If you didn't catch Matthew Mcconaughey from the White House breifing room, live, You need to

I take it, you believed in the domino effect predicted as one of the underpinnings of the Vietnam war?
I'm not so sure. Hard to work up the requisite level of paranoia. I know. Sounds like famous last words, but I said them.

Yeah….after the German experience of World War 2…..had we not stopped them in Bietnam China would control Asia…
I just said that I don’t want pre-k through high school gun courses.
Then you're saying that you want more children to kill their siblings leaving dead and horribly scarred children. You can't have it both ways. Age appropriate gun training would save lives. Not having the training costs lives. But you want to take guns rather than save lives. Only someone that hates America and is fighting for it's demise wants to take guns instead of saving lives.
He sided with the gun grabbing democrats to give them an inch…..so they can take a mile once they exploit whatever they get now
This again? You have been saying this forever. Settle down. We had an assault weapon ban, and there was no slippery slope to Police State. Your paranoia is just as wrong now as it was then. The Democrats can't even get their basic, nothing-to-do-with-guns platform to a vote in the Senate. But somehow, they are coming for your guns. Yawn.
Gun safety isn’t a gun course… a The NRA Eddie Eagle program is just gun safety

The 4 rules for kids who find a gun

1) stop
2) dont touch
3) leave the room
4) tell an adult

But the democrats want dead kids…. They are the Christmas gifts of the anti- gun fanatics
But teaching this to kids isn't a 5-minute session reading a brochure. It's got to be repeated, discussed in different ways, even have labs and demonstrations with blue guns. Like all learning, especially for children, it needs to be continuous learning.
No, I'm not saying that.
I generally dislike these back and forth denials and proofs but this one is pretty important: children's lives are at stake. You most certainly did say that you want more kids killed so that you can get more guns banned. You used different words than that but you most certainly said it. You said you're against the thing that would save hundreds of children each year, perhaps even more since kids taught responsibility are less likely to engage in criminal activities later in life. You're said you're for gun bans but you're against saving the lives of children.

I know it's hard for you to come out and just admit it plainly but you know it's true and you know that your words prove it.
I think lack of person responsibility in modern society is just about the root of all evil. It affects everything, feelings of entitlement (Karen syndrome) how we parent kids, road rage, etc. Kids (the little dears) are indulgently not held responsible or disciplined effective at a young age to avoid the possibility of damaging their little egos, at home, at school or anywhere else, then released on society. I do not suggest we accept it at all. We did it right, so our kids will never be threatening your kids or society, and have become productive members, on their own.
The causes of crime are the same lack of responsibility and the same entitled disrespect for the concept of right and wrong.

Well, then, if you did it right and your kids were taught not to kill, and you surely consider yourself stable and not a mass murderer, then how many shootings are prevented, how many lives saved, by taking your AR 15s? Or if your kids grow up, com,e of age, and want to by an AR-15, how many lives are saved because they're not permitted to buy guns?

You prove my point that your ideas are feel-good ideas that do nothing to make the world safer. Since a safer world, safer children, isn't your goal - you admit that your ideas aren't the solution to gun violence - I can only wonder what is your reasoning for wanting to take guns from law-abiding Americans.
Well, then, if you did it right and your kids were taught not to kill, and you surely consider yourself stable and not a mass murderer, then how many shootings are prevented, how many lives saved, by taking your AR 15s? Or if your kids grow up, com,e of age, and want to by an AR-15, how many lives are saved because they're not permitted to buy guns?

You prove my point that your ideas are feel-good ideas that do nothing to make the world safer. Since a safer world, safer children, isn't your goal - you admit that your ideas aren't the solution to gun violence - I can only wonder what is your reasoning for wanting to take guns from law-abiding Americans.
It is unlikely they will be taking mine away. Never been in jail for more than a couple of hours, and certainly for no Felony. I am over 3 time the 21 year age being discussed. I am provably trained and background checked further than most Americans, known to be stable and known to be a stabilizing influence where I live. On closer inspection of my AR, it does have a serial number on the lower receiver I purchase to build it, so it does not meet the definition of a "ghost" gun, though all parts for the build, came from three different suppliers and 5 different manufacturers, through the internet and it conforms in length, and limit of functionality (not full auto capable). I already keep it and the ammunition for secure. They are not writing legislation that could pass to take my weapon.
Nothing will totally stop gun violence in this country or any country on the planet, but it can and should be reduced, so I favor common sense measures that may affect a reduction in the future. Your statement of safer children, not being a goal, is just an irrational emotional rant on your part, not mine.
I don't like to get into these bit-by-bit quotes, they're such a pain in the ass, but your points should be responded to clearly so here goes:

I hear you, about states that have almost stifled 2nd amendment access, so few weapons are being carried by normal people and abnormal people not caring whether legal or not, another point in favor of stop and frisk, by the way.

