If you didn't catch Matthew Mcconaughey from the White House breifing room, live, You need to

All that PC crap is crap, but yes, it limits some speech, though not by the government. Companies/employers have always limited speech. You could be kicked out, customer or employee, and hardly anything came of it. Now it's "Oh, My God! You're abusing my right!" People don't realize, free speech rights go a lot further protecting from government censorship (as they were written to do) than non-governmental entities. If in-person, in the civilian world at a non-government firm, you can find yourself silenced and escorted off the property, terminated for cause, and not much to do about it, depending on circumstance.
I think they usually would not have been able to kill as many. Less dead is better. How more honest with you can I get? The most famous mass shootings of late have not been with engagements where a majority were killed with pistol or shotgun, even if the shooter possessed them at the time of the mass shooting. Which of the statements in this response can you honestly say are not true?

All but one mass public shooting with a rifle
Could have been done with pistols or shotguns. The range on these shootings make thee rifle no more effective than a shotgun or pistols…

Virginia tech…32 killed, two pistols

Linus cafe….26 killed, two pistols

The pulse night club shooting happened in a tight space…..the rifle made no difference…..the Documentary series “Active Shooter,”. Showed the inside of the club……

The only shooting where the rifle made a
Difference was Las Vegas, and even then he had to target 22,000 people in a tightly packed concert…..the range was 400 yards….if they weren’t packed in he wouldn’t have been able to hit as many people as they ran around or sought cover

So rifles in mass public shootings are not a factor
I just said that I don’t want pre-k through high school gun courses.

Gun safety isn’t a gun course… a The NRA Eddie Eagle program is just gun safety

The 4 rules for kids who find a gun

1) stop
2) dont touch
3) leave the room
4) tell an adult

But the democrats want dead kids…. They are the Christmas gifts of the anti- gun fanatics
If any of you haven't watched it, you should.

And his comments aren't as wildly left-wing and gun-grabbery reactionary as many of you are imagining them to be. If you watch the whole thing, and not just a clip show of it from your favorite news media site, you will probably find yourself agreeing with many points he makes.

If any of you haven't watched it, you should.

And his comments aren't as wildly left-wing and gun-grabbery reactionary as many of you are imagining them to be. If you watch the whole thing, and not just a clip show of it from your favorite news media site, you will probably find yourself agreeing with many points he makes.

Yeah? Like when he stated just recently that we just have to take one for the team and give up our rifles?

He sided with the gun grabbing democrats to give them an inch…..so they can take a mile once they exploit whatever they get now
So you admit that the cause of increased crime is not the gun, and even suggest one valid cause - lack of personal responsibility, yet you continue to argue for steps to solve the crime that aren't related to the cause of the crime. You seem to be suggesting that we simply accept the trend to reduced personal responsibility and, to make up for that, we restrict the rights of those who do take responsibility for their own actions and do obey the law.

Why not deal with the causes of crime and, for those who insist on being criminals anyway, lock them up for a very long time in terrible conditions.
I think lack of person responsibility in modern society is just about the root of all evil. It affects everything, feelings of entitlement (Karen syndrome) how we parent kids, road rage, etc. Kids (the little dears) are indulgently not held responsible or disciplined effective at a young age to avoid the possibility of damaging their little egos, at home, at school or anywhere else, then released on society. I do not suggest we accept it at all. We did it right, so our kids will never be threatening your kids or society, and have become productive members, on their own.
The causes of crime are the same lack of responsibility and the same entitled disrespect for the concept of right and wrong.
I think lack of person responsibility in modern society is just about the root of all evil. It affects everything, feelings of entitlement (Karen syndrome) how we parent kids, road rage, etc. Kids (the little dears) are indulgently not held responsible or disciplined effective at a young age to avoid the possibility of damaging their little egos, at home, at school or anywhere else, then released on society. I do not suggest we accept it at all. We did it right, so our kids will never be threatening your kids or society, and have become productive members, on their own.
The causes of crime are the same lack of responsibility and the same entitled disrespect for the concept of right and wrong.
And who taught the parents and society to be so stupid? Why the left did, democrats.
Over 100 rounds were fired in Buffalo. The shooting lasted 6 minutes. That means he reloaded 3 times at least. He could have killed 50 times as many people in 6 minutes with an AR or with a single-stack 9mm - especially if he has one of those 9mms that blows the lungs right out of the rib cage when hit.

