If you could send a message for Trump to read, what would you say?

Donald, there's a BOGO sale on urinating hookers this weekend in Moscow. Thought you'd want to know.
Fire Meuller, Fire Sessions, confirm Kav, lock up all the Clintons, clean out DC lock up Lurch.
You’re doing even better than I’d hoped, but there’s no time to relax as plenty of lefty stooges still to be led to the edge of Butthurt Cliff so they can self-cure.
Quit screwing around with all these distractions and plow forward with MAGA
The libbies and MSM are like radical Muslims, you can’t get them any more angry or offended so what’s the use of appeasement?
Donald, while you gave tax cuts to the rich, everyone else is waiting for that "great healthcare at a tiny fraction of the cost" you promised. People might be getting to keep a hundred bucks a year extra from your bogus tax "reform" which saddles our kids with another $1.5 trillion in debt, but the cost of health care is skyrocketing to unpresidented (a word you invented) levels.

So how about taking Putin's cock out of your mouth holster and live up to those promises you deleted from your campaign web site?
Quit screwing around with all these distractions and plow forward with MAGA
The libbies and MSM are like radical Muslims, you can’t get them any more angry or offended so what’s the use of appeasement?
It is Trump creating the distractions
Stay the course, and don't listen to the lies in the media, and from the Dems (same thing)! The economy, low unemployment, energy production, lower taxes, less regulation, détente with N. Korea, etc. All GOOD.
Trump, buddy, you need to systematically shitcan all the damn haters and never Trumper's working in the executive branch.
They are useless and only make it harder for you to do the things we elected you for.
Maybe the next stuffed shirt sell out that the Dems elect will hire them back. Right?
Trump, buddy, you need to systematically shitcan all the damn haters and never Trumper's working in the executive branch.
They are useless and only make it harder for you to do the things we elected you for.
Maybe the next stuffed shirt sell out that the Dems elect will hire them back. Right?
you elected him to start a trade war that will hurt many HERE badly ?? I didn't know that Nice work jerk

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