Stop and frisk is yet another surrender of human individual, constitutionally protected, rights intended to make up for not doing the things to actually prevent crime.

So, are you saying it's just the luck of the draw, this 18 year old dumb ass kid, used the AR? You are not seeing any pattern, to possibly be addressed? I don't think so. Shotguns don't support the same rate of fire, nor can they be reloaded as quickly, an designed more for hunting game instead of efficiently dispensing with people or kids. I know, as a shot gun and an AR now and have had shotguns or access to the practically all my life.

It's not at all the luck of the draw. The AR-15 style rifles are the most popular long gun in America; it's not at all surprising that it gets used. If the AR, and all similar guns, were banned and successfully confiscated, the next most popular guns would, I think, be Glock pistols (though I can't figure why). The next shooters would all have Glocks and you'd be trying to ban and confiscate those next.

But you're absolutely right that there is a pattern and it needs to be addressed:

Take a bunch of kids, thousands of them, bus them far from home into indoctrination factories instead of their neighborhood schools. Don't teach them life skills or knowledge that will lead to success as an adult or a career but, instead, spend years telling them that the ones they love, parents and families, are evil and that they should be reporting them to the schools and authorities. Teach them that the faith of their parents, the faith that the parents are teaching them, is nothing more than fantasy and that there's no God, no morals, no right-from-wrong.

Teach them that they're worthless human beings, they're either evil and racist, or they are victims and not capable of accomplishing a thing on their own. If they're girls, teach them that they're boys. If they're boys, teach them that they're girls. In all cases, teach them that their bodies are wrong and that they're mentally unstable. In order to keep them compliant during indoctrination, fill them with drugs that have known, proven, suicidal side effects.

Introduce them to sex. Not just natural sex but teach them about perverted, disgusting, sex. Teach them to lie and hide it from their parents. Teach them to have sex with other children and groom them for use by the perverted adults later in life.

Then, when bullies pick on them at school, ignore the bullying. In fact, when the bullies grope and molest the female teachers in the classroom, even in front of the other kids, do nothing to protect the kids or the teachers.

And then, these kids grow up to be mentally disturbed but ignore that, too. Give them first-person shooter games to play on the computer so they can practice their shooting skills in the safety of their parent's basement. Make sure the games have plenty of simulated so-called assault weapons and Glock pistols for them to simulate their shootings with.

When they tell the world through various social media apps that they're going to go on a shooting rampage, just ignore it. When enough people complain, that the FBI just have to investigate, still do nothing.

But then when one of these children go nuts and shoot up a school, act all surprised and blame the assault weapons and Glocks. And Trump. And Republicans.

Yep... Definitely a pattern being repeated, without exception, in each and every school shooting and we should most certainly address the pattern.

Your only real suggestion seems to be do nothing. That is not working out too well in the present day, where your biggest fears are from totalitarian regimes on another continent before I was born that "might" be again, vs the almost daily slaughter that is. I am willing to have it debated by the Congress critters and action taken.

Now this is an out-and-out lie, and you know it's a lie. But lying is what the left does when they can't win on truth and logic.

I've posted many, many, posts suggesting arming those who can protect the children, whether guards, teachers, parents, etc., those who can be there and present, Where are your posts agreeing that should be done by Monday? If not Monday then certainly by the end of June it could be in place in every school in the United States.

I've posted about age appropriate gun safety courses in the schools from pre-K through high-school. Where is your support for that?

I've posted about locking down schools. Even without the threat of shooters, there's no reason at all why the schools where our children are have unlocked, unattended, back entrances. Much of this can be done immediately with just policy changes while more advanced, even more secure, options are installed over the next year but every school in the United States could be fully hardened inside of 2 years. Do you support this?

I, and virtually every conservative on this board, and on almost any platform in America, have been calling out for changes to law enforcement and policies that allow thousands of innocents to be killed every year in places like Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, LA, and elsewhere while leftists like you keep your mouths shut. You don't give a shit about the almost daily slaughter and you never have. Your feigned concern a couple times a year when a shooting finally does make the press, usually only when the press believes (always incorrectly) that the shooter is a white conservative, recently to include Trump voters, is not real. You're a hypocrite.
You complain of Hypocritical response? Yet, you suggest I would suggest ARs be banned, when I have said that I did not support? Don't make me laugh.

