If you didn't catch Matthew Mcconaughey from the White House breifing room, live, You need to

I cannot post the video, not out yet, but it will undoubtedly be available later. No matter what side of the gun debate, or what party you belong to, or like me, not a party member, you need to see his presentation, on the Uvalde shooting and his plea for reforms to stop this ongoing carnage across our country.

As a gun owner, raised with guns, trained to be responsible with weapons by my own dad, I can say I support his message of being able to advance legislation that will move us forward and indeed make the 2nd amendment even more relevant, than we are being sold by both sides of the political divide. Saying the 2nd amendment is paramount to considerations of protecting our kids, our schools, our churches, our public spaces, must take precedence. To do otherwise, out of hand, as usual is bullshit.
View attachment 655065Watch live: Actor Matthew McConaughey joins White House press briefing on guns

WHY is this moron up there?
He's a fucking ACTOR!! He LIES for a living!
What a POS.

He's becoming irrelevant in his old age..........so I guess he has to puff up his ego any way he can now.

And I sure as hell don't see HIM pumping a few million dollars from HIS personal bank accounts into any kind of program!!!
Too bad democratic gun grabbers cannot be trusted. Give them an inch and they want a mile. So no concessions
it should be then the age to join the military then. 18 year old brain s are not different if you are enlisted. either they get right in both instances or they dont.

Or voting....see if the democrat party will agree with raising the voting age to 21......see what they say about that...


You really need to explain the following.......

Over 27 years, from 1993 to the year 2015, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2019 (in 2020 that number is 21.52 million)...guess what happened...

New Concealed Carry Report For 2020: 19.48 Million Permit Holders, 820,000 More Than Last Year despite many states shutting down issuing permits because of the Coronavirus - Crime Prevention Research Center

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

This means that access to guns does not create gun crime........
I cannot post the video, not out yet, but it will undoubtedly be available later. No matter what side of the gun debate, or what party you belong to, or like me, not a party member, you need to see his presentation, on the Uvalde shooting and his plea for reforms to stop this ongoing carnage across our country.

As a gun owner, raised with guns, trained to be responsible with weapons by my own dad, I can say I support his message of being able to advance legislation that will move us forward and indeed make the 2nd amendment even more relevant, than we are being sold by both sides of the political divide. Saying the 2nd amendment is paramount to considerations of protecting our kids, our schools, our churches, our public spaces, must take precedence. To do otherwise, out of hand, as usual is bullshit.
View attachment 655065Watch live: Actor Matthew McConaughey joins White House press briefing on guns

This guy?

Moot point. They murdered innocent unarmed people.

I don't know that its moot.

I keep getting told that the 2nd Amendment gives everyone the right to own an arsenal because it means we're all in the militia. Seems like we need to start giving mental examinations to every militia member to see if they can remain in the militia--before they murder any current or future militia members.
He would make a great preacher. He talks exactly like one.
I cannot post the video, not out yet, but it will undoubtedly be available later. No matter what side of the gun debate, or what party you belong to, or like me, not a party member, you need to see his presentation, on the Uvalde shooting and his plea for reforms to stop this ongoing carnage across our country.

As a gun owner, raised with guns, trained to be responsible with weapons by my own dad, I can say I support his message of being able to advance legislation that will move us forward and indeed make the 2nd amendment even more relevant, than we are being sold by both sides of the political divide. Saying the 2nd amendment is paramount to considerations of protecting our kids, our schools, our churches, our public spaces, must take precedence. To do otherwise, out of hand, as usual is bullshit.
View attachment 655065Watch live: Actor Matthew McConaughey joins White House press briefing on guns

I couldn't watch the whole thing because he spent way too much time off topic and talking about the pain and suffering and such, and when he talked he sounded like a preacher Infront of a congregation.

But no, we don't need gun reform in any sense of the word because guns are not the problem, our society is the problem, criminals and nutballs are the problem.

You can literally make every gun in America disappear instantly and guess what? The gang bangers, the school shooters, the thug murders and so on will still be here. They are the problem, not the guns. They are the ones who pick up a gun and make the choice to do something wrong meanwhile a million pick up a gun everyday to carry to protect themselves or target shoot responsibly and never hurt anyone.

Our society doesn't want to acknowledge the real source, people. We want to rush to an inanimate object.

Our society won't recognize places like Switzerland that have gun ownership that rivals America's yet they have just about the lowest gun and violent crimes records in europe. They have a more satisfied, comfortable, non diverse society so everyone is comfortable being around others like them, that has good education and good employment rates. We won't admit that because we want the quick and easy blame game, because any other response means a lot of work, hurt feelings and the reality that guns are fine, it's criminals that are bad and we have to deal with them. It's easier to blame and just regulate a hunk of metal and plastic and call it a day.
A Man that makes his money off of guns and calls for gun control is a fucking whore. He has nothing of value to offer.
Really? I was in the profession of arms, literally making my money off my knowledge of guns, arms in general, how to use, how to implement, direct their use and training others. I too call for sensible gun control, because the situation is out of hand when the leading cause of death for kids under 18 is getting to guns. Still, I am not against guns, or even ARs. I just favor them being regulated intelligently, instead of see the debate squelch, because somebody thinks their favorite right overrides all other rights, or that some people, citizens, do not deserve to be heard or their opinions discussed, as they work in a profession, some do not approve of.
It was refreshing to see there actually being a discussion going on in government once more. Nothing will probably come of it because once the testimonies are given and we get back to governing as usual, the GOP will obstruct everything. Its good to see government at least superficially taking an interest again.
He makes his money off the glorification of guns
Ewwwww! Get thee behind me Satan, you, you, professional actor! Ewwwww! Watch out boys, he's a fairly dangerous man! Ewwww! The guy with a .45 is torn down by somebody HE says "glorifies" guns? Yeah, right, dude.
WHY is this moron up there?
He's a fucking ACTOR!! He LIES for a living!
What a POS.

He's becoming irrelevant in his old age..........so I guess he has to puff up his ego any way he can now.

And I sure as hell don't see HIM pumping a few million dollars from HIS personal bank accounts into any kind of program!!!
Shoot a YouTube video, maybe you can get some likes. He is also a modestly educated successful guy, who at on time was considering running for Governor of that state, and chose to speak out on the horror story that occurred in his home town.

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