If you didn't catch Matthew Mcconaughey from the White House breifing room, live, You need to

The developmental concerns of persons under the age of 21 are real. Military personnel under the age of 21 need not be prohibited. They would have the vetted maturity, training, and discipline.

We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

We have an agreed upon standard of what constitutes an adult. It's even in the Constitution..albeit as an amendment...that no citizen over the age of 18 may be denied the right to vote.

18 is the age we decided a person must register for the draft, the age they may serve or be drafted, the age they can legally sign contracts and the age they are responsible for themselves.

As this is the age we have determined confers adulthood, then an infringement of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution cannot be allowed.

If we are raising 18 to 20 year old children... That is what needs to be addressed.

My father was taking his hunting rifle to school at age 14... along with most of his classmates. My school had a drill team and a competitive rifle team. When I was a boy scout...we took our .22s to hunt with. I was 15.

In the 200+ years this country has existed, a hundred million 14 to 20 year olds have been trusted with rifles...the most technologically advanced weapons of their day...and yet this phenomenon of mass shootings by young adults is of very recent vintage.

Does that not indicate to you that the problem is not the guns, or the age of the owners, but some other societal issue that needs to he sorted?

These mass shootings are not the disease...but another symptom of the disease.

One, let’s ban the assault weapons for civilians. This is a no-brainer. And to my friends out there that are responsible owners of these recreational assault weapons that they use for recreation, please let’s just take one for the team here and set it down. That issue saves lives.”
Well... There you go.

Gun Grabber.

What'd I tell ya.
Well... There you go.

Gun Grabber.

What'd I tell ya.

The son of a bitch asked REPONSIBLE GUN OWNERS to "lay down their weapons" and "take one for the team." FUCK HIM. Telling responsible gun owners to give up their guns because of a handful of mass murderers who misuse these guns shows hes a low life gun grabbing cock sucking bastard.

In other words, he was quite at home in the white house press briefing room.

One, let’s ban the assault weapons for civilians. This is a no-brainer. And to my friends out there that are responsible owners of these recreational assault weapons that they use for recreation, please let’s just take one for the team here and set it down. That issue saves lives.”
Although the print claimed he said it, there was no video, so, meh, it is hard to trust cabal media, on anything, positive or negative these days, but I appreciate the time stamp in history, it made locating the evidence, easier, thanx. I notice the article specifically DID NOT PROVIDE video evidence of him going on record, promotng a ban on assault weapons. . . VERY crafty, VERY political. ;)

In 2018, actor Matthew McConaughey marched with the far-left March For Our Lives group where he call​

Nov 21, 2020

In 2018, actor Matthew McConaughey marched with the far-left March For Our Lives group where he called on law-abiding gun owners to “take one for the team” and give up some of their gun rights. He has recently indicated he could be interested in running for office in Texas.
Although the print claimed he said it, there was no video, so, meh, it is hard to trust cabal media, on anything, positive or negative these days, but I appreciate the time stamp in history, it made locating the evidence, easier, thanx. I notice the article specifically DID NOT PROVIDE video evidence of him going on record, promotng a ban on assault weapons. . . VERY crafty, VERY political. ;)

In 2018, actor Matthew McConaughey marched with the far-left March For Our Lives group where he call​

Nov 21, 2020

In 2018, actor Matthew McConaughey marched with the far-left March For Our Lives group where he called on law-abiding gun owners to “take one for the team” and give up some of their gun rights. He has recently indicated he could be interested in running for office in Texas.

Dude, what are you talking about? It's in the video you posted. 0:28 seconds to be exact

Every single thing they said that he said on the website they have in a video, including telling law abiding gun owners to give up their rightfully owned guns.

Like I said, FUCK HIM.
Also....how ridiculous to put an actor as the official voice, as the spokeman for the WH! :cuckoo:

Total clown show....that's what this stolen Administration is and will be till the end.
Dude, its People magazine. Certainly no bastion of conservatism. Every single thing they said that he said on the website they have in a video, including telling law abiding gun owners to give up their rightfully owned guns.

