is already a Putin pawn.


The first two arguments are negatives. But there is a positive case for Donald Trump, a third prong in the case for working for Trump's election: He brings 3,000 political appointees with him, and the first two — Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as VP and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has chief of the transition — telegraph that the vast majority of his team in the executive branch (and his appointees on the courts) will be conservatives.


Read or listen to the long interview I conducted with Gov. Pence on Friday morning, then put down your #NeverTrump pride and start working to save the Supreme Court and national security. Help Christie staff the new government. Explain to family and friends what Clinton's compromised status means. Argue for the future and make peace with the present.

Why would most Americans, who support Roe v Wade, and same sex marriage, vote for someone who will put judges on the court who would take away those rights?

because the self-proclaimed small-gubmint wingers love gubmint when it imposes theocratic rules

Actually, we support the idea that government stay the hell out of our daily lives. We are adults and capable of handling our own prosperity.
The problem is that Liberals actually HATE this country.

so says someone voting for the guy who shills for putin because the Russians are the only ones who will lend him money

To my knowledge, Trump has never used a government position of trust to sell political favors to foreign countries and corporations. Hillary has.

Nope he was on the opposite end of that pay chain--LOL
Donald Trump Donated Heavily To Democrats, Especially During Election Which Put Reid And Pelosi In Power

Donald Trump is Wall Street & corporations. He was often accused of manipulating the stock market with big buys and sells in the 80's & 90's.

Look Donald Trump has a life long history of showing that there is only one person in his life that he is loyal to, and that is himself. Half the country doesn't want him anywhere near the button, the other half don't want him anywhere close to the U.S. Treasury.


The problem is that Liberals actually HATE this country.

The country was founded by Liberals.

Lincoln was a liberal by today's standards.

Lincoln was NOT a founder of this nation.

WTF has that got to do with it?

The Republican party has always been considered the party of Lincoln & Reagan. You're not going to rewrite history--because you have nominated a Chimpanzee that in no way reflects their values of inclusion. You're exclusion. Your Reich wing fantasy's come right out of a dummy's book for Fascism.

This is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan, it is the Trump party.

this is an important look at the 3 desperately important points why Trump needs to be the next President as made by an anti Trumper during the primaries.....

1) the Supreme Court...it is worse than you think...

2). Hilary is now owned by foreign countries because of her emails, as are those who bribed her

3) filling political and bureaucratic positions in the federal government...

It's the Supreme Court, stupid

Hillary Clinton wins, the Left gavels in a solid, lasting, almost certainly permanent majority on the Supreme Court. Every political issue has a theoretical path to SCOTUS, and only self-imposed judicial restraint has checked the Court's appetite and reach for two centuries.

That restraint will be gone when HRC's first appointee is sworn in. Finished.

This is not hyperbole. I have the advantage of having taught Con Law for 20 years, of having argued before very liberal appellate judges like Judge Stephen Reinhardt of the very liberal Ninth Circuit, of practicing with the best litigators in the land, and I know what a very liberal SCOTUS means: conservatism is done. It cannot survive a strong-willed liberal majority on the Supreme Court. Every issue, EVERY issue, will end up there, and the legislatures' judgments will matter not a b


Second, but much harder to see or understand, Hillary Clinton is thoroughly compromised by the Russians (or the Chinese, or the Iranians, or all of them). Deny the testimony of expert witnesses like former CIA Acting Director Mike Morell or Rudy Guiliani if you want, or the implications of the distribution of DNC emails via the WikiLeaks front, but just know everything she sent and received on her security-free "private" server is in the hands of the bad guys.

The influence they will have over her and all of her cyberassociates as a result will be complete even if unknown to the folks being worked and watched.

That's espionage. The Russians are very good at it. They are a GEICO ad of spying: That's what they do. They use what they steal to advance their national interest, sometimes crudely, sometimes with breathtaking sophistication. The consequences of her complete compromise haven't sunk in yet, but it is real, not reversible, and dangerous beyond description to the national security of the U.S. Trump critics worry that he's oblivious to Vladimir Putin's risks. Hillary is already a Putin pawn.


