If you didn't catch Matthew Mcconaughey from the White House breifing room, live, You need to

Raising the minimum age for semi-automatic rifles.

No reason to.

None of the young people that committed mass shootings, were mentally stable.

Instead? Just disallow folks that are on psychotropic meds, ADHD medication, or hormone therapy from prepossessing or buying guns.
I am not a doctor, I don't know what meds are used for insomnia. . . often times, insomnia is a condition, due to not enough exercise, and too much stress, or improper diet.

As far as a serious health event contributing to the depression, yeah, I know, that is what I have experience in it. That is what has caused my disability. That is why I was originally on anti-depressants for nearly half a decade long ago.

And no, if you need them, and are not willing to do the work to get off them? You don't need a gun, you have other problems. The founding fathers had NO IDEA what mind altering chemicals could do to the brain when the wrote the constitution, and have nothing against protecting a persons civil liberties and guaranteeing one's civil rights. . .

. . . but a person IS NOT a sovereign individual in control of their own thoughts and personality when they are on psychotropic medications. I have much experience, with many, MANY different types, and varieties, I am not speaking off the cuff here. These things can cause wild thoughts and emotional swings. They can cause paranoia, mood swings, and psychosis worse than marijuana.

Did you even view that Tom Cruise video?

I have nothing against hardening targets. The speech Matt made included that.
But why did you give White 6's post a thumbs up? I wasn't talking about Matt's speech. I was talking about White 6's incoherent and unqualified ramblings about the supposed problems and the supposed, ill-defined sins of those who defend the Second Amendment.
The Money Shot...

"We need background checks," he said from the lectern. "We need to raise the minimum age to purchase an AR-15 rifle to 21. We need a waiting period for those rifles. We need red flag laws and consequences for those who abuse them."

Ten pounds of Gun Grabber stuffed into a five pound sack.
Red flag laws?

An ex-wife is pissed at her ex-husband so she gets him “red-flagged.” His firearms are seized.

She waits a week and convinces her current boyfriend to break into her ex’s home, murder him and make it look like a robbery.

No reason to.

None of the young people that committed mass shootings, were mentally stable.

Instead? Just disallow folks that are on psychotropic meds, ADHD medication, or hormone therapy from prepossessing or buying guns.
Fine with me.
Kind of embarrassing. Why is he allowed that podium?
Because the administration wants to convince the electorate to support new gun regulations.

This particular celebrity has the reputation of being a political moderate, and most of this speech was an;

After the appeal to emotion, they plan to TRY to get as many of the right on board with some, "common sense," incremental new gun laws, while largely ignoring mental health care reform and hardening the schools.

But why did you give White 6's post a thumbs up? I wasn't talking about Matt's speech. I was talking about White 6's incoherent and unqualified ramblings about the supposed problems and the supposed, ill-defined sins of those who defend the Second Amendment.
He has posted more than once in this thread, I am not sure which post you are referring to. . . you would need to link me to it, if it is really THAT important to you. . .

He sounded pretty coherent to me.

You talking about that? That sure seemed in reference to Matt's speech. Why would White 6 refer to himself as, "he?" :dunno:
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What you‘re not listing are the people, assuming there are any, who failed the background check and then did not get to kill people. Naturally you wouldn’t hear about these incidents since nobody was killed.
This is a very simple logic problem that you are having difficulty wrapping your head around.

I'll be happy to explain it again.

Your position is that we need universal background checks to keep people from skirting FFL background checks by buying from private sellers.

Since no mass shooter has used a weapon purchased from a private seller...you have two equally unappealing choices to explain this phenomenon.

Either...every mass shooter passes a background check...meaning background checks are worthless as a deterrent to mass shootings...

...OR none of the ones that failed the background check ever successfully were able to purchase from a private seller...negating the need for universal background checks.

Unless you believe they were thwarted from their plan to commit mass murder by the additional step of checking Armslist.org...which is absolutely laughable.
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Kind of embarrassing. Why is he allowed that podium?
I think hard up Democrats might be looking at him as their new savior, much like they did with Avanati and Cuomo. Now they only have to figure out a way to make him a Black woman.
I cannot post the video, not out yet, but it will undoubtedly be available later. No matter what side of the gun debate, or what party you belong to, or like me, not a party member, you need to see his presentation, on the Uvalde shooting and his plea for reforms to stop this ongoing carnage across our country.

As a gun owner, raised with guns, trained to be responsible with weapons by my own dad, I can say I support his message of being able to advance legislation that will move us forward and indeed make the 2nd amendment even more relevant, than we are being sold by both sides of the political divide. Saying the 2nd amendment is paramount to considerations of protecting our kids, our schools, our churches, our public spaces, must take precedence. To do otherwise, out of hand, as usual is bullshit.
View attachment 655065Watch live: Actor Matthew McConaughey joins White House press briefing on guns
Why would I want to watch this lying piece of shit show me his patriotism?
The debate and appropriate application of regulation, does not take place, as it is cut off by the supposed supremacy of the 2nd amendment, as if doing anything negates it, but it doesn't and never did. What we are paying for in carnage has to be addressed. We are electing representatives to do something, yet they are stymied at even having the conversation. McConaughey is correct. Responsible gun owners are closer together on knowing something must be done than we are being told and sold by media, the loudmouths and the NRA. It is not a partisan issue it is literally, day by day becoming and has become a survival issue, honest middle of the road loyal Americans want addressed.
Shove your partisan bullshit about the NRA, loudmouth.
...OR none of the ones that failed the background check ever successfully were able to purchase from a private seller...negating the need for universal background checks.

Unless you believe they were thwarted from their plan to commit mass murder by the additional step of checking Armslist.org...which is absolutely laughable.
So you’re assuming that nobody was thwarted by this extra step, hence why you believe it’s zero percent. But we both agree that this is an assumption on your part.

Excellent, I think your starting to get it.
Why would I want to watch this lying piece of shit show me his patriotism?
He did a good presentation and discussed the issues. It is part of current events. Fox News thought it important enough to cover live and Brett Baer will be interviewing tonight as part of the ongoing discussion. Maybe to just be informed, rather than avoiding or being spoon-fed from 3rd parties.
So you’re assuming that nobody was thwarted by this extra step, hence why you believe it’s zero percent. But we both agree that this is an assumption on your part.

Excellent, I think your starting to get it.
That a person that has made the decision to commit mass murder...not a decision that would come lightly...would be stopped by a google search for "private firearm websites"?

Especially after the left has made such a big deal about "the loophole"?

Let me google that for you.


Like I said...a completely laughable assertion.
I’m speaking from MY experience as a substitute teacher

I’ve worked in ALL grades
From non verbal preschoolers
High school students

If YOU forced me to carry a GUN

Not every one has the courage to protect the students from harm. There are pussies that would cower and whimper and let the kids die.

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