If you didn't catch Matthew Mcconaughey from the White House breifing room, live, You need to

To you, everything you don't like or strikes you in your sensitivies, seems best characterized by you as a lie and the person saying it, by the way you interpret it a liar or hypocrite.
You were either never in supervision/management or you must have been a real pip to work with as you contributed to discussion, problem-solving, and decision meetings. I have not found that tactic productive in the real world. Did you?
Actually, I'm an extremely popular supervisor. People are always trying to get on my team and many have filed HR complaints when senior management have tried to move them off of my team.

But you didn't address the question, you just switched to trolling, personal, attacks. You claimed you didn't support assault weapons bans but I proved you do. Are you agreeing now that you do support them? Or are you going to contradict the things I quoted that came from your very own keyboard?
Actually, I'm an extremely popular supervisor. People are always trying to get on my team and many have filed HR complaints when senior management have tried to move them off of my team.

But you didn't address the question, you just switched to trolling, personal, attacks. You claimed you didn't support assault weapons bans but I proved you do. Are you agreeing now that you do support them? Or are you going to contradict the things I quoted that came from your very own keyboard?
You proved no such thing. You are interpreting as a weapons ban, pure and simple. You use the same rhetoric as people that have favored unlimited access to weapons, cloaking it as an attack on the Second Amendment, but it is not or at least it does not have to be. There have been regulations regarding the Second Amendment as long as you can remember and the Supreme Court has said it is Constitutional to regulate, when that argument has be brought before the court. I support the Supreme Court and the Second Amendment. I view your opinion as one of bias, but it is your opinion.
I brought up the trolling, personal attacks, because you and some on the internet, think it is the way to go, when you would no more go into a meeting in the real world and start calling people liars, and being insulting, than the man on the moon, as it just doesn't work. Also, you are sounding like a broken record, simply repeating and rephrasing in order to attack, taking up too much of my time, and no longer participating in a productive conversation to either side. OPs, OP their threads to keep the conversation moving forward. This one isn't. Mods primary overruling goal is attempt to keep threads open. This thread, I casually started to point out Matthew McConaughey's presentation from the White House Press Room was and important speech, that should be heard and discussed, and it has been, not only on all the national and international news networks left and right, pro and con, and this thread, over 520 posts long now, has been well received and as OP, I get a notification every time somebody posts in it. I will leave the thread open as that is what I am here for, but my conversation with you in this thread and your participation in it is done.
You proved no such thing. You are interpreting as a weapons ban, pure and simple. You use the same rhetoric as people that have favored unlimited access to weapons, cloaking it as an attack on the Second Amendment, but it is not or at least it does not have to be. There have been regulations regarding the Second Amendment as long as you can remember and the Supreme Court has said it is Constitutional to regulate, when that argument has be brought before the court. I support the Supreme Court and the Second Amendment. I view your opinion as one of bias, but it is your opinion.
I brought up the trolling, personal attacks, because you and some on the internet, think it is the way to go, when you would no more go into a meeting in the real world and start calling people liars, and being insulting, than the man on the moon, as it just doesn't work. Also, you are sounding like a broken record, simply repeating and rephrasing in order to attack, taking up too much of my time, and no longer participating in a productive conversation to either side. OPs, OP their threads to keep the conversation moving forward. This one isn't. Mods primary overruling goal is attempt to keep threads open. This thread, I casually started to point out Matthew McConaughey's presentation from the White House Press Room was and important speech, that should be heard and discussed, and it has been, not only on all the national and international news networks left and right, pro and con, and this thread, over 520 posts long now, has been well received and as OP, I get a notification every time somebody posts in it. I will leave the thread open as that is what I am here for, but my conversation with you in this thread and your participation in it is done.
I asked you a simple question. What is unique about the AR15? Nothing you say? then after they ban it whats to stop them from saying "well we banned a semi automatic already lets ban all semiautomatics since the rationale for one ban applies to them all"
I asked you a simple question. What is unique about the AR15? Nothing you say? then after they ban it whats to stop them from saying "well we banned a semi automatic already lets ban all semiautomatics since the rationale for one ban applies to them all"
An AR15 is a light weight utility firearm, that accept magazines of unusually high capacity, that fires in semi-automatic mode, enabling the operator to shoot rapidly 10, 20, 30 rounds or more, without having to reload until magazine is empty. We commonly taped magazines together, so all we had to do was eject, flip, stick it back in, let the bolt go forward and ready to rock and roll again. Not exactly your granddads hunting rifle, but excellent for shooting a lot of people in a small area, very quickly.
An AR15 is a light weight utility firearm, that accept magazines of unusually high capacity, that fires in semi-automatic mode, enabling the operator to shoot rapidly 10, 20, 30 rounds or more, without having to reload until magazine is empty. We commonly taped magazines together, so all we had to do was eject, flip, stick it back in, let the bolt go forward and ready to rock and roll again. Not exactly your granddads hunting rifle, but excellent for shooting a lot of people in a small area, very quickly.
now explain how it is unique. different from any other semi automatic rifle or pistol.
An AR15 is a light weight utility firearm, that accept magazines of unusually high capacity, that fires in semi-automatic mode, enabling the operator to shoot rapidly 10, 20, 30 rounds or more, without having to reload until magazine is empty. We commonly taped magazines together, so all we had to do was eject, flip, stick it back in, let the bolt go forward and ready to rock and roll again. Not exactly your granddads hunting rifle, but excellent for shooting a lot of people in a small area, very quickly.
Did you gun banners forget about all the other rifles that do the same thing an AR does?
now explain how it is unique. different from any other semi automatic rifle or pistol.
Accuracy, of course. People are always more accurate with any long gun. Of course at short range, any moron can learn to his with a pistol, with a coach to spot what they are doing wrong.

