If you didn't catch Matthew Mcconaughey from the White House breifing room, live, You need to

He's talking about state law, and there's no logical or constitutional reason that states cannot prohibit the sale of firearms to all persons under the age of 21 except military personnel. In fact, I know of no reason why such a federal stipulation would not be constitutional.
because they do not believe 18 years old's brains are formed to enough to handle gun. then it inst formed enough to handle a gun and go to war and fight any enemy the country has. double standard. It's the government wanting it cake and eat it too.
In the time I served I saw a lot of brave dedicated troops. I also saw some douche bags.

Being in the military doesn't exempt anybody from being a nutcase.

No different than civilian life.

If you can be trusted with a rifle in the military based upon your age then you can be trusted in civilian life.

However, the Second Amendment is not about the government trusting anybody. There is no test of trust in "shall not be infringed". It is a Constitutional right.
you tell him
Requiring one to be 21 years of age to purchase a firearm is not an infringement on the right to keep and bear arms.
it should be then the age to join the military then. 18 year old brain s are not different if you are enlisted. either they get right in both instances or they dont.
We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

We have an agreed upon standard of what constitutes an adult. It's even in the Constitution..albeit as an amendment...that no citizen over the age of 18 may be denied the right to vote.

18 is the age we decided a person must register for the draft, the age they may serve or be drafted, the age they can legally sign contracts and the age they are responsible for themselves.

As this is the age we have determined confers adulthood, then an infringement of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution cannot be allowed.

If we are raising 18 to 20 year old children... That is what needs to be addressed.

My father was taking his hunting rifle to school at age 14... along with most of his classmates. My school had a drill team and a competitive rifle team. When I was a boy scout...we took our .22s to hunt with. I was 15.

In the 200+ years this country has existed, a hundred million 14 to 20 year olds have been trusted with rifles...the most technologically advanced weapons of their day...and yet this phenomenon of mass shootings by young adults is of very recent vintage.

Does that not indicate to you that the problem is not the guns, or the age of the owners, but some other societal issue that needs to he sorted?

These mass shootings are not the disease...but another symptom of the disease.
you tell him. that ding bat thinks brain s of savilians and military man are differnt.
Ringtone said:
The developmental concerns of persons under the age of 21 are real. Military personnel under the age of 21 need not be prohibited. They would have the vetted maturity, training, and discipline.

dude you need to listen to your self. your making no sense. geez lol
I cannot post the video, not out yet, but it will undoubtedly be available later. No matter what side of the gun debate, or what party you belong to, or like me, not a party member, you need to see his presentation, on the Uvalde shooting and his plea for reforms to stop this ongoing carnage across our country.

As a gun owner, raised with guns, trained to be responsible with weapons by my own dad, I can say I support his message of being able to advance legislation that will move us forward and indeed make the 2nd amendment even more relevant, than we are being sold by both sides of the political divide. Saying the 2nd amendment is paramount to considerations of protecting our kids, our schools, our churches, our public spaces, must take precedence. To do otherwise, out of hand, as usual is bullshit.
View attachment 655065Watch live: Actor Matthew McConaughey joins White House press briefing on guns
A Man that makes his money off of guns and calls for gun control is a fucking whore. He has nothing of value to offer.
Normally, I would agree, but not this time. He is from Uvalde, I am not, but it looks like he was brought up as I and I agree with his speech and chose to bring it to the message board for consideration.
He makes his money off the glorification of guns
Does this entertainer have some special expertise I don't know about? If not, why should his opinion weigh more than anyone else? Sad this administration has entertainers doing this work. Don't we pay experts? Or is all our money going towards free crack pipes and more illegal aliens?
I think Mcconoughey will run for governor in the near future

I think Mcconoughey will run for governor in the near future
Saying the 2nd amendment is paramount to considerations of protecting our kids, our schools, our churches, our public spaces, must take precedence. To do otherwise, out of hand, as usual is bullshit.


Ringtone said:
The developmental concerns of persons under the age of 21 are real. Military personnel under the age of 21 need not be prohibited. They would have the vetted maturity, training, and discipline.

dude you need to listen to your self. your making no sense. geez lol
There's no difference between a teen with military training and one without military training? There's no difference between a teen who serves his country in the military and one who does not? Moreover, I'm not talking about prohibiting persons under 21 from using or handling guns but prohibiting them from purchasing them unless in the military.

Dude, you need to learn how to think and write.
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No, I'm not. States may enforce reasonable gun regulations. Requiring one to be at least 21 years of age in order to purchase firearms in one's own name is not the same thing as forbidding one under the age of 21 to use firearms. No sensible lawyer would attempt to challenge such prohibitions, and the Courts would never hear such challenges.
How come an 18 year old and enjoy all the other Rights in the Bill of Rights except one? The very one that says shall not be infringed?

What makes it even more ludicrous is that the 18 year old can vote and serve in the military.

There are nutcases in all age groups. That asshole that shot up the Republicans at the practice ball field was in his 50s and the one that inflicted the most damage in Las Vegas was in his 60s.

Some of the young mass shooters passed the Federal background check but other stole guns to do their despicable thing.

This is just another bullshit gun control law that will have absolutely no effect on gun crime.

None of the initiatives that McConaughay clown suggested will make a damn bit of difference in gun crime if the US. It will just further reduce our Constitutional rights and that is wrong.
i have no problem with requiring someone to be at least 21 yrs of age to buy an ar 15 and i also believe there should be a waver for that requirement for military under 21 yrs of age . if someone joins at the age of 18 and serves 2 yrs they should be allowed to buy at 20 yrs of age .
No deal. They are either old enough to handle them. Or they aren’t.
A Man that makes his money off of guns and calls for gun control is a fucking whore. He has nothing of value to offer.
He also sells luxury cars that most working Americans can't afford.

Typical idiot Hollywood Limousine Liberal that lives high on the hog protected by his money telling us how to live our lives.

By the way, he talks about growing up in Uvalde Texas. There are hardly any White people living in Uvalde any more. He is out of touch with reality.
Hey Matthew, you dickhead, while you were visiting Uvalde did you ask the cops why they stood outside with their dicks in their hands while the kids were being slaughtered?
For the 1,000,000 time the militia is the people not a professional army. And it isn't regulated by government you leftist loon. The more armed, trained, and regulated the people are the better they can keep government in check IDIOT.
And both the shooter in Uvalde, TX and Buffalo NY last month were members of the militia right?

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