He could easily have reloaded 3 times or 30 times in 6 minutes; he was not going to be attacked during reload - and why is that? Because he was the only one in the place that had a gun. The solution to shooters is not to take away legally owned guns but is, instead, to make sure there are far more legally owned guns. If the shooter stopped to reload then someone who was hiding, laying down, or otherwise trying to stay alive but was armed and thinking, could have popped up and shot the shooter.

The assumption of a shooter should be that he will be shot and stopped in seconds. But that is not what they expect; what they expect is to be the only person with a gun in a gun free zone.

The Uvalde shooter fired at least 164 rounds, meaning that he reloaded at least 5 times. He could just have easily reloaded 500 times in the amount of time he was firing. But let's go with what he was carrying: 11 magazines. Had had he been carrying 11 single-stack 9mm magazines, let's say 10 rounds, he would have had 110 rounds. At close range, against children, that could have easily been 110 dead kids but let's say it took 2 shots to kill a child - he could have easily killed 55 children.

But let's consider what would have happened had the shooter gone into the school with a 5-round shotgun and pockets filled with 50 buckshot shells. If he went in and shot two or three people to start and then slowly, calmly, started adding rounds to his pump action shotgun, and someone tried to attack him because he only had a shotgun and not an evil AR-15, he would have calmly shot them, never being without ammunition, and he could have kept that up for an hour and killed every kid in site.

None of your suggestions can be expected to change a single thing about these shootings. They don't change whether the shootings happen or not and they don't change the number of dead. If you want to save children, lock the fucking school doors. But, no, that doesn't fit your anti-gun objective.
I hear you, about states that have almost stifled 2nd amendment access, so few weapons are being carried by normal people and abnormal people not caring whether legal or not, another point in favor of stop and frisk, by the way.

So, are you saying it's just the luck of the draw, this 18 year old dumb ass kid, used the AR? You are not seeing any pattern, to possibly be addressed? I don't think so. Shotguns don't support the same rate of fire, nor can they be reloaded as quickly, an designed more for hunting game instead of efficiently dispensing with people or kids. I know, as a shot gun and an AR now and have had shotguns or access to the practically all my life.

Your only real suggestion seems to be do nothing. That is not working out too well in the present day, where your biggest fears are from totalitarian regimes on another continent before I was born that "might" be again, vs the almost daily slaughter that is. I am willing to have it debated by the Congress critters and action taken.
Really? You think that surrendering a right for all law-abiding citizens in the country is worth it to save a single crime? What, then, is worth more than a life? Anything? Is the convenience of driving a car 2 miles to the grocery store worth the lives of all the children killed in auto accidents? Far more children are killed in car accidents than by any kind of gun. We could all take public transportation. If there were only public buses on the streets, there'd literally be zero fatal accidents.

If Ukraine would only surrender to Putin, how many children would be saved? Isn't it worth it if it saves even just a single child?

If the border was secured with an impregnable wall, how many children's lives would be saved? Wouldn't it be worth it if it saved a single child?
Over simplification FAIL attempt too early to bother with the rest.
Hypocritical response. You propose what-ifs (hypotheticals) all the time. Your suggestion that fewer people might be killed if ARs were banned is purely hypothetical. Your suggestion that shooters might not use the other guns they have in their possession if they didn't have their AR-15s is purely hypothetical. I can post plenty of stories of mass shootings where the shooter didn't have an AR-15 so they used the gun they had.

