If you could live in any era....


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Where would it be, when would it be and why?

I think Grace O'Malley would suit me just fine. :D

During a time when most women were denied an education and kept restrained to their homes, pirate Grace O’Malley led a 20-ship fleet that stood up to the might of the British monarchy. Also known as “Granuaille,” or “bald,” for her habit of cutting her hair short, O’Malley was born into a powerful clan that lorded over the coastlines of western Ireland. After taking the reigns in the 1560s, she continued a family tradition of piracy by plundering English and Spanish shipping vessels and attacking rival chieftains. Her escapades were legendary—one tale claims she did battle at sea only a day after giving birth—but they also drew the ire of the authorities. She was forced to repel a siege against her stronghold at Rockfleet Castle in 1574, and later did 18 months behind bars after she was captured during one of her raids.

O’Malley resumed her marauding after her release, but more trouble arrived in the early 1590s, when British authorities impounded her fleet. With nowhere else to turn, the 63-year-old buccaneer appealed directly to Queen Elizabeth I for assistance. During a famous royal audience in London, O’Malley portrayed herself as a tired and broken old woman and begged the Queen to return her ships, release one of her captured sons and allow her to retire in peace. The gambit worked, but it seems that “Granuaille” didn’t keep up her end of the bargain—records show that she and her sons continued pirating until her death in 1603.
Sorry but I like the era I've lived in. I can't imagine living in any other and being as satisfied as I am. If I could just go back and "visit" an era for like a week or two... maybe the late 1700s, around the time of the American Revolution or writing of the Constitution.
If we go back knowing what I know now, I would probably pick being born in the late 1880's or early 1890's.
I wish that I could've been born about ten years earlier. Certain things that I have endured never would've taken place then.

God bless you always!!!

Holly (born in 1982)
The late Victorian and early Edwardian era has always fascinated me...would love to restore an historic home.:)

I wish that I could've been born about ten years earlier. Certain things that I have endured never would've taken place then.

God bless you always!!!

Holly (born in 1982)
Great music generation in the 70's & 80's.
Amen to this! The late beautiful precious at the top of this picture is my most favorite!


God bless you and his family always!!!


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