If you didn't catch Matthew Mcconaughey from the White House breifing room, live, You need to

He has posted more than once in this thread, I am not sure which post you are referring to. . . you would need to link me to it, if it is really THAT important to you. . .

You talking about that? That sure seemed in reference to Matt's speech. Why would White 6 refer to himself as, "he?" :dunno:
More to the point, White 6's response in this instance suggests that I was referring to Matt's speech but that's nonsensical. To see why I wasn't and why White 6's response to my post is nonsensical, all you have to do is trace the exchange between me and him backwards via clicking on the arrows beside our names in the posts. I generally agree with Matt, though not necessarily over all the specifics vis-a-vis the Democrats' proposed legislation.
That a person that has made the decision to commit mass murder...not a decision that would come lightly...would be stopped by a google search for "private firearm websites"?

Especially after the left has made such a big deal about "the loophole"?

Let me google that for you.


Like I said...a completely laughable assertion.
So still assumption on your part.

Hence why you can’t logically claim that it’s zero percent.

You’re just assuming what you’re trying to claim.
I don't believe that your circle is indicative of the majority.
But if they want to hang their necks out there, then that's cool! 😎
Here is our Sheriff explaining the program along with how his department will respond. He is backed up by the parents of a young lady that was killed at Parkland.


Matthew Mcconaughey -more gun control​

Also Matthew Mcconaughey :rolleyes:

Does this entertainer have some special expertise I don't know about? If not, why should his opinion weigh more than anyone else? Sad this administration has entertainers doing this work. Don't we pay experts? Or is all our money going towards free crack pipes and more illegal aliens?

To my knowledge, he doesn't have any other expertise apart from acting.

And that's exactly what he was doing up there....reading a script, performing. :dunno:
No Matthew McConaughey, there’s nothing “moderate” about depriving Americans of their rights.

— The Columbia Bugle \uD83C\uDDFA\uD83C\uDDF8
In case any of y’all are still confused on this, our constitutional rights don’t come from @McConaughey or any other celebrity. Thanks.

Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) June 7, 2022

FLASHBACK: Here is Matthew McConaughey in 2018 calling for a total civilian ban on assault weapons

“Take one for the team and set them down” pic.twitter.com/uHVoGfvzDQ

Jack Posobiec \uD83C\uDDFA\uD83C\uDDF8 (@JackPosobiec)

The White House is so devoid of credible surrogates they’ve had to drag Matthew McConaughey off the set of yet another Magic Mike sequel to drone on about gun control.

Not alright, not alright, not alright!

Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) June 7, 2022
Nothing he suggested struck me as unreasonable. Except for maybe the Red Flag Laws. I get it, but I have an issue with someone losing a Constitutional right without due process. Add in the fact that it would not be beyond the realm of possibilities that a spiteful ex could abuse the system... I guess I'm on the fence in regard to Red Flag laws...
Agree. I have no problem with his suggestions in general. Apparently, folks like White 6, who demonize the NRA, you know, "the evil gun lobby and its supporters," are not aware that the membership of the NRA generally supports these actions and much more to boot regarding school security and the ending of governmentally imposed gun-free zones, which only serve to set up death traps for law-abiding citizens.

But when it comes to Red Flag laws, things could get very problematic very fast for reasons that are obvious to most all but leftists, especially if the federal government imposes and regulates them.
We already have background checks.

A state that has a drinking age of 21 could also apply that to the purchase of an AR-15 type.

Some states already have red flag laws but they need to be done in a judicial setting and not by some bureaucrats. And the feds have no reason to attempt to impose a national red flag law.

How about they do some of this stuff for people who want to buy legal marijuana? We know that marijuana cause psychosis in ~17% of users, so a psych evaluation should be required. And wasn't the Uvalde shooter a pothead?
You write:

Some states already have red flag laws but they need to be done in a judicial setting and not by some bureaucrats. And the feds have no reason to attempt to impose a national red flag law.​

Because the administration wants to convince the electorate to support new gun regulations.

This particular celebrity has the reputation of being a political moderate, and most of this speech was an;

After the appeal to emotion, they plan to TRY to get as many of the right on board with some, "common sense," incremental new gun laws, while largely ignoring mental health care reform and hardening the schools.

He spoke about mental health

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