If you could time travel back 50 years what would you warn the citizens about today’s America?

No one would believe it anymore then they would believe in the future we would be sitting at a desk looking into a box with pictures moving a little plastic thing on the desk every few moments, and they damn sure wouldn't believe this:

Hell, I thought I would be dead by 2000. Who woulda thunk I'd still be around for 2018??? Certainly not me!
You would have to go back more than 50 years to undo the damage that has been done to this country.
If you could time travel back 50 years what would you warn the citizens about today’s America?

History teaches all things. You have used it in reverse, to use our past history over 50 years, to warn those back then what to watch out for.

And yet, whenever we living in today bring up what has worked before using history, we are lambasted; are we not!

It is a very strange thing; especially for those on the left, who proclaim they would go back and use REVERSE history to prevent bad things from happening while helping produce a prosperous nation, but refuse to use REAL history that they can use, to prevent disaster from befalling us in the future. Go figure!
If you could time travel back 50 years what would you warn the citizens about today’s America?
I would warn the GOP that the Southern Strategy would cause the GOP to be infected and ultimately destroyed by all the bigots, racists, and retards in the Democratic Party.
If you could time travel back 50 years what would you warn the citizens about today’s America?

History teaches all things. You have used it in reverse, to use our past history over 50 years, to warn those back then what to watch out for.

And yet, whenever we living in today bring up what has worked before using history, we are lambasted; are we not!

It is a very strange thing; especially for those on the left, who proclaim they would go back and use REVERSE history to prevent bad things from happening while helping produce a prosperous nation, but refuse to use REAL history that they can use, to prevent disaster from befalling us in the future. Go figure!
For example...
If you could time travel back 50 years what would you warn the citizens about today’s America?
I would warn the GOP that the Southern Strategy would cause the GOP to be infected and ultimately destroyed by all the bigots, racists, and retards in the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party is fighting against racism, hate and prejudice…..
well except for the racist Nation of Islam Democrats, racist Klan Democrats, racist La Raza Democrats, racist BLM Democrats, Muslim Brotherhood bigots, racist LULAC Democrats, CAIR bigots, racist Black Panther Democrats, racist Aztlan Nationalist Democrats, racist Affirmative Action advocate Democrats, racist Sanctuary City Democrats, violent Antifa bigots, and all of the racist demagogue Democrat Politicians, Pundits and Entertainers………
Actually voting Democrat IS HATE
We are a better nation than we were in 1968

1968 was a horrible year
If you could time travel back 50 years what would you warn the citizens about today’s America?

Eisenhower gave us a clear warning and was ignored.
Totally agree---in the 60's and early 70's..there was a moment..when it appeared that maybe some real change would happen--then the flow of easy drugs gutted the Civil Rights movement--and the anti-war bunch cut their hair and yupped out. My cynicism topped out when I found out about Iran-Contra--long since forgotten by most
Talk about the original stone wall:

"Several investigations ensued, including by the U.S. Congress and the three-person, Reagan-appointed Tower Commission. Neither found any evidence that President Reagan himself knew of the extent of the multiple programs.[4][5][7] Ultimately the sale of weapons to Iran was not deemed a criminal offense but charges were brought against five individuals for their support of the Contras. Those charges, however, were later dropped because the administration refused to declassify certain documents. The indicted conspirators faced various lesser charges instead. In the end, fourteen administration officials were indicted, including then-Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger. Eleven convictions resulted, some of which were vacated on appeal.[12] The rest of those indicted or convicted were all pardoned in the final days of the presidency of George H. W. Bush, who had been Vice President at the time of the affair.[13] The Iran–Contra affair and the ensuing deception to protect senior administration officials including President Reagan has been cast as an example of post-truth politics.[14]"

Iran–Contra affair - Wikipedia

Trump has not come close to what Reagan and Bush did--although his term is early still...
If you could time travel back 50 years what would you warn the citizens about today’s America?

Bring lots of money...

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