If you didn't catch Matthew Mcconaughey from the White House breifing room, live, You need to

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  • #63
The actor? The guy is worth 140 million and you can bet your ass(ets) that he has a little army of armed guards protecting his life and property. What does he know about the 2nd Amendment and the abnormal psychology of the mass shooter?
Raised in Texas, as a gun owner and from Uvalde. He was not speaking on abnormal psychology, but you would have to hear the speech, read it, or catch the Brett Baer interview with him tonight on Fox to know.
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  • #65
I grew up in Los Angeles... it failed to make me an expert on traffic problems and gang warfare.
I bet it gave you opinions, though. Are you saying opinions gained from growing up somewhere combined with what you learned and experienced later are not worth hearing or reading?
Not a legislator, just a citizen, born in Uvalde, that grew up leaning to shoot there, and having just spent days back in his hometown, talking with the townspeople after the event. He makes a powerful witness in the aftermath.

Not as powerful as the Uvalde Police Chief who gave the order to stand down and let those kids be slaughtered as they cried for help being PROMOTED to Uvalde city counsel now immediately as a REWARD even before the kids bodies who died could be buried yet.
It means the gun lobby and it's supporters have successfully framed (in the past) any attempt to reign in this ongoing problem, by falsely characterizing the discussion as an attack on the 2nd amendment, with the overriding importance going to 2A, while nothing is done of the clear and present ongoing danger.
The so-called "gun lobby and its supporters" (the language of agenda-driven sloganeering, mind you) have blocked attempts "to reign in this ongoing problem"?!

What is the ongoing problem, precisely? What is the clear and present ongoing danger, precisely?

The so-called "gun lobby and its supporters" have mischaracterized the discussion?!

What discussion?
That is no justification to take no action.

Taking "action" just so you can say you took "action" instead of really analyzing the problem and finding real solutions is what politicians have done for decades and half the reason why we are in this pickle now.

If these politicians were really competent, they would have seen and anticipated this gun violence as the likely consequence of many social changes and acted PROACTIVELY to head it off BEFORE it happened.

There is no "action" that a legislator can pass as a bill that can undo the social chaos that has resulted from a generation of crazy, insane, destructive far left social policy experiments.
There have been many words and terms that have lately fallen upon hard times, losing part or all of their meaning. "Infringe" may meet a similar fate.
Yeah that's who we need to listen to... a narcissistic elitist asshole who very likely hired a speech writer and coach.
Anyone who has watched McConaughey in any interviews can see in a second the guy is in love with himself. Thinks he is a genius, who pretends to be a pretend person for a living.
I have enjoyed his performances in several movies, but that was not real.
He deserves no credence off the screen
Raised in Texas, as a gun owner and from Uvalde.
From Uvalde? So what? Look at who those idiots just promoted to their city counsel, the guy who gave the order to let those kids be slaughtered!

or catch the Brett Baer interview with him tonight on Fox to know.
Far FAR better to catch what Ted Nugent has to say on the matter on his Spirit Campfire program on RAV News every Sunday evening. Brett Baier is an idiot and a corporate mouthpiece.
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No, you asked in the OP if anyone caught Mathew Mcconaughey at the WH, so don't try your Jedi mind games on me. Just the other week, I saw you calling the 2nd Amendment something outdated that had to go or some such similar thing. Please don't try to fool us now about what a stalwart gun owner you are. All I remember when Trump was in office was the people invited who turned down going there as some stupid political statement, so please don't tell me Matt is this great moderate. A Leftist's idea of a moderate these days is Che Guevara.

I just know that if there is a sane, simple solution to gun crime, it didn't come from his mouth visiting at the WH. He needs to stick with Jodi Foster and make another space movie. Far better someone take one of my cogent suggestions I just offered on fixing gun violence. If the Biddum Regime invited Matt into the WH, then without any uncertainty, something Matt said must have advanced the Biddum agenda, and nothing good can come out of that.

No thank you. I'll get my social advice from people with real background in the matter.

Maybe RAV News will comment on it giving it some analysis, the best news outlet for politics bar none on the planet. Besides, if Mathew, a minor Hollywood actor, actually had real insight into the gun problem, just imagine how stupid that makes all of the overstuffed, fat, do-nothing trolls Joe has hired?! :lmao:
NO. You did not see me posting the 2nd amendment is outdated.
I suspect you get your social advice from inside your bubble.
I got to grant ya, every president in my memory has hired some real dumb asses, as well as crooks, tax cheats, foreign agents, some admitted or convicted as well as making use of half-truth tellers or outright liars to sell policies that were wrong up to and including war, looking for things never proven to be there. I have heard nothing about Matthew being on the payroll, so I guess he was talking as a citizen that grew up in that town, one raised with guns and a Texan.
No, you asked in the OP if anyone caught Mathew Mcconaughey at the WH, so don't try your Jedi mind games on me. Just the other week, I saw you calling the 2nd Amendment something outdated that had to go or some such similar thing. Please don't try to fool us now about what a stalwart gun owner you are. All I remember when Trump was in office was the people invited who turned down going there as some stupid political statement, so please don't tell me Matt is this great moderate. A Leftist's idea of a moderate these days is Che Guevara.

I just know that if there is a sane, simple solution to gun crime, it didn't come from his mouth visiting at the WH. He needs to stick with Jodi Foster and make another space movie. Far better someone take one of my cogent suggestions I just offered on fixing gun violence. If the Biddum Regime invited Matt into the WH, then without any uncertainty, something Matt said must have advanced the Biddum agenda, and nothing good can come out of that.

No thank you. I'll get my social advice from people with real background in the matter.

Maybe RAV News will comment on it giving it some analysis, the best news outlet for politics bar none on the planet. Besides, if Mathew, a minor Hollywood actor, actually had real insight into the gun problem, just imagine how stupid that makes all of the overstuffed, fat, do-nothing trolls Joe has hired?! :lmao:
Tl;don’t care
No answer is all encompassing or 100% effective. That is no justification to take no action.
right;. no one is tasking action against criminals. in bidens america it is ok for the to do all the crime they can.

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