Like I said, FUCK HIM.

They have told lies about folks on the left and the right, I assure you.
Dude its in your video, 27 seconds in in your post 284. He says "Ban all assault weapons for civilians." They didn't lie. It's a video, like I said.
Agreed. I wanted to HEAR him say it.

Just like when Trump said there were very fine people at the Charlottesville protest? You remember that bullshit? I listened to that WHOLE speech, I know what places like People magazine, and other outlets, take celebrities comments out of context, and twist what they say. . . I just wanted to hear what he had to say myself.

NONE of the videos in the people article had Matthew saying he wanted to ban any gun, or restrict the size of any clip. This was obviously done for political reasons. They didn't want mass exposure of him, on the record, stating he wanted to ban semi-automatic weapons.

He just wanted those at that rally to hear it.

A lot of folks don't read those articles closely, they just scan the tweets in the articles.

I get what you are saying though. . . I do.

If you don't see what I am getting at, it isn't a big deal.

You can trust People if you want, that is your choice. It isn't a source that I trust. . . and apparently? This Matthew McConaughey is probably gunning for some political office eventually too, so we probably shouldn't trust him either.

Agreed. I wanted to HEAR him say it.

Just like when Trump said there were very fine people at the Charlottesville protest? You remember that bullshit? I listened to that WHOLE speech, I know what places like People magazine, and other outlets, take celebrities comments out of context, and twist what they say. . . I just wanted to hear what he had to say myself.

NONE of the videos in the people article had Matthew saying he wanted to ban any gun, or restrict the size of any clip. This was obviously done for political reasons. They didn't want mass exposure of him, on the record, stating he wanted to ban semi-automatic weapons.

He just wanted those at that rally to hear it.

A lot of folks don't read those articles closely, they just scan the tweets in the articles.

I get what you are saying though. . . I do.

If you don't see what I am getting at, it isn't a big deal.

You can trust People if you want, that is your choice. It isn't a source that I trust. . . and apparently? This Matthew McConaughey is probably gunning for some political office eventually too, so we probably shouldn't trust him either.


I don't care about People magazine. I trust the videos that I posted, and you posted, of HIM SAYING TO BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS, whatever the heck that even means.

One, let’s ban the assault weapons for civilians. This is a no-brainer. And to my friends out there that are responsible owners of these recreational assault weapons that they use for recreation, please let’s just take one for the team here and set it down. That issue saves lives.”

The pecker fuck even asked responsible gun owners to give up their guns because of irresponsible gun owners.

You should make this it's own that thread instead of having it buried down here at least 300.

The lie runs around the world before the truth gets its shoes on.

He is talking for gun owners? No gun owner I ever listen to talk talks like this. Does he own a gun? When he starts talking about what the government is going to do about criminals and guns instead of hurting legal gun owners. Then maybe I will listen.


Number of people killed by mass public shooters in 2021?


Number of people murdered by guns in democrat party controlled cities with the most extreme gun control laws?

The better part of 10,000 killed…..

Our problem isn’t guns…..our problem isn’t the rare mass public shootings……

if you want to save actual lives ……we need to stop the democrat party war on police, and the democrat party policy of releasing violent gun criminals….

The rare mass public shooting…6 in 2021……..give the democrats a chance to stampede uninformed Americans….while their policies get thousands of black Americans killed in the cities the democrats control….

Get back to us when Matthew addresses the democrat party….
I don’t mind much of what the actor said. And I do believe that instead of posturing and blocking, there is a damn god reason and it is probably last time that our representatives agree to actually discuss the issues involved. I believe that it IS possible to BOTH increase the necessary protection for school kids and patrons of supermarkets and people all over AND reasonably, and with proper consideration for the rights of the people to remain armed, address those rights.

I don’t believe it will be easy. But I do believe it can be accomplished. There is nothing all that common about common sense. So even if it’s hard and requires extraordinary sense and determination, it’s about time the various sides meet and try to negotiate in good faith.