Once again you lie. Here's what you said about the proposed gun legislation, including an assault weapons ban: If it saved one school shooting, would it be worth it or does it only matter if it is the school your kids or grandkids go to?

and, in another post: I am willing to have it debated by the Congress critters and action taken.
I disagree. Modern semi-automatics have become the weapon of choice. The few are making all owners and radical 2nd amendment supporter appear to be the same group, but they are not. Many of us would like to see something done, to stop the slaughter and feel regulation of the weapon of choice of recent years, should be on the table.

Yep, you're a gun controller. Once again, you do prove your oath means nothing.
Not stupid. Just not falling for another "Domino Theory" as a reason to do nothing.

Not a single person has suggested doing nothing. Do something. But do something that would have actually prevented the shooting. Even better, do something that would end the trend to shootings like these. See my post in response to your "pattern" question.
I don't like to get into these bit-by-bit quotes, they're such a pain in the ass, but your points should be responded to clearly so here goes:

Stop and frisk is yet another surrender of human individual, constitutionally protected, rights intended to make up for not doing the things to actually prevent crime.

It's not at all the luck of the draw. The AR-15 style rifles are the most popular long gun in America; it's not at all surprising that it gets used. If the AR, and all similar guns, were banned and successfully confiscated, the next most popular guns would, I think, be Glock pistols (though I can't figure why). The next shooters would all have Glocks and you'd be trying to ban and confiscate those next.

But you're absolutely right that there is a pattern and it needs to be addressed:

Take a bunch of kids, thousands of them, bus them far from home into indoctrination factories instead of their neighborhood schools. Don't teach them life skills or knowledge that will lead to success as an adult or a career but, instead, spend years telling them that the ones they love, parents and families, are evil and that they should be reporting them to the schools and authorities. Teach them that the faith of their parents, the faith that the parents are teaching them, is nothing more than fantasy and that there's no God, no morals, no right-from-wrong.

Teach them that they're worthless human beings, they're either evil and racist, or they are victims and not capable of accomplishing a thing on their own. If they're girls, teach them that they're boys. If they're boys, teach them that they're girls. In all cases, teach them that their bodies are wrong and that they're mentally unstable. In order to keep them compliant during indoctrination, fill them with drugs that have known, proven, suicidal side effects.

Introduce them to sex. Not just natural sex but teach them about perverted, disgusting, sex. Teach them to lie and hide it from their parents. Teach them to have sex with other children and groom them for use by the perverted adults later in life.

Then, when bullies pick on them at school, ignore the bullying. In fact, when the bullies grope and molest the female teachers in the classroom, even in front of the other kids, do nothing to protect the kids or the teachers.

And then, these kids grow up to be mentally disturbed but ignore that, too. Give them first-person shooter games to play on the computer so they can practice their shooting skills in the safety of their parent's basement. Make sure the games have plenty of simulated so-called assault weapons and Glock pistols for them to simulate their shootings with.

When they tell the world through various social media apps that they're going to go on a shooting rampage, just ignore it. When enough people complain, that the FBI just have to investigate, still do nothing.

But then when one of these children go nuts and shoot up a school, act all surprised and blame the assault weapons and Glocks. And Trump. And Republicans.

Yep... Definitely a pattern being repeated, without exception, in each and every school shooting and we should most certainly address the pattern.

Now this is an out-and-out lie, and you know it's a lie. But lying is what the left does when they can't win on truth and logic.

I've posted many, many, posts suggesting arming those who can protect the children, whether guards, teachers, parents, etc., those who can be there and present, Where are your posts agreeing that should be done by Monday? If not Monday then certainly by the end of June it could be in place in every school in the United States.

I've posted about age appropriate gun safety courses in the schools from pre-K through high-school. Where is your support for that?

I've posted about locking down schools. Even without the threat of shooters, there's no reason at all why the schools where our children are have unlocked, unattended, back entrances. Much of this can be done immediately with just policy changes while more advanced, even more secure, options are installed over the next year but every school in the United States could be fully hardened inside of 2 years. Do you support this?

I, and virtually every conservative on this board, and on almost any platform in America, have been calling out for changes to law enforcement and policies that allow thousands of innocents to be killed every year in places like Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, LA, and elsewhere while leftists like you keep your mouths shut. You don't give a shit about the almost daily slaughter and you never have. Your feigned concern a couple times a year when a shooting finally does make the press, usually only when the press believes (always incorrectly) that the shooter is a white conservative, recently to include Trump voters, is not real. You're a hypocrite.
From your response:
Stop and frisk is yet another surrender of human individual, constitutionally protected, rights intended to make up for not doing the things to actually prevent crime
Yet where it was done in New York, before they banned it as a form of racial profiling, many illegal weapons by people not supposed to have them, including juveniles on the streets were confiscated and there was a lowering temporarily in the gang murder/violent crime rate in that city observed.