Capacity without reload. I was trained to move during reload. AR's much quicker to reload another 30 rounds, even if you don't have another magazine taped to the one in the weapon. I want that chance to take my shot or dive through a window if unarmed. Shot guns are a much slower reload, as are revolvers and all shotguns and pistols, including popular one like Glock or my Walther require more frequent reloads. Even people like I, don't practice moving targets much or even pop up targets. Moving is different. Most people I know don't consistently keep all rounds in a 6-8 circle at 15 meters, standing still. Naturally, anybody that hunts is well use to taking a moving target with shotgun or rifle, even small targets, such as rabbit, squirrel or bird hunting, With the AR15 design, it boils down to those advantages. There are the primary tactical advantage, as I see them and how they differ from standard hunting rifles, shotguns and hand guns.
Accuracy, of course. People are always more accurate with any long gun. Of course at short range, any moron can learn to his with a pistol, with a coach to spot what they are doing wrong.

Capacity without reload. I was trained to move during reload. AR's much quicker to reload another 30 rounds, even if you don't have another magazine taped to the one in the weapon. I want that chance to take my shot or dive through a window if unarmed. Shot guns are a much slower reload, as are revolvers and all shotguns and pistols, including popular one like Glock or my Walther require more frequent reloads. Even people like I, don't practice moving targets much or even pop up targets. Moving is different. Most people I know don't consistently keep all rounds in a 6-8 circle at 15 meters, standing still. Naturally, anybody that hunts is well use to taking a moving target with shotgun or rifle, even small targets, such as rabbit, squirrel or bird hunting, With the AR15 design, it boils down to those advantages. There are the primary tactical advantage, as I see them and how they differ from standard hunting rifles, shotguns and hand guns.
Let me be more clear shall I what's unique about an AR 15 from any other semiautomatic rifle or hand gun and no there isn't much difference between 15 rounds and 30 just a second or 2.
Did you gun banners forget about all the other rifles that do the same thing an AR does?
Well, you have not seen me suggest banning ARs. Do Gun Nuts always use the phrase for people that approve of regulation. Do they think is has a dramatic effect to ignore, over simplify and misstate?
I would classify the AK - like designs, also same, and in need of regulation. Admittedly never firing a real AK-47, as I never trained people on for those weapon types, though I have put an ungodly number of 7.62 down range on a variety of targets, stationary, moving, and hard targets, but was always with machine guns of standard inventory, crew served dismount or mostly mounted, learning early in my Enlisted days, never walk when you can ride.
Accuracy, of course. People are always more accurate with any long gun. Of course at short range, any moron can learn to his with a pistol, with a coach to spot what they are doing wrong.

