If you didn't catch Matthew Mcconaughey from the White House breifing room, live, You need to

Taking "action" just so you can say you took "action" instead of really analyzing the problem and finding real solutions is what politicians have done for decades and half the reason why we are in this pickle now.

There is no "action" that a legislator can pass as a bill that can undo the social chaos that has resulted from a generation of crazy, insane, destructive far left social policy experiments.
You write:

There is no "action" that a legislator can pass as a bill that can undo the social chaos that has resulted from a generation of crazy, insane, destructive far left social policy experiments.​

In short, the real "ongoing problem, the real "clear and present ongoing danger" coupled with lefty's refusal to secure soft targets or to end deadly gun-free zones.

See post #67.
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The so-called "gun lobby and its supporters" (the language of agenda-driven sloganeering, mind you) have blocked attempts "to reign in this ongoing problem"?!

What is the ongoing problem, precisely? What is the clear and present ongoing danger, precisely?

The so-called "gun lobby and its supporters" have mischaracterized the discussion?!

What discussion?
19 dead kids for one thing, and mass shooting with AR is in the hands of young people is becoming increasingly common.
gun laws do not effect criminals because they dont get there gun legally.
So because it will not solve all, nothing should be done. Just an all or nothing kind of guy?
right;. no one is tasking action against criminals. in bidens america it is ok for the to do all the crime they can.
What does that have to do with mass shootings, being carried out in our schools, often by young guys between 18 and 21?
NO. You did not see me posting the 2nd amendment is outdated.
I know what I read and your subversive suggestions about the 2A shocked me. Don't make me go back and look it up to prove you wrong.

I suspect you get your social advice from inside your bubble.
No need. W6. I wrote a textbook on Applied Psychology (seriously, I really did). No bubbles needed, but how predictable for you to ask.

I got to grant ya, every president in my memory has hired some real dumb asses, as well as crooks, tax cheats, foreign agents, some admitted or convicted as well as making use of half-truth tellers or outright liars to sell policies that were wrong up to and including war, looking for things never proven to be there.
No argument there. I just saw AOC on TV this morning bitching how corrupt Congress is!

I have heard nothing about Matthew being on the payroll, so I guess he was talking as a citizen that grew up in that town, one raised with guns and a Texan.
Unquestionably, just that being raised in that town only makes him as qualified a person to listen to as any other person in that community.
Stuff like this shouldn't be allowed anywhere near DC.

It makes those craven, dishonest, bullshitting narcissists look like, uh, craven, dishonest, bullshitting narcissists.
then raise it for the military. if their brains are not formed enough have gun ion the street then it isnt formed enough to have one in the military.
Not necessary.

Florida raised the minimum age for purchasing AR-15 rifles but still allows under 21 to purchase if they’re in a profession that requires guns. That’s fine with me.
Not necessary.

Florida raised the minimum age for purchasing AR-15 rifles but still allows under 21 to purchase if they’re in a profession that requires guns. That’s fine with me.
necessary or dont raise the age on the streets. you can not have it both ways. if an 18 year olds brain is not developed to have gun on the street then it should be same everywhere. gun owners are saying this.
You just don’t agree with what he said. I do.
If you agree...support your rationale.

FYI..."because" isn't a valid argument.

If background checks, Red Flag laws and "Assault Weapon" Bans work...why was there a mass shooting in Buffalo?

And...what other rights of millions of 18, 19 and 20 year olds would you infringe upon over the actions of a dozen?

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