Your next section is just a typical rant, I won't even bother with. I will say, I prefer my Walther PPQ to the Glock, but that is neither here nor there.

Your next section, where you accuse me of outright lying is BS. Basically you sound like you would arm all adults, teachers in the schools, etc, etc as your main solution. Wrong answer. Many adults do not want to carry, or be trained, have the liability, want to take the responsibility, or even have the temperament to be a positive presence with a weapon, and would in fact create far more danger in the classroom to students, just keeping their weapon secure, and we would undoubtedly see weapons taken away from some of them by students and used on them and their classmates. It is no solution, in my opinion.
I, too, have written of increased attention to enforcing security discipline SOPs in the schools, enforced by disciplinary action for staff violations, as well as engineering and electronics, such as cameras on exit/entrances. None of which by itself will be uniformly 100% effective, but must be included to address the problem, just like regulating the ARs themselves and who should have access to them and at what age. I had not seen your posts recommending or speaking to the inattention of procedures and enforcement inside the schools. Possibly it was in a thread, you started the paragraph with calling me names or being gratuitously insulting, so your message was lost in the your ranting volume.
From your response:
Stop and frisk is yet another surrender of human individual, constitutionally protected, rights intended to make up for not doing the things to actually prevent crime
Yet where it was done in New York, before they banned it as a form of racial profiling, many illegal weapons by people not supposed to have them, including juveniles on the streets were confiscated and there was a lowering temporarily in the gang murder/violent crime rate in that city observed.

Your next section is just a typical rant, I won't even bother with. I will say, I prefer my Walther PPQ to the Glock, but that is neither here nor there.

Your next section, where you accuse me of outright lying is BS. Basically you sound like you would arm all adults, teachers in the schools, etc, etc as your main solution. Wrong answer. Many adults do not want to carry, or be trained, have the liability, want to take the responsibility, or even have the temperament to be a positive presence with a weapon, and would in fact create far more danger in the classroom to students, just keeping their weapon secure, and we would undoubtedly see weapons taken away from some of them by students and used on them and their classmates. It is no solution, in my opinion.
I, too, have written of increased attention to enforcing security discipline SOPs in the schools, enforced by disciplinary action for staff violations, as well as engineering and electronics, such as cameras on exit/entrances. None of which by itself will be uniformly 100% effective, but must be included to address the problem, just like regulating the ARs themselves and who should have access to them and at what age. I had not seen your posts recommending or speaking to the inattention of procedures and enforcement inside the schools. Possibly it was in a thread, you started the paragraph with calling me names or being gratuitously insulting, so your message was lost in the your ranting volume.
It doesn't matter that stop and frisk worked to get guns because the bad guys are getting out of jail anyway. And tossing the Constitution for public safety is not a valid option to most of us, clearly it is to you. Like you said, if it saves a single life why not toss all liberty and freedom. Certainly if we have a police state with armed military or police on every block, every corner, with orders to shoot to kill every time someone steals an apple, people will stop stealing apples. There is most certainly a level of authoritarianism that will hugely reduce crime and, clearly, you support it.

So you also confess that you don't actually care about breaking the pattern or getting to the root causes of school shootings. I outlined exactly what is the pattern and what is absolutely the root cause of school shootings and you dismiss it as "typical rant". Once again, you prove that you're not at all interested in saving the lives of innocent children; it's the guns you want.

And where I accused you of lying and yous aid it was BS - well, that;'s yet another lie on your part. What I said you lied about you absolutely lied about and you know yo lied about it. You said that what I was proposing was doing nothing. I proved absolutely that I had never proposed doing nothing and that I had, in fact, offered several very good proposals, proposals that would actually make a difference. And now you lie again saying that you told the truth when you said I proposed doing nothing? No, more lies saying you didn't see the posts. Many of them are in this thread. When a person lies and then lies to defend their lies and continues to lie when it's proven that they're lying, well, that's a very good indication of the character of that person.
Once again you lie. Here's what you said about the proposed gun legislation, including an assault weapons ban: If it saved one school shooting, would it be worth it or does it only matter if it is the school your kids or grandkids go to?

and, in another post: I am willing to have it debated by the Congress critters and action taken.
To you, everything you don't like or strikes you in your sensitivies, seems best characterized by you as a lie and the person saying it, by the way you interpret it a liar or hypocrite.
You were either never in supervision/management or you must have been a real pip to work with as you contributed to discussion, problem-solving, and decision meetings. I have not found that tactic productive in the real world. Did you?
It doesn't matter that stop and frisk worked to get guns because the bad guys are getting out of jail anyway. And tossing the Constitution for public safety is not a valid option to most of us, clearly it is to you. Like you said, if it saves a single life why not toss all liberty and freedom. Certainly if we have a police state with armed military or police on every block, every corner, with orders to shoot to kill every time someone steals an apple, people will stop stealing apples. There is most certainly a level of authoritarianism that will hugely reduce crime and, clearly, you support it.