Capacity without reload. I was trained to move during reload. AR's much quicker to reload another 30 rounds, even if you don't have another magazine taped to the one in the weapon. I want that chance to take my shot or dive through a window if unarmed. Shot guns are a much slower reload, as are revolvers and all shotguns and pistols, including popular one like Glock or my Walther require more frequent reloads. Even people like I, don't practice moving targets much or even pop up targets. Moving is different. Most people I know don't consistently keep all rounds in a 6-8 circle at 15 meters, standing still. Naturally, anybody that hunts is well use to taking a moving target with shotgun or rifle, even small targets, such as rabbit, squirrel or bird hunting, With the AR15 design, it boils down to those advantages. There are the primary tactical advantage, as I see them and how they differ from standard hunting rifles, shotguns and hand guns.
Nevermind all the other rifles that do the same thing an AR does. Naw, we can't talk about that. Just ban the AR and shootings stop.
Well, you have not seen me suggest banning ARs. Do Gun Nuts always use the phrase for people that approve of regulation. Do they think is has a dramatic effect to ignore, over simplify and misstate?
I would classify the AK - like designs, also same, and in need of regulation. Admittedly never firing a real AK-47, as I never trained people on for those weapon types, though I have put an ungodly number of 7.62 down range on a variety of targets, stationary, moving, and hard targets, but was always with machine guns of standard inventory, crew served dismount or mostly mounted, learning early in my Enlisted days, never walk when you can ride.
I ain't a gun nut and don't have an AR. Fail.
Nevermind all the other rifles that do the same thing an AR does. Naw, we can't talk about that. Just ban the AR and shootings stop.
I would be willing to bet, there are some non-weapons users, that actually think that, but you and I know better.
If that tx and the end of your name means Texas, I understand you guys have a real hog problem down there. I figure the semi-automatic AR and AK designs would be excellent for that type of hunting/eradication program, out in the wilds and coyote, as well, if that is your gig. So, no. I am not supporting a ban, just regulation of a tool of specific type characteristics, as I have described accurately in previous posts.
I would be willing to bet, there are some non-weapons users, that actually think that, but you and I know better.
If that tx and the end of your name means Texas, I understand you guys have a real hog problem down there. I figure the semi-automatic AR and AK designs would be excellent for that type of hunting/eradication program, out in the wilds and coyote, as well, if that is your gig. So, no. I am not supporting a ban, just regulation of a tool of specific type characteristics, as I have described accurately in previous posts.
Nope, you're a gun banner no matter what you claim.
Yes, McConaughey acted in movies. Yes, he has used prop firearms in works of fiction.

Just as an FYI, Tom Hanks was not the actual commander of the Apollo 13 mission.

And Alec Baldwin used a prop gun to "accidentally" kill a director. No ACTUAL gun is EVER a prop gun until the prop-master in charge SAYS it is. Conflict of interest on the set as to who is in charge of what was the problem there. Hollywood INCLUDING McConaughy -- has a conflict of interest about "gun violence". THey get PAID to portray "gun violence" to MAINLY now -- young audiences.
Let me be more clear shall I what's unique about an AR 15 from any other semiautomatic rifle or hand gun and no there isn't much difference between 15 rounds and 30 just a second or 2.
And all of the recent shooters have reloaded multiple times, as I explained to the OP. The only solution to that is for someone else to have a gun and take the opportunity to come out of cover and shoot back during reload.
I would be willing to bet, there are some non-weapons users, that actually think that, but you and I know better.
If that tx and the end of your name means Texas, I understand you guys have a real hog problem down there. I figure the semi-automatic AR and AK designs would be excellent for that type of hunting/eradication program, out in the wilds and coyote, as well, if that is your gig. So, no. I am not supporting a ban, just regulation of a tool of specific type characteristics, as I have described accurately in previous posts.
If you don't mean ban, then what, exactly, do you mean by regulation? And what exactly are the specific type characteristics of the AR that you find offensive or more dangerous?

Is it the pistol grip? Maybe the barrel shroud? How about the threaded barrel? Or the flash suppressor? Because those are the characteristics used to define an assault weapon in the original assault weapons ban and the current one passed by the House this year.

You tell us which characteristics make the AR special so that it needs regulated.
If you don't mean ban, then what, exactly, do you mean by regulation? And what exactly are the specific type characteristics of the AR that you find offensive or more dangerous?

Is it the pistol grip? Maybe the barrel shroud? How about the threaded barrel? Or the flash suppressor? Because those are the characteristics used to define an assault weapon in the original assault weapons ban and the current one passed by the House this year.

You tell us which characteristics make the AR special so that it needs regulated.
All gun banners talk like him. They never will specifically state their plan.

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