If you didn't catch Matthew Mcconaughey from the White House breifing room, live, You need to

So many here bitch about actors and don't realize they are actors also. Complete with scripts of their choosing.
Nothing the sonofabitch said to do to infringe upon our Constitutional rights will stop even one gun crime.

1. Background checks - worthless

2. wait times - worthless

3. 18 year olds - taking Constitutional rights away from American citizens.

4. Red flag laws - oppression, abusive and circumventing Constitutional protections.

The guy needs to go back to whoring himself because he sucks at politics.

he still not right on everything
That is the purpose of discussing it. Nobody has the single "solve-all" answer, but it will not be found unless discussed as normal citizens, without the old tricks of breaking off the conversation and debate with nothing done.
then make it age to 21 to get into the military too. people wan t their cake and eat it too.
Disagree! That is one of the things that should absolutely be done.

The developmental concerns are real. There's no logical or constitutional reason that we can't generally prohibit the sale of firearms to persons under the age of 21 while exempting members of the armed forces from the ban. The latter would have the duly vetted temperament, maturity, training, and discipline required.

There's no "either-all-or-nothing" here.
The actor? The guy is worth 140 million and you can bet your ass(ets) that he has a little army of armed guards protecting his life and property. What does he know about the 2nd Amendment and the abnormal psychology of the mass shooter?
Well, he will need them now with the "well-regulated militia" gunning for him.
it wont do anything except the mental help for these kids that are ignored till they shoot up a school.
Some are trying to address that with red flag laws. Red flag laws scare the crap out of some people, but some sort of consensus needs to be attained. If that is part of the answer, the wording, procedures, time frames, appeals have to be properly accounted for and handled uniformly to be effective and to keep the owners rights to property maintained, as we have heard horror stories of people trying to use them to affect divorce and custody legal proceedings. It is complicated crap.
Nothing the sonofabitch said to do to infringe upon our Constitutional rights will stop even one gun crime.

1. Background checks - worthless

2. wait times - worthless

3. 18 year olds - taking Constitutional rights away from American citizens.

4. Red flag laws - oppression, abusive and circumventing Constitutional protections.

The guy needs to go back to whoring himself because he sucks at politics.

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Some are trying to address that with red flag laws. Red flag laws scare the crap out of some people, but some sort of consensus needs to be attained. If that is part of the answer, the wording, procedures, time frames, appeals have to be properly accounted for and handled uniformly to be effective and to keep the owners rights to property maintained, as we have heard horror stories of people trying to use them to affect divorce and custody legal proceedings. It is complicated crap.
gun owners say they dont work. criminals get buy them.
For a well-regulated militia....like the ones that shot up the Buffalo Topps and the Uvalde elementary school.
You might just want to consider, that YOUR interpretation of that Amendment, is not the correct, or only interpretation.

If you want folks to even consider your interpretation of whether a fetus is human life, or whether a woman has right to privacy, then, you need to think about whether individuals are a necessasary component part, of a militia, and what that means.

IMO? I don't believe you have read any of the founders writings on this, and are purposely being disingenuous on your interpretation of this Amendment, just to further your POV, and your Agenda.. . .

You are either doing this by mistake, out of ignorance, or by willful malice.


Don't fall for the propaganda. The Dems want to institute red flag laws which will enable any "anonymous" tipster to turn in gun owners. Just try getting your guns back after the government seizes them based on a false red flag narking.
Mental health care and safer schools are the first thing government should do and can do if they really wanted to... it should have been done years ago but they would rather take the hard road and run over my 2nd amendment rights.... do the easy steps first....

Nice sermon Matthew.... but leaving the people defenseless to defend their freedom is not an answer....
Our government is way too corrupt and tyrannical these days to even discuss infringing on the right to own and buy a gun....

A lot would have to change at the federal level first....
19 dead kids for one thing, and mass shooting with AR is in the hands of young people is becoming increasingly common.

We've established Background checks, Red Flag Law, "Assault weapon" bans and waiting periods aren't going to solve this problem.

We know this because NY already has these laws INCLUDING universal background checks...and yet the mass shooting in Buffalo was not in any way thwarted by these laws.

That leaves infringing on the rights if 18, 19 and 20 year olds.

If a group of 18 to 20 year old used an SUV in terrorist attacks across the country...would you ban every young person in America from owning an SUV?

Why or why not? Isn't this the same logic as banning millions of young adults from owning certain types of guns due to the actions of a few?
I know what I read and your subversive suggestions about the 2A shocked me. Don't make me go back and look it up to prove you wrong.

No need. W6. I wrote a textbook on Applied Psychology (seriously, I really did). No bubbles needed, but how predictable for you to ask.

No argument there. I just saw AOC on TV this morning bitching how corrupt Congress is!

Unquestionably, just that being raised in that town only makes him as qualified a person to listen to as any other person in that community.
By all means, go look it up. Try the search function and the special search functions.
Does the book mean you have all the answers and your quest for knowledge is over?
She's and embarrassment to Dem and the country, but not connected to this topic, which is the Matthew McConaughey speech at the White House pressroom regarding the Uvalde shooting and necessary changes to dialog and regulations to solve an ongoing problem, more common to our country than many.
necessary or dont raise the age on the streets. you can not have it both ways. if an 18 year olds brain is not developed to have gun on the street then it should be same everywhere. gun owners are saying this.
You can have both ways. That’s what Florida does.

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