Forget the easy and the quick proposed solutions. They won’t get done. They probably shouldn’t. Roll up the damn sleeves and crest some laws with proper protections and procedural and substantive safeguards. Do the hard work.
Although the print claimed he said it, there was no video, so, meh, it is hard to trust cabal media, on anything, positive or negative these days, but I appreciate the time stamp in history, it made locating the evidence, easier, thanx. I notice the article specifically DID NOT PROVIDE video evidence of him going on record, promotng a ban on assault weapons. . . VERY crafty, VERY political. ;)

In 2018, actor Matthew McConaughey marched with the far-left March For Our Lives group where he call​

Nov 21, 2020

In 2018, actor Matthew McConaughey marched with the far-left March For Our Lives group where he called on law-abiding gun owners to “take one for the team” and give up some of their gun rights. He has recently indicated he could be interested in running for office in Texas.

Does this mean he will give up his bodyguards?
We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

We have an agreed upon standard of what constitutes an adult. It's even in the Constitution..albeit as an amendment...that no citizen over the age of 18 may be denied the right to vote.

18 is the age we decided a person must register for the draft, the age they may serve or be drafted, the age they can legally sign contracts and the age they are responsible for themselves.

As this is the age we have determined confers adulthood, then an infringement of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution cannot be allowed.

If we are raising 18 to 20 year old children... That is what needs to be addressed.

My father was taking his hunting rifle to school at age 14... along with most of his classmates. My school had a drill team and a competitive rifle team. When I was a boy scout...we took our .22s to hunt with. I was 15.

In the 200+ years this country has existed, a hundred million 14 to 20 year olds have been trusted with rifles...the most technologically advanced weapons of their day...and yet this phenomenon of mass shootings by young adults is of very recent vintage.

Does that not indicate to you that the problem is not the guns, or the age of the owners, but some other societal issue that needs to he sorted?

These mass shootings are not the disease...but another symptom of the disease.
I don't have an issue with most everything you say. I know the pertinent history and law, and generally I have no problem with minors using firearms. Also, of course, the real and immediate problems have nothing to do with guns or the age at which persons could purchase and responsibly use firearms in a society that sanely socializes children. The ultimate problem is spiritual, moral, and cultural, and the only real solution to that problem is universal school choice. In the meantime, the immediate problems go to the woeful lack of proper security in the state schools and the suicidal gun-free zones imposed by morons.

Perhaps your right. Is lefty going to give control of the schools back to parents in terms of choice and funding without a fight? Hell no! Is lefty going to harden school security with armed personnel and infrastructure without a fight? Hell no! Is lefty going to end gun-free zones, expand conceal carry without a fight? Hell no!

But bear in mind. I'm not talking about prohibiting folks under 21 from using firearms but to purchase firearms, unless they are in the military. Those in the military should be exempt.
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Arming teachers won't work. Most are liberals who think boys and girls should use the same bathrooms.
Disarming the shooters won't work. These kids are the sons of the Ritalin generation. 2 decades ago, it was our youth that was fucked up - now it's the parents that are fucked up - raising fucked up kids.
It's societal degradation at its finest.
I won't go into all the reasons for this occurrence. But it is happening.
We're gonna have to turn our public schools into airports. Have a limited number of entrance and exit points with armed security and screening tools/metal detectors.
It's the society we live in. The right to bear arms has nothing do do with the sad state we live in.
Mental health care and safer schools are the first thing government should do and can do if they really wanted to... it should have been done years ago but they would rather take the hard road and run over my 2nd amendment rights.... do the easy steps first....

Nice sermon Matthew.... but leaving the people defenseless to defend their freedom is not an answer....
Our government is way too corrupt and tyrannical these days to even discuss infringing on the right to own and buy a gun....

A lot would have to change at the federal level first....
just like they need to help people with disabilities, the elderly and vets. they politicans care for no one but themselves.

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