So you also confess that you don't actually care about breaking the pattern or getting to the root causes of school shootings. I outlined exactly what is the pattern and what is absolutely the root cause of school shootings and you dismiss it as "typical rant". Once again, you prove that you're not at all interested in saving the lives of innocent children; it's the guns you want.

And where I accused you of lying and yous aid it was BS - well, that;'s yet another lie on your part. What I said you lied about you absolutely lied about and you know yo lied about it. You said that what I was proposing was doing nothing. I proved absolutely that I had never proposed doing nothing and that I had, in fact, offered several very good proposals, proposals that would actually make a difference. And now you lie again saying that you told the truth when you said I proposed doing nothing? No, more lies saying you didn't see the posts. Many of them are in this thread. When a person lies and then lies to defend their lies and continues to lie when it's proven that they're lying, well, that's a very good indication of the character of that person.
You should work for a paper. You could be the king of yellow journalism.
So we disagree on direction, intent and obviously characterization of motive and mentality. Nobody died and made you king, so your opinion, and that is all it is, matters not one bit more than mine. I have tried to keep this a reasonable discussion, Op-ing this thread and my discussion with you as a member/member thing, but it is starting to look like you are just trolling me. If this was last month, I would already have made you disappear from my sight into IGNORE, but that list does me no good anymore, and is in fact, counterproductive to me. If you enjoy discussion on this thread, and consider it a vehicle to get your message out and your voice heard, you will avert your attention elsewhere on the thread from me, or you simply will not be on this thread.
You should work for a paper. You could be the king of yellow journalism.
So we disagree on direction, intent and obviously characterization of motive and mentality. Nobody died and made you king, so your opinion, and that is all it is, matters not one bit more than mine. I have tried to keep this a reasonable discussion, Op-ing this thread and my discussion with you as a member/member thing, but it is starting to look like you are just trolling me. If this was last month, I would already have made you disappear from my sight into IGNORE, but that list does me no good anymore, and is in fact, counterproductive to me. If you enjoy discussion on this thread, and consider it a vehicle to get your message out and your voice heard, you will avert your attention elsewhere on the thread from me, or you simply will not be on this thread.
Really? Now you're a moderator and you're immune from disagreements? That's the best you've got? No one died and left me king? That just proves you know absolutely that I have defeated you in the debate and all you have is your moderator badge.

You have responded to all my posts so maybe you're trolling me. If you don't want me to respond to you then don't respond to me. I'm fine with you responding to me but if you have a problem with me responding then YOU are the one who needs to bow out. When you respond in an open forum with stupid crap, lies even, you invite responses back.

There are two ways, two ways with honor that is, but it sounds like you're going to take the low-road, without honor path - anyway, two honorable ways to end the debate: quit saying stupid shit or just quit saying shit at all. If you quit responding to me then I wouldn't have anything to say to you - until you say something else with which I disagree on an open forum.

How many people on these forums ask people to not respond to them but they get responded to anyway - that's because you open your mouth in the public square you are going to get a reaction. If you don't want a reaction, keep your mouth shut. Moderator or not, there's no requirement that you speak in any thread. If you're too weak to debate in the public square then sit quietly and be a moderator but don't post anything. Or resign from being a moderator and put me on ignore. But don't be a coward and abuse your authority by forbidding me to respond to the crap you post just like I'd respond to anyone else posting crap.

Why am I not surprised that you start off your career as moderator with abusing the position and threatening those who disagree with you with bans. If the other moderators and staff and management of this site stand by while you throw me off a thread because I defeated your arguments with logic and reason and facts and because you aren't man enough to take it then that says a lot about this site and it would definitely be time for me to move on.

You're such a fucking coward.
Control supporter? Yes. Anti-2a, gun grabber. No. The two are not mutually exclusive.
There are anti-2A but pro gun people. The 2nd Amendment says the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. You support infringements. You are anti-2A - that's a fact. You may argue that you support a limited right to keep and bear arms, and perhaps you do, but you are most certainly not pro-2A.

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