The first two arguments are negatives. But there is a positive case for Donald Trump, a third prong in the case for working for Trump's election: He brings 3,000 political appointees with him, and the first two — Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as VP and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has chief of the transition — telegraph that the vast majority of his team in the executive branch (and his appointees on the courts) will be conservatives.


Read or listen to the long interview I conducted with Gov. Pence on Friday morning, then put down your #NeverTrump pride and start working to save the Supreme Court and national security. Help Christie staff the new government. Explain to family and friends what Clinton's compromised status means. Argue for the future and make peace with the present.
Yea, look at what the Conservative Supreme Court has done since conservatives became the majority. Do I even have to spell it out?
this is an important look at the 3 desperately important points why Trump needs to be the next President as made by an anti Trumper during the primaries.....

1) the Supreme Court...it is worse than you think...

2). Hilary is now owned by foreign countries because of her emails, as are those who bribed her

3) filling political and bureaucratic positions in the federal government...

It's the Supreme Court, stupid

Hillary Clinton wins, the Left gavels in a solid, lasting, almost certainly permanent majority on the Supreme Court. Every political issue has a theoretical path to SCOTUS, and only self-imposed judicial restraint has checked the Court's appetite and reach for two centuries.

That restraint will be gone when HRC's first appointee is sworn in. Finished.

This is not hyperbole. I have the advantage of having taught Con Law for 20 years, of having argued before very liberal appellate judges like Judge Stephen Reinhardt of the very liberal Ninth Circuit, of practicing with the best litigators in the land, and I know what a very liberal SCOTUS means: conservatism is done. It cannot survive a strong-willed liberal majority on the Supreme Court. Every issue, EVERY issue, will end up there, and the legislatures' judgments will matter not a b


Second, but much harder to see or understand, Hillary Clinton is thoroughly compromised by the Russians (or the Chinese, or the Iranians, or all of them). Deny the testimony of expert witnesses like former CIA Acting Director Mike Morell or Rudy Guiliani if you want, or the implications of the distribution of DNC emails via the WikiLeaks front, but just know everything she sent and received on her security-free "private" server is in the hands of the bad guys.

The influence they will have over her and all of her cyberassociates as a result will be complete even if unknown to the folks being worked and watched.

That's espionage. The Russians are very good at it. They are a GEICO ad of spying: That's what they do. They use what they steal to advance their national interest, sometimes crudely, sometimes with breathtaking sophistication. The consequences of her complete compromise haven't sunk in yet, but it is real, not reversible, and dangerous beyond description to the national security of the U.S. Trump critics worry that he's oblivious to Vladimir Putin's risks. Hillary is already a Putin pawn.


The first two arguments are negatives. But there is a positive case for Donald Trump, a third prong in the case for working for Trump's election: He brings 3,000 political appointees with him, and the first two — Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as VP and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has chief of the transition — telegraph that the vast majority of his team in the executive branch (and his appointees on the courts) will be conservatives.


Read or listen to the long interview I conducted with Gov. Pence on Friday morning, then put down your #NeverTrump pride and start working to save the Supreme Court and national security. Help Christie staff the new government. Explain to family and friends what Clinton's compromised status means. Argue for the future and make peace with the present.
2aguy , if we elect Trump we will surely get nuked by China or Russia.
The Legislature will no longer matter if she gets into office.....5, politically appointed lawyers will become the law........they I'll make law and impose their will on the state and local governments.......that you guys don't see it is not unusual........you are stupid people...
Actually your statement is untrue.

Hillary when elected which is almost a foregone conclusion now will probably have the Senate and possibly also have the House in her pocket.

Then she will create an additional legislature: from the Supreme Court by appointing 2 new Ginsbergs to it.

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