In fact, in 100% of mass shootings where the shooter didn't have an AR-15, they used the other weapon they had in their possession so it is absolutely a statistical certainty that a mass murderer will use the weapon they have available, even if it's not an AR-15. In fact, even if it's not a firearm at all. Prove me wrong. Give us a single instance of a mass murder without an AR-15 that didn't use the weapons at their disposal that weren't AR-15s.
You complain of Hypocritical response? Yet, you suggest I would suggest ARs be banned, when I have said that I did not support? Don't make me laugh.
All but one mass public shooting with a rifle
Could have been done with pistols or shotguns. The range on these shootings make thee rifle no more effective than a shotgun or pistols…

Virginia tech…32 killed, two pistols

Linus cafe….26 killed, two pistols

The pulse night club shooting happened in a tight space…..the rifle made no difference…..the Documentary series “Active Shooter,”. Showed the inside of the club……

The only shooting where the rifle made a
Difference was Las Vegas, and even then he had to target 22,000 people in a tightly packed concert…..the range was 400 yards….if they weren’t packed in he wouldn’t have been able to hit as many people as they ran around or sought cover

So rifles in mass public shootings are not a factor
I disagree. Modern semi-automatics have become the weapon of choice. The few are making all owners and radical 2nd amendment supporter appear to be the same group, but they are not. Many of us would like to see something done, to stop the slaughter and feel regulation of the weapon of choice of recent years, should be on the table.
I disagree. Modern semi-automatics have become the weapon of choice. The few are making all owners and radical 2nd amendment supporter appear to be the same group, but they are not. Many of us would like to see something done, to stop the slaughter and feel regulation of the weapon of choice of recent years, should be on the table.

Yes…pistols are the most popular gun…..so they will do their best to ban all semi-autos….and then all the rest.

You are useful to them…….you will give them that first inch……

Give them the AR-15 and you have no excuse to keep semi-auto rifles, pisotols and shotguns since they all operate the same way

That you don’t understand this or don’t care is truly sad
I hear you, about states that have almost stifled 2nd amendment access, so few weapons are being carried by normal people and abnormal people not caring whether legal or not, another point in favor of stop and frisk, by the way.

So, are you saying it's just the luck of the draw, this 18 year old dumb ass kid, used the AR? You are not seeing any pattern, to possibly be addressed? I don't think so. Shotguns don't support the same rate of fire, nor can they be reloaded as quickly, an designed more for hunting game instead of efficiently dispensing with people or kids. I know, as a shot gun and an AR now and have had shotguns or access to the practically all my life.

Your only real suggestion seems to be do nothing. That is not working out too well in the present day, where your biggest fears are from totalitarian regimes on another continent before I was born that "might" be again, vs the almost daily slaughter that is. I am willing to have it debated by the Congress critters and action taken.

Navy Yard shooter…shotgun…12 killed

Russian polytechnic shooting, shotgun, 20 killed 70 wounded.

Virginia tech, two pistols 32 killed

Luby’s cafe 2 pistols 26 killed

It isnt the rifle….it is the gun free zone and how long it takes someone with a gun to confront the shooter

You are a fool thinking it is the rifle or worse, believing it is the semi-auto
Yes…pistols are the most popular gun…..so they will do their best to ban all semi-autos….and then all the rest.

You are useful to them…….you will give them that first inch……

Give them the AR-15 and you have no excuse to keep semi-auto rifles, pisotols and shotguns since they all operate the same way

That you don’t understand this or don’t care is truly sad
I take it, you believed in the domino effect predicted as one of the underpinnings of the Vietnam war?
I'm not so sure. Hard to work up the requisite level of paranoia. I know. Sounds like famous last words, but I said them.
I take it, you believed in the domino effect predicted as one of the underpinnings of the Vietnam war?
I'm not so sure. Hard to work up the requisite level of paranoia. I know. Sounds like famous last words, but I said them.
Are you REALLY this stupid? as was stated if the ban AR 15's then it is an even easier step to ban all semi autos since there is NOTHING unique about the AR15. Be specific and tell us you have lived under a rock for the last 50 years and never noticed that when a gun banner gets one win they then try for more building on the first win,
Are you REALLY this stupid? as was stated if the ban AR 15's then it is an even easier step to ban all semi autos since there is NOTHING unique about the AR15. Be specific and tell us you have lived under a rock for the last 50 years and never noticed that when a gun banner gets one win they then try for more building on the first win,
Not stupid. Just not falling for another "Domino Theory" as a reason to do nothing.

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