If you didn't catch Matthew Mcconaughey from the White House breifing room, live, You need to

That is the purpose of discussing it. Nobody has the single "solve-all" answer, but it will not be found unless discussed as normal citizens, without the old tricks of breaking off the conversation and debate with nothing done.
Did Mcconaughey mention the increasing number of Soros funded chief prosecutors and "let-'em-go" judges who don't enforce the law?
The developmental concerns of persons under the age of 21 are real. Military personnel under the age of 21 need not be prohibited. They would have the vetted maturity, training, and discipline.
If you think that all 18,19 and 20 year olds in the military have maturity and discipline then you never served in the military. Hell, it is not much of an exaggeration to say they don't even have responsible adult leadership.

Unfortunately nutcases get in the military some of the time and they commit crimes the same as their civilian counterparts.
Red Flag laws are a direct take from communist. They want you to report your friends and neighbors the the police come and take your weapons without even a hearing. You have to hire a lawyer to get your guns back. If you are for this type of law there is no way you are an American
Yep. Constitutionally framing and enforcing Red Flag laws is a very tricky business. The fact that enthusiastic proponents of such legislation vaguely refer to it as a means of keeping guns out of the hands of unfit people sans further detail in op eds should raise red flags in even the slowest minds.
Rather you agree or disagree with his take on guns just don't forget you are watching a good actor.
Did Mcconaughey mention the increasing number of Soros funded chief prosecutors and "let-'em-go" judges who don't enforce the law?
Nope. It didn't come up. I'm not sure that he knew what your agenda was.
If you think that all 18,19 and 20 year olds in the military have maturity and discipline then you never served in the military. Hell, it is not much of an exaggeration to say they don't even have responsible adult leadership.

Unfortunately nutcases get in the military some of the time and they commit crimes the same as their civilian counterparts.
I did serve in the military. I'm a formerly active Force Recon Marine. For folks under 21, especially males, the developmental concerns are real. Notwithstanding, military personnel will at least have the kind of vetted maturity, training, and discipline that others under the age of 21 would not have. I don't know who you served with but that was my experience, and besides persons who serve their country in the military would deserve to be exempted from such a prohibition.

That some soldiers go bad or get past the vetting process is hardly news. Ditto some cops. That's life.

I'm sorry but you don't seem to have much of a point in this case.
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Is it better, you knowing someone you know is off his rocker, and heavily armed, but not reporting it?
Personally, I think you should be furnished on or reimbursed at average market rate. Any weapons confiscation, should have a show cause hearing within 24 to 48 hours tops.
So who is paying for your lawyer to defend you? I believe the authorities would need more than a single phone call to steal your weapons
Nope. It didn't come up. I'm not sure that he knew what your agenda was.
It would seem that like you he hasn't been paying attention to what Democrats have been doing to our institutions. As I have written elsewhere, let's review:

While popular culture at large and abortion on demand has been teaching kids for decades that human life and sexuality are cheap, indeed, that sexual chastity and fidelity are antiquated virtues, that the marital and familiar bonds of civilization are oppressive: lefty's anti-socialization factories, i.e., the state schools, have been doubling down on these lessons and churning out vicious sissies, skanks, bullies, and rank psychopaths at an ever-increasing rate.
Can you give a bullet point run down of what he's proposing? I watched the first 5 minutes and from that assume there's maybe 2-3 minutes of actual content and 18-19 minutes of pulling on heart strings. I'd rather just know what's being proposed without all the bullshit. He should have lead with the BLUF.
Men will sit through 'the bullshit' without complaint.
So who is paying for your lawyer to defend you? I believe the authorities would need more than a single phone call to steal your weapons
I have never seen it done to anybody I know, but I figure I can handle the expense if necessary, and I already know who it would be. His number is in my phone and his card stays in my wallet. Like I said, I am a responsible weapons owner and carry permit holder. I know crap can happen.
It would seem that like you he hasn't been paying attention to what Democrats have been doing to our institutions. As I have written elsewhere, let's review:

While popular culture at large and abortion on demand has been teaching kids for decades that human life and sexuality are cheap, indeed, that sexual chastity and fidelity are antiquated virtues, that the marital and familiar bonds of civilization are oppressive: lefty's anti-socialization factories, i.e., the state schools, have been doubling down on these lessons and churning out vicious sissies, skanks, bullies, and rank psychopaths at an ever-increasing rate.
I really don't think your issue was on his mind or he might have mentioned. He didn't look shy or disorganized, and seemed to say well, exactly what he wanted to say.
Hollywood assholes make their living being convincing.

Doesn't change the fact he is a shrill for the dipshits in this country that want to take the right to keep and bear arms away.

He is pretty well washed up as an actor. Now the sonofabitch is using the tragedy of children being killed to get into politics. Shame!

Meanwhile he made a ton of money shooting guns.

i know what you're saying and thats what i expected from him ...but i got to admit that he came across as very reasonable and thoughtful ...
You write:

Saying the 2nd amendment is paramount to considerations of protecting our kids, our schools, our churches, our public spaces, must take precedence. To do otherwise, out of hand, as usual is bullshit.​

What is that supposed to mean?
it means protect the kids and protect the 2nd amendment.
I did serve in the military. I'm a formerly active Force Recon Marine. For folks under 21, especially males, the developmental concerns are real. Notwithstanding, military personnel will at least have the kind of vetted maturity, training, and discipline that others under the age of 21 would not have. I don't know who you served with but that was my experience, and besides persons who serve their country in the military would deserve to be exempted from such a prohibition.

That some soldiers go bad or get past the vetting process is hardly news. Ditto some cops. That's life.

I'm sorry but you don't seem to have much of a point in this case.
In the time I served I saw a lot of brave dedicated troops. I also saw some douche bags.

Being in the military doesn't exempt anybody from being a nutcase.

No different than civilian life.

If you can be trusted with a rifle in the military based upon your age then you can be trusted in civilian life.

However, the Second Amendment is not about the government trusting anybody. There is no test of trust in "shall not be infringed". It is a Constitutional right.
it means protect the kids and protect the 2nd amendment.
Actually, White 6 was suggesting in his original post that the NRA as a group, gun lobbyists and others blindly defend the 2nd sans a proper concern for protecting the kids.

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